123 research outputs found

    Lifelong learning in restaurant business

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    Lifelong learning is the reality in all successful service industries. In the field of the hotel and tourism industry, it is very important to implement this concept. That will assure to achieve high level of quality - to be competitive on the market, and as feedback to get a big number of satisfied guests. There are different issues to discuss for the concept of lifelong learning. One of the most important thing is the need and interest for permanent education from both sides: employee and employer. The other issue is: according to law who is competent to organize and offer different forms of lifelong learning; who will recognize the certificate and/or diploma!? Financial aspect has big influence as well: who will cover the expences for any kind of education for already employed people. Methods and techniques for lifelong learning varry according to target group, topic, time, department in the hospitality property etc. Training is very popular method for permanent education. In general there are two basic types of training: the one-on-one training method and group training. Much of the training in restaurant business is done individually. Most one-on-one training is conducted by implementation of the following techniques: buddy system, cross-training,computer training and video. There are many different techniques that can be used in group training: classroom, lecture, demonstration, role-playing, games, professional trainers. In some countries, very popular is the concept of service learning


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    In this paper, the aim is to analyze the operation of AD ,,GD-Tikves”- Kavadarci during the three consecutive years (2008, 2009 and 2010 year), with special emphasis on financial performance. Financial analysis aims to achieve the aims and objectives of financial policy, as making major decisions about finance, investments and dividend payments. The analysis is conducted by calculating a number of ratios: liquidity; solvency; efficiency; profitability; economic success and effectiveness of the work. The company achieves a high degree of liquidity and is solvent. Indicators of efficiency are acceptable, but there is a decline of these indicators during the year 2010 compared to the previous two years.Indicators of profitability show that the gross and net-profit margins are quite high, but it is obvious that the yield coefficients of own assets and return on equity are unsatisfactory, because they are located below the level that is considered the minimum or slightly above it. Indicators of economic success and effectiveness of the operation show that the company achieved a positive financial result, which confirms the successful operation

    Impairing the production of ribosomal RNA activates mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 signalling and downstream translation factors

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    Ribosome biogenesis is a key process for maintaining protein synthetic capacity in dividing or growing cells, and requires coordinated production of ribosomal proteins and ribosomal RNA (rRNA), including the processing of the latter. Signalling through mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) activates all these processes. Here, we show that, in human cells, impaired rRNA processing, caused by expressing an interfering mutant of BOP1 or by knocking down components of the PeBoW complex elicits activation of mTORC1 signalling. This leads to enhanced phosphorylation of its substrates S6K1 and 4E-BP1, and stimulation of proteins involved in translation initiation and elongation. In particular, we observe both inactivation and downregulation of the eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase, which normally inhibits translation elongation. The latter effect involves decreased expression of the eEF2K mRNA. The mRNAs for ribosomal proteins, whose translation is positively regulated by mTORC1 signalling, also remain associated with ribosomes. Therefore, our data demonstrate that disrupting rRNA production activates mTORC1 signalling to enhance the efficiency of the translational machinery, likely to help compensate for impaired ribosome production

    Discovery of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Mutations by Pyrosequencing

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    Comparative genomics, analyzing variation among individual genomes, is an area of intense investigation. DNA sequencing is usually employed to look for polymorphisms and mutations. Pyrosequencing, a real-time DNA sequencing method, is emerging as a popular platform for comparative genomics. Here we review the use of this technology for mutation scanning, polymorphism discovery and chemical haplotyping. We describe the methodology and accuracy of this technique and discuss how to reduce the cost for large-scale analysis

    5′-end surveillance by Xrn2 acts as a shared mechanism for mammalian pre-rRNA maturation and decay

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    Ribosome biogenesis requires multiple nuclease activities to process pre-rRNA transcripts into mature rRNA species and eliminate defective products of transcription and processing. We find that in mammalian cells, the 5′ exonuclease Xrn2 plays a major role in both maturation of rRNA and degradation of a variety of discarded pre-rRNA species. Precursors of 5.8S and 28S rRNAs containing 5′ extensions accumulate in mouse cells after siRNA-mediated knockdown of Xrn2, indicating similarity in the 5′-end maturation mechanisms between mammals and yeast. Strikingly, degradation of many aberrant pre-rRNA species, attributed mainly to 3′ exonucleases in yeast studies, occurs 5′ to 3′ in mammalian cells and is mediated by Xrn2. Furthermore, depletion of Xrn2 reveals pre-rRNAs derived by cleavage events that deviate from the main processing pathway. We propose that probing of pre-rRNA maturation intermediates by exonucleases serves the dual function of generating mature rRNAs and suppressing suboptimal processing paths during ribosome assembly

    The estrogen and c-Myc target gene HSPC111 is over-expressed in breast cancer and associated with poor patient outcome

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    Introduction: Estrogens play a pivotal role in the initiation and progression of breast cancer. The genes that mediate these processes are not fully defined, but potentially include the known mammary oncogene MYC. Characterization of estrogen-target genes may help to elucidate further the mechanisms of estrogen-induced mitogenesis and endocrine resistance.Methods: We used a transcript profiling approach to identify targets of estrogen and c-Myc in breast cancer cells. One previously uncharacterized gene, namely HBV pre-S2 trans-regulated protein 3 (HSPC111), was acutely upregulated after estrogen treatment or inducible expression of c-Myc, and was selected for further functional analysis using over-expression and knock-down strategies. HSPC111 expression was also analyzed in relation to MYC expression and outcome in primary breast carcinomas and published gene expression datasets.Results: Pretreatment of cells with c-Myc small interfering RNA abrogated estrogen induction of HSPC111, identifying HSPC111 as a potential c-Myc target gene. This was confirmed by the demonstration of two functional E-box motifs upstream of the transcription start site. HSPC111 mRNA and protein were over-expressed in breast cancer cell lines and primary breast carcinomas, and this was positively correlated with MYC mRNA levels. HSPC111 is present in a large, RNA-dependent nucleolar complex, suggesting a possible role in ribosomal biosynthesis. Neither over-expression or small interfering RNA knock-down of HSPC111 affected cell proliferation rates or sensitivity to estrogen/antiestrogen treatment. However, high expression of HSPC111 mRNA was associated with adverse patient outcome in published gene expression datasets.Conclusion: These data identify HSPC111 as an estrogen and c-Myc target gene that is over-expressed in breast cancer and is associated with an adverse patient outcome

    Loss of Ribosomal Protein L11 Affects Zebrafish Embryonic Development through a p53-Dependent Apoptotic Response

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    Ribosome is responsible for protein synthesis in all organisms and ribosomal proteins (RPs) play important roles in the formation of a functional ribosome. L11 was recently shown to regulate p53 activity through a direct binding with MDM2 and abrogating the MDM2-induced p53 degradation in response to ribosomal stress. However, the studies were performed in cell lines and the significance of this tumor suppressor function of L11 has yet to be explored in animal models. To investigate the effects of the deletion of L11 and its physiological relevance to p53 activity, we knocked down the rpl11 gene in zebrafish and analyzed the p53 response. Contrary to the cell line-based results, our data indicate that an L11 deficiency in a model organism activates the p53 pathway. The L11-deficient embryos (morphants) displayed developmental abnormalities primarily in the brain, leading to embryonic lethality within 6–7 days post fertilization. Extensive apoptosis was observed in the head region of the morphants, thus correlating the morphological defects with apparent cell death. A decrease in total abundance of genes involved in neural patterning of the brain was observed in the morphants, suggesting a reduction in neural progenitor cells. Upregulation of the genes involved in the p53 pathway were observed in the morphants. Simultaneous knockdown of the p53 gene rescued the developmental defects and apoptosis in the morphants. These results suggest that ribosomal dysfunction due to the loss of L11 activates a p53-dependent checkpoint response to prevent improper embryonic development

    PAK1IP1, a ribosomal stress-induced nucleolar protein, regulates cell proliferation via the p53–MDM2 loop

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    Cell growth and proliferation are tightly controlled via the regulation of the p53–MDM2 feedback loop in response to various cellular stresses. In this study, we identified a nucleolar protein called PAK1IP1 as another regulator of this loop. PAK1IP1 was induced when cells were treated with chemicals that disturb ribosome biogenesis. Overexpression of PAK1IP1 inhibited cell proliferation by inducing p53-dependent G1 cell-cycle arrest. PAK1IP1 bound to MDM2 and inhibited its ability to ubiquitinate and to degrade p53, consequently leading to the accumulation of p53 levels. Interestingly, knockdown of PAK1IP1 in cells also inhibited cell proliferation and induced p53-dependent G1 arrest. Deficiency of PAK1IP1 increased free ribosomal protein L5 and L11 which were required for PAK1IP1 depletion-induced p53 activation. Taken together, our results reveal that PAK1IP1 is a new nucleolar protein that is crucial for rRNA processing and plays a regulatory role in cell proliferation via the p53–MDM2 loop

    Distinct Pigmentary and Melanocortin 1 Receptor–Dependent Components of Cutaneous Defense against Ultraviolet Radiation

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    Genetic variation at the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) is an important risk factor for developing ultraviolet (UV) radiation–induced skin cancer, the most common form of cancer in humans. The underlying mechanisms by which the MC1R defends against UV-induced skin cancer are not known. We used neonatal mouse skin (which, like human skin, contains a mixture of melanocytes and keratinocytes) to study how pigment cells and Mc1r genotype affect the genome-level response to UV radiation. Animals without viable melanocytes (Kit(W-v)/Kit(W-v)) or animals lacking a functional Mc1r (Mc1r(e)/Mc1r(e)) were exposed to sunburn-level doses of UVB radiation, and the patterns of large-scale gene expression in the basal epidermis were compared to each other and to nonmutant animals. Our analysis revealed discrete Kit- and Mc1r-dependent UVB transcriptional responses in the basal epidermis. The Kit-dependent UVB response was characterized largely by an enrichment of oxidative and endoplasmic reticulum stress genes, highlighting a distinctive role for pigmented melanocytes in mediating antioxidant defenses against genotoxic stresses within the basal epidermal environment. By contrast, the Mc1r-dependent UVB response contained an abundance of genes associated with regulating the cell cycle and oncogenesis. To test the clinical relevance of these observations, we analyzed publicly available data sets for primary melanoma and melanoma metastases and found that the set of genes specific for the Mc1r-dependent UVB response was able to differentiate between different clinical subtypes. Our analysis also revealed that the classes of genes induced by UVB differ from those repressed by UVB with regard to their biological functions, their overall number, and their size. The findings described here offer new insights into the transcriptional nature of the UV response in the skin and provide a molecular framework for the underlying mechanisms by which melanocytes and the Mc1r independently mediate and afford protection against UV radiation