3,534 research outputs found

    Recommender Systems

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    The ongoing rapid expansion of the Internet greatly increases the necessity of effective recommender systems for filtering the abundant information. Extensive research for recommender systems is conducted by a broad range of communities including social and computer scientists, physicists, and interdisciplinary researchers. Despite substantial theoretical and practical achievements, unification and comparison of different approaches are lacking, which impedes further advances. In this article, we review recent developments in recommender systems and discuss the major challenges. We compare and evaluate available algorithms and examine their roles in the future developments. In addition to algorithms, physical aspects are described to illustrate macroscopic behavior of recommender systems. Potential impacts and future directions are discussed. We emphasize that recommendation has a great scientific depth and combines diverse research fields which makes it of interests for physicists as well as interdisciplinary researchers.Comment: 97 pages, 20 figures (To appear in Physics Reports

    Improving Ant Collaborative Filtering on Sparsity via Dimension Reduction

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    Recommender systems should be able to handle highly sparse training data that continues to change over time. Among the many solutions, Ant Colony Optimization, as a kind of optimization algorithm modeled on the actions of an ant colony, enjoys the favorable characteristic of being optimal, which has not been easily achieved by other kinds of algorithms. A recent work adopting genetic optimization proposes a collaborative filtering scheme: Ant Collaborative Filtering (ACF), which models the pheromone of ants for a recommender system in two ways: (1) use the pheromone exchange to model the ratings given by users with respect to items; (2) use the evaporation of existing pheromone to model the evolution of users’ preference change over time. This mechanism helps to identify the users and the items most related, even in the case of sparsity, and can capture the drift of user preferences over time. However, it reveals that many users share the same preference over items, which means it is not necessary to initialize each user with a unique type of pheromone, as was done with the ACF. Regarding the sparsity problem, this work takes one step further to improve the Ant Collaborative Filtering’s performance by adding a clustering step in the initialization phase to reduce the dimension of the rate matrix, which leads to the results that K<<#users, where K is the number of clusters, which stands for the maximum number of types of pheromone carried by all users. We call this revised version the Improved Ant Collaborative Filtering (IACF). Experiments are conducted on larger datasets, compared with the previous work, based on three typical recommender systems: (1) movie recommendations, (2) music recommendations, and (3) book recommendations. For movie recommendation, a larger dataset, MoviesLens 10M, was used, instead of MoviesLens 1M. For book recommendation and music recommendation, we used a new dataset that has a much larger size of samples from Douban and NetEase. The results illustrate that our IACF algorithm can better deal with practical recommendation scenarios that handle sparse dataset

    Exploiting distributional semantics for content-based and context-aware recommendation

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    During the last decade, the use of recommender systems has been increasingly growing to the point that, nowadays, the success of many well-known services depends on these technologies. Recommenders Systems help people to tackle the choice overload problem by effectively presenting new content adapted to the user¿s preferences. However, current recommendation algorithms commonly suffer from data sparsity, which refers to the incapability of producing acceptable recommendations until a minimum amount of users¿ ratings are available for training the prediction models. This thesis investigates how the distributional semantics of concepts describing the entities of the recommendation space can be exploited to mitigate the data-sparsity problem and improve the prediction accuracy with respect to state-of-the-art recommendation techniques. The fundamental idea behind distributional semantics is that concepts repeatedly co-occurring in the same context or usage tend to be related. In this thesis, we propose and evaluate two novel semantically-enhanced prediction models that address the sparsity-related limitations: (1) a content-based approach, which exploits the distributional semantics of item¿s attributes during item and user-profile matching, and (2) a context-aware recommendation approach that exploits the distributional semantics of contextual conditions during context modeling. We demonstrate in an exhaustive experimental evaluation that the proposed algorithms outperform state-of-the-art ones, especially when data are sparse. Finally, this thesis presents a recommendation framework, which extends the widespread machine learning library Apache Mahout, including all the proposed and evaluated recommendation algorithms as well as a tool for offline evaluation and meta-parameter optimization. The framework has been developed to allow other researchers to reproduce the described evaluation experiments and make new progress on the Recommender Systems field easierDurant l'última dècada, l'ús dels sistemes de recomanació s'ha vist incrementat fins al punt que, actualment, l'èxit de molts dels serveis web més coneguts depèn en aquesta tecnologia. Els Sistemes de Recomanació ajuden als usuaris a trobar els productes o serveis que més s¿adeqüen als seus interessos i preferències. Una gran limitació dels algoritmes de recomanació actuals és el problema de "data-sparsity", que es refereix a la incapacitat d'aquests sistemes de generar recomanacions precises fins que un cert nombre de votacions d'usuari és disponible per entrenar els models de predicció. Per mitigar aquest problema i millorar així la precisió de predicció de les tècniques de recomanació que conformen l'estat de l'art, en aquesta tesi hem investigat diferents maneres d'aprofitar la semàntica distribucional dels conceptes que descriuen les entitats que conformen l'espai del problema de la recomanació, principalment, els objectes a recomanar i la informació contextual. En la semàntica distribucional s'assumeix la següent hipotesi: conceptes que coincideixen repetidament en el mateix context o ús tendeixen a estar semànticament relacionats. Concretament, en aquesta tesi hem proposat i avaluat dos algoritmes de recomanació que fan ús de la semàntica distribucional per mitigar el problem de "data-sparsity": (1) un model basat en contingut que explota les similituds distribucionals dels atributs que representen els objectes a recomanar durant el càlcul de la correspondència entre els perfils d'usuari i dels objectes; (2) un model de recomanació contextual que fa ús de les similituds distribucionals entre condicions contextuals durant la representació del context. Mitjançant una avaluació experimental exhaustiva dels models de recomanació proposats hem demostrat la seva efectivitat en situacions de falta de dades, confirmant que poden millorar la precisió d'algoritmes que conformen l'estat de l'art. Finalment, aquesta tesi presenta una llibreria pel desenvolupament i avaluació d'algoritmes de recomanació com una extensió de la llibreria de "Machine Learning" Apache Mahout, àmpliament utilitzada en el camp del Machine Learning. La nostra extensió inclou tots els algoritmes de recomanació avaluats en aquesta tesi, així com una eina per facilitar l'avaluació experimental dels algoritmes. Hem desenvolupat aquesta llibreria per facilitar a altres investigadors la reproducció dels experiments realitzats i, per tant, el progrés en el camp dels Sistemes de Recomanació

    Exploiting the conceptual space in hybrid recommender systems: a semantic-based approach

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, octubre de 200

    Uma ferramenta unificada para projeto, desenvolvimento, execução e recomendação de experimentos de aprendizado de máquina

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    Orientadores: Ricardo da Silva Torres, Anderson de Rezende RochaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Devido ao grande crescimento do uso de tecnologias para a aquisição de dados, temos que lidar com grandes e complexos conjuntos de dados a fim de extrair conhecimento que possa auxiliar o processo de tomada de decisão em diversos domínios de aplicação. Uma solução típica para abordar esta questão se baseia na utilização de métodos de aprendizado de máquina, que são métodos computacionais que extraem conhecimento útil a partir de experiências para melhorar o desempenho de aplicações-alvo. Existem diversas bibliotecas e arcabouços na literatura que oferecem apoio à execução de experimentos de aprendizado de máquina, no entanto, alguns não são flexíveis o suficiente para poderem ser estendidos com novos métodos, além de não oferecerem mecanismos que permitam o reuso de soluções de sucesso concebidos em experimentos anteriores na ferramenta. Neste trabalho, propomos um arcabouço para automatizar experimentos de aprendizado de máquina, oferecendo um ambiente padronizado baseado em workflow, tornando mais fácil a tarefa de avaliar diferentes descritores de características, classificadores e abordagens de fusão em uma ampla gama de tarefas. Também propomos o uso de medidas de similaridade e métodos de learning-to-rank em um cenário de recomendação, para que usuários possam ter acesso a soluções alternativas envolvendo experimentos de aprendizado de máquina. Nós realizamos experimentos com quatro medidas de similaridade (Jaccard, Sorensen, Jaro-Winkler e baseada em TF-IDF) e um método de learning-to-rank (LRAR) na tarefa de recomendar workflows modelados como uma sequência de atividades. Os resultados dos experimentos mostram que a medida Jaro-Winkler obteve o melhor desempenho, com resultados comparáveis aos observados para o método LRAR. Em ambos os casos, as recomendações realizadas são promissoras, e podem ajudar usuários reais em diferentes tarefas de aprendizado de máquinaAbstract: Due to the large growth of the use of technologies for data acquisition, we have to handle large and complex data sets in order to extract knowledge that can support the decision-making process in several domains. A typical solution for addressing this issue relies on the use of machine learning methods, which are computational methods that extract useful knowledge from experience to improve performance of target applications. There are several libraries and frameworks in the literature that support the execution of machine learning experiments. However, some of them are not flexible enough for being extended with novel methods and they do not support reusing of successful solutions devised in previous experiments made in the framework. In this work, we propose a framework for automating machine learning experiments that provides a workflow-based standardized environment and makes it easy to evaluate different feature descriptors, classifiers, and fusion approaches in a wide range of tasks. We also propose the use of similarity measures and learning-to-rank methods in a recommendation scenario, in which users may have access to alternative machine learning experiments. We performed experiments with four similarity measures (Jaccard, Sorensen, Jaro-Winkler, and a TF-IDF-based measure) and one learning-to-rank method (LRAR) in the task of recommending workflows modeled as a sequence of activities. Experimental results show that Jaro-Winkler yields the highest effectiveness performance with comparable results to those observed for LRAR. In both cases, the recommendations performed are very promising and might help real-world users in different daily machine learning tasksMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    Group Recommendations: Survey and Perspectives

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    The popularity of group recommender systems has increased in the last years. More and more social activity is generated by users over the Web and thus not only domains as TV, music or holidays are used and researched anymore for group recommendation, but also collaborative learning support, digital libraries and other domains seems to be promising for group recommendation. Moreover, principles of group recommenders can be used in order to overcome some single user recommendation shortcomings, such as cold start problem. Numerous group recommenders have been proposed, they differ in application domains which are specific in group characteristics. Today's group recommenders do not include and use the power of social aspects (group structure, social status etc.), which can be extracted and derived from the group. We provide a survey of group recommendation principles for the Web domain and discuss trends and perspectives in this field

    From the web of data to a world of action

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web 8.4 (2010): 10.1016/j.websem.2010.04.007This paper takes as its premise that the web is a place of action, not just information, and that the purpose of global data is to serve human needs. The paper presents several component technologies, which together work towards a vision where many small micro-applications can be threaded together using automated assistance to enable a unified and rich interaction. These technologies include data detector technology to enable any text to become a start point of semantic interaction; annotations for web-based services so that they can link data to potential actions; spreading activation over personal ontologies, to allow modelling of context; algorithms for automatically inferring 'typing' of web-form input data based on previous user inputs; and early work on inferring task structures from action traces. Some of these have already been integrated within an experimental web-based (extended) bookmarking tool, Snip!t, and a prototype desktop application On Time, and the paper discusses how the components could be more fully, yet more openly, linked in terms of both architecture and interaction. As well as contributing to the goal of an action and activity-focused web, the work also exposes a number of broader issues, theoretical, practical, social and economic, for the Semantic Web.Parts of this work were supported by the Information Society Technologies (IST) Program of the European Commission as part of the DELOS Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries (Contract G038- 507618). Thanks also to Emanuele Tracanna, Marco Piva, and Raffaele Giuliano for their work on On Time
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