436 research outputs found

    Evolutionary and ecological role of extracellular contractile injection systems: from threat to weapon.

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    Contractile injection systems (CISs) are phage tail-related structures that are encoded in many bacterial genomes. These devices encompass the cell-based type VI secretion systems (T6SSs) as well as extracellular CISs (eCISs). The eCISs comprise the R-tailocins produced by various bacterial species as well as related phage tail-like structures such as the antifeeding prophages (Afps) of Serratia entomophila, the Photorhabdus virulence cassettes (PVCs), and the metamorphosis-associated contractile structures (MACs) of Pseudoalteromonas luteoviolacea. These contractile structures are released into the extracellular environment upon suicidal lysis of the producer cell and play important roles in bacterial ecology and evolution. In this review, we specifically portray the eCISs with a focus on the R-tailocins, sketch the history of their discovery and provide insights into their evolution within the bacterial host, their structures and how they are assembled and released. We then highlight ecological and evolutionary roles of eCISs and conceptualize how they can influence and shape bacterial communities. Finally, we point to their potential for biotechnological applications in medicine and agriculture


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    INTRODUCTION While the physiological responses of individuals to load carrying have been studied (Bloom et al. 1987; Evans et al. 1983), there is still a lack of information in biomecanics research focused on the forces applied to the trunk and the shoulders. The aim of this work is to present a way of measuring forces applied by a backpack to the shoulders when the subject walks for 30 min on a treadmill. MATERIALS AND METHODS Twelve subjects volunteered to participate in the experiment, four were hikers (>20 trekking/year: expert), four were occasional hikers

    Où le ghetto (se) joue

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    Si le basket-ball est avant tout vu, reconnu et appréhendé comme un sport d’intérieur, via notamment l’importance des différentes ligues et championnats internationaux, en particulier la NBA, il est dans le même temps essentiellement pratiqué en extérieur par les basketteurs du monde entier. Cette pratique est intimement liée à un lieu particulier, le playground, dont le plus important d’entre eux, le Rucker Park situé dans le quartier de Harlem, est progressivement devenu, à l’initiative d’Holcombe Rucker au milieu des années 1940, un véritable lieu mythique à rayonnement mondial. En effet, au-delà d’une simple aire de jeu, le Rucker Park, à travers une évolution parallèle à celle de son quartier, a marqué l’histoire du basket-ball autant que l’imaginaire collectif des amateurs, pour devenir et demeurer aujourd’hui encore l’un des géosymboles sportifs les plus vivants.Basketball is seen and acknowledged as an indoor sport, especially through the importance of different international leagues, including the globally successful NBA. But in the same time, it is basically played outdoor by basketball players all over the world. This practice is intimately linked to a specific place, the playground, and firstly Rucker Park, which is located in Harlem and has gradually become a truly mythical place, thanks to Holcombe Rucker’s initiative in the middle of the 1940s. Indeed, Rucker Park is not a simple playground, it has experienced an evolution similar to the one undergone by its neighborhood, and it has left a deep mark on basketball history and the people’s collective memory, to become and remain one of the most living sports symbolic spaces

    Overproduction and properties of the mannuronate alginate lyase AlxMB

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    peer reviewedIn previous studies (Malissard et al., FEMS Microbiol. Lett. (1993) 110, 101-106), the alginate lyase AlxM of the marine bacterium ATCC 433367 was produced in Escherichia coli TC4/pAL-A3 with a yield of 50 mu g per litre of culture. The polypeptide chain was cleaved between two cysteine residues, C169 and C183, themselves linked by a disulphide bridge. AlxM has now been overproduced in E. coli BL21(DE3)/pAL-Sur/pLysS. Under conditions in which formation of inclusion bodies can be avoided, the enzyme is synthesized as a catalytically active, water-soluble, unnicked polypeptide with a yield of 32 mg per litre of culture. It has been purified to protein homogeneity using a one-step procedure. The nicked ALxM(A) and unnicked ALxM(B) alginate lyases have identical alginate-degrading activities at high salt concentrations

    Draft Genome Sequence of Pseudomonas sp. Strain LD120, Isolated from the Marine Alga Saccharina latissima

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    We report the draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas sp. strain LD120, which was isolated from a brown macroalga in the Baltic Sea. The genome of this marine Pseudomonas protegens subgroup bacterium harbors biosynthetic gene clusters for toxic metabolites typically produced by members of this Pseudomonas subgroup, including 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol, pyoluteorin, and rhizoxin analogs.ISSN:2576-098

    Genome Sequence of the Pseudomonas protegens Phage ΦGP100.

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    We report here the complete annotated genome sequence of ΦGP100, a lytic bacteriophage of the Podoviridae family. ΦGP100 was isolated from rhizosphere soil in Switzerland and infects specifically strains of Pseudomonas protegens that are known for their plant-beneficial activities. Phage ΦGP100 has a 50,547-bp genome with 76 predicted open reading frames

    Molecular and evolutionary basis of O-antigenic polysaccharide-driven phage sensitivity in environmental pseudomonads.

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    Pseudomonas protegens CHA0, a bacterial strain able to suppress plant pathogens as well as efficiently kill lepidopteran pest insects, has been studied as a biocontrol agent to prevent ensuing agricultural damage. However, the success of this method is dependent on efficient plant colonization by the bacterial inoculant, while it faces competition from the resident microbiota as well as predators such as bacteriophages. One of these naturally occurring phages, ΦGP100, was found to drastically reduce the abundance of CHA0 once inoculated into plant microcosms, resulting in the loss of plant protection effect against a phytopathogen. Here, we investigated the molecular determinants implicated in the interaction between CHA0 and the phage ΦGP100 using a high-density transposon-sequencing approach. We show that lipopolysaccharide cell surface decorations, specifically the longer OBC3-type O-antigenic polysaccharide (O-PS, O-antigen) of the two dominant O-PS of CHA0, are essential for the attachment and infection of ΦGP100. Moreover, when exploring the distribution of the OBC3 cluster in bacterial genomes, we identified several parts of this gene cluster that are conserved in phylogenetically distant bacteria. Through heterologous complementation, we integrated an OBC3-type gene copy from a phylogenetically distant bacterium and were able to restore the phage sensitivity of a CHA0 mutant which lacked the ability to form long O-PS. Finally, we evidence that the OBC3 gene cluster of CHA0 displays a high genomic plasticity and likely underwent several horizontal acquisitions and genomic rearrangements. Collectively, this study underlines the complexity of phage-bacteria interactions and the multifunctional aspect of bacterial cell surface decorations. IMPORTANCE The application of plant-beneficial microorganisms to protect crop plants is a promising alternative to the usage of chemicals. However, biocontrol research often faces difficulties in implementing this approach due to the inconsistency of the bacterial inoculant to establish itself within the root microbiome. Beneficial bacterial inoculants can be decimated by the presence of their natural predators, notably bacteriophages (also called phages). Thus, it is important to gain knowledge regarding the mechanisms behind phage-bacteria interactions to overcome this challenge. Here, we evidence that the major long O-antigenic polysaccharide (O-PS, O-antigen) of the widely used model plant-beneficial bacterium Pseudomonas protegens CHA0 is the receptor of its natural predator, the phage ΦGP100. We examined the distribution of the gene cluster directing the synthesis of this O-PS and identified signatures of horizontal gene acquisitions. Altogether, our study highlights the importance of bacterial cell surface structure variation in the complex interplay between phages and their Pseudomonas hosts

    Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria and root system functioning

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    The rhizosphere supports the development and activity of a huge and diversified microbial community, including microorganisms capable to promote plant growth. Among the latter, plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) colonize roots of monocots and dicots, and enhance plant growth by direct and indirect mechanisms. Modification of root system architecture by PGPR implicates the production of phytohormones and other signals that lead, mostly, to enhanced lateral root branching and development of root hairs. PGPR also modify root functioning, improve plant nutrition and influence the physiology of the whole plant. Recent results provided first clues as to how PGPR signals could trigger these plant responses. Whether local and/or systemic, the plant molecular pathways involved remain often unknown. From an ecological point of view, it emerged that PGPR form coherent functional groups, whose rhizosphere ecology is influenced by a myriad of abiotic and biotic factors in natural and agricultural soils, and these factors can in turn modulate PGPR effects on roots. In this paper, we address novel knowledge and gaps on PGPR modes of action and signals, and highlight recent progress on the links between plant morphological and physiological effects induced by PGPR. We also show the importance of taking into account the size, diversity, and gene expression patterns of PGPR assemblages in the rhizosphere to better understand their impact on plant growth and functioning. Integrating mechanistic and ecological knowledge on PGPR populations in soil will be a prerequisite to develop novel management strategies for sustainable agriculture