8 research outputs found
Pozícionális gének aktivitásának szerepe az idegsejt-fenotípus meghatározásában = Role of positional genes in the determination of the neuronal phenotype
A jellegzetes mintázatban aktiválódó pozícionális gének agyfejlődésben játszott szerepét vizsgálva az alábbi eredményeket nyertük: 1. A korai NE-4C embrionális idegi őssejtek indukálatlan állapotban regionálisan nem elkötelezettek; a neuron-képzés időszakában a regionális gének széles skálája aktiválódik; a sejtekből GABAerg, glutamaterg és szerotonin termelő neuronok is fejlődnek. 2. Az NE-4C sejtvonal transzfekciójával 11 idegi őssejtklónt alapítottunk; ezek a fejlődés minden szakaszában expresszálták az emx2 (antero-dorzális telencephalon) regionális gént; az NE-4Cemx2+ sejtek adhéziós sajátságai megváltoztak és katekolamin termelő neuronokat is képeztek. 3. Idegi őssejtvonalakat izoláltunk embrionális és kifejlett egéragyból új, szintetikus adhezív peptidkonjugátumok alkalmazásával; 4. A különböző agyi régiókból származó idegi őssejtvonalak és a belőlük in vitro fejlődő idegszöveti sejttípusok sok eredetre jellemző sajátságot megőriztek, de a hagyományos regionális gén-mintázat ezt az „emlékezetet” nem tükrözte; 5. Az egyes őssejt-klónok retinoid-érzékenysége és inherens retinsav metabolizmusa eltérő. Igazoltuk, hogy felnőtt agy neurogén régiói magas retinsav-tartalommal bírnak. 6. A kifejlett agyi parenchyma nem nyújt befogadó környeztet az őssejtek számára; a sérült előagyban az ős/progenitor sejtek szaporodnak, de nem differenciálódnak; túlnyomásos O2-kezelés hatására sporadikus idegsejt irányú fejlődés indítható. | Studies on developmental roles of „positional genes” in the formation of regional brain features led to the following results: 1. Early embryonic neural stem cells (NE-4C) are regionally not determined; in neuron-fromation phase, however, many regional genes got activated; GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons developed from the clon. 2. Inserting the Emx2 (antero-dorsal telencephalic) positional gene into NE-4C cells, 11 sub-clones were established, all expressing Emx2 throughout the entire differentiation period. The NE-4Cemx2+ cells displayed altered adhesive characteristics, and could generate catecholamine producing neurons. 3. By using novel synthetic adhesive peptide-conjugates, neural stem/progenitor clones had been established from different ages and regions of the mouse brain. 4. Neural stem/progenitor clones preserved several features characteristic to their origin, while the expression profile of traditional „regional genes” failed to reflect the regional „memory”. 5. The stem/progenitor clones displayed important differences in retinoid sentitivity and metabolism. In the neurogenic zones of the adult brain, enhanced retinoic acid contaent was demonstrated. 6. The adult brain parenhcyma is not permissive for the implanted stem/progenitor cells, regardless of their origin. In cortical lesion sites, the stem/progenitor cells proliferate, but do not differentiate. Hyperbaric O2-treatment was shown to allow sporadic neuronal differentiation
Storage stability of five steroids and in dried blood spots for newborn screening and retrospective diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a severe inherited disorder of cortisol biosynthesis that is potentially lethal or can seriously affect quality of life. For the first time, we aimed to assess the stability of 21-deoxycortisol (21Deox), 11-deoxycortisol (11Deox), 4-androstenedione (4AD), 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) and cortisol (Cort), diagnostic for CAH, in dried blood spots (DBSs) during a 1 year storage at different temperatures. Spiked DBS samples were stored at room temperature, 4 °C, -20 °C or -70 °C, respectively and analyzed in triplicates using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry at Weeks 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4, Month 6 and Year 1. Analyte levels within ±15% vs the baseline were considered stable. Our observations show that 21Deox, 4AD and 17OHP were not significantly changed for 1 year even at room temperature at either analyte levels. In contrast, Cort required storage at 4 °C, -20 °C or -70 °C for long-term stability, being significantly decreased at room temperature from Month 6 (p<0.01) in both the 30(60) nM and the 90(180) nM samples. 11Deox was significantly decreased at room temperature at Year 1 (p<0.01) and only in the 30(60) nM samples. Thus, all biomarkers were stable for up to 1 year at 4 °C, -20 °C or -70 °C and at least for 4 weeks at room temperature. These findings have implications for analyses of stored DBS samples in 2nd-tier assays in newborn screening and for retrospective CAH studies
Sex-dependent liver colonization of human melanoma in SCID mice-role of host defense mechanisms
The possibility that endocrine factors may influence the clinical course of malignant melanoma is suggested by the superior survival data of women. In preclinical models we observed a higher rate of colony formation by human melanoma cells in male compared to female SCID mice, but only in the case of the liver and not in other organs. The gender difference could be seen at an early phase of colony formation. On the other hand, in our human melanoma cell lines we failed to detect steroid receptor protein expression, and treatment with sex hormones did not considerably influence their in vitro behavior. Investigating the possible contribution of host cells to the observed gender difference, we performed in vivo blocking experiments applying pretreatment of the animals with Kupffer cell inhibitor gadolinium chloride and the NK cell inhibitor anti-asialo GM1 antibody. While Kupffer cell blockade enhanced melanoma liver colonization equally in the two sexes, a more prominent increase was observed in female than in male mice in the case of NK cell inhibition. Further supporting the importance of NK cells in the lower liver colonization efficiency of melanoma cells in females, gender difference in colony formation was lost in NSG mice lacking NK activity. Although in humans no organ selectivity of gender difference in melanoma progression has been observed according to data in the literature, our results possibly indicate a contribution of natural host defense mechanisms to gender difference in survival of patients with melanoma or other tumor types as well
Pregnancy management of women with kidney transplantation
Abstract: Women with renal disease, besides many dysfunctions, face increasing infertility and high-risk pregnancy due to uremia and changesof the hormonal functions. After renal transplantation, sexual dysfunction improves, providing the possibility of successful pregnancy forwomen of childbearing age. However, kidney transplanted patients are high-risk pregnant patients with increased maternal and fetal risks,and the graft also may be compromised during pregnancy; most studies report on several successive deliveries due to multidisciplinary teammanagement. In clinical practice, the graft is rarely aff ected during the period of gestation. Fetal development disorders are also rare althoughpreterm delivery and intrauterine growth retardation are common. For now, several studies and clinical investigations proved that, undermultidisciplinary control, kidney transplanted female patients are also possible to have safe pregnancy and successful delivery. There areconfl icting data in the literature about the prevention of complications and the timing of pregnancy. Herein, we would like to present someexperience of our centre. A total of 847 kidney transplantations have been performed between June 1993 and December 2013 with 163childbearing aged females (18–45 years) in our center. We report on three kidney transplanted patients who have given birth to healthynewborns. In our practice, severe complications have not been observed