10,909 research outputs found

    Augmented Reality in Information Systems Research: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the most prominent emerging technologies recently. This increase in recognition has happened predominantly because of the success of the smartphone game Pokémon Go . But research on AR is not a new strand of literature. Especially computer scientists investigate different technological solutions and areas of application for almost 30 years. This systematic literature review aims at analyzing, synthesizing and categorizing this strand of research in the information systems (IS) domain. We follow an established methodology for conducting the literature review ensuring rigor and replicability. We apply a keyword and backward search resulting in 28 and 118 articles, respectively. Results are categorized with regard to the focus of the research and the domain of the application being investigated. We show that research on user behavior is underrepresented in the current IS literature on AR compared to technical research, especially in the domains gaming and smartphone browsers

    Emergency Services Workforce 2030: Changing landscape literature review

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    The Changing Landscape Literature Review collates a high-level evidence base around seven major themes in the changing landscape (i.e., the external environment) that fire, emergency service, and rural land management agencies operate in, and which will shape workforce planning and capability requirements over the next decade. It is an output of the Workforce 2030 project and is one of two literature reviews that summarise the research base underpinning a high-level integrative report of emerging workforce challenges and opportunities, Emergency Services Workforce 2030. Workforce 2030 aimed to highlight major trends and developments likely to impact the future workforces of emergency service organisations, and their potential implications. The starting point for the project was a question: What can research from outside the sphere of emergency management add to our knowledge of wider trends and developments likely to shape the future emergency services workforce, and their implications? The seven themes included in the Changing Landscape Literature Review are: 1) demographic changes, 2) changing nature of work, 3) changes in volunteering, 4) physical technology, 5) digital technology, 6) shifting expectations, and changing risk. A second, accompanying literature review, the Changing Work Literature Review, focuses on another nine themes related to emergency service organisation’s internal workforce management approaches and working environments

    A Review of the Open Educational Resources (OER) Movement: Achievements, Challenges, and New Opportunities

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    Examines the state of the foundation's efforts to improve educational opportunities worldwide through universal access to and use of high-quality academic content

    LandMarkAR: An application to study virtual route instructions and the design of 3D landmarks for indoor pedestrian navigation with a mixed reality head-mounted display

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    Mixed Reality (MR) interfaces on head-mounted displays (HMDs) have the potential to replace screen-based interfaces as the primary interface to the digital world. They potentially offer a more immersive and less distracting experience compared to mobile phones, allowing users to stay focused on their environment and main goals while accessing digital information. Due to their ability to gracefully embed virtual information in the environment, MR HMDs could potentially alleviate some of the issues plaguing users of mobile pedestrian navigation systems, such as distraction, diminished route recall, and reduced spatial knowledge acquisition. However, the complexity of MR technology presents significant challenges, particularly for researchers with limited programming knowledge. This thesis presents “LandMarkAR” to address those challenges. “LandMarkAR” is a HoloLens application that allows researchers to create augmented territories to study human navigation with MR interfaces, even if they have little programming knowledge. “LandMarkAR” was designed using different methods from human-centered design (HCD), such as design thinking and think-aloud testing, and was developed with Unity and the Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK). With “LandMarkAR”, researchers can place and manipulate 3D objects as holograms in real-time, facilitating indoor navigation experiments using 3D objects that serve as turn-by-turn instructions, highlights of physical landmarks, or other information researchers may come up with. Researchers with varying technical expertise will be able to use “LandMarkAR” for MR navigation studies. They can opt to utilize the easy-to-use User Interface (UI) on the HoloLens or add custom functionality to the application directly in Unity. “LandMarkAR” empowers researchers to explore the full potential of MR interfaces in human navigation and create meaningful insights for their studies

    Indian Seafood industry and post WTO – A Policy Outlook

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    India plays a major role in the global seafood export among the Asian countries. The marine products exports from India reached 8 lakh tonnes worth 2.8 billion US $ in 2010-11 and registered an impressive double digit growth rate since 2007-08. India exports frozen shrimp, squids and finfish in dried, live and chilled forms to different destinations. With the current demand pattern of major seafood markets and with modern machinery for freezing and processing, several exporting firms have started development and exports of processed value added products. Among the different items exported, frozen shrimp and frozen fin fish accounted for about 75 per cent of the total volume of sea food exports from India. Even though frozen shrimp contributed only 19.24 per cent of the total volume of seafood exports, its share in the total value was 41.62 per cent in 2010-11. Frozen fish occupies prime position in terms of quantity, however its share in the total value is only 20.38 per cent showing low unit value realization ( Rs. 84.16 per kg) (MPEDA, 2011). The seafood export trade performed well in the past decades amidst stringent trade liberalization measures and economic recession which affected many Indian buyer countries. In India storage, processing and transport, grading and quality control facilities are mostly oriented towards the export market even though more than 80 per cent of the fish production is channeled in the domestic markets. Seafood trade influences the domestic markets significantly by way of affecting the supply -demand situation of many high valued fishes, competition for small scale traders and rise in prices in the domestic market


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    Despite the fact that over the last two decades there has been a considerable increase in the adoption of digital applications in archaeological excavations, the application of digital educational tools in the excavation training of Archaeology, students has not made commensurate progress. As a consequence, it is still difficult to integrate in Archaeology curricula the physical space of an archaeological excavation with that of the university classroom. The impact of the limited use of digital educational tools became even more apparent during the recent COVID-19 pandemic, which created serious problems in conducting face-to-face excavation training in both the classroom and the excavation site. Within this context, the integration of these two physical spaces through the digital “space” of online training is the main objective of project DELTA (Digital Excavation through Learning and Training in Archaeology), a transnational project funded in the context of Erasmus+/KA2 EU programme. Through the DELTA project, students of Archaeology will be able to improve their subject knowledge and develop digital and 21st century skills. This paper presents the results of the first phase of the DELTA project, during which we conducted extensive desk and field research aiming at recording the existing situation in the three countries regarding: (1) the use of digital applications in archaeological excavations, (2) current courses on excavation practices, methods and techniques and (3) the use of digital educational tools in such courses. By analysing the results from Internet search and a survey using online questionnaires, we present (a) the most recent trends in the university curricula of Archaeology, (b) the current level of digital skills and expertise of students and professionals and (c) the needs and expectations of students and professors regarding the use of digital applications in excavation and Archaeology education. The results of this research were particularly revealing, especially when comparing the situation between the three countries, but also when contrasting the existing digital skills and the aspirations of the various categories of responders (e.g. educational level, current position etc.). This research provided us with the necessary evidence for the design and development of a blended training course that combines the use of an online platform with face to face and on-site learning in a joint excavation; the ADDIE model was adapted in the course design. In addition, the online piloting of the course allowed participating Universities to discuss the level of integration of digital applications in Archaeology education and make suggestions for future actions, particularly within the context of the recent pandemic and the problems it created in students’ excavation training.Nonostante il fatto che negli ultimi due decenni ci sia stato un notevole aumento nell'adozione di applicazioni digitali negli scavi archeologici, l'applicazione di strumenti didattici digitali nella formazione degli studenti di Archeologia non ha fatto progressi commisurati. Di conseguenza, è ancora difficile integrare nei curricula di Archeologia lo spazio fisico di uno scavo archeologico con quello dell'aula universitaria. L'impatto dell'uso limitato degli strumenti didattici digitali è diventato ancora più evidente durante la recente pandemia COVID-19, che ha creato seri problemi nel condurre la formazione di scavo faccia a faccia sia in aula che sul sito di scavo. In questo contesto, l'integrazione di questi due spazi fisici attraverso lo "spazio" digitale della formazione online è l'obiettivo principale del progetto DELTA (Digital Excavation through Learning and Training in Archaeology), un progetto transnazionale finanziato nel contesto del programma europeo Erasmus+/KA2. Attraverso il progetto DELTA, gli studenti di Archeologia saranno in grado di migliorare la loro conoscenza della materia e sviluppare competenze digitali e del 21° secolo. Questo documento presenta i risultati della prima fase del progetto DELTA, durante la quale abbiamo condotto un'ampia ricerca a tavolino e sul campo con l'obiettivo di registrare la situazione esistente nei tre paesi per quanto riguarda: (1) l'uso di applicazioni digitali negli scavi archeologici, (2) i corsi attuali su pratiche, metodi e tecniche di scavo e (3) l'uso di strumenti didattici digitali in tali corsi. Analizzando i risultati di una ricerca su Internet e di un'indagine tramite questionari online, presentiamo (a) le tendenze più recenti nei curricula universitari di Archeologia, (b) l'attuale livello di abilità e competenze digitali di studenti e professionisti e (c) le esigenze e le aspettative di studenti e professori riguardo all'uso di applicazioni digitali nello scavo e nella formazione in Archeologia. I risultati di questa ricerca sono stati particolarmente rivelatori, soprattutto quando si confronta la situazione tra i tre paesi, ma anche quando si contrappongono le competenze digitali esistenti e le aspirazioni delle varie categorie di intervistati (ad esempio il livello di istruzione, la posizione attuale ecc.) Questa ricerca ci ha fornito le prove necessarie per la progettazione e lo sviluppo di un corso di formazione misto che combina l'uso di una piattaforma online con l'apprendimento faccia a faccia e sul posto in uno scavo congiunto; il modello ADDIE è stato adattato nella progettazione del corso. Inoltre, il pilotaggio online del corso ha permesso alle Università partecipanti di discutere il livello di integrazione delle applicazioni digitali nella formazione in Archeologia e di dare suggerimenti per azioni future, in particolare nel contesto della recente pandemia e dei problemi che ha creato nella formazione degli studenti allo scavo

    Federal Regulation of Emerging Technologies and Its Implications for Transhumanist Applications of NBIC Technologies

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    This paper attempts to chart potential courses for federal regulation of emerging technologies in the United States, and its near-future implications for the development and proliferation of NBIC technologies in a transhumanist context. Drawing on significant regulatory actions by the FDA and FCC throughout the twentieth century, relevant historical regulatory trends are identified and extrapolated broadly across the next two to three decades. The importance of the NBIC paradigm is discussed in detail, alongside several examples of both current and potential NBIC technologies with transhumanist applications. It ultimately concludes that, in spite of recent congressional dysfunctions and lack of political will, the groundwork that has already been laid by major federal regulatory agencies well in advance of the wide commercialization of NBIC products is a promising sign for the eventual establishment of responsible and flexible regulatory schema for NBIC technologies

    Customising virtual globe tours to enhance community awareness of local landscape benefits

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    Our wellbeing depends upon the services provided by ecosystems and their components. Despite recent advances in academic understanding of ecosystem services, and consideration in UK national environmental policy, a greater awareness is needed at community and individual levels. Dynamic features of virtual globe applications have considerable potential for helping convey the multi-dimensional context of ecosystem services and promoting general awareness. In a case study targeting residents in a small urban fringe river catchment in Norfolk, UK, representatives from local authorities and responsible agencies collaborated with scientists to produce extensive customisation of virtual globes in this context. By implementing a virtual flight over the catchment, different views and scales are traversed to set the context for landscape features and ecosystem services. Characteristic sites, e.g. supplying cultural services, are displayed and relationships with the natural environment are explained using linked on-screen text. Implementation is cost-effective and described for practitioners in ecosystem and landscape management, who may be inexperienced in landscape visualisation. Supplied as three pre-packaged virtual tours, products are made available for download and are publicised at a variety of engagement events, including teaching events with schoolchildren. The tours have attracted public interest and generated positive feedback about improving knowledge of local natural assets. Schoolchildren show confidence with the interface, but supplementary problem-based activities can improve learning opportunities. The capacity of virtual globes to support more participatory involvement of the public in local ecosystem management may increase in the future, but such visualisations can already help promote community awareness of local landscape benefits

    Emerging technologies for learning report (volume 3)

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    Digital tools in participatory planning

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