5,904 research outputs found

    Versuchsbericht zum Öko-Landbau 2002

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    Der Versuchsbericht 2002 enthält zum einen die Ergebnisse der Sortenversuche im ökologischen Landbau für die Bereiche Winter- und Sommergetreide sowie Körnerleguminosen, Silomais und Kartoffeln. Zum anderen werden Ergebnisse zum Einsatz von organischen Zukaufdüngern im ökologischen Weizenanbau und zur Unkrautregulierung in Gemüseerbsen und Buschbohnen vorgestellt. Außerdem widmet sich ein Kapitel den Versuchen in Wasservorranggebieten (mit Grünland- und Ackerfutterbauversuchen). Darüber hinaus wird im Bereich der Tierhaltung über die Projekte „Beratung Öko-Kuh“ und „Eutergesundheit“ berichtet

    Noncommutative Solitons in Open N=2 String Theory

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    Coincident D2-branes in open N=2 fermionic string theory with a B-field background yield an integrable modified U(n) sigma model on noncommutative R^{2,1}. This model provides a showcase for an established method (the `dressing approach') to generate solutions for integrable field equations, even in the noncommutative case. We demonstrate the technique by constructing moving U(1) and U(2) solitons and by computing their energies. It is outlined how to derive multi-soliton configurations with arbitrary relative motion; they correspond to D0-branes moving inside the D2-branes.Comment: 1+13 pages, LaTeX; v2: eq.(45) corrected, constructing of multi-solitons enhanced, one reference added; v3: minor corrections but soliton/antisoliton convention interchanged, final JHEP versio

    Untersuchungsvorhaben in der Ökologischen Rindviehaltung in Niedersachsen 2002 - 2003

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    Inhaltsübersicht: • Beratung-Öko-Kuh (BÖK) – Ein Beratungsprojekt auf 25 Öko-Milchviehbetrieben in Niedersachsen. Produktionsbegleitend wurden einzelbetriebliche Daten zur Fütterung, Haltung und Gesundheit der Tiere sowie der Milchleistungsprüfungsdaten erhoben und ausgewertet. Die daraus gewonnenen Ergebnisse flossen unmittelbar in die einzelbetriebliche Beratung ein (Eike Sieglerschmidt, Dr. Volker Krömker, Otto Volling) • Eutergesundheit – Einjährige Beobachtungen auf Öko-Milchviehbetrieben, mit dem Ziel spezifische Risikofaktoren für die Eutergesundheit abzuleiten (Dr. Volker Krömker) • Zur Wirksamkeit homöopathischer Mastitistherapie im Rahmen einer integrierten Bestandsbetreuung (Dr. Volker Krömker

    Quality of attachment relationships and frequency of mathematics- and science-related activity offers in kindergarten as predictors of girls' and boys' mathematics-related motivation

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    During the kindergarten years and until shortly before school start, there are no gender differences in (precursors of) mathematical competencies or mathematics-related motivation. Shortly after school entry, however, boys are already superior to their female peers in mathematics-related competencies and motivation. We investigated in a cross-sectional study two aspects of process quality in kindergarten that can favorably influence the development of mathematics-related motivation, especially of girls: the frequency of offers of mathematics- and science-related activities and a high-quality attachment relationship with the teacher. In 135 independent dyads, the quality of attachment between kindergarten teacher and child was assessed by a one and a half-hour standardized observation (Attachment Q-Set). The teacher provided information on how often she provides mathematics- and science-related activities. The children were asked about their mathematics-related motivation and precursors of mathematical competencies were measured using a standardized test. Results show, in line with existing studies, that girls and boys did not yet differ in their precursors of mathematical competencies and mathematics-related motivation at the end of kindergarten. Girls were involved in significantly higher quality attachment relationships with their teachers than boys. While girls' mathematics-related motivation increased with the frequency of the provision of relevant activities, it did not play a role for boys' motivation. We discuss (a) how teachers can be encouraged to offer mathematics-and science-related activities more often and (b) whether a comparable quality of attachment would be shown for boys as for girls if the kindergarten teacher were male

    Cross-Cultural Variations in Identifying Embedded Figures : Comparisons from the United States, Germany, Russia, and Malaysia

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Previous studies have found cross-cultural variation in field dependence. In this study, cross-cultural differences were expected depending on the degree of individualism or collectivism of the respective cultures. Samples were taken from two prototypically individualist cultures, the United States and Germany, and two collectivist cultures, Russia and Malaysia. As predicted, field dependence did not differ between those samples that represented the same type of culture, either collectivist or individualist. However, a clear difference could be found between the two types of cultures; that is, U.S. and German participants were more field independent than were Russian and Malaysian participants

    Do Only White or Asian Males Belong in Genius Organizations? How Academic Organizations’ Fixed Theories of Excellence Help or Hinder Different Student Groups’ Sense of Belonging

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    High-profile organizations often emphasize fixed giftedness rather than malleable effort-based criteria as critical for excellent achievements. With giftedness being primarily associated with White or Asian males, such organizational implicit theories of excellence may shape individuals’ sense of belonging depending on the extent to which they match the gifted White/Asian male prototype, i.e., the prototypical gifted person which is typically imagined to be a White or Asian male. Previous research has reported fixed excellence theories emphasizing giftedness (vs. malleable theories emphasizing effort) to impair the sense of belonging of females and negatively stereotyped ethnic minorities. We investigate the combined effects of gender and ethnicity. We predicted that, while individuals whose gender and ethnicity do not match the gifted prototype show a reduced sense of belonging in fixed organizations, White/Asian males who match the gifted prototype show the opposite effect, experiencing a higher sense of belonging in fixed (vs. malleable) organizations. In an experimental study (N = 663 students), we manipulated advertising material used by a highly selective academic institution in Germany and tested effects on students’ belonging. Whereas the original material emphasized giftedness as essential for excelling (fixed excellence version), our manipulated version stressed effort (malleable version). As expected, females from stereotyped ethnic minority groups felt less belonging in the fixed (vs. malleable) organization, while White/Asian males anticipated stronger belonging in the fixed (vs. malleable) organization. Fixed views of excellence impair negatively stereotyped individuals’ belonging but may even strengthen the belonging of prototypical academic elites