852 research outputs found

    Root anatomical traits contribute to deeper rooting of maize under compacted field conditions

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    © The Author(s) 2020. To better understand the role of root anatomy in regulating plant adaptation to soil mechanical impedance, 12 maize lines were evaluated in two soils with and without compaction treatments under field conditions. Penetrometer resistance was 1–2 MPa greater in the surface 30 cm of the compacted plots at a water content of 17–20% (v/v). Root thickening in response to compaction varied among genotypes and was negatively associated with rooting depth at one field site under non-compacted plots. Thickening was not associated with rooting depth on compacted plots. Genotypic variation in root anatomy was related to rooting depth. Deeper-rooting plants were associated with reduced cortical cell file number in combination with greater mid cortical cell area for node 3 roots. For node 4, roots with increased aerenchyma were deeper roots. A greater influence of anatomy on rooting depth was observed for the thinner root classes. We found no evidence that root thickening is related to deeper rooting in compacted soil; however, anatomical traits are important, especially for thinner root classes

    Thrombose veineuse profonde : une thrombolyse est-elle efficace ? : revue cochrane pour le praticien

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    Scénario: Une patiente de 45 ans vous consulte car sa jambe droite est bleue, cyanosée, avec une tension dans le mollet depuis cinq jours, qui s'est étendue progressivement jusqu'au haut de la cuisse. La circonférence du mollet droit est 4 cm plus grande que celle du mollet gauche. La patiente est en surpoids (IMC à 35 kg/m2) et suit depuis quelques années un traitement oestro-progestatif. Elle n'a pas d'anamnèse familiale ou d'antécédent de maladie thromboembolique. Un ultrason montre une thrombose veineuse profonde (TVP) avec un thrombus s'étendant de la veine poplitée à la veine iliaque externe. Question: La patiente pourrait-elle bénéficier d'une thrombolyse? Contexte: Les complications de la TVP comprennent l'embolie pulmonaire et le syndrome post-thrombotique. Un syndrome post-thrombotique léger à modéré peut survenir chez 30-50% des patients malgré un traitement anticoagulant, qui prévient principalement l'embolie pulmonaire et la récidive de TVP. Cette mise à jour de revue systématique compare l'efficacité du traitement anticoagulant à celui combinant les anticoagulants et la thrombolyse (par streptokinase, urokinase ou activateur tissulaire du plasminogène)

    Thrombolyse bei tiefer Venenthrombose? [Thrombolytic therapy in deep venous thrombosis?]

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    Sie sehen eine 45-jährige Patientin mit einem bläulich-zyanotischen rechten Bein. Vor fünf Tagen habe ein Spannungsschmerz in der Wade begonnen und sich zunehmend in den Oberschenkel hochgezogen. Die rechte Wade misst im Umfang 4 cm mehr als die linke. Die Anamnese ergibt keine familiäre oder persönliche Vorgeschichte einer thromboembolischen Erkrankung. Die Patientin ist übergewichtig ( BMI 35 kg/m2) und nimmt seit einigen Jahren eine Östrogen-Progesteron-Kombination. Der Ultraschall zeigt eine Thrombose der tiefen Beinvenen, die bis in die äussere Beckenvene reicht

    Hydrologic reinforcement induced by contrasting woody species during summer and winter

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    Aims: Vegetation can improve slope stability by transpiration-induced suction (hydrologic reinforcement). However, hydrologic reinforcement varies with seasons, especially under temperate climates. This study aims to quantify and compare the hydrologic reinforcement provided by contrasting species during winter and summer.Methods: One deciduous (Corylus avellana) and two evergreens (Ilex aquifolium and Ulex europaeus) were planted in 1-m soil columns. Soil columns were irrigated, left for evapotranspiration and then subjected to extreme wetting events during both summer and winter. Soil water content, matric suction and strength were measured down the soil profile. Plant water status and growth (above- and below-ground) were also recorded.Results: The tested species showed differing abilities to remove water, induce suction and hence influence soil strength. During summer, only Ulex europaeus provided a soil strength gain (up to six-fold the value at saturation) along the entire depth-profile inducing high suction (e.g. 70 kPa), largely maintained after wetting events in deeper soil (0.7 m). During winter, the evergreen species could remove water but at slower rates compared to summer.Conclusions: Evergreens could slowly induce suction and hence potentially stabilise slopes during winter. However, there were large differences between the two evergreens because of different growth rate and resource use

    A historical pragmatic analysis of Marie de Nassau's French-language correspondence with her father, 1573-1577

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    Personal correspondence provides valuable insight into the lives of early modern young women and their expected roles and responsibilities. The daughter-father relationship is of particular interest - there are relatively few examples of French-language daughter-father correspondence in existing historical pragmatic and sociolinguistic studies of early modern women’s lives when compared with other languages. Informed by research on early modern women’s correspondence, the family, and historical pragmatic methods, this study focuses on 22 French-language letters (around 16000 words) sent by Marie de Nassau (1556-1616) to her father Guillaume d’Orange (1533-1584) during her later adolescence, 1573-1577. Her correspondence is analysed in conjunction with examples from sixteenth century French-language letter-writing manuals, revealing her behaviours through three key pragmatic features: formulaic sequences, politeness strategies, and speech acts. Qualitative analysis of Marie’s correspondence shows that speech acts and politeness strategies work to maintain the daughter-father relationship during periods of absence, with formulaic sequences providing structure. Broadly speaking, Marie employs commissive speech acts, negative politeness, text-constitutive formulae, and Christian-ritual formulae to emphasise deference to her father. Conversely, expressive speech acts, positive politeness, and intersubjective formulae highlight their kinship. Her use of formulaic sequences not found in manuals suggests that function was more important than form; her politeness strategies characterise the daughter-father relationship, made evident through formal address terms and markers of deference and kinship; and her speech acts show the potential effects at different functional levels of the text, discursive practice, and social practice. This study contributes a detailed example of French-language correspondence to the fields of historical sociolinguistics and pragmatics, crucially prioritising the daughter’s voice. Additionally, it demonstrates the complex roles played by early modern young women as they were socialised into their adult lives, with Marie holding greater responsibility for the household, family, and her father’s affairs than one might expect of the ‘dutiful daughter’