197 research outputs found

    The processing of bilingual (switched) compound verbs: Competition of words from different categories for lexical selection

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    This paper investigates the production of Persian–English bilingual compound verbs (BCVs) of the type [VERB+VERB]. In this type of code-switched structure, a lexical verb from the donor language English is combined with a light verb from the native language Persian. We tested the hypothesis that in Persian–English BCVs English verbs occupy the nominal slots of monolingual Persian complex predicates of the type [NOMINAL+VERB]. Two methodologies were used. A conversational-corpus analysis confirmed our predictions that Persian–English BCVs have translation-equivalent Persian compound verbs, that the English verbs denote the same action as the nominal constituents of those monolingual constructions, and that the support verbs tend to correspond in both types of compound verbs. A bilingual picture-word interference experiment provided evidence suggesting that English verbs interfere with the production of the nominal constituents of complex Persian verbs in Persian-bilingual speakers. We conclude that words from different word categories can compete for lexical access

    Körperliche AktivitĂ€t im Kindergartenalter: Direkte Accelerometrie im Wochenverlauf und Assoziation zum Gewichtsstatus, dem Medienkonsum, soziodemographischen und sozioökonomischen Faktoren: Physical Activity in 3–6 Year Old Children Measured by SenseWear ProH: Direct Accelerometry in the Course of the Week and Relation to Weight Status, Media Consumption, and Socioeconomic Factors

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    Background: Data on objectively measured physical activity (PA) in preschoolers are controversial. Direct accelerometry was performed in children aged 3–6 years, and differences in PA patterns over the course of the week were evaluated. Data were analyzed with gender, BMI, lifestyle, and socioeconomic parameters as covariates. Methods: PA was measured in 119 children by the SensewearPro accelerometer and analyzed in the 92 (40 girls) that wore it for at least 4 days including one day of the weekend. Median measuring time in this group was 7 consecutive days (median/mean daily measuring time: 23.5 h/d and 21.8 h/d, respectively), corresponding to 834,000 analyzed minutes. PA questionnaires were completed by 103 parents and 87 preschool teachers to collect anthropometric, lifestyle, and socioeconomic data. Results: Median daily PA (MET.3) was 4.3 hours (mean: 4.4 hours). Boys spent an estimated 52 min/week more being very active (MET.6) than girls (95% CI [6, 96] min/week, p = 0.02). PA was lower during the weekend (3.7 h/d) compared to weekdays (4.5 h/d), p = 361026), where a 95% CI for the difference is [0.5, 1.0] h/d. PA levels did not differ between overweight/obese children (median 4.7 h/d) and normal-weight peers (median 4.2 h/d). Daily media consumption increased with decreasing social class on weekdays (p = 0.05) and during the weekend (p = 0.01), but was not related to the amount of daily PA. A multivariate regression with BMI-SDS as independent variable and gender, age, amount of PA.6 MET, parental BMI, media time and socioeconomic status as explanatory variables revealed that only SES had a significant contribution. Conclusion: The negative impact of obesity-promoting factors in older children is rather low for preschoolers, but there is evidently a gradient in PA between weekdays and weekends already in this age group. Weight status of preschoolers is already considerably influenced by SES, but not physical activity levels

    Usability and Acceptance of Exergames Using Different Types of Training among Older Hypertensive Patients in a Simulated Mixed Reality

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    Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) exergames are promising tools for increasing training motivation. However, the use of exergames with mixed reality (MR) headsets remains under-researched. Older adults with hypertension could also benefit from the increased training adherence associated with MR. Endurance and strength endurance exercises are recommended for this group to lower blood pressure. The aim of the preliminary study (n = 22) was to compare the usability and acceptance of two exergames, which represent two different training types-strength endurance training (SET) and endurance training (ET). The developed exergame prototypes were applied in "simulated MR" using a VR head-mounted display. We examined the following outcomes: usability (TUI), intention to use (TUI), subjective task load (NASA-TLX), frustration (NASA-TLX), and presence (PQ). The results showed that frustration was significantly greater in the ET than in the SET (p = 0.038). Presence was significantly higher in the SET (p = 0.002). No significant differences in usability and acceptance were found in the exergames. The results indicate that usability and acceptance are not related to the type of training when utilizing MR exergames. Whether the results are transferable with a real MR headset must be determined in further research

    Needs and Attitudes of Older Chronic Back Pain Patients towards a Wearable for Ultrasound Biofeedback during Stabilization Exercises: A Qualitative Analysis

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    Chronic back pain has a high prevalence, especially in older adults, and seriously affects sufferers' quality of life. Segmental stabilization exercise (SSE) is often used during physiotherapy to enhance core stability. The execution of SSE requires the selective contraction of deep abdominal and back muscles. Motor learning can be supported using ultrasound imaging as visual biofeedback. ULTRAWEAR is a mobile ultrasound system that provides deep learning-based biofeedback on SSE execution, which is currently under development. We interviewed 15 older chronic back pain patients (CBPPs) to investigate their pain management behavior, experience with SSE, as well as their needs and requirements for ULTRAWEAR. We also gathered information about future-usage scenarios. CBPPs reported a high willingness to use the system as a feedback tool both in physiotherapeutic practices and at home. The automated detection and evaluation of muscle contraction states was highlighted as a major benefit of the system compared to the more subjective feedback provided by traditional methods such as palpation. The system to be developed was perceived as a helpful solution to support learning about SSE

    Boundaries and Prototypes in Categorizing Direction

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    Projective terms such as left, right, front, back are conceptually interesting due to their flexibility of contextual usage and their central relevance to human spatial cognition. Their default acceptability areas are well known, with prototypical axes representing their most central usage and decreasing acceptability away from the axes. Previous research has shown these axes to be boundaries in certain non-linguistic tasks, indicating an inverse relationship between linguistic and non-linguistic direction concepts under specific circumstances. Given this striking mismatch, our study asks how such inverse non-linguistic concepts are represented in language, as well as how people describe their categorization. Our findings highlight two distinct grouping strategies reminiscent of theories of human categorization: prototype based or boundary based. These lead to different linguistic as well as non-linguistic patterns

    Response actions influence the categorization of directions in auditory space

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    Velten MCC, BlĂ€sing B, Hermann T, Vorwerg C, Schack T. Response actions influence the categorization of directions in auditory space. Frontiers in Psychology. 2015;6: 1163.Spatial region concepts such as “front,” “back,” “left,” and “right” reflect our typical interaction with space, and the corresponding surrounding regions have different statuses in memory. We examined the representation of spatial directions in the auditory space, specifically in how far natural response actions, such as orientation movements toward a sound source, would affect the categorization of egocentric auditory space. While standing in the middle of a circle with 16 loudspeakers, participants were presented acoustic stimuli coming from the loudspeakers in randomized order, and verbally described their directions by using the concept labels “front,” “back,” “left,” “right,” “front-right,” “front-left,” “back-right,” and “back-left.” Response actions varied in three blocked conditions: (1) facing front, (2) turning the head and upper body to face the stimulus, and (3) turning the head and upper body plus pointing with the hand and outstretched arm toward the stimulus. In addition to a protocol of the verbal utterances, motion capture and video recording generated a detailed corpus for subsequent analysis of the participants’ behavior. Chi-square tests revealed an effect of response condition for directions within the left and right sides. We conclude that movement-based response actions influence the representation of auditory space, especially within the sides’ regions. Moreover, the representation of auditory space favors the front and the back regions in terms of resolution, which is possibly related to the physiological characteristics of the human auditory system, as well as to the ecological requirements of action control in the different regions

    Starch analysis using hydrodynamic chromatography with a mixed-bed particle column

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    Columns packed with commercial glass beads 5 and 19 lm average size and a mixture of both (0.7 volume fraction of large particles) were used to analyse starch composition by hydrodynamic chromatography (HDC), applying water as mobile phase. To obviate retrogradation, experiments were carried out at column temperatures of 15 and 3 °C and several types of starch were assayed. In what concerns amylopectin and amylose separation, a better resolution and a lower pressure drop were obtained for the mixed binary packing when compared with the packing containing uniform 5 lm glass beads. A more efficient cooling of the mobile phase was also obtained with the mixed packing, which was determinant for improving resolution. For the Hylon VII starch the relative retention times (RRT) were 0.777 and 0.964 for amylopectin and amylose, respectively, while for the Tapioca starch the obtained RRTs were 0.799 and 0.923. Application of unbound glass beads as column packing not only might reduce equipment and running costs in preparative scale separations, but also proved to be useful as a fast and reliable method to monitor the amylose and amylopectin content of starch samples of different sources.FEDERThe authors wish to thank FCT for the grant provided to Dr. Alexander Yelshin (Yelshyn). This work was developed under the framework of the project POCI-EQU-58337/2004, partially funded by FEDER

    Sculptors, architects, and painters conceive of depicted spaces differently

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    Sculptors, architects, and painters are three professional groups that require a comprehensive understanding of how to manipulate spatial structures. While it has been speculated that they may differ in the way they conceive of space due to the different professional demands, this has not been empirically tested. To achieve this, we asked architects, painters, sculptors, and a control group questions about spatially complex pictures. Verbalizations elicited were examined using cognitive discourse analysis. We found significant differences between each group. Only painters shifted consistently between 2D and 3D concepts, architects were concerned with paths and spatial physical boundedness, and sculptors produced responses that fell between architects and painters. All three differed from controls, whose verbalizations were generally less elaborate and detailed. Thus, for the case of sculptors, architects, and painters, profession appears to relate to a different spatial conceptualization manifested through a systematically contrasting way of talking about space

    Molecular weight analysis of starches: which technique?

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    A number of methods are available to researchers for estimating molecular weights (molar masses) and molecular weight distributions of starches − or those in solution, using an appropriate solvent/solubilisation protocol. We outline the methods available and assess their relative merits and limitations. We focus on size-exclusion chromatography or field flow fractionation coupled to multi-angle light scattering, viscometry, and sedimentation velocity and sedimentation equilibrium in the analytical ultracentrifuge
