96 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this research is to improve the writing skill of fourth grade students of  SD 24 Air Saleh. This study was conducted in two cycles. The data obtained from the observation of teacher and student activities while learning, while to measure the success of writing ability pantun evaluation test in each cycle. In the first cycle the average value of the students 'activity is 57.90%, in the second cycle, it reaches 85.23%, meaning that the students' activity is increased by 27.33%. Furthermore, the value of students' ability in writing pantun in the first cycle reached 62.33, after the action taken on the second cycle reached 76.83. So there is an increase of 14.4. Based on these values, it can be concluded that the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning approach can improve the writing ability of fourth grade pupil of 24 Air Saleh State High School. Keywords: Contextual Teaching and Learnin

    Strategi Kepala Sekolah dalam meningkatkan profesionalisme guru di MI Al Azhar Mojosari - Asembagus Tahun Pelajaran 2008 - 2009

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    Kepala merupakan pemimpin pendidikan formal yang berfungsi sebagai supervisor dan administrator. Sebagai supervisor kepala mempunyai tugas membantu menstimulir, mensupport dan mengikutsertakan guru dalam memecahkan masalah belajar mengajar agar tujuan pendidikan tercapai. Sebagai administrator kepala mempunyai tugas dan tanggung jawab terhadap kemajuan lembaga, baik mengenai program pendidikan, pengelolaan pengajaran, pengelolaan keuangan, pengelolaan gedung serta pengelolaan sekolah dengan masyarakat. Dari uraian tersebut, yang menjadi pokok permasalahan dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana strategi kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan profesionalisme guru, apa problematika yang muncul dalam meningkatkan profesionalisme guru, dan apa saja faktor­ faktor penunjang peningkatan profesionaf isme guru di MI Al-Azhar Mojosari Asembagus tahun pelajaran 2008-2009 dan metode pengumpulan data yang penulis pakai dalam skripsi ini adalah metode observasi, interviwe dan dokumentasi. Untuk menyelesaikan pennasalah lersebul di alas serta mencapai lujuan sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan, maka diadakan penel itian lapangan dengan analisa data kualitatif. Berdasarkan analisa data tersebut maka diperoleh hasil bahwa strategi kepala MI Al-Azhar Mojosari Asembagus dalam meningkatkan profesionalisme guru yang dikelolanya adalah : Pengelolaan kelas, menentukan atau memilih bahan bidang studi atau materi pelajaran dan menerapkan metode belajar mengajar. Sedangkan keberhasilannya adalah menugaskan guru studi lanjut S I., mengikutsertakan guru dalam penataran guru bidang studi dan MGMP (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran). Setelah mengetahui secara langsung strategi kepala dalam meningkatkan profusionalisme guru, problematika dalam meningkatkan profesionalisme guru dan fak'1or yang mendukung dalam meningkatkan profesionalisme guru peneliti dapat memberikan pemikiran terhadap segenap pihak yang terkai khususnya dalam mengkatkan profcsionalismc guru. 1. Meningkatkan studi banding ke sekolah yang sudah maju dan dikelolah dengan profesional. 2. Meningkatkan kompetensi tenaga kependidik:m serta meningkatkan kreatifitas profesinya melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan. 3. Kepala merupakan ujung tombak dalam meningkatkan pendidikan dengan ini diharapkan dapat menyediakan terhadap segala kebutuhan yang berkaitan dengan peningkatan profesi guru dalam proses belajar mengajar

    Content analysis of public opinion on sexual expression and dementia: Implications for nursing home policy development

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    Citation: Syme, M. L., Yelland, E., Cornelison, L., Poey, J. L., Krajicek, R., & Doll, G. (2016). Content analysis of public opinion on sexual expression and dementia: Implications for nursing home policy development. Health Expectations. doi:10.1111/hex.12509Purpose: We examined public opinion of sexual expression and dementia to inform nursing home policy and practice. Design and Methods: A content analysis was conducted on public comments (N=1194) posted in response to a New York Times article about a highly publicized legal case involving a husband engaging in sexual acts with his wife who had dementia, living in a nursing home. Researchers utilized constant comparative analysis to code the comments; reliability analysis showed moderately strong agreement at the subcategory level. Data were also coded to indicate whether the commenter thought the couple should or should not have been allowed to be sexual. Results: One primary theme was identified: conditions necessary for someone to be sexual. Six categories were identified within this theme, with the public commentary considering factors such as marital relationships, intimacy needs and several sexual consent-related issues as key conditions necessary to be sexual in a nursing home setting. Overall, the majority of commenters were in support of sexual expression for an individual with dementia in the described situation. Discussion: This study revealed sexual expression among individuals with dementia is a contentious issue with strong public opinions about how this should be managed in a nursing home setting. These opinions should be considered as policy related to sexual expression in nursing homes is developed. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Modulation of cognitive performance and mood by aromas of peppermint and ylang-ylang

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    This study provides further evidence for the impact of the aromas of plant essential oils on aspects of cognition and mood in healthy participants. One hundred and forty-four volunteers were randomly assigned to conditions of ylang-ylang aroma, peppermint aroma, or no aroma control. Cognitive performance was assessed using the Cognitive Drug Research computerized assessment battery, with mood scales completed before and after cognitive testing. The analysis of the data revealed significant differences between conditions on a number of the factors underpinning the tests that constitute the battery. Peppermint was found to enhance memory whereas ylang-ylang impaired it, and lengthened processing speed. In terms of subjective mood peppermint increased alertness and ylang-ylang decreased it, but significantly increased calmness. These results provide support for the contention that the aromas of essential oils can produce significant and idiosyncratic effects on both subjective and objective assessments of aspects of human behavior. They are discussed with reference to possible pharmacological and psychological modes of influence

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    Title: HyBrow- A Prototype System for Computer-Aided Hypothesis Evaluation Authors:

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    Experimental design, hypothesis-testing, and model-building in the current data-rich environment require the biologist to collect, evaluate and integrate large amounts of information of many disparate kinds. Developing a unified framework for the representation and conceptual integration of biological data and processes is a major challenge in bioinformatics because of the variety of available data and the different levels of detail at which biological processes can be considered. We have developed the HyBrow (Hypothesis Browser) system as a prototype bioinformatics tool for designing hypotheses and evaluating them for consistency with existing knowledge. HyBrow consists of a modeling framework with the ability to accommodate diverse biological information sources, an event-based ontology for representing biological processes at different levels of detail, a database to query information in the ontology, and programs to perform hypothesis design and evaluation. We demonstrate the HyBrow prototype using the galactose gene network in Saccharomyces cerevisiae as our test system, and evaluate alternative hypotheses for consistency with stored information. # These two authors contributed equally to this work