227 research outputs found

    Voltage- and substrate-dependent interactions between sites in putative re-entrant domains of a Na+-coupled phosphate cotransporter

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    A common structural feature characterises sodium-coupled inorganic phosphate cotransporters of the SLC34 family (NaPi-IIa/b/c): a pair of inverted regions in the N- and C-terminal halves of the protein. These regions are hypothesised to contain re-entrant domains that associate to allow alternating access of the substrates from either side of the membrane. To investigate if these domains interact during the NaPi-II transport cycle, we introduced novel cysteines at three functionally important sites associated with the predicted re-entrant domains of the flounder NaPi-IIb for the purpose of fluorescent labelling and cross-linking. Single and double mutants were expressed in Xenopus oocytes and their function analysed using electrophysiological and real-time fluorometric assays. The substitution at the cytosolic end of the first re-entrant domain induced a large hyperpolarizing shift in the voltage dependence of steady-state and presteady-state kinetics, whereas the two substitutions at the external face were less critical. By using Cu-phenanthroline to induce disulfide bridge formation, we observed a loss of transport activity that depended on the presence of sodium in the incubation medium. This suggested that external sodium increased the probability of NaPi-IIb occupying a conformation that favours interaction between sites in the re-entrant domains. Furthermore, voltage-dependent fluorescence data supported the hypothesis that a localised interaction between the two domains occurs that depends on the membrane potential and substrate present: we found that the fluorescence intensity reported by a labelled cysteine in one domain was dependent on the side chain substituted at a functionally critical site in the opposed domai

    Conformational Dynamics of hSGLT1 during Na+/Glucose Cotransport

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    This study examines the conformations of the Na+/glucose cotransporter (SGLT1) during sugar transport using charge and fluorescence measurements on the human SGLT1 mutant G507C expressed in Xenopus oocytes. The mutant exhibited similar steady-state and presteady-state kinetics as wild-type SGLT1, and labeling of Cys507 by tetramethylrhodamine-6-maleimide had no effect on kinetics. Our strategy was to record changes in charge and fluorescence in response to rapid jumps in membrane potential in the presence and absence of sugar or the competitive inhibitor phlorizin. In Na+ buffer, step jumps in membrane voltage elicited presteady-state currents (charge movements) that decay to the steady state with time constants τmed (3–20 ms, medium) and τslow (15–70 ms, slow). Concurrently, SGLT1 rhodamine fluorescence intensity increased with depolarizing and decreased with hyperpolarizing voltages (ΔF). The charge vs. voltage (Q-V) and fluorescence vs. voltage (ΔF-V) relations (for medium and slow components) obeyed Boltzmann relations with similar parameters: zδ (apparent valence of voltage sensor) ≈ 1; and V0.5 (midpoint voltage) between −15 and −40 mV. Sugar induced an inward current (Na+/glucose cotransport), and reduced maximal charge (Qmax) and fluorescence (ΔFmax) with half-maximal concentrations (K0.5) of 1 mM. Increasing [αMDG]o also shifted the V0.5 for Q and ΔF to more positive values, with K0.5's ≈ 1 mM. The major difference between Q and ΔF was that at saturating [αMDG]o, the presteady-state current (and Qmax) was totally abolished, whereas ΔFmax was only reduced 50%. Phlorizin reduced both Qmax and ΔFmax (Ki ≈ 0.4 μM), with no changes in V0.5's or relaxation time constants. Simulations using an eight-state kinetic model indicate that external sugar increases the occupancy probability of inward-facing conformations at the expense of outward-facing conformations. The simulations predict, and we have observed experimentally, that presteady-state currents are blocked by saturating sugar, but not the changes in fluorescence. Thus we have isolated an electroneutral conformational change that has not been previously described. This rate-limiting step at maximal inward Na+/sugar cotransport (saturating voltage and external Na+ and sugar concentrations) is the slow release of Na+ from the internal surface of SGLT1. The high affinity blocker phlorizin locks the cotransporter in an inactive conformation

    Kidney-synthesized erythropoietin is the main source for the hypoxia-induced increase in plasma erythropoietin in adult humans

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    PURPOSE Erythropoietin (EPO) is mainly synthesized within renal peritubular fibroblasts, and also other tissues such as the liver possess the ability. However, to what extent non-kidney produced EPO contributes to the hypoxia-induced increase in circulating EPO in adult humans remains unclear. METHODS We aimed to quantify this by assessing the distribution of EPO glycoforms which are characterized by posttranslational glycosylation patterns specific to the synthesizing cell. The analysis was performed on samples obtained in seven healthy volunteers before, during and after 1 month of sojourn at 3,454 m altitude. RESULTS Umbilical cord (UC) plasma served as control. As expected a peak (p < 0.05) in urine (2.3 ± 0.5-fold) and plasma (3.3 ± 0.5-fold) EPO was observed on day 1 of high-altitude exposure, and thereafter the concentration decreased for the urine sample obtained after 26 days at altitude, but remained elevated (p < 0.05) by 1.5 ± 0.2-fold above the initial sea level value for the plasma sample. The EPO glycoform heterogeneity, in the urine samples collected at altitude, did not differ from values at sea level, but were markedly lower (p < 0.05) than the mean percent migrated isoform (PMI) for the umbilical cord samples. CONCLUSION Our studies demonstrate (1) UC samples express a different glycoform distribution as compared to adult humans and hence illustrates the ability to synthesis EPO in non-kidney cells during fetal development (2) as expected hypoxia augments circulating EPO in adults and the predominant source here for remains being kidney derived

    Hematological adaptations to prolonged heat acclimation in endurance-trained males

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    Frontiers is fully compliant with open access mandates, by publishing its articles under the Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC-BY). Authors retain copyright of their work and can deposit their publication in any repository. The work can be freely shared and adapted provided that appropriate credit is given and any changes specified.Heat acclimation is associated with plasma volume (PV) expansion that occurs within the first week of exposure. However, prolonged effects on hemoglobin mass (Hbmass) are unclear as intervention periods in previous studies have not allowed sufficient time for erythropoiesis to manifest. Therefore, Hbmass, intravascular volumes, and blood volume (BV)-regulating hormones were assessed with 5½ weeks of exercise-heat acclimation (HEAT) or matched training in cold conditions (CON) in 21 male cyclists [(mean ± SD) age: 38 ± 9 years, body weight: 80.4 ± 7.9 kg, VO2peak: 59.1 ± 5.2 ml/min/kg]. HEAT (n = 12) consisted of 1 h cycling at 60% VO2peak in 40°C for 5 days/week in addition to regular training, whereas CON (n = 9) trained exclusively in cold conditions (<15°C). Before and after the intervention, Hbmass and intravascular volumes were assessed by carbon monoxide rebreathing, while reticulocyte count and BV-regulating hormones were measured before, after 2 weeks and post intervention. Total training volume during the intervention was similar (p = 0.282) between HEAT (509 ± 173 min/week) and CON (576 ± 143 min/week). PV increased (p = 0.004) in both groups, by 303 ± 345 ml in HEAT and 188 ± 286 ml in CON. There was also a main effect of time (p = 0.038) for Hbmass with +34 ± 36 g in HEAT and +2 ± 33 g in CON and a tendency toward a higher increase in Hbmass in HEAT compared to CON (time × group interaction: p = 0.061). The Hbmass changes were weakly correlated to alterations in PV (r = 0.493, p = 0.023). Reticulocyte count and BV-regulating hormones remained unchanged for both groups. In conclusion, Hbmass was slightly increased following prolonged training in the heat and although the mechanistic link remains to be revealed, the increase could represent a compensatory response in erythropoiesis secondary to PV expansion.publishedVersio

    Physiological, biochemical, anthropometric and biomechanical influences on exercise economy in humans

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    Inter-individual variation in running and cycling exercise economy (EE) remains unexplained although studied for more than a century. This study is the first to comprehensively evaluate the importance of biochemical, structural, physiological, anthropometric, and biomechanical influences on running and cycling EE within a single study. In 22 healthy males (VO2 max range 45.5 to 72.1 ml.min(-1) .kg(-1) ) no factor related to skeletal muscle structure (% slow twitch fibre content, number of capillaries per fibre), mitochondrial properties (volume density, oxidative capacity, or mitochondrial efficiency) or protein content (UCP3 and MFN2 expression) explained variation in cycling and running EE among subjects. In contrast, biomechanical variables related to vertical displacement correlated well with running EE, but were not significant when taking body weight into account. Thus, running EE and body weight were correlated (R(2) = 0.94; P < 0.001), but was lower for cycling EE (R(2) = 0.23; P < 0.023). To separate biomechanical determinants of running EE we contrasted individual running and cycling EE considering that during cycle ergometer exercise the biomechanical influence on EE would be small because of the fixed movement pattern. Differences in cycling and running exercise protocols, e.g., related to biomechanics, play however only a secondary role in determining EE. There was no evidence for an impact of structural or functional skeletal muscle variables on EE. Body weight was the main determinant of EE explaining 94% of variance in running EE, although more than 50% of the variability of cycling EE remains unexplained

    A Steered Molecular Dynamics Study of Binding and Translocation Processes in the GABA Transporter

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    The entire substrate translocation pathway in the human GABA transporter (GAT-1) was explored for the endogenous substrate GABA and the anti-convulsive drug tiagabine. Following a steered molecular dynamics (SMD) approach, in which a harmonic restraining potential is applied to the ligand, dissociation and re-association of ligands were simulated revealing events leading to substrate (GABA) translocation and inhibitor (tiagabine) mechanism of action. We succeeded in turning the transporter from the outward facing occluded to the open-to-out conformation, and also to reorient the transporter to the open-to-in conformation. The simulations are validated by literature data and provide a substrate pathway fingerprint in terms of which, how, and in which sequence specific residues are interacted with. They reveal the essential functional roles of specific residues, e.g. the role of charged residues in the extracellular vestibule including two lysines (K76 (TM1) and K448 (TM10)) and a TM6-triad (D281, E283, and D287) in attracting and relocating substrates towards the secondary/interim substrate-binding site (S2). Likewise, E101 is highlighted as essential for the relocation of the substrate from the primary substrate-binding site (S1) towards the cytoplasm

    Beyond water homeostasis:diverse functional roles of mammalian aquaporins

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    Background - Aquaporin (AQP) water channels are best known as passive transporters of water that are vital for water homeostasis. Scope of review - AQP knockout studies in whole animals and cultured cells, along with naturally occurring human mutations suggest that the transport of neutral solutes through AQPs has important physiological roles. Emerging biophysical evidence suggests that AQPs may also facilitate gas (CO2) and cation transport. AQPs may be involved in cell signalling for volume regulation and controlling the subcellular localization of other proteins by forming macromolecular complexes. This review examines the evidence for these diverse functions of AQPs as well their physiological relevance. Major conclusions - As well as being crucial for water homeostasis, AQPs are involved in physiologically important transport of molecules other than water, regulation of surface expression of other membrane proteins, cell adhesion, and signalling in cell volume regulation. General significance - Elucidating the full range of functional roles of AQPs beyond the passive conduction of water will improve our understanding of mammalian physiology in health and disease. The functional variety of AQPs makes them an exciting drug target and could provide routes to a range of novel therapies

    Before the Bonanza: Hydrocarbons in Greenland

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    The issue of Greenlandic hydrocarbons gradually moved towards the centre of the creation of autonomous Greenland. Hydrocarbons in Greenland and the Greenlandic nation were co-produced in the same process. Thus, when hydrocarbons were connected to an ecological modernisation it allowed the newly formed Home Rule administration, in a joint Danish-Greenlandic effort, to adopt this, not only as a road to independence, but as something giving credibility to Greenland as a distinct society

    Residential segregation in 5 European countries : Technical report

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    The research project “Residential segregation in in five European countries – A comparative study using individualized scalable neighbourhoods” (ResSegr) started in August 2014 as a cooperation between researchers at Stockholm University (Department of Human Geography), the University of Oslo (Department of Sociology and Human Geography), Statistics Denmark, the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute and the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Interface Demography). Funding was granted by the Joint Programme Initiative Urban Europe.This is the technical report documenting the processes that have led to the making of the harmonized multi-country datasets with segregation indicators that was one of the main outputs of the project. In the report, we provide a description of the national datasets and the geographical coordinates, the definition of indicators and a description of the software used to produce the data. Similarities as well as differences between the different national datasets and indicators are highlighted. One chapter pays attention to the various ethical and privacy considerations that were considered in the creation of the dataset so that privacy of individuals could be protected. More information about the project can be found at www.residentialsegregation.org.Residential Segregation in Five European Projects: A comparative study using individualized scalable neighbourhood