7,087 research outputs found

    Understanding and conceptualising the adoption, use and diffusion of mobile banking in older adults: A research agenda and conceptual framework

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    Mobile banking has become increasingly important to society; however, not all members of society adopt and/or use it as much as others: older adults, the disabled and lower-income families remain behind in their use and adoption of this service. This finding helped us recognise a research gap and led us to form our primary aim: to understand and explain the factors that influence the adoption, use and diffusion of mobile banking among one of those groups in particular, older adults, in the UK. To form a theoretical understanding, this paper presents a comprehensive review of the surrounding literature in the area and proposes a conceptual framework that can be used for future research. The implications of this research for academia and businesses are also provided in this paper

    Faktor peramal pembelian sebenar produk herba di Malaysia: Kesan moderator persepsi manfaat dan persepsi risiko

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    The usage of herbal products has gained popularity in the modern society and is often used as an alternative medicine. The increased popularity of herbal is caused by the change in lifestyle due to modernization process and health problems. Even though there is an increased demand for herbal products, however, studies on actual purchase of herbal-based products are still insufficient, particularly in Malaysian context. Hence, this research is to identify factors that influence the actual purchase of herbal-based products. In order to achive the objective, a conceptual model based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour was proposed to explain the relationships between variable in this reseach. A total of 576 questionnaires were distributed in six states using Mall Intercept, however only 473 usable responses were obtained and used for data analysis. Data in this study was analyzed through a combination of descriptive and inferential statistics using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and SmartPLS. The results reveal that 15 hypotheses are significant that support the finding. As expected, attitudes, purchase intention, product safety, and social influence are significantly related to the purchase intention and actual purchase, while perceived benefits moderate the relationship between attitudes and actual purchase. The results also show that intention mediates the relationship between attitude, social influence, product safety and actual purchase. Finally, this research also discusses the contributions, limitations and suggestions for future research related to the actual purchase of herbal-based products

    Using the UTAUT Model to Determine Factors Affecting Acceptance and Use of Mobile Health (mHealth) Services in Bangladesh

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    mHealth is one of the most promising technologies that has emerged in recent years and could prove to have considerable value to both health services providers and patients for achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs). But, the adoption of mHealth faces many challenges and barriers, including cultural, technological, personal, organizational and social issues which must be addressed and treated carefully by mHealth services providers. The aim of this study is to identify the critical factors affecting the adoption of mHealth in healthcare system of Bangladesh by extending the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model to include perceived reliability and price value. A cross sectional survey questionnaire was used to collect data from 296 participants from different public and private hospitals in Dhaka city of Bangladesh. Result demonstrates that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition & perceived reliability had significant influence on the intention to adopt mHealth services in Bangladesh. Surprisingly, price value (p>0.05) had no significant influence on adoption of mHealth services. With the proposed model, it is possible to develop better mHealth services to meet the requirements of the common people based on widely available smartphone. The findings of this study will be beneficial for the government agencies, mobile phone operators, policy makers, healthcare providers and NGOs in developing countries

    A qualitative study of factors influencing ePHR adoption by caregivers and care providers of Alzheimer's patients:An extension of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model

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    Background and AimsAs the nowadays provision of many healthcare services relies on technology, a better understanding of the factors contributing to the acceptance and use of technology in health care is essential. For Alzheimer's patients, an electronic personal health record (ePHR) is one such technology. Stakeholders should understand the factors affecting the adoption of this technology for its smooth implementation, adoption, and sustainable use. So far, these factors have not fully been understood for Alzheimer's disease (AD)-specific ePHR. Therefore, the present study aimed to understand these factors in ePHR adoption based on the perceptions and views of care providers and caregivers involved in AD care. MethodsThis qualitative study was conducted from February 2020 to August 2021 in Kerman, Iran. Seven neurologists and 13 caregivers involved in AD care were interviewed using semi-structured and in-depth interviews. All interviews were conducted through phone contacts amid Covid-19 imposed restrictions, recorded, and transcribed verbatim. The transcripts were coded using thematic analysis based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model. ATLAS.ti8 was used for data analysis. ResultsThe factors affecting ePHR adoption in our study comprised subthemes under the five main themes of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions of the UTAUT model, and the participants' sociodemographic factors. From the 37 facilitating factors and 13 barriers identified for ePHR adoption, in general, the participants had positive attitudes toward the ease of use of this system. The stated obstacles were dependent on the participants' sociodemographic factors (such as age and level of education) and social influence (including concern about confidentiality and privacy). In general, the participants considered ePHRs efficient and useful in increasing neurologists' information about their patients and managing their symptoms in order to provide better and timely treatment. ConclusionThe present study gives a comprehensive insight into the acceptance of ePHR for AD in a developing setting. The results of this study can be utilized for similar healthcare settings with regard to technical, legal, or cultural characteristics. To develop a useful and user-friendly system, ePHR developers should involve users in the design process to take into account the functions and features that match their skills, requirements, and preferences


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    Commercial biopesticide products have been developed for a long time in Indonesia, but until now the level of application is still relatively low. This paper aims to determine the factors that are expected to influence the intention of non-users rice farmers to use commercial biopesticide products. Furthermore, a conceptual framework of intention to use commercial biopesticide products is proposed. Based on the literature review of previous empirical studies in various contexts, this paper has explored the factors that influence the intention of using biopesticides. Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) is employed as the main theoretical basis in this study which can be extended with relevant constructs to the research context (extended UTAUT2). The proposed conceptual framework recommends that non-users rice farmers' intention to use commercial biopesticide products is expected to be influenced by variables namely performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition, price value, perceived need, information publicity, and product marketing. This integrative conceptual framework is expected to have a theoretical contribution to understand the factors of non-users rice farmers’ intention to use commercial biopesticide products. In addition, it is beneficial for policymakers and managers to formulate and implement strategies to increase rice farmers' intention to use commercial biopesticide products


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    This study investigates the factors influencing Malaysian consumers' intentions toward digital banking. Digital banking has revolutionised the traditional banking industry by leveraging technology and the internet to provide convenient and accessible financial services. In Malaysia, the adoption of digital banking has been slow, with only 31% of Malaysians interested in digital banking services. This is due to several factors, including security concerns, a lack of trust in digital banking platforms, and the perceived difficulty of using these platforms. This study uses the responses of 392 Malaysian consumers on their perceptions of digital banking services. The study results show that perceived awareness and risk are the most significant factors influencing Malaysian consumers' intentions to adopt digital banking. The findings of this study have implications for banks and financial institutions in Malaysia. Therefore, banks need to address consumer concerns about risks and security and make their digital banking platforms more user-friendly to increase the adoption of digital banking services.  Article visualizations

    Consumer Innovativeness Leading to Innovation Adoption

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    With the changing trends in this world, innovative economy is the emerging idea that is vital for the economies, countries and organizations to grow and sustain. Innovation is the key to success and the innovators need to be influenced for adoption. For that reason, there is need of market analysis if consumers are ready for adopting the innovations that are offered to them, do they possess the necessary traits to understand the benefits of innovation in their lifestyles. This insight has given an opportunity to this research for analyzing the consumer market empirically for the traits that are necessary for the adoption of innovation. This study it further identify the market segment that are inclined possess the trait of innovativeness higher than the others. A survey questionnaire was adopted from literature; data was collected from almost 481 consumers belonging to Karachi from the age bracket of 15 to 54. The factor analysis, correlation, regression and 2SLS method was applied; results showed that consumer innovativeness is strongly influenced by personality traits such as intelligence, rationality and self-efficacy and socialization by interconnectedness, cosmopoliteness and subjective norm. The study reveals the insight that consumers are ready to adopt the innovation and possess the trait of innovativeness that has the capabilities to intellectually and rationally evaluate the innovative offering. Keywords: Consumer innovativeness, Innovation adoption, smart phone
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