431 research outputs found

    Motivational Factors Behind Repetitive Abortions

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    This practicum intends to explore the motivational factors behind repeat abortions. The underlying assumptions of this study include: (1) women have abortions; (2) women have repeat abortions. Based on these assumptions, the two research questions are (1) are there significant factors in the causation of repeat abortions, and (2) what are the implications regarding the lack of information and service to women which have a direct relationship to repeat abortions

    The topless plant developmental phenotype explained!

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    TOPLESS acts as a corepressor of auxin-mediated gene expresssion in plant development

    Por uma planificação urbana democrática

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    Por uma planificação urbana democrátic

    Liberté, éducation et pouvoir. Lecture non-directive à partir des travaux de Daniel Hameline

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    L’humanisme de la Renaissance a ordonné l’éducation à la liberté et, classiquement, la philosophie rattache le concept de liberté à l’idée de communauté politique, dont le pouvoir est l’un des attributs. Mais dès lors que l’on veut penser le rapport entre la liberté, l’éducation et le pouvoir en termes pédagogiques, on se heurte aux exigences de la praxis : il ne suffit plus de penser, il s’agit aussi de faire. Concrètement. Et de le raconter. En cela, l’expérience non-directive de Daniel Hameline et les ouvrages qu’il en a tirés avec Marie-Joëlle Dardelin font figure d’exemple à une époque traversée autant par les mouvements sociaux contestataires, y compris vis-à-vis de l’École, que par les théorisations sur les rapports de force à l’œuvre dans le système d’enseignement français. Cet article posera d’abord la fonction enseignante non-directive en miroir avec la fonction traditionnelle, mettant ainsi en évidence l’asymétrie d’une relation aux prises avec une commande institutionnelle. Bien que ce n’ait pas été son intention première, la non-directivité se présente alors comme une remise en cause de l’ordre politique établi en privilégiant les conditions de l’instituant au détriment de l’institué. Mais la valorisation de l’acteur a ses limites, celles-là mêmes qui font le jeu scolaire, et l’affranchissement de l’élève ne peut se penser sans sa domestication. Entre libéralisation du système et déscolarisation massive, Daniel Hameline choisira la « voie du milieu », celle d’une éducation au nom de l’armement critique.The Renaissance humanism ordered education for freedom and, typically, philosphy usually links the concept of freedom with the idea of political community, whose power is one of the attributes. But when we want to think the relation between freedom, education and power in pedagogic terms, we come up against requirements of praxis: it is not enough to think, it is also about to do. Concretely. Then to tell it. About that, Daniel Hameline’s non-directive experience and books written with Marie-Joëlle Dardelin, are an example at a specific time crossing as much by social protest movements, including about School, as theories on relations of power in the French education system. This paper first describes non-directive teaching function comparing with the traditional function, in order to highlight the asymmetry of a relationship experiencing an institutional order. Although this was not his intent, non-directivity is then presented as a challenge to the political order established by focusing on the conditions of creation to the detriment of what is already existing. But the valuation of the actor has limits, the very ones who make the school game, and the emancipation of child can not be though without his subjugation. Between liberalization and ending school system, Daniel Hameline choose the "middle way" with critical education

    La gestion sociale urbaine dans les pays en développement : rapport de fin de recherche mai 1993

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    Les réflexions proposées ici représentent une étape dans une recherche menée par une équipe du laboratoire TMU sur le thème de "la gestion sociale urbaine dans les pays en développement" ; elle privilégie dans le champ global de la gestion urbaine la dimension sociale, en la considérant comme mécanisme de régulation des rapports sociaux urbains, et comme système de contrôle des populations urbaines. La recherche s'appuie sur l'observation et l'analyse des pratiques des gestionnaires et de celles des citadins, à partir de deux entrées : la régularisation foncière, technique de gestion du sol urbain, mais aussi mode de régulation des rapports sociaux en ville, et la gestion urbaine partagée des services urbains. C'est autour de ces deux axes que s'est tenue une journée de réflexion en mai 1992, qui a permis de mieux cerner les possibilitiés et les limites de la gestion sociale urbaine à son niveau le plus approprié, celui des collectivités territoriales locales. (Résumé d'auteur

    PACE Solver Description: DreyFVS

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    We describe DreyFVS, a heuristic for Directed Feedback Vertex Set submitted to the 2022 edition of Parameterized Algorithms and Computational Experiments Challenge. The Directed Feedback Vertex Set problem asks to remove a minimal number of vertices from a digraph such that the resulting digraph is acyclic. Our algorithm first performs a guess on a reduced instance by leveraging the Sinkhorn-Knopp algorithm, to then improve this solution by pipelining two local search methods

    19th century glacier retreat in the Alps preceded the emergence of industrial black carbon deposition on high-alpine glaciers

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    Light absorbing aerosols in the atmosphere and cryosphere play an important role in the climate system. Their presence in ambient air and snow changes the radiative properties of these systems, thus contributing to increased atmospheric warming and snowmelt. High spatio-temporal variability of aerosol concentrations and a shortage of long-term observations contribute to large uncertainties in properly assigning the climate effects of aerosols through time.Starting around AD&thinsp;1860, many glaciers in the European Alps began to retreat from their maximum mid-19th century terminus positions, thereby visualizing the end of the Little Ice Age in Europe. Radiative forcing by increasing deposition of industrial black carbon to snow has been suggested as the main driver of the abrupt glacier retreats in the Alps. The basis for this hypothesis was model simulations using elemental carbon concentrations at low temporal resolution from two ice cores in the Alps.Here we present sub-annually resolved concentration records of refractory black carbon (rBC; using soot photometry) as well as distinctive tracers for mineral dust, biomass burning and industrial pollution from the Colle Gnifetti ice core in the Alps from AD&thinsp;1741 to 2015. These records allow precise assessment of a potential relation between the timing of observed acceleration of glacier melt in the mid-19th century with an increase of rBC deposition on the glacier caused by the industrialization of Western Europe. Our study reveals that in AD&thinsp;1875, the time when rBC ice-core concentrations started to significantly increase, the majority of Alpine glaciers had already experienced more than 80&thinsp;% of their total 19th century length reduction, casting doubt on a leading role for soot in terminating of the Little Ice Age. Attribution of glacial retreat requires expansion of the spatial network and sampling density of high alpine ice cores to balance potential biasing effects arising from transport, deposition, and snow conservation in individual ice-core records.</p
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