42 research outputs found

    Identification of senescence and death in Emiliania huxleyi and Thalassiosira pseudonana: Cell staining, chlorophyll alterations, and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) metabolism

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    We measured membrane permeability, hydrolytic enzyme, and caspase-like activities using fluorescent cell stains to document changes caused by nutrient exhaustion in the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi and the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana, during batch-culture nutrient limitation. We related these changes to cell death, pigment alteration, and concentrations of dimethylsulfide (DMS) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) to assess the transformation of these compounds as cell physiological condition changes. E. huxleyi persisted for 1 month in stationary phase; in contrast, T. pseudonana cells rapidly declined within 10 d of nutrient depletion. T. pseudonana progressively lost membrane integrity and the ability to metabolize 5-chloromethylfluorescein diacetate (CMFDA; hydrolytic activity), whereas E. huxleyi developed two distinct CMFDA populations and retained membrane integrity (SYTOX Green). Caspase-like activity appeared higher in E. huxleyi than in T. pseudonana during the post-growth phase, despite a lack of apparent mortality and cell lysis. Photosynthetic pigment degradation and transformation occurred in both species after growth; chlorophyll a (Chl a) degradation was characterized by an increase in the ratio of methoxy Chl a : Chl a in T. pseudonana but not in E. huxleyi, and the increase in this ratio preceded loss of membrane integrity. Total DMSP declined in T. pseudonana during cell death and DMS increased. In contrast, and in the absence of cell death, total DMSP and DMS increased in E. huxleyi. Our data show a novel chlorophyll alteration product associated with T. pseudonana death, suggesting a promising approach to discriminate nonviable cells in nature

    Metagenomic data-mining reveals contrasting microbial populations responsible for trimethylamine formation in human gut and marine ecosystems

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    Existing metagenome datasets from many different environments contain untapped potential for understanding metabolic pathways and their biological impact. Our interest lies in the formation of trimethylamine (TMA), a key metabolite in both human health and climate change. Here, we focus on bacterial degradation pathways for choline, carnitine, glycine betaine and trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) to TMA in human gut and marine metagenomes. We found the TMAO reductase pathway was the most prevalent pathway in both environments. Proteobacteria were found to contribute the majority of the TMAO reductase pathway sequences, except in the stressed gut, where Actinobacteria dominated. Interestingly, in the human gut metagenomes, a high proportion of the Proteobacteria hits were accounted for by the genera Klebsiella and Escherichia. Furthermore Klebsiella and Escherichia harboured three of the four potential TMA-production pathways (choline, carnitine and TMAO), suggesting they have a key role in TMA cycling in the human gut. In addition to the intensive TMAO–TMA cycling in the marine environment, our data suggest that carnitine-to-TMA transformation plays an overlooked role in aerobic marine surface waters, whereas choline-to-TMA transformation is important in anaerobic marine sediments. Our study provides new insights into the potential key microbes and metabolic pathways for TMA formation in two contrasting environments

    Analysis of seaweeds from South West England as a biorefinery feedstock

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    Seaweeds contain many varied and commercially valuable components, from individual pigments and metabolites through to whole biomass, and yet they remain an under cultivated and underutilised commodity. Currently, commercial exploitation of seaweeds is predominantly limited to whole biomass consumption or single product extracts for the food industry. The development of a seaweed biorefinery, based around multiple products and services, could provide an important opportunity to exploit new and currently underexplored markets. Here, we assessed the native and invasive seaweeds on the South West coast of the UK to determine their characteristics and potential for exploitation through a biorefinery pipeline, looking at multiple components including pigments, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and other metabolites.</p

    Uncertainty in Ocean-Color Estimates of Chlorophyll for Phytoplankton Groups

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    Over the past decade, techniques have been presented to derive the community structure of phytoplankton at synoptic scales using satellite ocean-color data. There is a growing demand from the ecosystem modeling community to use these products for model evaluation and data assimilation. Yet, from the perspective of an ecosystem modeler these products are of limited use unless: (i) the phytoplankton products provided by the remote-sensing community match those required by the ecosystem modelers; and (ii) information on per-pixel uncertainty is provided to evaluate data quality. Using a large dataset collected in the North Atlantic, we re-tune a method to estimate the chlorophyll concentration of three phytoplankton groups, partitioned according to size [pico- (20 μm)]. The method is modified to account for the influence of sea surface temperature, also available from satellite data, on model parameters and on the partitioning of microphytoplankton into diatoms and dinoflagellates, such that the phytoplankton groups provided match those simulated in a state of the art marine ecosystem model (the European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model, ERSEM). The method is validated using another dataset, independent of the data used to parameterize the method, of more than 800 satellite and in situ match-ups. Using fuzzy-logic techniques for deriving per-pixel uncertainty, developed within the ESA Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI), the match-up dataset is used to derive the root mean square error and the bias between in situ and satellite estimates of the chlorophyll for each phytoplankton group, for 14 different optical water types (OWT). These values are then used with satellite estimates of OWTs to map uncertainty in chlorophyll on a per pixel basis for each phytoplankton group. It is envisaged these satellite products will be useful for those working on the validation of, and assimilation of data into, marine ecosystem models that simulate different phytoplankton groups.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Benthic silicon cycling in the Arctic Barents Sea: a reaction–transport model study

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    Over recent decades the highest rates of water column warming and sea ice loss across the Arctic Ocean have been observed in the Barents Sea. These physical changes have resulted in rapid ecosystem adjustments, manifesting as a northward migration of temperate phytoplankton species at the expense of silica-based diatoms. These changes will potentially alter the composition of phytodetritus deposited at the seafloor, which acts as a biogeochemical reactor and is pivotal in the recycling of key nutrients, such as silicon (Si). To appreciate the sensitivity of the Barents Sea benthic system to the observed changes in surface primary production, there is a need to better understand this benthic–pelagic coupling. Stable Si isotopic compositions of sediment pore waters and the solid phase from three stations in the Barents Sea reveal a coupling of the iron (Fe) and Si cycles, the contemporaneous dissolution of lithogenic silicate minerals (LSi) alongside biogenic silica (BSi), and the potential for the reprecipitation of dissolved silicic acid (DSi) as authigenic clay minerals (AuSi). However, as reaction rates cannot be quantified from observational data alone, a mechanistic understanding of which factors control these processes is missing. Here, we employ reaction–transport modelling together with observational data to disentangle the reaction pathways controlling the cycling of Si within the seafloor. Processes such as the dissolution of BSi are active on multiple timescales, ranging from weeks to hundreds of years, which we are able to examine through steady state and transient model runs. Steady state simulations show that 60 % to 98 % of the sediment pore water DSi pool may be sourced from the dissolution of LSi, while the isotopic composition is also strongly influenced by the desorption of Si from metal oxides, most likely Fe (oxyhydr)oxides (FeSi), as they reductively dissolve. Further, our model simulations indicate that between 2.9 % and 37 % of the DSi released into sediment pore waters is subsequently removed by a process that has a fractionation factor of approximately −2 ‰, most likely representing reprecipitation as AuSi. These observations are significant as the dissolution of LSi represents a source of new Si to the ocean DSi pool and precipitation of AuSi an additional sink, which could address imbalances in the current regional ocean Si budget. Lastly, transient modelling suggests that at least one-third of the total annual benthic DSi flux could be sourced from the dissolution of more reactive, diatom-derived BSi deposited after the surface water bloom at the marginal ice zone. This benthic–pelagic coupling will be subject to change with the continued northward migration of Atlantic phytoplankton species, the northward retreat of the marginal ice zone and the observed decline in the DSi inventory of the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean over the last 3 decades

    Temporal changes in total and size-fractioned chlorophyll-a in surface waters of three provinces in the Atlantic Ocean (September to November) between 2003 and 2010

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    Phytoplankton total chlorophyll concentration (TCHLa) and phytoplankton size structure are two important ecological indicators in biological oceanography. Using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) pigment data, collected from surface waters along the Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT), we examine temporal changes in TCHLa and phytoplankton size class (PSC: micro-, nano- and pico-phytoplankton) between 2003 and 2010 (September to November cruises only), in three ecological provinces of the Atlantic Ocean. The HPLC data indicate no significant change in TCHLa in northern and equatorial provinces, and an increase in the southern province. These changes were not significantly different to changes in TCHLa derived using satellite ocean-colour data over the same study period. Despite no change in AMT TCHLa in northern and equatorial provinces, significant differences in PSC were observed, related to changes in key diagnostic pigments (fucoxanthin, peridinin, 19’-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin and zeaxanthin), with an increase in small cells (nano- and pico-phytoplankton) and a decrease in larger cells (micro-phytoplankton). When fitting a three-component model of phytoplankton size structure ̶ designed to quantify the relationship between PSC and TCHLa ̶ to each AMT cruise, model parameters varied over the study period. Changes in the relationship between PSC and TCHLa have wide implications in ecology and marine biogeochemistry, and provide key information for the development and use of empirical ocean-colour algorithms. Results illustrate the importance of maintaining a time-series of in-situ observations in remote regions of the ocean, such as that acquired in the AMT programme

    Abundance of a chlorophyll a precursor and the oxidation product hydroxychlorophyll a during seasonal phytoplankton community progression in the Western English Channel

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    This study presents the first in-situ measurements of the chlorophyll a oxidation product, hydroxychlorophyll a as well as the chlorophyll a precursor, chlorophyll aP276 conducted over an annual cycle. Chlorophyll a oxidation products, such as hydroxychlorophyll a may be associated with the decline of algal populations and can act as an initial step in the degradation of chlorophyll a into products which can be found in the geochemical record, important for studying past climate change events. Here, hydroxychlorophyll a and chlorophyll aP276 were measured at the long-term monitoring station L4, Western Channel Observatory (UK, www.westernchannelobservatory.org) over an annual cycle (2012). Weekly measurements of phytoplankton species composition and abundance enabled detailed analysis of possible sources of hydroxychlorophyll a. Dinoflagellates, 2 diatom species, the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis spp. and the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi were all associated with hydroxychlorophyll a occurrence. However, during alternate peaks in abundance of the diatoms, no association with hydroxychlorophyll a occurred, indicating that the oxidation of chlorophyll a was dependant not only on species but also on additional factors such as the mode of mortality, growth limiting factor (i.e. nutrient concentration) or phenotypic plasticity. Surface sediment samples contained 10 times more hydroxychlorophyll a (relative to chlorophyll a) than pelagic particulate samples, indicating that more chlorophyll a oxidation occurred during sedimentation or at the sediment-water interface, than in the pelagic environment. In addition, chlorophyll aP276 correlated with chl-a concentration, thus supporting its assignment as a chl-a precursor

    Microbial uptake dynamics of choline and glycine betaine in coastal seawater

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    Choline and glycine betaine (GBT) are utilized as osmolytes to counteract osmotic stress, but also constitute important nutrient sources for many marine microbes. Bacterial catabolism of these substrates can then lead to the production of climate active trace gases such as methylamine and methane. Using radiotracers, we investigated prokaryotic choline/GBT uptake and determined biotic and abiotic factors driving these processes in the Western English Channel, UK. Kinetic uptake parameters indicated high affinity (nM range) for both osmolytes and showed a seasonal pattern for choline uptake. Generalized linear modeling of uptake parameters suggested a significant influence of sea surface temperature and salinity on prokaryotic uptake of both osmolytes. The presence of diatoms significantly influenced prokaryotic choline/GBT uptake dynamics. Choline uptake was further related to the occurrence of Phaeocystis spp., which were highly abundant in the phytoplankton community during spring, and dinoflagellates abundance during summer. While Rhodobacteraceae were the most important bacterial drivers for prokaryotic choline uptake, prokaryotic GBT uptake was associated with various groups such as SAR11 (Pelagibacterales) and Gammaproteobacteria, suggesting a wider capacity for GBT catabolism than previously recognized. Furthermore, using a newly developed approach we determined the first available data for dissolved GBT concentrations in seawater and found both osmolytes to be at the sub-nanomolar range. Together, this study improves our understanding of the biogeochemical cycling of these environmentally important osmolytes and highlights how their cycles may be affected by a changing climate

    Data sheets aiding identification of phytoplankton carotenoids and chlorophylls

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    9 pagesSince the publication of 47 key phytoplankton pigment data sheets in the volume by Jeffrey et al. (1997b), several new algal groups and pigments have been reported. To reflect this and the increased use of mass spectrometry for phytoplankton pigment characterisation we have compiled revised and expanded data sheets documenting 47 carotenoids and 21 chlorophylls. These new data sheets complement the ones produced for the 1997 volume. They are also available online, at www.cambridge.org/phytoplankton, for ease of consultation. We do not include data sheets for the many chlorophyll transformation products found particularly in sediments; for information on these pigments readers should refer to the comprehensive review by Keely (2006). Similarly, our coverage of pigments contained in phototrophic bacteria is limited mostly to cyanobacteria found in the water column of freshwater and marine environments (see Chapter 1, this volume), hence we exclude the newly discovered chlorophyll f in stromatolites (Chen et al., 2010). Readers interested in anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria should consult the reviews by Takaichi (1999) and Scheer (2006)N

    Distribution and Abundance of MAAs in 33 Species of Microalgae across 13 Classes

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    We provide a direct comparison of the distribution and abundance of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in a diverse range of microalgal cultures (33 species across 13 classes) grown without supplementary ultraviolet radiation (UV). We compare the MAAs in cultures with those present in characterised natural phytoplankton populations from the English Channel. We detected 25 UV absorbing compounds including at least two with multiple absorption maxima. We used LC-MS to provide chemical characterisation of the six most commonly occurring MAAs, namely, palythene, palythine, mycosporine-glycine, palythenic acid, porphyra-334 and shinorine. MAAs were abundant (up to 7 pg MAA cell−1) in 10 species, with more minor and often unknown MAAs in a further 11 cultures. Shinorine was the most frequently occurring and abundant MAA (up to 6.5 pg cell−1) and was present in all but two of the MAA-containing species. The study provides further insight into the diversity and abundance of MAAs important from an ecological perspective and as potential source of natural alternatives to synthetic sunscreens