13 research outputs found

    High gamma activity distinguishes frontal cognitive control regions from adjacent cortical networks.

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    Though the lateral frontal cortex is broadly implicated in cognitive control, functional MRI (fMRI) studies suggest fine-grained distinctions within this region. To examine this question electrophysiologically, we placed electrodes on the lateral frontal cortex in patients undergoing awake craniotomy for tumor resection. Patients performed verbal tasks with a manipulation of attentional switching, a canonical control demand. Power in the high gamma range (70-250 Hz) distinguished electrodes based on their location within a high-resolution fMRI network parcellation of the frontal lobe. Electrodes within the canonical fronto-parietal control network showed increased power in the switching condition, a result absent in electrodes within default mode, language and somato-motor networks. High gamma results contrasted with spatially distributed power decreases in the beta range (12-30 Hz). These results confirm the importance of fine-scale functional distinctions within the human frontal lobe, and pave the way for increased precision of functional mapping in tumor surgeries

    Quantifying the effect of demixing approaches on directed connectivity estimated between reconstructed EEG sources

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    Electrical activity recorded on the scalp using electroencephalography (EEG) results from the mixing of signals originating from different regions of the brain as well as from artifactual sources. In order to investigate the role of distinct brain areas in a given experiment, the signal recorded on the sensors is typically projected back into the brain (source reconstruction) using algorithms that address the so-called EEG inverse problem. Once the activity of sources located inside of the brain has been reconstructed, it is often desirable to study the statistical dependencies among them, in particular to quantify directional dynamical interactions between brain areas. Unfortunately, even when performing source reconstruction, the superposition of signals that is due to the propagation of activity from sources to sensors cannot be completely undone, resulting in potentially biased estimates of directional functional connectivity. Here we perform a set of simulations involving interacting sources to quantify source connectivity estimation performance as a function of the location of the sources, their distance to each other, the noise level, the source reconstruction algorithm, and the connectivity estimator. The generated source activity was projected onto the scalp and projected back to the cortical level using two source reconstruction algorithms, linearly constrained minimum variance beamforming and Exact' low-resolution tomography (eLORETA). In source space, directed connectivity was estimated using multi-variate Granger causality and time-reversed Granger causality, and compared with the imposed ground truth. Our results demonstrate that all considered factors significantly affect the connectivity estimation performance

    Overlapping connectivity patterns during semantic processing of abstract and concrete words revealed with multivariate Granger Causality analysis

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    Unlike concrete, nouns refer to notions beyond our perception. Even though there is no consensus among linguists as to what exactly constitutes a concrete or abstract word, neuroscientists found clear evidence of a "concreteness" effect. This can, for instance, be seen in patients with language impairments due to brain injury or developmental disorder who are capable of perceiving one category better than another. Even though the results are inconclusive, neuroimaging studies on healthy subjects also provide a spatial and temporal account of differences in the processing of abstract versus concrete words. A description of the neural pathways during abstract word reading, the manner in which the connectivity patterns develop over the different stages of lexical and semantic processing compared to that of concrete word processing are still debated. We conducted a high-density EEG study on 24 healthy young volunteers using an implicit categorization task. From this, we obtained high spatio-temporal resolution data and, by means of source reconstruction, reduced the effect of signal mixing observed on scalp level. A multivariate, time-varying and directional method of analyzing connectivity based on the concept of Granger Causality (Partial Directed Coherence) revealed a dynamic network that transfers information from the right superior occipital lobe along the ventral and dorsal streams towards the anterior temporal and orbitofrontal lobes of both hemispheres. Some regions along these pathways appear to be primarily involved in either receiving or sending information. A clear difference in information transfer of abstract and concrete words was observed during the time window of semantic processing, specifically for information transferred towards the left anterior temporal lobe. Further exploratory analysis confirmed a generally stronger connectivity pattern for processing concrete words. We believe our study could guide future research towards a more refined theory of abstract word processing in the brain

    Simple acoustic features can explain phoneme-based predictions of cortical responses to speech

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    When we listen to speech, we have to make sense of a waveform of sound pressure. Hierarchical models of speech perception assume that, to extract semantic meaning, the signal is transformed into unknown, intermediate neuronal representations. Traditionally, studies of such intermediate representations are guided by linguistically defined concepts, such as phonemes. Here, we argue that in order to arrive at an unbiased understanding of the neuronal responses to speech, we should focus instead on representations obtained directly from the stimulus. We illustrate our view with a data-driven, information theoretic analysis of a dataset of 24 young, healthy humans who listened to a 1 h narrative while their magnetoencephalogram (MEG) was recorded. We find that two recent results, the improved performance of an encoding model in which annotated linguistic and acoustic features were combined and the decoding of phoneme subgroups from phoneme-locked responses, can be explained by an encoding model that is based entirely on acoustic features. These acoustic features capitalize on acoustic edges and outperform Gabor-filtered spectrograms, which can explicitly describe the spectrotemporal characteristics of individual phonemes. By replicating our results in publicly available electroencephalography (EEG) data, we conclude that models of brain responses based on linguistic features can serve as excellent benchmarks. However, we believe that in order to further our understanding of human cortical responses to speech, we should also explore low-level and parsimonious explanations for apparent high-level phenomena

    Time-Lagged Multidimensional Pattern Connectivity (TL-MDPC): An EEG/MEG Pattern Transformation Based Functional Connectivity Metric

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    Functional and effective connectivity methods are essential to study the complex information flow in brain networks underlying human cognition. Only recently have connectivity methods begun to emerge that make use of the full multidimensional information contained in patterns of brain activation, rather than unidimensional summary measures of these patterns. To date, these methods have mostly been applied to fMRI data, and no method allows vertex-to-vertex transformations with the temporal specificity of EEG/MEG data. Here, we introduce time-lagged multidimensional pattern connectivity (TL-MDPC) as a novel bivariate functional connectivity metric for EEG/MEG research. TL-MDPC estimates the vertex-to-vertex transformations among multiple brain regions and across different latency ranges. It determines how well patterns in ROI at time point can linearly predict patterns of ROI at time point . In the present study, we use simulations to demonstrate TL-MDPC's increased sensitivity to multidimensional effects compared to a unidimensional approach across realistic choices of number of trials and signal-to-noise ratios. We applied TL-MDPC, as well as its unidimensional counterpart, to an existing dataset varying the depth of semantic processing of visually presented words by contrasting a semantic decision and a lexical decision task. TL-MDPC detected significant effects beginning very early on, and showed stronger task modulations than the unidimensional approach, suggesting that it is capable of capturing more information. With TL-MDPC only, we observed rich connectivity between core semantic representation (left and right anterior temporal lobes) and semantic control (inferior frontal gyrus and posterior temporal cortex) areas with greater semantic demands. TL-MDPC is a promising approach to identify multidimensional connectivity patterns, typically missed by unidimensional approaches

    Dynamics of large-scale electrophysiological networks: a technical review

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    For several years it has been argued that neural synchronisation is crucial for cognition. The idea that synchronised temporal patterns between different neural groups carries information above and beyond the isolated activity of these groups has inspired a shift in focus in the field of functional neuroimaging. Specifically, investigation into the activation elicited within certain regions by some stimulus or task has, in part, given way to analysis of patterns of co-activation or functional connectivity between distal regions. Recently, the functional connectivity community has been looking beyond the assumptions of stationarity that earlier work was based on, and has introduced methods to incorporate temporal dynamics into the analysis of connectivity. In particular, non-invasive electrophysiological data (magnetoencephalography / electroencephalography (MEG/EEG)), which provides direct measurement of whole-brain activity and rich temporal information, offers an exceptional window into such (potentially fast) brain dynamics. In this review, we discuss challenges, solutions, and a collection of analysis tools that have been developed in recent years to facilitate the investigation of dynamic functional connectivity using these imaging modalities. Further, we discuss the applications of these approaches in the study of cognition and neuropsychiatric disorders. Finally, we review some existing developments that, by using realistic computational models, pursue a deeper understanding of the underlying causes of non-stationary connectivity