6,352 research outputs found

    Study of the development and verification of an integrated code for UAV design

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    L'objectiu d'aquest estudi és desenvolupar una eina de disseny d'aeronaus utilitzant algoritmes d'optimització per a facilitar el procés. Es pretén incorporar el codi d'estudi i simulació de les actuacions d'un UAV desenvolupat per l'equip Trencalòs Team en un software de disseny aerodinàmic ja existent, ja sigui XFLR5 o AVL. Les funcions objectiu incorporades seran les que l'equip considera per a la participació en el concurs internacional Air Cargo Challenge, amb la intenció de desenvolupar una eina de treball per a Trencalòs que permeti fer un disseny òptim dins del marc de la competició. El treball es dividirà en tres etapes: 1. Incorporació del codi desenvolupat per Trencalòs al software de disseny aerodinàmic2. Fer ús dels algoritmes d'optimització de funcions objectiu per a facilitar el procés de disseny3. Verificació els resultats obtinguts.

    Traveling surface waves of moderate amplitude in shallow water

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    We study traveling wave solutions of an equation for surface waves of moderate amplitude arising as a shallow water approximation of the Euler equations for inviscid, incompressible and homogenous fluids. We obtain solitary waves of elevation and depression, including a family of solitary waves with compact support, where the amplitude may increase or decrease with respect to the wave speed. Our approach is based on techniques from dynamical systems and relies on a reformulation of the evolution equation as an autonomous Hamiltonian system which facilitates an explicit expression for bounded orbits in the phase plane to establish existence of the corresponding periodic and solitary traveling wave solutions

    Corporate Downsizing to Rebuild Team Spirit: How Costly Voting Can Foster Cooperation

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    We propose a new mechanism to achieve coordination through voting, for which we discuss a number of real-life applications. Among them, the mechanism provides for a new theory for downsizing in organizations. A crisis may lead to a decrease in the willingness to cooperate in an organization, and therefore to a bad equilibrium. A consensual downsizing episode may signal credibly that survivors are willing to cooperate, and thus, it may be optimal and efficiency-enhancing (for the individuals remaining in the organization), as the empirical evidence suggests. A variation of the same mechanism leads to “efficient” upsizing.Publicad

    Interdependent preferences and segregating equilibria

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    This paper shows that models where preferences of individuals depend not only on their allocations, but also on the well-being of other persons, can produce both large and testable effects. We study the allocation of workers with heterogeneous productivities to firms. We show that even small deviations from purely “selfish” preferences leads to widespread workplace skill segregation. This result holds for a broad class and distribution of social preferences. That is, workers of different abilities tend to work in different firms, as long as they care somewhat more about the utilities of workers who are “close”

    Non-integrability of measure preserving maps via Lie symmetries

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    We consider the problem of characterizing, for certain natural number mm, the local Cm\mathcal{C}^m-non-integrability near elliptic fixed points of smooth planar measure preserving maps. Our criterion relates this non-integrability with the existence of some Lie Symmetries associated to the maps, together with the study of the finiteness of its periodic points. One of the steps in the proof uses the regularity of the period function on the whole period annulus for non-degenerate centers, question that we believe that is interesting by itself. The obtained criterion can be applied to prove the local non-integrability of the Cohen map and of several rational maps coming from second order difference equations.Comment: 25 page

    On the number of limit cycles for perturbed pendulum equations

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    We consider perturbed pendulum-like equations on the cylinder of the form x¨+sin(x)=εs=0mQn,s(x)x˙s \ddot x+\sin(x)= \varepsilon \sum_{s=0}^{m}{Q_{n,s} (x)\, \dot x^{s}} where Qn,sQ_{n,s} are trigonometric polynomials of degree nn, and study the number of limit cycles that bifurcate from the periodic orbits of the unperturbed case ε=0\varepsilon=0 in terms of mm and nn. Our first result gives upper bounds on the number of zeros of its associated first order Melnikov function, in both the oscillatory and the rotary regions. These upper bounds are obtained expressing the corresponding Abelian integrals in terms of polynomials and the complete elliptic functions of first and second kind. Some further results give sharp bounds on the number of zeros of these integrals by identifying subfamilies which are shown to be Chebyshev systems