8,804 research outputs found

    Properties of the giant HII regions and bar in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC5430

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    In order to better understand the impact of the bar on the evolution of spiral galaxies, we measure the properties of giant HII regions and the bar in the SB(s)b galaxy NGC5430. We use two complementary data sets, both obtained at the Observatoire du Mont-M\'egantic: a hyperspectral data cube from the imaging Fourier transform spectrograph SpIOMM, and high-resolution spectra across the bar from a long-slit spectrograph. We flux-calibrate SpIOMM spectra for the first time, and produce H{\alpha} and [NII]{\lambda}6584\r{A} intensity maps from which we identify 51 giant HII regions in the spiral arms and bar. We evaluate the type of activity, the oxygen abundance and the age of the young populations contained in these giant HII regions and in the bar. Thus, we confirm that NGC5430 does not harbour a strong AGN, and that its Wolf-Rayet knot shows a pure HII region nature. We find no variation in abundance or age between the bar and spiral arms, nor as a function of galactocentric radius. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that a chemical mixing mechanism is at work in the galaxy's disc to flatten the oxygen abundance gradient. Using the starburst99 model, we estimate the ages of the young populations, and again find no variations in age between the bar and the arms or as a function of radius. Instead, we find evidence for two galaxy-wide waves of star formation, about 7.1 Myr and 10.5 Myr ago. While the bar in NGC5430 is an obvious candidate to trigger these two episodes, it is not clear how the bar could induce widespread star formation on such a short time-scale.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    An Automated Method for the Detection and Extraction of HI Self-Absorption in High-Resolution 21cm Line Surveys

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    We describe algorithms that detect 21cm line HI self-absorption (HISA) in large data sets and extract it for analysis. Our search method identifies HISA as spatially and spectrally confined dark HI features that appear as negative residuals after removing larger-scale emission components with a modified CLEAN algorithm. Adjacent HISA volume-pixels (voxels) are grouped into features in (l,b,v) space, and the HI brightness of voxels outside the 3-D feature boundaries is smoothly interpolated to estimate the absorption amplitude and the unabsorbed HI emission brightness. The reliability and completeness of our HISA detection scheme have been tested extensively with model data. We detect most features over a wide range of sizes, linewidths, amplitudes, and background levels, with poor detection only where the absorption brightness temperature amplitude is weak, the absorption scale approaches that of the correlated noise, or the background level is too faint for HISA to be distinguished reliably from emission gaps. False detection rates are very low in all parts of the parameter space except at sizes and amplitudes approaching those of noise fluctuations. Absorption measurement biases introduced by the method are generally small and appear to arise from cases of incomplete HISA detection. This paper is the third in a series examining HISA at high angular resolution. A companion paper (Paper II) uses our HISA search and extraction method to investigate the cold atomic gas distribution in the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey.Comment: 39 pages, including 14 figure pages; to appear in June 10 ApJ, volume 626; figure quality significantly reduced for astro-ph; for full resolution, please see http://www.ras.ucalgary.ca/~gibson/hisa/cgps1_survey

    A VLT VIMOS integral field spectroscopic study of perturbed blue compact galaxies: UM 420 and UM 462

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    We report on optical integral field spectroscopy of two unrelated blue compact galaxies mapped with the 13 x 13 arcsec^2 VIMOS integral field unit at a resolution of 0.33 x 0.33 arcsec^2. Continuum and background subtracted emission line maps in the light of [O III] 5007, H-alpha, and [N II] 6584 are presented. Both galaxies display signs of ongoing perturbation and/or interaction. UM 420 is resolved for the first time to be a merging system composed of two starbursting components with an 'arm-like' structure associated with the largest component. UM 462 which is a disrupted system of irregular morphology is resolved into at least four starbursting regions. Maps of the H-alpha radial velocity and FWHM are discussed. No underlying broad line region was detected from either galaxy as the emission lines are well-fitted with single Gaussian profiles only. Electron temperatures and densities as well as the abundances of helium, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur were computed from spectra integrated over the whole galaxies and for each area of recent star formation. Maps of the O/H ratio are presented: these galaxies show oxygen abundances that are ~20 per cent solar. No evidence of substantial abundance variations across the galaxies that would point to significant nitrogen or oxygen self-enrichment is found (<0.2 dex limit). Contrary to previous observations, this analysis does not support the classification of these BCGs as Wolf-Rayet galaxies as the characteristic broad emission line features have not been detected in our spectra. Baldwin-Phillips-Terlevich emission line ratio diagrams which were constructed on a pixel by pixel basis indicate that the optical spectra of these systems are predominantly excited by stellar photoionization.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figure

    The Distribution and Condition of the Warm Molecular Gas in Abell 2597 and Sersic 159-03

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    We have used the SINFONI integral field spectrograph to map the near-infrared K-band emission lines of molecular and ionised hydrogen in the central regions of two cool core galaxy clusters, Abell 2597 and Sersic 159-03. Gas is detected out to 20 kpc from the nuclei of the brightest cluster galaxies and found to be distributed in clumps and filaments around it. The ionised and molecular gas phases trace each other closely in extent and dynamical state. Both gas phases show signs of interaction with the active nucleus. Within the nuclear regions the kinetic luminosity of this gas is found to be somewhat smaller than the current radio luminosity. Outside the nuclear region the gas has a low velocity dispersion and shows smooth velocity gradients. There is no strong correlation between the intensity of the molecular and ionised gas emission and either the radio or X-ray emission. The molecular gas in Abell 2597 and Sersic 159-03 is well described by a gas in local thermal equilibrium (LTE) with a single excitation temperature T_exc ~ 2300 K. The emission line ratios do not vary strongly as function of position, with the exception of the nuclear regions where the ionised to molecular gas ratio is found decrease. These constant line ratios imply a single source of heating and excitation for both gas phases.Comment: 44 pages, 32 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The dark matter halo shape of edge-on disk galaxies - I. HI observations

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    This is the first paper of a series in which we will attempt to put constraints on the flattening of dark halos in disk galaxies. We observe for this purpose the HI in edge-on galaxies, where it is in principle possible to measure the force field in the halo vertically and radially from gas layer flaring and rotation curve decomposition respectively. In this paper, we define a sample of 8 HI-rich late-type galaxies suitable for this purpose and present the HI observations.Comment: Accepted for publication by Astronomy & Astrophysics. For a higher resolution version see http://www.astro.rug.nl/~vdkruit/jea3/homepage/12565.pd

    Usefulness of VRML building models in a direction finding context

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    This paper describes an experiment which aims to examine the effectiveness and efficiency of a Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) building model compared with equivalent architectural plans, for direction finding purposes. The effectiveness and efficiency issues being primarily investigated were number of tasks completed overall and task completion times. The experiment involved a series of tasks where participants had to find a number of locations/objects in a building unknown to them at the outset of the experiment. Statistically significant results are presented for the benefit of the research community, law enforcement officers and fire fighters where it is clear that in this context, the VRML model led to better task completions than the equivalent architectural plans. Regarding the task completion times, no statistical significance was found. Given the current climate of security issues and terrorist threats, it is important that law enforcement officers have at their disposal the best information possible regarding the layout of a building, whilst keeping costs down. This also applies to fire fighters when rescuing victims. This experiment has shown that a VRML model leads to better task completions in direction finding

    Discovery of hydroxyl and water masers in R Aquarii and H1-36 Arae

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    We present the first results from an all-sky maser-line survey of symbiotic Miras. Interferometric spectral-line observations of R Aqr and H1-36 Arae have revealed a 22-GHz water maser in the former and 1612-MHz hydroxyl and weak 22-GHz water maser emission from the latter. H1-36 has thus become the first known symbiotic OH/IR star. We have also detected weak OH line emission from the vicinity of R Aqr, but we note that there are small discrepencies between the OH- and H2O-line velocities and positions. These detections demonstrate unequivocally that dust can shield some circumstellar hydroxyl and water molecules from dissociation, even in systems which possess intense local sources of UV. Finally, we discuss some of the implications of these observations. The narrow profile of the water maser in R Aqr means that there may finally be an opportunity to determine the system's orbital parameters. We also point out that high resolution synthesis observations may trace the distribution of dust in H1-36 and R Aqr, possibly throwing light on the mass-loss process in symbiotic Miras and placing constraints on the amount of collimation experienced by UV radiation from their hot, compact companions.Comment: 7 pages; no figures attached; LaTex (MN style); postscript figures via anonymous ftp in /users/ers on astro.caltech.edu; University of Toronto pre-print; ERSRJI

    Structure and Feedback in 30 Doradus I: Observations

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    We have completed a a new optical imaging and spectrophotometric survey of a 140 x 80 pc2^2 region of 30 Doradus centered on R136, covering key optical diagnostic emission lines including \Ha, \Hb, \Hg, [O III] λλ\lambda\lambda4363, 4959, 5007, [N II] λλ\lambda\lambda6548, 6584, [S II] λλ\lambda\lambda6717, 6731 [S III] λ\lambda 6312 and in some locations [S III] λ\lambda9069. We present maps of fluxes and intensity ratios for these lines, and catalogs of isolated ionizing stars, elephant-trunk pillars, and edge-on ionization fronts. The final science-quality spectroscopic data products are available to the public. Our analysis of the new data finds that, while stellar winds and supernovae undoubtedly produce shocks and are responsible for shaping the nebula, there are no global spectral signatures to indicate that shocks are currently an important source of ionization. We conclude that the considerable region covered by our survey is well described by photoionization from the central cluster where the ionizing continuum is dominated by the most massive O stars. We show that if 30 Dor were viewed at a cosmological distance, its integrated light would be dominated by its extensive regions of lower surface-brightness rather than by the bright, eye-catching arcs.Comment: 42 pages, 16 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ

    A MUSE map of the central Orion Nebula (M 42)

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    We present a new integral-field spectroscopic dataset of the central part of the Orion Nebula (M 42), observed with the MUSE instrument at the ESO VLT. We reduced the data with the public MUSE pipeline. The output products are two FITS cubes with a spatial size of ~5.9'x4.9' (corresponding to ~0.76 pc x 0.63 pc) and a contiguous wavelength coverage of 4595...9366 Angstrom, spatially sampled at 0.2". We provide two versions with a sampling of 1.25 Angstrom and 0.85 Angstrom in dispersion direction. Together with variance cubes these files have a size of 75 and 110 GiB on disk. They represent one of the largest integral field mosaics to date in terms of information content. We make them available for use in the community. To validate this dataset, we compare world coordinates, reconstructed magnitudes, velocities, and absolute and relative emission line fluxes to the literature and find excellent agreement. We derive a two-dimensional map of extinction and present de-reddened flux maps of several individual emission lines and of diagnostic line ratios. We estimate physical properties of the Orion Nebula, using the emission line ratios [N II] and [S III] (for the electron temperature TeT_e) and [S II] and [Cl III] (for the electron density NeN_e), and show two-dimensional images of the velocity measured from several bright emission lines.Comment: Resubmitted to A&A after incorporating referee comments; access to full dataset via http://muse-vlt.eu/science/data-release