173 research outputs found

    Detecting nonlinearity in multivariate time series

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    We propose an extension to time series with several simultaneously measured variables of the nonlinearity test, which combines the redundancy -- linear redundancy approach with the surrogate data technique. For several variables various types of the redundancies can be defined, in order to test specific dependence structures between/among (groups of) variables. The null hypothesis of a multivariate linear stochastic process is tested using the multivariate surrogate data. The linear redundancies are used in order to avoid spurious results due to imperfect surrogates. The method is demonstrated using two types of numerically generated multivariate series (linear and nonlinear) and experimental multivariate data from meteorology and physiology.Comment: 11 pages, compressed and uuencoded postscript file, figures included. Also available by anonymous ftp at ftp://ftp.santafe.edu/pub/mp/multi, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

    Predicate and Clausal Logic

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    Import 22/07/2015Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá najmä predikátovou logikou prvého radu, klauzulárnou logikou a logickým programovaním. Cieľom tejto práce bolo dôkladne popísať vzťahy medzi týmito elementmi, navrhnúť a implementovať aplikáciu ktorá by bola schopná previesť formulu z predikátovej logiky prvého radu do klauzulárnej logiky a zároveň by aplikácia bolo schopná využiť všeobecnú rezolučnú metódu, ktorá je neodmysliteľnou súčasťou logického programovania.This bachelor thesis deals with first order logic, clausal logic and logic programming. Purpose of this thesis is thoroughly describe relations between this elements, design and implement application who will be able to convert formula from first order logic to clausal logic and use general resolution method, who is a import part of logical programming.460 - Katedra informatikydobř

    What can be inferred from surrogate data testing?

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    Surrogate data testing for linearity is frequently applied to confirm the results of nonlinear time series analysis. We argue that this, in general, is not possible.Comment: 1 pag

    Coarse-grained entropy rates for characterization of complex time series

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    A method for classification of complex time series using coarse-grained entropy rates (CER's) is presented. The CER's, which are computed from information-theoretic functionals -- redundancies, are relative measures of regularity and predictability, and for data generated by dynamical systems they are related to Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy. A deterministic dynamical origin of the data under study, however, is not a necessary condition for the use of the CER's, since the entropy rates can be defined for stochastic processes as well. Sensitivity of the CER's to changes in data dynamics and their robustness with respect to noise are tested by using numerically generated time series resulted from both deterministic -- chaotic and stochastic processes. Potential application of the CER's in analysis of physiological signals or other complex time series is demonstrated by using examples from pharmaco-EEG and tremor classification.Comment: 15 pages, uuencoded compressed postscript file, figures embedded in the text, , <[email protected]

    Testing For Nonlinearity Using Redundancies: Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects

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    A method for testing nonlinearity in time series is described based on information-theoretic functionals -- redundancies, linear and nonlinear forms of which allow either qualitative, or, after incorporating the surrogate data technique, quantitative evaluation of dynamical properties of scrutinized data. An interplay of quantitative and qualitative testing on both the linear and nonlinear levels is analyzed and robustness of this combined approach against spurious nonlinearity detection is demonstrated. Evaluation of redundancies and redundancy-based statistics as functions of time lag and embedding dimension can further enhance insight into dynamics of a system under study.Comment: 32 pages + 1 table in separate postscript files, 12 figures in 12 encapsulated postscript files, all in uuencoded, compressed tar file. Also available by anon. ftp to santafe.edu, in directory pub/Users/mp/qq. To be published in Physica D., [email protected]

    Rezultati trgovine i konkurentnost slovačke drvoprerađivačke industrije unutar zemalja Višegradske skupine

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse trade performance and competitiveness of the Slovak wood processing industry sectors and their comparison with the Visegrad group countries. The competitiveness is studied for the products of primary wood processing, namely coniferous and non-coniferous sawnwood, wood based panels, wood pulp, paper and paperboard products. A set of trade performance and competitiveness indicators is used to analyse the position and changes in competitiveness of the respective countries in 2003-2012. In particular, Trade Specialisation Index, Export/Import Ratio, Standard Grubel-Lloyd Index, Revealed Comparative Advantage and Vollrath’s Revealed Competitive Advantage Indexes were used to identify comparative advantages and trade specialisation for individual forest product categories and a specific country’s performance. Within the group of analysed countries, Slovakia has revealed comparative advantage in most of the products, in particular in the trade with coniferous sawnwood, non-coniferous sawnwood, wood based panels and paper and paperboard products. Results of the analysis also pointed out that intra-industry specialisation is increasing with the level of value added to products.Cilj je rada bio analizirati učinkovitost trgovine i konkurentnost slovačke drvoprerađivačke industrije i usporediti ih sa zemljama Višegradske skupine. Konkurentnost je analizirana na proizvodima primarne prerade drva, i to na proizvodima piljenog drva četinjača i ostaloga piljenog drva, pločama na bazi drva, celulozi, papiru i proizvodima od kartona. Skup pokazatelja uspješnosti trgovine i konkurentnosti upotrijebljen je za analizu pozicije i promjene konkurentnosti pojedinih zemalja u razdoblju od 2003. do 2012. godine. Konkretno, indeks specijalizacije trgovine, omjer izvoza i uvoza, standardni Grubel-Lloydov indeks, indeks otkrivene komparativne prednosti i Vollrathov indeks otkrivene konkurentske prednosti upotrijebljeni su za identifi kaciju komparativnih prednosti i trgovinsku specijalizaciju za pojedine kategorije šumskih proizvoda i uspješnost određene zemlje. Unutar skupine analiziranih zemalja za Slovačku je utvrđena komparativna prednost za većinu proizvoda, osobito u trgovini piljenog drva četinjača i ostalog piljenog drva, ploča na bazi drva, celuloze, papira i proizvoda od kartona. Rezultati analize također su pokazali da specijalizacija unutar industrije povećava razinu dodane vrijednosti proizvoda

    Percepcija potrošača o ekološkim inovativnim uslugama vezanima za namještaj

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    Innovations and eco-innovations are effective in building relationships with current and potential customers. One of the possibilities is to innovate in a way that can “materialize” services and at the same time turn them into ecological ones. Such eco-innovations promote sustainable development. The paper focuses on the eco-innovation in services related to furniture. These innovations include ideas such as long-lasting design, maintenance and repair services, remanufacturing of used furniture, and servitization of furniture that includes furniture leasing and renting. The research applied through the Kano model points out the most accepted service innovations in the area of furniture by Slovak respondents. The results present the differences in preferences of customers regarding the individual provided services. It follows that the popularity of individual services is connected with their perception either as traditional innovations or radical ones. Slovak customers prefer financial services supporting purchase of furniture, transport, second chance service, and services related to furniture maintenance and repair.Inovacije i ekološke inovacije na području proizvodnje namještaja učinkovite su za izgradnju odnosa s postojećim i potencijalnim kupcima. Jedna od mogućnosti inoviranja usluga jest da se one „materijaliziraju” te da istodobno budu ekološke. Spomenute ekološke inovacije promiču održivi razvoj. Ovaj je rad usmjeren na ekološke inovacije usluga vezanih za namještaj. Takve inovacije podrazumijevaju ideje kao što su dugotrajni dizajn, usluge održavanja i popravaka, obnovu rabljenog namještaja te upotrebu namještaja uz plaćanje naknade (npr. leasing i najam). U radu su primjenom Kanoov modela prikazane preferencije inovativnih usluga vezanih za namještaj u Slovačkoj. Rezultati predočuju razlike u preferencijama korisnika glede pojedinih usluga. Pokazalo se da je popularnost određenih inovativnih usluga povezana s percepcijom ispitanika ovisno o tome smatraju li te inovacije tradicionalnima ili radikalnima. Kupci iz Slovačke financijski preferiraju usluge koje podržavaju kupnju namještaja, prijevoz, ponovnu upotrebu te usluge povezane s održavanjem i popravkom namještaja


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    Predmetom predkladanej diplomovej práce sú dva 7 metrové objekty krištalickej štruktúry umiestnené vo výrobnej hale v bývalej brněnskej fabriky ZbrojovkaSubject of presented master thesis are two 7-meter objects of crystalline structure located in production hall in Brno former factory Zbrojovka