175 research outputs found

    The Bimodal Galaxy Stellar Mass Function in the COSMOS Survey to z~1: A Steep Faint End and a New Galaxy Dichotomy

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    We present a new analysis of stellar mass functions (MF) in the COSMOS field to fainter limits than has been previously probed to z~1. Neither the total nor the passive or star-forming MF can be well fit with a single Schechter function once one probes below 3e9 Msun. We observe a dip or plateau at masses ~1e10 Msun, and an upturn towards a steep faint-end slope of -1.7 at lower mass at any z<1. This bimodal nature of the MF is not solely a result of the blue/red dichotomy. The blue MF is by itself bimodal at z~1. This suggests a new dichotomy in galaxy formation that predates the appearance of the red sequence. We propose two interpretations for this bimodality. If the gas fraction increases towards lower mass, galaxies with M_baryon~1e10 Msun would shift to lower stellar masses, creating the observed dip. This would indicate a change in star formation efficiency, perhaps linked to supernovae feedback becoming much more efficient. Therefore, we investigate whether the dip is present in the baryonic (stars+gas) MF. Alternatively, the dip could be created by an enhancement of the galaxy assembly rate at ~1e11 Msun, a phenomenon that naturally arises if the baryon fraction peaks at M_halo ~1e12 Msun. In this scenario, galaxies occupying the bump around M* would be identified with central galaxies and the second fainter component having a steep faint-end slope with satellites. While the dip is apparent in the total MF at any z, it appears to shift from the blue to red population, likely as a result of transforming high-mass blue galaxies into red ones. At the same time, we detect a drastic upturn in the number of low-mass red galaxies. Their increase with time reflects a decrease in the number of blue systems and so we tentatively associate them with satellite dwarf galaxies that have undergone quenching.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Asymmetric Silver to Oxide Adhesion in Multilayers Deposited on Glass by Sputtering

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    We have developed a wedge-loaded double-cantilever beam adhesion measurement set-up for thin films deposited on glass by sputtering. The test is described in details. Results on the Glass/sublayer/Ag/ZnO multilayer provide evidence that \SnOd or \TiOd perform better than ZnO as a sublayer. Then however, rupture within the multilayer shifts to the upper Ag/ZnO interface. The latter is shown to be tougher than the lower ZnO/Ag interface, an asymmetry due to non-equilibrium interfacial structures

    Functional characterization of generalized Langevin equations

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    We present an exact functional formalism to deal with linear Langevin equations with arbitrary memory kernels and driven by any noise structure characterized through its characteristic functional. No others hypothesis are assumed over the noise, neither the fluctuation dissipation theorem. We found that the characteristic functional of the linear process can be expressed in terms of noise's functional and the Green function of the deterministic (memory-like) dissipative dynamics. This object allow us to get a procedure to calculate all the Kolmogorov hierarchy of the non-Markov process. As examples we have characterized through the 1-time probability a noise-induced interplay between the dissipative dynamics and the structure of different noises. Conditions that lead to non-Gaussian statistics and distributions with long tails are analyzed. The introduction of arbitrary fluctuations in fractional Langevin equations have also been pointed out

    The FORS Deep Field: Field selection, photometric observations and photometric catalog

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    The FORS Deep Field project is a multi-colour, multi-object spectroscopic investigation of an approx. 7 times 7 region near the south galactic pole based mostly on observations carried out with the FORS instruments attached to the VLT telescopes. It includes the QSO Q 0103-260 (z = 3.36). The goal of this study is to improve our understanding of the formation and evolution of galaxies in the young Universe. In this paper the field selection, the photometric observations, and the data reduction are described. The source detection and photometry of objects in the FORS Deep Field is discussed in detail. A combined B and I selected UBgRIJKs photometric catalog of 8753 objects in the FDF is presented and its properties are briefly discussed. The formal 50% completeness limits for point sources, derived from the co-added images, are 25.64, 27.69, 26.86, 26.68, 26.37, 23.60 and 21.57 in U, B, g, R, I, J and Ks (Vega-system), respectively. A comparison of the number counts in the FORS Deep Field to those derived in other deep field surveys shows very good agreement.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures (included), accepted for publication in A&

    The SWIRE-VVDS-CFHTLS surveys: stellar mass assembly over the last 10 Gyears. Evidence for a major build up of the red sequence between z=2 and z=1

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    (abridged abstract) We present an analysis of the stellar mass growth over the last 10 Gyrs using a large 3.6ÎŒ\mu selected sample. We split our sample into active (blue) and quiescent (red) galaxies. Our measurements of the K-LFs and LD evolution support the idea that a large fraction of galaxies is already assembled at z∌1.2z\sim 1.2. Based on the analysis of the evolution of the stellar mass-to-light ratio (in K-band) for the spectroscopic sub-sample, we derive the stellar mass density for the entire sample. We find that the global evolution of the stellar mass density is well reproduced by the star formation rate derived from UV dust corrected measurements. Over the last 8Gyrs, we observe that the stellar mass density of the active population remains approximately constant while it gradually increases for the quiescent population over the same timescale. As a consequence, the growth of the stellar mass in the quiescent population must be due to the shutoff of star formation in active galaxies that migrate into the quiescent population. From z=2z=2 to z=1.2z=1.2, we observe a major build-up of the quiescent population with an increase by a factor of 10 in stellar mass, suggesting that we are observing the epoch when an increasing fraction of galaxies are ending their star formation activity and start to build up the red sequence.Comment: Accepted to A&A with major changes. 1 table and 13 figure

    CLASH: z ~ 6 young galaxy candidate quintuply lensed by the frontier field cluster RXC J2248.7-4431

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    We present a quintuply lensed z ~ 6 candidate discovered in the field of the galaxy cluster RXC J2248.7-4431 (z ~ 0.348) targeted within the Cluster Lensing and Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH) and selected in the deep HST Frontier Fields survey. Thanks to the CLASH 16-band HST imaging, we identify the quintuply lensed z ~ 6 candidate as an optical dropout in the inner region of the cluster, the brightest image having magAB=24.81+-0.02 in the f105w filter. We perform a detailed photometric analysis to verify its high-z and lensed nature. We get as photometric redshift z_phot ~ 5.9, and given the extended nature and NIR colours of the lensed images, we rule out low-z early type and galactic star contaminants. We perform a strong lensing analysis of the cluster, using 13 families of multiple lensed images identified in the HST images. Our final best model predicts the high-z quintuply lensed system with a position accuracy of 0.8''. The magnifications of the five images are between 2.2 and 8.3, which leads to a delensed UV luminosity of L_1600 ~ 0.5L*_1600 at z=6. We also estimate the UV slope from the observed NIR colours, finding a steep beta=-2.89+-0.38. We use singular and composite stellar population SEDs to fit the photometry of the hiz candidate, and we conclude that it is a young (age <300 Myr) galaxy with mass of M ~ 10^8Msol, subsolar metallicity (Z<0.2Zsol) and low dust content (AV ~ 0.2-0.4).Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables, submitted to MNRAS on 11 Aug 2013, accepted on 23 Nov 201

    Clustering properties of galaxies selected in stellar mass: Breaking down the link between luminous and dark matter in massive galaxies from z=0 to z=2

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    We present a study on the clustering of a stellar mass selected sample of 18,482 galaxies with stellar masses M*>10^10M(sun) at redshifts 0.4<z<2.0, taken from the Palomar Observatory Wide-field Infrared Survey. We examine the clustering properties of these stellar mass selected samples as a function of redshift and stellar mass, and discuss the implications of measured clustering strengths in terms of their likely halo masses. We find that galaxies with high stellar masses have a progressively higher clustering strength, and amplitude, than galaxies with lower stellar masses. We also find that galaxies within a fixed stellar mass range have a higher clustering strength at higher redshifts. We furthermore use our measured clustering strengths, combined with models from Mo & White (2002), to determine the average total masses of the dark matter haloes hosting these galaxies. We conclude that for all galaxies in our sample the stellar-mass-to-total-mass ratio is always lower than the universal baryonic mass fraction. Using our results, and a compilation from the literature, we furthermore show that there is a strong correlation between stellar-mass-to-total-mass ratio and derived halo masses for central galaxies, such that more massive haloes contain a lower fraction of their mass in the form of stars over our entire redshift range. For central galaxies in haloes with masses M(halo)>10^13M(sun) we find that this ratio is <0.02, much lower than the universal baryonic mass fraction. We show that the remaining baryonic mass is included partially in stars within satellite galaxies in these haloes, and as diffuse hot and warm gas. We also find that, at a fixed stellar mass, the stellar-to-total-mass ratio increases at lower redshifts. This suggests that galaxies at a fixed stellar mass form later in lower mass dark matter haloes, and earlier in massive haloes. We interpret this as a "halo downsizing" effect, however some of this evolution could be attributed to halo assembly bias.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 19 pages, 8 figures and 3 tables

    The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey. The Assembly History of the Stellar Mass in Galaxies: from the Young to the Old Universe

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    We present a detailed analysis of the Galaxy Stellar Mass Function of galaxies up to z=2.5 as obtained from the VVDS. We estimate the stellar mass from broad-band photometry using 2 different assumptions on the galaxy star formation history and show that the addition of secondary bursts to a continuous star formation history produces systematically higher (up to 40%) stellar masses. At low redshift (z=0.2) we find a substantial population of low-mass galaxies (<10^9 Msun) composed by faint blue galaxies (M_I-M_K=0.3). In general the stellar mass function evolves slowly up to z=0.9 and more significantly above this redshift. Conversely, a massive tail is present up to z=2.5 and have extremely red colours (M_I-M_K=0.7-0.8). We find a decline with redshift of the overall number density of galaxies for all masses (59+-5% for M>10^8 Msun at z=1), and a mild mass-dependent average evolution (`mass-downsizing'). In particular our data are consistent with mild/negligible (6x10^10 Msun). For less massive systems the no-evolution scenario is excluded. A large fraction (>=50%) of massive galaxies have been already assembled and converted most of their gas into stars at z=1, ruling out the `dry mergers' as the major mechanism of their assembly history below z=1. This fraction decreases to 33% at z=2. Low-mass systems have decreased continuously in number and mass density (by a factor up to 4) from the present age to z=2, consistently with a prolonged mass assembly also at z<1.Comment: 20 pages with 12 encapsulated figures. Version accepted by A&

    A new measurement of the evolving near-infrared galaxy luminosity function out to z~4: a continuing challenge to theoretical models of galaxy formation

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    We present the most accurate measurement to date of cosmological evolution of the near-infrared galaxy luminosity function, from the local Universe out to z~4. The analysis is based on a large and highly complete sample of galaxies selected from the first data release of the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey. Exploiting a master catalogue of K- and z-band selected galaxies over an area of 0.7 square degrees, we analyse a sample of ~50,000 galaxies, all with reliable photometry in 16-bands from the far-ultraviolet to the mid-infrared. The unique combination of large area and depth provided by the Ultra Deep Survey allows us to trace the evolution of the K-band luminosity function with unprecedented accuracy. In particular, via a maximum likelihood analysis we obtain a simple parameterization for the luminosity function and its cosmological evolution, including both luminosity and density evolution, which provides an excellent description of the data from z =0 up to z~4. We find differential evolution for galaxies dependent on galaxy luminosity, revealing once again the ``down-sizing behaviour'' of galaxy formation. Finally, we compare our results with the predictions of the latest theoretical models of galaxy formation, based both on semi-analytical prescriptions, and on full hydrodynamical simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Evidence for chemical evolution in the spectra of high redshift galaxies

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    Using a sample of 57 VLT FORS spectra in the redshift range 1.37<z<3.40 (selected mainly from the FORS Deep Field survey) and a comparison sample with 36 IUE spectra of local (z ~ 0) starburst galaxies we derive CIV and SiIV equivalent width values and estimate metallicities of starburst galaxies as a function of redshift. Assuming that a calibration of the CIV equivalent widths in terms of the metallicity based on the local sample of starburst galaxies is applicable to high-z objects, we find a significant increase of the average metallicities from about 0.16 Z_sun at the cosmic epoch corresponding to z ~ 3.2 to about 0.42 Z_sun at z ~ 2.3. A significant further increase in metallicity during later epochs cannot be detected in our data. Compared to the local starburst galaxies our high-redshift objects tend to be overluminous for a fixed metallicity. Our observational results are in good agreement with published observational data by other authors and with theoretical predictions of the cosmic chemical evolution.Comment: accepted to be published in A&A, 12 pages, 11 figures Latex2e using aa.cl
