3,161 research outputs found

    Algorithms for Multi-Sample Cluster Analysis

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    In this study, we develop algorithms to solve the Multi-Sample Cluster Analysis (MSCA) problem. This problem arises when we have multiple samples and we need to find the statistical model that best fits the cluster structure of these samples. One important area among others in which our algorithms can be used is international market segmentation. In this area, samples about customers’preferences and characteristics are collected from di¤erent regions in the market. The goal in this case is to join the regions with similar customers’characteristics in clusters (segments). We develop branch and bound algorithms and a genetic algorithm. In these algorithms, any of the available information criteria (AIC, CAIC, SBC, and ICOMP) can be used as the objective function to be optimized. Our algorithms use the Clique Partitioning Problem (CPP) formulation. They are the first algorithms to use information criteria with the CPP formulation. When the branch and bound algorithms are allowed to run to completion, they converge to the optimal MSCA alternative. These methods also proved to find good solutions when they were stopped short of convergence. In particular, we develop a branching strategy which uses a look-ahead technique. We refer to this strategy as the complete adaptive branching strategy. This strategy makes the branch and bound algorithm quickly search for the optimal solution in multiple branches of the enumeration tree before using a depth- first branching strategy. In computational tests, this method’s performance was superior to other branching methods as well as to the genetic algorithm

    Process Planning for Assembly and Hybrid Manufacturing in Smart Environments

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    Manufacturers strive for efficiently managing the consequences arising from the product proliferation during the entire product life cycle. New manufacturing trends such as smart manufacturing (Industry 4.0) present a substantial opportunity for managing variety. The main objective of this research is to help the manufacturers with handling the challenges arising from the product variety by utilizing the technological advances of the new manufacturing trends. This research focuses mainly on the process planning phase. This research aims at developing novel process planning methods for utilizing the technological advances accompanied by the new manufacturing trends such as smart manufacturing (Industry 4.0) in order to manage the product variety. The research has successfully addressed the macro process planning of a product family for two manufacturing domains: assembly and hybrid manufacturing. A new approach was introduced for assembly sequencing based on the notion of soft-wired galled networks used in evolutionary studies in Biological and phylogenetic sciences. A knowledge discovery model was presented by exploiting the assembly sequence data records of the legacy products in order to extract the embedded knowledge in such data and use it to speed up the assembly sequence planning. The new approach has the capability to overcome the critical limitation of assembly sequence retrieval methods that are not able to capture more than one assembly sequence for a given product. A novel genetic algorithm-based model was developed for that purpose. The extracted assembly sequence network is representing alternative assembly sequences. These alternative assembly sequences can be used by a smart system in which its components are connected together through a wireless sensor network to allow a smart material handling system to change its routing in case any disruptions happened. A novel concept in the field of product variety management by generating product family platforms and process plans for customization into different product variants utilizing additive and subtractive processes is introduced for the first time. A new mathematical programming optimization model is proposed. The model objective is to provide the optimum selection of features that can form a single product platform and the processes needed to customize this platform into different product variants that fall within the same product family, taking into consideration combining additive and subtractive manufacturing. For multi-platform and their associated process plans, a phylogenetic median-joining network algorithm based model is used that can be utilized in case of the demand and the costs are unknown. Furthermore, a novel genetic algorithm-based model is developed for generating multi-platform, and their associated process plans in case of the demand and the costs are known. The model\u27s objective is to minimize the total manufacturing cost. The developed models were applied on examples of real products for demonstration and validation. Moreover, comparisons with related existing methods were conducted to demonstrate the superiority of the developed models. The outcomes of this research provide efficient and easy to implement process planning for managing product variety benefiting from the advances in the technology of the new manufacturing trends. The developed models and methods present a package of variety management solutions that can significantly support manufacturers at the process planning stage

    Hybrid genetic algorithms in agent-based artificial market model for simulating fan tokens trading

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    In recent years cryptographic tokens have gained popularity as they can be used as a form of emerging alter- native financing and as a means of building platforms. The token markets innovate quickly through technology and decentralization, and they are constantly changing, and they have a high risk. Negotiation strategies must therefore be suited to these new circumstances. The genetic algorithm offers a very appropriate approach to resolving these complex issues. However, very little is known about genetic algorithm methods in cryptographic tokens. Accordingly, this paper presents a case study of the simulation of Fan Tokens trading by implementing selected best trading rule sets by a genetic algorithm that simulates a negotiation system through the Monte Carlo method. We have applied Adaptive Boosting and Genetic Algorithms, Deep Learning Neural Network-Genetic Algorithms, Adaptive Genetic Algorithms with Fuzzy Logic, and Quantum Genetic Algorithm techniques. The period selected is from December 1, 2021 to August 25, 2022, and we have used data from the Fan Tokens of Paris Saint-Germain, Manchester City, and Barcelona, leaders in the market. Our results conclude that the Hybrid and Quantum Genetic algorithm display a good execution during the training and testing period. Our study has a major impact on the current decentralized markets and future business opportunitiesThis research was funded by the Universitat de Barcelona, under the grant UB-AE-AS017634

    QoS multicast routing protocol oriented to cognitive network using competitive coevolutionary algorithm

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    The human intervention in the network management and maintenance should be reduced to alleviate the ever-increasing spatial and temporal complexity. By mimicking the cognitive behaviors of human being, the cognitive network improves the scalability, self-adaptation, self-organization, and self-protection in the network. To implement the cognitive network, the cognitive behaviors for the network nodes need to be carefully designed. Quality of service (QoS) multicast is an important network problem. Therefore, it is appealing to develop an effective QoS multicast routing protocol oriented to cognitive network. In this paper, we design the cognitive behaviors summarized in the cognitive science for the network nodes. Based on the cognitive behaviors, we propose a QoS multicast routing protocol oriented to cognitive network, named as CogMRT. It is a distributed protocol where each node only maintains local information. The routing search is in a hop by hop way. Inspired by the small-world phenomenon, the cognitive behaviors help to accumulate the experiential route information. Since the QoS multicast routing is a typical combinatorial optimization problem and it is proved to be NP-Complete, we have applied the competitive coevolutionary algorithm (CCA) for the multicast tree construction. The CCA adopts novel encoding method and genetic operations which leverage the characteristics of the problem. We implement and evaluate CogMRT and other two promising alternative protocols in NS2 platform. The results show that CogMRT has remarkable advantages over the counterpart traditional protocols by exploiting the cognitive favors

    Advances and applications in high-dimensional heuristic optimization

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    “Applicable to most real-world decision scenarios, multiobjective optimization is an area of multicriteria decision-making that seeks to simultaneously optimize two or more conflicting objectives. In contrast to single-objective scenarios, nontrivial multiobjective optimization problems are characterized by a set of Pareto optimal solutions wherein no solution unanimously optimizes all objectives. Evolutionary algorithms have emerged as a standard approach to determine a set of these Pareto optimal solutions, from which a decision-maker can select a vetted alternative. While easy to implement and having demonstrated great efficacy, these evolutionary approaches have been criticized for their runtime complexity when dealing with many alternatives or a high number of objectives, effectively limiting the range of scenarios to which they may be applied. This research introduces mechanisms to improve the runtime complexity of many multiobjective evolutionary algorithms, achieving state-of-the-art performance, as compared to many prominent methods from the literature. Further, the investigations here presented demonstrate the capability of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms in a complex, large-scale optimization scenario. Showcasing the approach’s ability to intelligently generate well-performing solutions to a meaningful optimization problem. These investigations advance the concept of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms by addressing a key limitation and demonstrating their efficacy in a challenging real-world scenario. Through enhanced computational efficiency and exhibited specialized application, the utility of this powerful heuristic strategy is made more robust and evident”--Abstract, page iv

    A hybrid flux balance analysis and machine learning pipeline elucidates the metabolic response of cyanobacteria to different growth conditions

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    Machine learning has recently emerged as a promising tool for inferring multi-omic relationships in biological systems. At the same time, genome-scale metabolic models (GSMMs) can be integrated with such multi-omic data to refine phenotypic predictions. In this work, we use a multi-omic machine learning pipeline to analyze a GSMM of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002, a cyanobacterium with large potential to produce renewable biofuels. We use regularized flux balance analysis to observe flux response between conditions across photosynthesis and energy metabolism. We then incorporate principal-component analysis, k-means clustering, and LASSO regularization to reduce dimensionality and extract key cross-omic features. Our results suggest that combining metabolic modeling with machine learning elucidates mechanisms used by cyanobacteria to cope with fluctuations in light intensity and salinity that cannot be detected using transcriptomics alone. Furthermore, GSMMs introduce critical mechanistic details that improve the performance of omic-based machine learning methods

    A Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm to solve Complex Optimization Problems

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    Multi-objective optimization problem formulations reflect pragmatic modeling of several real-life complex optimization problems. In many of them the considered objectives are competitive with each other; emphasizing only one of them during solution generation and evolution incurs high probability of producing a one-sided solution, which is unacceptable with respect to other objectives. An appropriate solution to the multi-objective optimization problem is to investigate a set of solutions that satisfy all of the competing objectives to an acceptable extent, where no solution in the solution set is dominated by others in terms of objective optimization. In this work, we investigate well known Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II), and Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA-II), to find Pareto optimal solutions for two real-life problems: Task-based Sailor Assignment Problem (TSAP) and Coverage and Lifetime Optimization Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks (CLOP). Both of these problems are multi-objective problems. TSAP constitutes five multi-directional objectives, whereas CLOP is composed of two competing objectives. To validate the special operators developed, these two test bed problems have been used. Finally, traditional NSGA-II and SPEA-II have been blended with these special operators to generate refined solutions of these multi-objective optimization problems