39 research outputs found

    Inseparabilidades entre ética e ciudadanía no contexto da Educaçao educação escolar

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    A educação está inserida no seio de uma crise social, moral, econômica, ambiental, decorrente da chamada crise da razão moderna. Ela está condicionada pela luta ideológica entre o dinheiro e o poder, que a faz de serviçal para a reprodução da dominação. Para as sociedades desenvolvidas que controlam o capital a educação deve ser um instrumento para habilitar os trabalhadores para a produção capitalista. Conforme Frigotto (1995a, p. 26), “trata-se de subordinar a função social da educação de forma controlada para responder às demandas do capital.

    Ontogeny of cone photoreceptor mosaics in zebrafish

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    Cone photoreceptors in fish are typically arranged into a precise, reiterated pattern known as a “cone mosaic.” Cone mosaic patterns can vary in different fish species and in response to changes in habitat, yet their function and the mechanisms of their development remain speculative. Zebrafish ( Danio rerio ) have four cone subtypes arranged into precise rows in the adult retina. Here we describe larval zebrafish cone patterns and investigate a previously unrecognized transition between larval and adult cone mosaic patterns. Cone positions were determined in transgenic zebrafish expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) in their UV-sensitive cones, by the use of multiplex in situ hybridization labelling of various cone opsins. We developed a “mosaic metric” statistical tool to measure local cone order. We found that ratios of the various cone subtypes in larval and adult zebrafish were statistically different. The cone photoreceptors in larvae form a regular heterotypic mosaic array; i.e., the position of any one cone spectral subtype relative to the other cone subtypes is statistically different from random. However, the cone spectral subtypes in larval zebrafish are not arranged in continuous rows as in the adult. We used cell birth dating to show that the larval cone mosaic pattern remains as a distinct region within the adult retina and does not reorganize into the adult row pattern. In addition, the abundance of cone subtypes relative to other subtypes is different in this larval remnant compared with that of larvae or canonical adult zebrafish retina. These observations provide baseline data for understanding the development of cone mosaics via comparative analysis of larval and adult cone development in a model species. J. Comp. Neurol. 518:4182–4195, 2010. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/77982/1/22447_ftp.pd

    Retinal Specializations In The Eyes Of Deep-Sea Teleosts

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    Although living beyond the penetration limits of sunlight, many deep-sea teleosts possess large eyes, lenses capable of accommodation, and various adaptations for increasing sensitivity and extending their visual field. However, little is known of the extent of the visual field and whether the spatial resolving power of the eye is constant across the retina. In order to examine whether these fish are specialized for acute vision in particular regions of the visual field, retinal wholemounts were used to examine the regional differences in the density of retinal ganglion cells in 16 species from different depths, habitats and photic zones. It was found that the retinal ganglion cell topography changes markedly across the retina with a density range of 6.3-50.6 x 10/3 cells mm -2 in a pattern unique to each species. A number of mesopelagic species including the lanternfishes, Lampanyctus macdonaldi and Myctophum punctatum possess a concentric increase in cell density towards the retinal margins, putatively enhancing peripheral vision. Three tubular-eyed species including Scopelarchus michaelsarsi possess an area centralis in the centro-lateral region of the main retina supporting the premise that this specialization receives a focused image. Some benthic species such as the smoothhead Rouleina attrita and the searsid Searsia koefoedi also boast a structural specialization or fovea in temporal retina with centro-peripheral cell gradients exceeding 30:1. Benthic species such as the tripodfish Bathypterois dubius possess two regional increases in ganglion cell density or areae centrales, one nasal and the other temporal, thereby increasing spatial resolving power in the caudal and rostral visual fields, respectively. These quantitative analyses suggest that deep-sea fishes, like their shallow-water counterparts, also use a specific region of their visual field for acute vision. This may be an advantage for the detection and localization of bioluminescent light sources

    Functional significance of the taper of vertebrate cone photoreceptors

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    © The Author(s), 2012. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Journal of General Physiology 139 (2012): 159-187, doi:10.1085/jgp.201110692.Vertebrate photoreceptors are commonly distinguished based on the shape of their outer segments: those of cones taper, whereas the ones from rods do not. The functional advantages of cone taper, a common occurrence in vertebrate retinas, remain elusive. In this study, we investigate this topic using theoretical analyses aimed at revealing structure–function relationships in photoreceptors. Geometrical optics combined with spectrophotometric and morphological data are used to support the analyses and to test predictions. Three functions are considered for correlations between taper and functionality. The first function proposes that outer segment taper serves to compensate for self-screening of the visual pigment contained within. The second function links outer segment taper to compensation for a signal-to-noise ratio decline along the longitudinal dimension. Both functions are supported by the data: real cones taper more than required for these compensatory roles. The third function relates outer segment taper to the optical properties of the inner compartment whereby the primary determinant is the inner segment’s ability to concentrate light via its ellipsoid. In support of this idea, the rod/cone ratios of primarily diurnal animals are predicted based on a principle of equal light flux gathering between photoreceptors. In addition, ellipsoid concentration factor, a measure of ellipsoid ability to concentrate light onto the outer segment, correlates positively with outer segment taper expressed as a ratio of characteristic lengths, where critical taper is the yardstick. Depending on a light-funneling property and the presence of focusing organelles such as oil droplets, cone outer segments can be reduced in size to various degrees. We conclude that outer segment taper is but one component of a miniaturization process that reduces metabolic costs while improving signal detection. Compromise solutions in the various retinas and retinal regions occur between ellipsoid size and acuity, on the one hand, and faster response time and reduced light sensitivity, on the other.This work was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Discovery Grant 238886 and a Grass-Marine Biological Laboratory Sabbatical Fellowship in Neurosciences to I. Novales Flamarique.2012-07-1

    Method Evaluation of Global-Local Finite Element Analysis

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    When doing finite element analysis upon the structure of Saab’s aeroplanes a coarse global model of mainly shell elements is used to determine the load distribution for sizing the structure. At some parts of the aeroplane it is however desirable to implement a more detailed analysis. These areas are usually modelled with solid elements; the problem of connecting the fine local solid elements to the coarse global model will shell elements then arises.   This master thesis is preformed to investigate possible Global-Local methods to use for the structural analysis on Gripen. First a literature study of current methods on the market is made, thereafter a few methods are implemented on a generic test structure and later on also tested on a real detail of Gripen VU. The methods tested in this thesis are Mesh refinement in HyperWorks, RBE3 in HyperWorks, Glue in MSC Patran/Nastran and DMIG in MSC Nastran. The software is however not evaluated in this thesis, and a further investigation is recommended to find the most fitting software for this purpose. All analysis are performed with linear assumptions.   Mesh refinement is an integrated technique where the elements are gradually decreasing in size. Per definition, this technique cannot handle gaps, but it has almost identical results to the fine reference model.   RBE3 is a type of rigid body elements with zero stiffness, and is used as an interface element. RBE3 is possible to use to connect both Shell-To-Shell and Shell-To-Solid, and can handle offsets and gaps in the boundary between the global and local model.   Glue is a contact definition and is also available in other software under other names. The global respectively the local model is defined as contact bodies and a contact table is used to control the coupling. Glue works for both Shell-To-Shell and Shell-To-Solid couplings, but has problem dealing with offsets and gaps in the boundary between the global and local model.   DMIG is a superelement technique where the global model is divided into smaller sub-models which are mathematically connected. DMIG is only possible to use when the nodes on the boundary on the local model have the same position as the nodes at the boundary of the global model. Thus, it is not possible to only use DMIG as a Global-Local method, but can advantageously be combined with other methods.   The results indicate that the preferable method to use for Global-Local analysis is RBE3. To decrease the size of the files and demand of computational power, RBE3 can be combined with a superelement technique, for example DMIG.   Finally, it is important to consider the size of the local model. There will inevitably be boundary effect when performing a Global-Local analysis of the suggested type, and it is therefore important to make the local model big enough so that the boundary effects have faded before reaching the area of interest

    Return process Development at Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB

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    Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB (SIT) manufactures gas turbines, conducts service and develop gas and steam gas turbines. The organization is located in Finspång and in Trollhättan with customers positioned all over the world. During later years the service operation has grown in volume significantly, and at the moment the organization returns number of parts for repair and recondition every year. During maintenance of a Customer turbine SIT uses both tools and instruments that when the maintenance is completed are returned to SIT in Finspång. The master thesis has studied the return processes for Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB for goods from the Customer site to Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery in Finspång and Trollhättan. The return processes can be divided into three main types: Planned Maintenance, Unplanned Maintenance and Tools and Instruments. The return processes and their adjacent processes have been mapped up in order to receive a picture over the present situation. The study has also summarized the demands from the processes before, during and after the return process. From the summarized demands, 26 actions have been formed that are directed at the return process. The actions have been prioritized and discussed during two seminars with personal with knowledge about the return process from different departments at Siemens. The prioritization and the authors’ own knowledge about the return process have resulted in suggestions for how Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery shall focus their work of improvement. The suggestions have been divided up into three steps so Siemens shall focus on the right action in the right order during the work of improvement. The actions include better communication, a reduced variation, correct hand over between processes and sub processes, change in work routines and an idea regarding necessary information for the process to be able to improve. One of the most important areas is that Siemens need to improve the basic data to be able to manage the returns when the maintenance of the customer turbine is planned. Siemens also needs to be able to carry out information regarding the return to the personal at customer site in a better way. The study has also examined how an internal measurement system would improve the return process. Of 22 measure points the study has suggested 6 measure points to be implemented in the return process that would help Siemens to better control their return process, make it easier to improve and to be able to make conclusions regarding future changes.Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB (SIT) tillverkar gasturbiner och bedriver service av både gas och ångturbiner. Verksamheten har man belägen i Finspång och Trollhättan och kunderna finns belägna i hela världen. Under senare år har Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB serviceverksamhet vuxit kraftigt och i dag returnerar företaget en stor mängd delar för reparation och rekonditionering. Vid ett underhåll på kundens turbin används både verktyg och instrument som hyrs ut till underhåll över hela värden och när underhållet är klart ska de returneras till Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB i Finspång. Examensarbetet har studerat Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery ABs returprocesser för gods från kundens plats till Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery ABs i Finspång och Trollhättan. Returprocesserna kan delas in i tre huvud typer: Planerade delar, Oplanerade delar och Verktyg och Instrument. Returprocesserna och dess angränsade processer har kartlagts för att få en bild av nuläget, arbetet har även sammanställt kraven utifrån processerna före, under och efter returprocessen. Utifrån kravbilden har 26 åtgärder tagits fram som berör returprocesserna. Åtgärderna har prioriterats och diskuterats på två seminarier med Siemens personal från flera olika avdelningar som hanterar returer. Prioriteringen samt författarnas egen förståelse för processerna har utmynnat i ett förslag till hur Siemens ska gå till väga för att förbättra returprocesserna. Förslagen har då delats in i tre steg för att Siemens ska kunna fokusera på rätt sak i rätt ordning under förändringsarbetets gång. Åtgärderna behandlar bättre kommunikation, minskad variation i utfallet av processerna, korrekta överlämningar mellan processer och delprocesser, förändringar i arbetsrutiner och vilken information som krävs för att processerna ska fungera bättre. Ett av de viktigaste områdena är att Siemens måste förbättra underlaget för returerna när de planerar ett underhåll för kundens turbin. Siemens måste även bli bättre att föra ut information om returen till deras personal på plats hos kund. Studien har även undersökt hur ett internt mätsystem skulle förbättra processen. Av 22 mätpunkter har studien visat att 6 mätpunkter är intressanta för returprocesserna, de skulle hjälpa Siemens att skaffa kontroll på processen, styra mot förbättringar och kunna dra slutsatser om framtida förändringar

    Quadratic spline

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