74 research outputs found

    Information provision of Ukrainian vegetable and grocery subcomplex

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    This paper examines the main issues about the information of product adaptation in the vegetable-grocery subcomplex of Ukrainian companies to foreign markets, their current status and prospects. It also analyzes the possible ways of receiving marketing information, defined by their positive and negative aspects for optimal us

    Management of innovative marketing techniques as an effective business tool

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    Purpose. The purpose of the article is to highlight the ways of marketing labeling of agricultural products as effective aspect of business and their interpretation in a clear form to consumers. Methodology / approach. Research of optimization and correct choosing ways of agricultural product marketing labeling based on the following methods: analysis and comparative characteristics used in world practice labeling methods; methods of decision-making marketing. Results. According to the recent market trends, labeling of agricultural products acquires varied complicated structure, which makes some difficulties to consumers orientation in labeling types, and, at the same time, complicates the business of agricultural products producers and processors, in consequence of which, marketing potential of business efficiency improving is not fully realized. This article explores ways to streamline marketing labeling for agricultural products, as an effective tool for innovative marketing, and their interpretation in an understandable for the consumer form as an aspect of effective entrepreneurship. As a result of the study, the authors developed and proposed a method for labeling agricultural products, which is based on the most common marketing labeling methods and includes their characteristics. Originality / scientific novelty. Author’s developed method of marketing labeling is a combination in the same tabular form of the information that will be useful for consumers, and it will beneficially allocate products among competitors and will encourage the purchase. Accordingly, the proposed method provides a list of the most used labeling types, their characteristics, so, labeling type which corresponds to a specific product, released in the table by color, that makes thus labeling type a comprehensive and effective. The need for separate labeling of the nitrates concentration in agricultural products is due to the popularity of consumer requests and the complexity of determining this indicator in household way. Practical value / significance. Using the author’s proposed labeling method for agricultural products leads to the achievement of the following results: informing consumers without additional information sources; process oriented consumer choice; assessment of competitive advantages in accordance with the production method; increase the volume of sales that increases the efficiency of enterprise economic activity. The research helps resolve problems streamlining marketing labeling methods for agricultural products and their interpretation in a clear form to consumers, and, also, used as an effective entrepreneurship marketing tool

    Hydrogen-Bonded Complexes of Neutral Nitroxide Radicals with 2-Propanol Studied by Multifrequency EPR/ENDOR

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    The hydrogen bond plays a key role in weak directional intermolecular interactions. It is operative in determining molecular conformation and aggregation, and controls the function of many chemical systems, ranging from inorganic, organic to biological molecules. Although an enormous amount of spectroscopic information has been collected about hydrogen-bond formation between molecules with closed-shell electronic configuration, the details of such interactions between open-shell radicals and closed-shell molecules are still rare. Here we report on an investigation of hydrogen-bonded complexes between pyrroline-type as well as piperidine-type neutral nitroxide radicals and an alcohol, i.e., 2-propanol. These nitroxide radicals are commonly used as EPR spin labels and probes. To obtain information on the geometry of the complexes and their electronic structure, multi-resonance EPR techniques at various microwave frequencies (X-, Q-, W-band, 244 GHz) have been employed in conjunction with DFT calculations. The planar five-membered ring system of the pyrroline-type nitroxide radical was found to form exclusively well-defined in-plane σ-type hydrogen-bonded complexes with one 2-propanol molecule in the first solvation shell in frozen solution. The measured hyperfine parameters of the hydrogen-bridge proton and the internal magnetic parameters describing the electron Zeeman and the electron-nuclear hyperfine and nuclear quadrupole interactions are in good agreement with values predicted by state-of-the-art DFT calculations. In contrast, multi-resonance EPR on the non-planar six-membered ring system of the piperidine-type nitroxide radical (TEMPOL) reveals a more complex situation, i.e., a mixture of a σ-type with, presumably, an out-of-plane π-type complex, both present in comparable fraction in frozen solution. For TEMPOL, the DFT calculations failed to predict magnetic interaction parameters that are in good agreement with experiment, apparently due to the considerable flexibility of the nitroxide and hydrogen-bonded complex. The detailed information about nitroxide/solvent complexes is of particular importance for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) and site-directed spin-labeling EPR studies that employ nitroxides as polarizing agents or spin labels, respectively

    Regulatory Justification of the Fundamental Concepts of Ergonomics in Wheeled Agricultural Machinery

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    A single-seated man-machine system (MMS) is formed when a person starts controlling a technical device or unit, while undergoing production processes. Production tasks for MMS are developed by the senior system and contain output work parameters, which are determined by the properties of the human operator and the technical subsystem. The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the process of ensuring the working conditions of a single-seated MMS, the difficulties that arise upon performing tasks, including the content of regulatory acts, which are the technical foundation for the formation of the quality of operation of a single-seated MMS. Study results indicate external and internal restrictions that influence the efficient work of the human operator and are not provided for in regulatory standards, including ways to solve existing restrictions

    A Connectivity-Based Eco-Regionalization Method of the Mediterranean Sea

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    International audienceEcoregionalization of the ocean is a necessary step for spatial management of marine resources. Previous ecoregionalization efforts were based either on the distribution of species or on the distribution of physical and biogeochemical properties. These approaches ignore the dispersal of species by oceanic circulation that can connect regions and isolates others. This dispersal effect can be quantified through connectivity that is the probability, or time of transport between distinct regions. Here a new regionalization method based on a connectivity approach is described and applied to the Mediterranean Sea. This method is based on an ensemble of Lagrangian particle numerical simulations using ocean model outputs at 1/12u resolution. The domain is divided into square subregions of 50 km size. Then particle trajectories are used to quantify the oceanographic distance between each subregions, here defined as the mean connection time. Finally the oceanographic distance matrix is used as a basis for a hierarchical clustering. 22 regions are retained and discussed together with a quantification of the stability of boundaries between regions. Identified regions are generally consistent with the general circulation with boundaries located along current jets or surrounding gyres patterns. Regions are discussed in the light of existing ecoregionalizations and available knowledge on plankton distributions. This objective method complements static regionalization approaches based on the environmental niche concept and can be applied to any oceanic region at any scale

    Hydrogen-bonded complexes of neutral nitroxide radicals with 2-propanol studied by multifrequency EPR/ENDOR

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    The hydrogen bond plays a key role in weak directional intermolecular interactions. It is operative in determining molecular conformation and aggregation, and controls the function of many chemical systems, ranging from inorganic, organic to biological molecules. Although an enormous amount of spectroscopic information has been collected about hydrogen-bond formation between molecules with closed-shell electronic configuration, the details of such interactions between open-shell radicals and closed-shell molecules are still rare. Here we report on an investigation of hydrogen-bonded complexes between pyrroline-type as well as piperidine-type neutral nitroxide radicals and an alcohol, i.e., 2-propanol. These nitroxide radicals are commonly used as EPR spin labels and probes. To obtain information on the geometry of the complexes and their electronic structure, multi-resonance EPR techniques at various microwave frequencies (X-, Q-, W-band, 244 GHz) have been employed in conjunction with DFT calculations. The planar five-membered ring system of the pyrroline-type nitroxide radical was found to form exclusively well-defined in-plane σ-type hydrogen-bonded complexes with one 2-propanol molecule in the first solvation shell in frozen solution. The measured hyperfine parameters of the hydrogen-bridge proton and the internal magnetic parameters describing the electron Zeeman and the electron-nuclear hyperfine and nuclear quadrupole interactions are in good agreement with values predicted by state-of-the-art DFT calculations. In contrast, multi-resonance EPR on the non-planar six-membered ring system of the piperidine-type nitroxide radical (TEMPOL) reveals a more complex situation, i.e., a mixture of a σ-type with, presumably, an out-of-plane π-type complex, both present in comparable fraction in frozen solution. For TEMPOL, the DFT calculations failed to predict magnetic interaction parameters that are in good agreement with experiment, apparently due to the considerable flexibility of the nitroxide and hydrogen-bonded complex. The detailed information about nitroxide/solvent complexes is of particular importance for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) and site-directed spin-labeling EPR studies that employ nitroxides as polarizing agents or spin labels, respectively

    Підготовка персоналу авіаційного пошуку і рятування в інформаційному освітньому середовищі закладу післядипломної освіти

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    Abstract: The authors consider the problem of personnel training to improve the efficiency of search and rescue operations. Under challenging conditions of an aviation accident, the success of rescuing and surviving the victims depends on the professional readiness of these coordination centers and specialists. In the course of the research, it was found that this situation is due to the lack of a unified and standardized approach to forming training programs for aviation search and rescue personnel on a single object – an airplane in suffering distress. Therefore, the unification of educational programs and the certification process has become one of its primary functions. And for the system of professional development, the search for the ways to ensure the continuity of this process is actualized, which is possible only under the conditions of creation and implementation of a systemically organized information educational environment of the establishment of postgraduate education. At the Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection, such an environment functions on the LMS MOODLE platform. Its methodological basis is represented by a system approach that allows identifying the main functional elements; to model and describe the processes of each component and the functional relationships between them. Innovative author’s technology is introduced in which classes are organized and conducted regardless of institutional forms (full-time, part-time, distance) both in computer-equipped classrooms of the educational stablishment and for independent work in a remote mode outside of it.Авторами статті розглядається проблема підготовки персоналу для підвищення ефективності функціонування пошуково-рятувального забезпечення польотів. В складних умовах авіаційної події успіх рятування та виживання постраждалих залежить від професійної готовності фахівців координаційних авіаційних центрів пошуку і рятування та спеціалістів, що безпосередньо організують проведення аварійно-рятувальних робіт. За результатами експерименту, проведеного з використанням методики оцінки рівня компетентності, з’ясовано, що такий стан пов'язаний з відсутністю уніфікованого і стандартизованого підходу до формування навчальних програм підвищення кваліфікації спеціалістів авіаційного пошуку і рятування щодо єдиного об’єкту – повітряного судна, що зазнає (зазнало) лиха. Оскільки забезпечення підвищення кваліфікації зазначених фахівців покладено на Державну службу надзвичайних ситуацій України, то уніфікація освітніх програм і процес сертифікації стають однією з основних її функцій. А для системи підвищення кваліфікації актуалізується пошук шляхів забезпечення неперервності цього процесу, що уможливлюється лише за умов створення і реалізації системно організованого інформаційного освітнього середовища закладу післядипломної освіти. В Інституті державного управління і наукових досліджень у сфері цивільного захисту таке середовище розгортається на платформі LMS MOODLE. Його методологічною основою є системний підхід, який уможливлює визначення головних функціональних елементів, змоделювати та описати процеси кожного окремого елементу, а також функціональні взаємозв’язки між ними. Запроваджено інноваційну авторську технологію комп’ютерно орієнтованого дидактичного проектування інформаційного освітнього середовища, в якому зорганізуються і проводяться заняття, незалежно від інституційних форм (очної, заочної, дистанційної) як в комп’ютерно обладнаних аудиторіях навчального закладу, так і для самостійної роботи у віддаленому режимі поза його межами

    The mRubyFT Protein, Genetically Encoded Blue-to-Red Fluorescent Timer.

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    peer reviewedGenetically encoded monomeric blue-to-red fluorescent timers (mFTs) change their fluorescent color over time. mCherry-derived mFTs were used for the tracking of the protein age, visualization of the protein trafficking, and labeling of engram cells. However, the brightness of the blue and red forms of mFTs are 2-3- and 5-7-fold dimmer compared to the brightness of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). To address this limitation, we developed a blue-to-red fluorescent timer, named mRubyFT, derived from the bright mRuby2 red fluorescent protein. The blue form of mRubyFT reached its maximum at 5.7 h and completely transformed into the red form that had a maturation half-time of 15 h. Blue and red forms of purified mRubyFT were 4.1-fold brighter and 1.3-fold dimmer than the respective forms of the mCherry-derived Fast-FT timer in vitro. When expressed in mammalian cells, both forms of mRubyFT were 1.3-fold brighter than the respective forms of Fast-FT. The violet light-induced blue-to-red photoconversion was 4.2-fold less efficient in the case of mRubyFT timer compared to the same photoconversion of the Fast-FT timer. The timer behavior of mRubyFT was confirmed in mammalian cells. The monomeric properties of mRubyFT allowed the labeling and confocal imaging of cytoskeleton proteins in live mammalian cells. The X-ray structure of the red form of mRubyFT at 1.5 Å resolution was obtained and analyzed. The role of the residues from the chromophore surrounding was studied using site-directed mutagenesis

    The Eurasian Modern Pollen Database (EMPD), version 2

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    The Eurasian (née European) Modern Pollen Database (EMPD) was established in 2013 to provide a public database of high-quality modern pollen surface samples to help support studies of past climate, land cover, and land use using fossil pollen. The EMPD is part of, and complementary to, the European Pollen Database (EPD) which contains data on fossil pollen found in Late Quaternary sedimentary archives throughout the Eurasian region. The EPD is in turn part of the rapidly growing Neotoma database, which is now the primary home for global palaeoecological data. This paper describes version 2 of the EMPD in which the number of samples held in the database has been increased by 60 % from 4826 to 8134. Much of the improvement in data coverage has come from northern Asia, and the database has consequently been renamed the Eurasian Modern Pollen Database to reflect this geographical enlargement. The EMPD can be viewed online using a dedicated map-based viewer at https://empd2.github.io and downloaded in a variety of file formats at https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.909130 (Chevalier et al., 2019)Swiss National Science Foundation | Ref. 200021_16959

    The Eurasian Modern Pollen Database (EMPD), version 2

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    The Eurasian (nee European) Modern Pollen Database (EMPD) was established in 2013 to provide a public database of high-quality modern pollen surface samples to help support studies of past climate, land cover, and land use using fossil pollen. The EMPD is part of, and complementary to, the European Pollen Database (EPD) which contains data on fossil pollen found in Late Quaternary sedimentary archives throughout the Eurasian region. The EPD is in turn part of the rapidly growing Neotoma database, which is now the primary home for global palaeoecological data. This paper describes version 2 of the EMPD in which the number of samples held in the database has been increased by 60% from 4826 to 8134. Much of the improvement in data coverage has come from northern Asia, and the database has consequently been renamed the Eurasian Modern Pollen Database to reflect this geographical enlargement. The EMPD can be viewed online using a dedicated map-based viewer at https://empd2.github.io and downloaded in a variety of file formats at https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.909130 (Chevalier et al., 2019).Peer reviewe