318 research outputs found

    Dyons in N=4 Gauged Supergravity

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    We study monopole and dyon solutions to the equations of motion of the bosonic sector of N = 4 gauged supergravity in four dimensional space-time. A static, spherically symmetric ansatz for the metric, gauge fields, dilaton and axion leads to soliton solutions which, in the electrically charged case, have compact spatial sections. Both analytical and numerical results for the solutions are presented.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Minor changes, references adde

    On spin chains and field theories

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    We point out that the existence of global symmetries in a field theory is not an essential ingredient in its relation with an integrable model. We describe an obvious construction which, given an integrable spin chain, yields a field theory whose 1-loop scale transformations are generated by the spin chain Hamiltonian. We also identify a necessary condition for a given field theory to be related to an integrable spin chain. As an example, we describe an anisotropic and parity-breaking generalization of the XXZ Heisenberg spin chain and its associated field theory. The system has no nonabelian global symmetries and generally does not admit a supersymmetric extension without the introduction of more propagating bosonic fields. For the case of a 2-state chain we find the spectrum and the eigenstates. For certain values of its coupling constants the field theory associated to this general type of chain is the bosonic sector of the Leigh-Strassler deformation of N=4 SYM theory.Comment: 22 pages, Latex; v2. typos correcte

    Rotating nonuniform black string solutions

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    We explore via linearized perturbation theory the Gregory-Laflamme instability of rotating black strings with equal magnitude angular momenta. Our results indicate that the Gregory-Laflamme instability persists up to extremality for all even dimensions between six and fourteen. We construct rotating nonuniform black strings with two equal magnitude angular momenta in six dimensions. We see a first indication for the occurrence of a topology changing transition, associated with such rotating nonuniform black strings. Charged nonuniform black string configurations in heterotic string theory are also constructed by employing a solution generation technique.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figures, final versio

    Mesoscopic Stern-Gerlach device to polarize spin currents

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    Spin preparation and spin detection are fundamental problems in spintronics and in several solid state proposals for quantum information processing. Here we propose the mesoscopic equivalent of an optical polarizing beam splitter (PBS). This interferometric device uses non-dispersive phases (Aharonov-Bohm and Rashba) in order to separate spin up and spin down carriers into distinct outputs and thus it is analogous to a Stern-Gerlach apparatus. It can be used both as a spin preparation device and as a spin measuring device by converting spin into charge (orbital) degrees of freedom. An important feature of the proposed spin polarizer is that no ferromagnetic contacts are used.Comment: Updated to the published versio

    Classical Yang-Mills Black hole hair in anti-de Sitter space

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    The properties of hairy black holes in Einstein–Yang–Mills (EYM) theory are reviewed, focusing on spherically symmetric solutions. In particular, in asymptotically anti-de Sitter space (adS) stable black hole hair is known to exist for frak su(2) EYM. We review recent work in which it is shown that stable hair also exists in frak su(N) EYM for arbitrary N, so that there is no upper limit on how much stable hair a black hole in adS can possess

    Gauge-string duality for superconformal deformations of N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory

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    We analyze in detail the relation between an exactly marginal deformation of N=4 SYM - the Leigh-Strassler or ``beta-deformation'' - and its string theory dual (recently constructed in hep-th/0502086) by comparing energies of semiclassical strings to anomalous dimensions of gauge-theory operators in the two-scalar sector. We stress the existence of integrable structures on the two sides of the duality. In particular, we argue that the integrability of strings in AdS_5 x S^5 implies the integrability of the deformed world sheet theory with real deformation parameter. We compare the fast string limit of the worldsheet action in the sector with two angular momenta with the continuum limit of the coherent state action of an anisotropic XXZ spin chain describing the one-loop anomalous dimensions of the corresponding operators and find a remarkable agreement for all values of the deformation parameter. We discuss some of the properties of the Bethe Ansatz for this spin chain, solve the Bethe equations for small number of excitations and comment on higher loop properties of the dilatation operator. With the goal of going beyond the leading order in the 't Hooft expansion we derive the analog of the Bethe equations on the string-theory side, and show that they coincide with the thermodynamic limit of the Bethe equations for the spin chain. We also compute the 1/J corrections to the anomalous dimensions of operators with large R-charge (corresponding to strings with angular momentum J) and match them to the 1-loop corrections to the fast string energies. Our results suggest that the impressive agreement between the gauge theory and semiclassical strings in AdS_5 x S^5 is part of a larger picture underlying the gauge/gravity duality.Comment: 50 pages, Latex; v2:typos corrected, references added, clarifications in sec 8 and Appendix A, a discussion of a rational solution added in section 4.2; v3: minor corrections to coefficients in eq. 2.5, 5.2 and appendix A; v4: minor misprints correcte

    Supramolecular architecture of [AsPh2Br2]2[(Br3)−…(Br2)…(Br3)−] obtained by bromination of (AsPh2)2S

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    Bromination of (AsPh2)2S leads to cleavage of the sulfide bridge to give AsPh2Br when 1 mol of bromine is used but with 2 mols the product is the polybromide, [AsPh2Br2]2[Br8], containing the previously unknown [AsPh2Br2]+ cation and a rare [(Br3)−…(Br2)…(Br3)−] ensemble whose short (yet not covalent) Br2…Br3 contacts have previously supported tentative description as an octabromide Br82− anion. X-ray crystallography shows that the compound has a three dimensional supramolecular structure based on cooperativity of weak intermolecular Csingle bondH…π, Csingle bondH…Br hydrogen bonds and secondary Br…Br interactions in the solid state. The electronic structure and the stability of the [AsPh2Br2]2[Br8] are rationalized using DFT and HF calculations and molecular orbital considerations

    Yang-Mills Correlation Functions from Integrable Spin Chains

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    The relation between the dilatation operator of N=4 Yang-Mills theory and integrable spin chains makes it possible to compute the one-loop anomalous dimensions of all operators in the theory. In this paper we show how to apply the technology of integrable spin chains to the calculation of Yang-Mills correlation functions by expressing them in terms of matrix elements of spin operators on the corresponding spin chain. We illustrate this method with several examples in the SU(2) sector described by the XXX_1/2 chain.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures, harvma

    Spinning strings at one-loop in AdS_4 x P^3

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    We analyze the folded spinning string in AdS_4 x P^3 with spin S in AdS_4 and angular momentum J in P^3. We calculate the one-loop correction to its energy in the scaling limit of both ln S and J large with their ratio kept fixed. This result should correspond to the first subleading strong coupling correction to the anomalous dimension of operators of the type Tr(D^S(Y^\dagger Y)^J) in the dual N=6 Chern-Simons-matter theory. Our result appears to depart from the predictions for the generalized scaling function found from the all-loop Bethe equations conjectured for this AdS_4/CFT_3 duality. We comment on the possible origin of this difference.Comment: 24 pages; v2: References added and typos correcte

    Search for displaced vertices arising from decays of new heavy particles in 7 TeV pp collisions at ATLAS

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    We present the results of a search for new, heavy particles that decay at a significant distance from their production point into a final state containing charged hadrons in association with a high-momentum muon. The search is conducted in a pp-collision data sample with a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV and an integrated luminosity of 33 pb^-1 collected in 2010 by the ATLAS detector operating at the Large Hadron Collider. Production of such particles is expected in various scenarios of physics beyond the standard model. We observe no signal and place limits on the production cross-section of supersymmetric particles in an R-parity-violating scenario as a function of the neutralino lifetime. Limits are presented for different squark and neutralino masses, enabling extension of the limits to a variety of other models.Comment: 8 pages plus author list (20 pages total), 8 figures, 1 table, final version to appear in Physics Letters