4,063 research outputs found

    Trusted operational scenarios - Trust building mechanisms and strategies for electronic marketplaces.

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    This document presents and describes the trusted operational scenarios, resulting from the research and work carried out in Seamless project. The report presents identified collaboration habits of small and medium enterprises with low e-skills, trust building mechanisms and issues as main enablers of online business relationships on the electronic marketplace, a questionnaire analysis of the level of trust acceptance and necessity of trust building mechanisms, a proposal for the development of different strategies for the different types of trust mechanisms and recommended actions for the SEAMLESS project or other B2B marketplaces.trust building mechanisms, trust, B2B networks, e-marketplaces

    Service-Oriented Multigranular Optical Network Architecture for Clouds

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    This paper presents a novel service-oriented network architecture to bridge the informational gap between user applications and optical networks providing technology-agnostic multigranular optical network services for clouds. A mediation layer (service plane) between user applications and network control is proposed to facilitate a mapping process between user application requests and the network services. At the network level, a multigranular optical network (MGON) is proposed and implemented to support dynamic wavelength and subwavelength granularities with different transport formats [optical burst switched (OBS), optical burst transport (OBT)], reservation protocols (one-way, two-way), and different quality-of-service (QoS) levels per service type. The service-oriented multigranular optical network has been designed, implemented, and demonstrated on an experimental testbed. The testbed consists of service and network resource provisioning, service abstraction, and network resource virtualization. The service-to-network interoperation is provided by means of a gateway that maps service requests to technology-specific parameters and a common signaling channel for both service and network resource provisioning

    Introduction : bringing a new vision to online dispute resolution

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    This article offers a brief overview of the state-of-the-art ODR domain by presenting the contributions to the field made by the participants in this volume. It also examines some of the challenges that ODR face at present with regard to interoperability and the new evolutions of the Web 2.0. Finally, it also considers the need for a new vision of ODR that, while keeping pace with the technological developments of the Web, situates the users the center of the paradigm

    Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet—The state of eTourism research

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    This paper reviews the published articles on eTourism in the past 20 years. Using a wide variety of sources, mainly in the tourism literature, this paper comprehensively reviews and analyzes prior studies in the context of Internet applications to Tourism. The paper also projects future developments in eTourism and demonstrates critical changes that will influence the tourism industry structure. A major contribution of this paper is its overview of the research and development efforts that have been endeavoured in the field, and the challenges that tourism researchers are, and will be, facing

    A Survey of IP Address for Next Generation Internet Services

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    This paper surveys the problem of the astronomical growing demand of Internet Systems participating in the public network which has led to the depletion of allocated Internet Protocol version 4.0 (IPV4) addresses. Already, four out of the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) namely: ARNIC, RIPE, LACNIC and ARPIN have exhausted their allocated IPV4 addresses while the fifth AFRICNIC (Africa’s RIR) is reportedly depleted. We also examine the limitations of IPV4, the features of IPV6 and different modes of operating IPV6 standard. Findings shows that the current population of the world is over 6billion people with a projection of 9billion people by the year 2050 and IPV6 can conveniently accommodate 2128 devices. This paper also proposes the migration from the present Internet Protocol version 4.0(IPV4) to a new Internet Protocol version 6.0(IPV6) addresses. This research work has shown that deploying the IPV6 could only be the possible solution to sustaining Internet Services globally. Keywords: Internet Systems, Internet Protocol Address, IP address depletion, Migration

    Discovery and Push Notification Mechanisms for Mobile Cloud Services

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    Viimase viie aasta jooksul on mobiilsed seadmed nagu sĂŒlearvutid, pihuarvutid, nutitelefonid jmt. tunginud peaaegu kĂ”igisse inimeste igapĂ€evaelu tegevustesse. Samuti on pĂ”hjalik teadus- ja arendustegevus mobiilsete tehnoloogiate vallas viinud mĂ€rkimisvÀÀrsete tĂ€iustusteni riistvara, tarkvara ja andmeedastuse alal. TĂ€napĂ€eval on mobiilsed seadmed varustatud sisseehitatud sensorite, kaamera, puutetundliku ekraani, suurema hulga mĂ€luga, kuid ka tĂ”husamate energiatarbemehhanismidega. Lisaks on iOS ja Android operatsioonisĂŒsteemide vĂ€ljalaske tĂ”ttu suurenenud nii mobiilirakenduste arv kui keerukus, pakkudes arvukamalt kĂ”rgetasemelisi rakendusi. Sarnaselt on toimunud olulised arengud ja standardiseerimisele suunatud jĂ”upingutused veebiteenusete valdkonnas ja elementaarsetele veebiteenuste ligipÀÀsu kasutatakse laialdaselt nutitelefonidest. See on viinud loogilise jĂ€rgmise sammuna veebiteenuste pakkumiseni nutitelefonidest. Telefonidest veebiteenuste pakkumise kontseptsioon ei ole uus ning seda on pĂ”hjalikult uurinud Srirama, kes pakkus vĂ€lja Mobile Host (Mobiilne Veebiteenuse Pakkuja) kontseptsiooni. Algne realisatsioon kasutas aga aegunud tehnoloogiaid nagu JMEE, PersonalJava, SOAP arhitektuur jne. See töö uuendab Mobile Host'i kasutades uusimaid tehnoloogiad, nagu Android OS ja REST arhitektuur, ning pakub vĂ€lja teenusemootori, mis pĂ”hineb Apache Felix'il - OSGi platvormi realisatsioonil piiratud ressurssidega seadmetele. HĂ€mmastava kiirusega toimunud arengud mobiilsete arvutuste vallas vĂ”imaldavad uue pĂ”lvkonna veebirakenduste loomist valdkondades nagu keskkonnateadlikkus, sotsiaalvĂ”rgustikud, koostöövahendid, asukohapĂ”hised teenused jne. Sellised rakendused saavad Ă€ra kasutada Mobile Host'i vĂ”imalusi. Selle tulemusena on klientidel ligipÀÀs vĂ€ga suurele hulgale teenustele, mistĂ”ttu tekib vajadus efektiivse teenuste avastamise mehhanismi jĂ€rele. See töö pakub vĂ€lja kataloogipĂ”hise avastusmehhanismi vĂ”rgu ĂŒlekatte toega suurtele, kĂ”rge liikuvusega vĂ”rgustikele. See mehhanism toetub OWL-S'le, mis on ontoloogia veebiteenuseid pakkuvate ressursside avastamiseks, vĂ€ljakutseks, koostamiseks ja jĂ€lgimiseks. Töö kirjeldab ka Srirama vĂ€lja pakutud algupĂ€rast teenuste avastamise mehhanismi, mis toetub peer-to-peer vĂ”rkudele ja Apache Lucene vĂ”tmesĂ”na otsingumootorile. Uurimuse kĂ€igus uuendatakse teenuseotsing kasutama Apache Solr'i, Apache Lucene'i viimast versiooni. Teenuste avastust testiti pĂ”hjalikult ja tulemused on töös kokkuvĂ”tvalt vĂ€lja toodud. Mobiilsete tehnoloogiate vallas uuritakse ka vĂ”imalust kasutada pilvetehnolologiat laiendamaks mobiilseadmete salvestusmahtu ja töökoormust edastades pilve andme- ja arvutusmahukad ĂŒlesanded. See soodustab keerulisemate ja vĂ”imalusrohkemate mobiilirakenduste arendust. Pilve delegeeritavate toimingute aeganĂ”udva iseloomu tĂ”ttu aga on vajalik asĂŒnkroonne mehhanism teavitamaks kasutajat, millal töömahukad tegevused on lĂ”petatud. Mobiilsete pilveteenuste pakkujad ja vahevara lahendused vĂ”ivad kasu saada Mobile Host'ist ja selle asĂŒnkroonsete teavituste vĂ”imekusest. Uurimus esitleb nelja teavitusmehhanismi: AC2DM, APNS, IBM MQTT ja Mobile Host'i pĂ”hine teavitus. Töö vĂ”tab kokku kvantitatiivse analĂŒĂŒsi tulemused ja toob vĂ€lja nelja teavitamise lĂ€henemise tugevused ja nĂ”rkused. Lisaks kirjeldatakse CroudSTag rakenduse realisatsiooni - CroudSTag on mobiilirakendus, mille eesmĂ€rgiks on sotsiaalsete gruppide moodustamine kasutades nĂ€otuvastustehnoloogiat. CroudSTag-i realisatsioon kasutab mobiilseid pilveteenuseid ja Mobile Host'i, et pakkuda oma funktsionaalsust kasutajale.In the last lustrum the mobile devices such as laptops, PDAs, smart phones, tablets, etc. have pervaded almost all the environments where people perform their day-to-day activities. Further, the extensive Research and Development in mobile technologies has led to significant improvements in hardware, software and transmission. Similarly, there are significant developments and standardization efforts in web services domain and basic web services have been widely accessed from smart phones. This has lead to the logical next step of providing web services from the smart phones. The concept of the web service provisioning from smart phones is not new and has been extensively explored by Srirama who proposed the concept of Mobile Host. However, the original implementation considered aged technologies such as JMEE, PersonalJava, SOAP architecture among others. This work updates the Mobile Host to the latest technologies like Android OS and REST architecture and proposes a service engine based on Apache Felix, and OSGI implementation for resource constraint devices. Moreover, the astonishing speed in developments in mobile computing enable the new generation of applications from domains such as context-awareness, social network, collaborative tools, location based services, etc., which benefit from the Mobile Host service provisioning capabilities. As a result the clients have access to a huge number of services available; therefore, an efficient and effective service discovery mechanism is required. The thesis proposes a directory-based with network overlay support discovery mechanism for large networks with high mobility. The proposed discovery mechanism relies in OWL-S, an ontology for service discovery, invocation, composition, and monitoring of web resources. The work also considers the original service discovery mechanism proposed by Srirama relying in peer-to-peer networks and Apache Lucene, a keyword search engine. The study updates the service search to Apache Solr, the latest development for Apache Lucene. The service discovery was extensively tested and the results are summarized in this work. Mobile technologies are looking into the clouds for extending their capabilities in storage and processing by offloading data and process intensive tasks. This fosters the development of more complex and rich mobile applications. However, due to the time-consuming nature of the tasks delegated to the clouds, an asynchronous mechanism is necessary for notifying the user when the intensive tasks are completed. Mobile cloud service providers and Middleware solutions might benefit from Mobile Host and its asynchronous notification capabilities. The study presents four push notification mechanisms being AC2DM, APNS, IBM MQTT and Mobile Host based push notification. The work summarizes the results of a quantitative analysis and highlights the strengths and weakness of the four notifications approaches. In addition, it explains CroudSTag realization, a mobile application that aims the social group formation by means of facial recognition that relies in mobile cloud services and Mobile Host to provide its functionality to the user

    Agency in the Internet of Things

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    This report summarises and extends the work done for the task force on IoT terminated in 2012. In response to DG CNECT request, the JRC studied this emergent technology following the methodologies pertaining to the Science and Technology Studies field. The aim of this document is therefore to present and to explore, on the basis of present day conceptions of relevant values, rights and norms, some of the “ethical issues” arising from the research, development and deployment of IoT, focusing on agency, autonomy and social justice. We start by exploring the types of imaginaries that seem to be entrenched and inspiring the developments of IoT and how they become portrayed in “normal” communication from corporations and promoters to the ordinary citizen (chapter 2). We report the empirical work we have conducted, namely the JRC contribution to the limited public debate initiated by the European Commission via the Your Voice portal during the Spring of 2012 (chapter 3) and an empirical exercise involving participants of two IoT conferences (chapter 4). This latter exercise sought to illustrate how our notions of goodness, trust, relationships, agency and autonomy are negotiated through the appropriation of unnoticed ordinary objects; this contributes to the discussion about ethical issues at stake with the emerging IoT vision beyond the right to privacy, data protection and security. Furthermore, based on literature review the report reflects on two of the main ethical issues that arise with the IoT vision: agency (and autonomy) and social justice (chapter 5), examining eventually governance alternatives of the challenged ethical issues (chapter 6).JRC.G.7-Digital Citizen Securit

    Architectural support for ubiquitous access to multimedia content

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (TelecomunicaçÔes). Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200
