795 research outputs found

    From the North-Iberian Margin to the Alboran Basin: A lithosphere geo-transect across the Iberian Plate

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    A ~ 1000-km-long lithospheric transect running from the North-Iberian Margin to the Alboran Basin (W-Mediterranean) is investigated. The main goal is to image the changes in the crustal and upper mantle structure occurring in: i) the North-Iberian margin, whose deformation in Alpine times gave rise to the uplift of the Cantabrian Mountains related to Iberia-Eurasia incipient subduction; ii) the Spanish Meseta, characterized by the presence of Cenozoic basins on top of a Variscan basement with weak Alpine deformation in the Central System, and localized Neogene-Quaternary deep volcanism; and iii) the Betic-Alboran system related to Africa-Iberia collision and the roll-back of the Ligurian-Tethyan domain. The modeling approach, combines potential fields, elevation, thermal, seismic, and petrological data under a self-consistent scheme. The crustal structure is mainly constrained by seismic data whereas the upper mantle is constrained by tomographic models. The results highlight the lateral variations in the topography of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB), suggesting a strong lithospheric mantle strain below the Cantabrian and Betic mountain belts. The LAB depth ranges from 180 km beneath the Cantabrian Mountains to 135-110. km beneath Iberia Meseta deepening again to values of 160. km beneath the Betic Cordillera. The Central System, with a mean elevation of 1300. m, has a negligible signature on the LAB depth. We have considered four lithospheric mantle compositions: a predominantly average Phanerozoic in the continental mainland, two more fertile compositions in the Alboran Sea and in the Calatrava Volcanic Province, and a hydrated uppermost mantle in the North-Iberian Margin. These compositional differences allowed us to reproduce the main trends of the geophysical observables as well as the inferred P- and S-wave seismic velocities from tomography models and seismic experiments available in the study transect. The high mean topography of Iberia can be partly consistent with a low-velocity/high-temperature/low-density layer in the sublithospheric mantle.The presented work has been supported by Topo-Iberia Consolider-IngenioCSD2006-0004, GASAM/TopoMed (CGL2008-03474-E/BTE/07-TOPO-EUROPE-FP-006), TECLA (CGL2011-26670) funded by the Spanish Government, and PYRTEC-IP2 (SV-PA-10-03, funded by the Government of Asturias/ESF TOPO-EUROPE Programme) projects. AC benefitted from a JAE-PreCP grant from CSIC. JCA acknowledges the support from ARC GrantDP120102372.Peer Reviewe

    Seismicity, seismotectonics and seismic hazard in the Cantabrian region: new data from the SISCAN and MISTERIOS dense seismic networks (2014-2020)

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    X Congreso Geológico de España, 5-7 Julio 2021, Vitoria - GasteizLa región Cantábrica, al tratarse de una zona tradicionalmente considerada de baja sismicidad, ha suscitado menor atención que otras regiones sísmicamente más activas. Los nuevos datos recogidos por las redes sísmicas temporales implantadas en el marco de los proyectos SISCAN y MISTERIOS (2014-2020) han permitido mejorar el conocimiento acerca de la actividad sísmica de la zona. Durante el periodo del estudio, de casi seis años, se desplegaron más de 50 estaciones en la Región Cantábrica y norte de la Cordillera Ibérica. La densidad de estaciones y la geometría regular de estas redes han permitido registrar una sismicidad significativa. Se han localizado más de más de 1200 terremotos y se han calculado más de 60 mecanismos focales, en una región dónde apenas existían este tipo de datos. Los eventos localizados con mayor precisión y los mecanismos focales calculados se utilizaron para avanzar en la interpretación sismotectónica, con la identificación de las principales fallas activas. Por último, se ha llevado a cabo una evaluación de la peligrosidad sísmica de la región cantábrica y del Pirineo occidental. Para ello se ha abordado una modelización probabilista de la peligrosidad sísmica en términos de aceleración pico (PGA) y de aceleraciones espectrales (SA (T)) para un periodo de retorno de 475 años.The present-day seismicity in the Cantabrian region (North of Iberia) is not well known due to the limited coverage of stations from permanent seismic network in the area. Being an area traditionally considered of low seismicity, it has attracted less attention than other seismically more active regions, such as the southeast and northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, or the Pyrenean area. The new data collected by the temporary seismic networks implemented during the SISCAN and MISTERIOS projects (2014-2020) have allowed us to improve our knowledge about the seismic activity in the area. During the study period, for almost six years, a seismic network of more than 50 stations was deployed in the Cantabrian Region and the northern Iberian Chain. The density of stations and the regular geometry of these seismic net-works have allowed us to register a significant seismic activity. More than 1200 earthquakes have been located and more than 60 focal mechanisms have been calculated in a region where such data was hard-ly available. The events located with the greatest precision and the calculated focal mechanisms were used to improve the seismotectonic interpretation, with the identification of the main active faults. Final-ly, an evaluation of the seismic hazard in the Cantabrian region and the western Pyrenees has been carried out. To this end, a probabilistic modeling of the seismic hazard in terms of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and spectral acceleration (SA (T)) has been addressed for a return period of 475 years

    Enhanced production of multi-strange hadrons in high-multiplicity proton-proton collisions

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    At sufficiently high temperature and energy density, nuclear matter undergoes a transition to a phase in which quarks and gluons are not confined: the quark-gluon plasma (QGP)(1). Such an exotic state of strongly interacting quantum chromodynamics matter is produced in the laboratory in heavy nuclei high-energy collisions, where an enhanced production of strange hadrons is observed(2-6). Strangeness enhancement, originally proposed as a signature of QGP formation in nuclear collisions(7), is more pronounced for multi-strange baryons. Several effects typical of heavy-ion phenomenology have been observed in high-multiplicity proton-proton (pp) collisions(8,9), but the enhanced production of multi-strange particles has not been reported so far. Here we present the first observation of strangeness enhancement in high-multiplicity proton-proton collisions. We find that the integrated yields of strange and multi-strange particles, relative to pions, increases significantly with the event charged-particle multiplicity. The measurements are in remarkable agreement with the p-Pb collision results(10,11), indicating that the phenomenon is related to the final system created in the collision. In high-multiplicity events strangeness production reaches values similar to those observed in Pb-Pb collisions, where a QGP is formed.Peer reviewe

    Measurement of azimuthal correlations of D mesons with charged particles in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV and p-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV

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    The azimuthal correlations of D mesons with charged particles were measured with the ALICE apparatus in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV and p-Pb collisions at root sNN = 5.02 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider. D-0, D+, and D*+ mesons and their charge conjugates with transverse momentum 3 0.3 GeV/c. The yield of charged particles in the correlation peak induced by the jet containing the D meson and the peak width are compatible within uncertainties in the two collision systems. The data are described within uncertainties by Monte-Carlo simulations based on PYTHIA, POWHEG, and EPOS 3 event generators.Peer reviewe

    Charged-particle multiplicities in proton-proton collisions at root s=0.9 to 8 TeV

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    A detailed study of pseudorapidity densities and multiplicity distributions of primary charged particles produced in proton-proton collisions, atv root s = 0.9, 2.36, 2.76, 7 and 8 TeV, in the pseudorapidity range vertical bar n vertical bar<2, was carried out using the ALICE detector. Measurements were obtained for three event classes: inelastic, non-single diffractive and events with at least one charged particle in the pseudorapidity interval vertical bar n vertical barPeer reviewe

    phi-Meson production at forward rapidity in p-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV and in pp collisions at root s=2.76 TeV

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    The first study of phi-meson production in p-Pb collisions at forward and backward rapidity, at a nucleonnucleon centre-of-mass energy root s(NN)= 5.02 TeV, has been performed with the ALICE apparatus at the LHC. The phi-mesons have been identified in the dimuon decay channel in the transverse momentum (p(T)) range 1 <p(T) <7GeV/c, both in the p-going (2.03 <y <3.53) and the Pb-going (-4.46 <y <-2.96) directions - where ystands for the rapidity in the nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass - the integrated luminosity amounting to 5.01 +/- 0.19nb(-1) and 5.81 +/- 0.20nb(-1), respectively, for the two data samples. Differential cross sections as a function of transverse momentum and rapidity are presented. The forward-backward ratio for f-meson production is measured for 2.96Peer reviewe

    Measurement of D-s(+) product ion and nuclear modification factor in Pb-Pb collisions at root S-NN=2.76 TeV

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    One-dimensional pion, kaon, and proton femtoscopy in Pb-Pb collisions at root(NN)-N-S=2.76 TeV

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    The size of the particle emission region in high-energy collisions can be deduced using the femtoscopic correlations of particle pairs at low relative momentum. Such correlations arise due to quantum statistics and Coulomb and strong final state interactions. In this paper, results are presented from femtoscopic analyses of pi(+/-) pi(+/-), K-+/- K-+/-, K-S(0) K-S(0), pp, and (pp) over bar correlations from Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV by the ALICE experiment at the LHC. One-dimensional radii of the system are extracted from correlation functions in terms of the invariant momentum difference of the pair. The comparison of the measured radii with the predictions from a hydrokinetic model is discussed. The pion and kaon source radii display a monotonic decrease with increasing average pair transverse mass m(T) which is consistent with hydrodynamic model predictions for central collisions. The kaon and proton source sizes can be reasonably described by approximate m(T) scaling.Peer reviewe

    Elliptic flow of electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays at mid-rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV

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    The elliptic flow of electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays at mid-rapidity (|y| <0.7) is measured in Pb-Pb collisions at TeV with ALICE at the LHC. The particle azimuthal distribution with respect to the reaction plane can be parametrized with a Fourier expansion, where the second coefficient (v (2)) represents the elliptic flow. The v (2) coefficient of inclusive electrons is measured in three centrality classes (0-10%, 10-20% and 20-40%) with the event plane and the scalar product methods in the transverse momentum (p (T)) intervals 0.5-13 GeV/c and 0.5-8 GeV/c, respectively. After subtracting the background, mainly from photon conversions and Dalitz decays of neutral mesons, a positive v (2) of electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays is observed in all centrality classes, with a maximum significance of 5.9 sigma in the interval 2 <p (T) <2.5 GeV/c in semi-central collisions (20-40%). The value of v (2) decreases towards more central collisions at low and intermediate p (T) (0.5 <p (T) <3 GeV/c). The v (2) of electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays at mid-rapidity is found to be similar to the one of muons from heavy-flavour hadron decays at forward rapidity (2.5 <y <4). The results are described within uncertainties by model calculations including substantial elastic interactions of heavy quarks with an expanding strongly-interacting medium.Peer reviewe

    Coherent psi (2S) photo-production in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76TeV

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    We have performed the first measurement of the coherent psi(2S) photo-production cross section in ultraperipheral Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC. This charmonium excited state is reconstructed via the psi(2S) -> l(+)l(-) and ->(2S) -> J/psi pi(+)pi(-) decays, where the J/psi decays into two leptons. The analysis is based on an event sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 22 mu b(-1). The cross section for coherent psi(2S) production in the rapidity interval -0.9 <y <0.9is d sigma(coh)(psi(2S))/dy = 0.83 +/- 0.19 (stat+syst) mb. The psi(2S) to J/psi coherent cross section ratio is 0.34(-0.07)(+0.08)(stat+syst). The obtained results are compared to predictions from theoretical models. (C) 2015 CERN for the benefit of the ALICE Collaboration. Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe