390 research outputs found

    A patch-based approach to 3D plant shoot phenotyping

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    The emerging discipline of plant phenomics aims to measure key plant characteristics, or traits, though as yet the set of plant traits that should be measured by automated systems is not well defined. Methods capable of recovering generic representations of the 3D structure of plant shoots from images would provide a key technology underpinning quantification of a wide range of current and future physiological and morphological traits. We present a fully automatic approach to image-based 3D plant reconstruction which represents plants as series of small planar sections that together model the complex architecture of leaf surfaces. The initial boundary of each leaf patch is refined using a level set method, optimising the model based on image information, curvature constraints and the position of neighbouring surfaces. The reconstruction process makes few assumptions about the nature of the plant material being reconstructed. As such it is applicable to a wide variety of plant species and topologies, and can be extended to canopy-scale imaging. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on real images of wheat and rice plants, an artificial plant with challenging architecture, as well as a novel virtual dataset that allows us to compute distance measures of reconstruction accuracy. We also illustrate the method’s potential to support the identification of individual leaves, and so the phenotyping of plant shoots, using a spectral clustering approach

    A high-throughput, field-based phenotyping technology for tall biomass crops

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    Recent advances in omics technologies have not been accompanied by equally efficient, cost-effective and accurate phenotyping methods required to dissect the genetic architecture of complex traits. Even though high-throughput phenotyping platforms have been developed for controlled environments, field-based aerial and ground technologies have only been designed and deployed for short stature crops. Therefore, we developed and tested Phenobot 1.0, an auto-steered and self-propelled field-based high-throughput phenotyping platform for tall dense canopy crops, such as sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). Phenobot 1.0 was equipped with laterally positioned and vertically stacked stereo RGB cameras. Images collected from 307 diverse sorghum lines were reconstructed in 3D for feature extraction. User interfaces were developed and multiple algorithms were evaluated for their accuracy in estimating plant height and stem diameter. Tested feature extraction methods included: i) User-interactive Individual Plant Height Extraction based on dense stereo 3D reconstruction (UsIn-PHe); ii) Automatic Hedge-based Plant Height Extraction (Auto-PHe) based on dense stereo 3D reconstruction; iii) User-interactive Dense Stereo Matching Stem Diameter Extraction (DenS-Di); and iv) User-interactive Image Patch Stereo Matching Stem Diameter Extraction (IPaS-Di). Comparative genome-wide association analysis and ground-truth validation demonstrated that both UsIn-PHe and Auto-PHe were accurate methods to estimate plant height while Auto-PHe had the additional advantage of being a completely automated process. For stem diameter, IPaS-Di generated the most accurate estimates of this biomass-related architectural trait. In summary, our technology was proven robust to obtain ground-based high-throughput plant architecture parameters of sorghum, a tall and densely planted crop species

    Active Vision and Surface Reconstruction for 3D Plant Shoot Modelling

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    Plant phenotyping is the quantitative description of a plant’s physiological, biochemical and anatomical status which can be used in trait selection and helps to provide mechanisms to link underlying genetics with yield. Here, an active vision- based pipeline is presented which aims to contribute to reducing the bottleneck associated with phenotyping of architectural traits. The pipeline provides a fully automated response to photometric data acquisition and the recovery of three-dimensional (3D) models of plants without the dependency of botanical expertise, whilst ensuring a non-intrusive and non-destructive approach. Access to complete and accurate 3D models of plants supports computation of a wide variety of structural measurements. An Active Vision Cell (AVC) consisting of a camera-mounted robot arm plus combined software interface and a novel surface reconstruction algorithm is proposed. This pipeline provides a robust, flexible and accurate method for automating the 3D reconstruction of plants. The reconstruction algorithm can reduce noise and provides a promising and extendable framework for high throughput phenotyping, improving current state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, the pipeline can be applied to any plant species or form due to the application of an active vision framework combined with the automatic selection of key parameters for surface reconstruction

    Challenges and opportunities for quantifying roots and rhizosphere interactions through imaging and image analysis

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    The morphology of roots and root systems influences the efficiency by which plants acquire nutrients and water, anchor themselves and provide stability to the surrounding soil. Plant genotype and the biotic and abiotic environment significantly influence root morphology, growth and ultimately crop yield. The challenge for researchers interested in phenotyping root systems is, therefore, not just to measure roots and link their phenotype to the plant genotype, but also to understand how the growth of roots is influenced by their environment. This review discusses progress in quantifying root system parameters (e.g. in terms of size, shape and dynamics) using imaging and image analysis technologies and also discusses their potential for providing a better understanding of root:soil interactions. Significant progress has been made in image acquisition techniques, however trade-offs exist between sample throughput, sample size, image resolution and information gained. All of these factors impact on downstream image analysis processes. While there have been significant advances in computation power, limitations still exist in statistical processes involved in image analysis. Utilizing and combining different imaging systems, integrating measurements and image analysis where possible, and amalgamating data will allow researchers to gain a better understanding of root:soil interactions

    Initial steps for high-throughput phenotyping in vineyards

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    The evaluation of phenotypic characters of grapevines is required directly in vineyards and is strongly limited by time, costs and the subjectivity of person in charge. Sensor-based techniques are prerequisite in order to allow non-invasive phenotyping of individual plant traits, to increase the quantity of object records and to reduce error variation. Thus, a Prototype-Image-Acquisition-System (PIAS) was developed for semi-automated capture of geo-referenced images in an experimental vineyard. Different strategies were tested for image interpretation using MATLAB®. The interpretation of images from the vineyard with real background is more practice-oriented but requires the calculation of depth maps. Different image analysis tools were verified in order to enable contactless and non-invasive detection of bud burst and quantification of shoots at an early developmental stage (BBCH 10) and enable fast and accurate determination of the grapevine berry size at BBCH 89. Depending on the time of image acquisition at BBCH 10 up to 94 % of green shoots were visible in images. The mean berry size (BBCH 89) was recorded non-invasively with a precision of 1 mm.

    Automated recovery of 3D models of plant shoots from multiple colour images

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    Increased adoption of the systems approach to biological research has focussed attention on the use of quantitative models of biological objects. This includes a need for realistic 3D representations of plant shoots for quantification and modelling. Previous limitations in single or multi-view stereo algorithms have led to a reliance on volumetric methods or expensive hardware to record plant structure. We present a fully automatic approach to image-based 3D plant reconstruction that can be achieved using a single low-cost camera. The reconstructed plants are represented as a series of small planar sections that together model the more complex architecture of the leaf surfaces. The boundary of each leaf patch is refined using the level set method, optimising the model based on image information, curvature constraints and the position of neighbouring surfaces. The reconstruction process makes few assumptions about the nature of the plant material being reconstructed, and as such is applicable to a wide variety of plant species and topologies, and can be extended to canopy-scale imaging. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on datasets of wheat and rice plants, as well as a novel virtual dataset that allows us to compute quantitative measures of reconstruction accuracy. The output is a 3D mesh structure that is suitable for modelling applications, in a format that can be imported in the majority of 3D graphics and software packages
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