145 research outputs found

    Integrative Literature Review of Adolescent Risk and Health Compromising Behaviors Guided by the Problem Behavior Theory

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    Twenty percent of the world’s population is adolescents. Although generally healthy, risky behaviors result in premature death from injury and establish lifestyle choices which may give rise to poor health and disability during adult life. This integrative review presents the state of the literature related to adolescent health risk behaviors as framed by the problem behavior theory. The key word search using the databases of ERIC, CINAHL Plus with full text, PsycARTICLES, and PsycINFO yielded an internationally representative group of articles consistent with the guiding framework. Fifteen articles related to risk factors, protective factors, risk behaviors, and health-compromising behaviors of adolescents were retained from the past five years. Although the literature is replete with research involving adolescents, gaps are identified, and recommendations for future research are considered

    Análise de crédito: procedimentos para reduzir a inadimplência no comércio varejista de vestuário

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharel em Administração, no curso de Administração de Empresas, da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.O comércio está suscetível a instabilidade econômica do país e isso significa que todo o consumidor é importante para manutenção e o sucesso de um investimento no comércio varejista como um todo. Refletindo a situação objetivou-se analisar a quantidade e as técnicas de concessão de crédito utilizadas no comércio de Criciúma. Com o objetivo traçado, utilizou-se quando aos fins de investigação a pesquisa descritiva e quanto aos meios bibliográfica, de campo e estudo de caso. Tendo como público-alvo o comércio varejista de vestuário, aplicou-se uma pesquisa in loco nas lojas da praça Nereu Ramos no centro da cidade, no shopping das Nações, no shopping Criciúma e shopping Pórtico as margens da BR 101.Por meio de um questionário com técnicas de coleta de dados qualitativos e quantitativos, definiu-se uma estratégia a ser trabalhada no sentido de aprimorar as técnicas de concessão de crédito, bem como, a inclusão de potenciais consumidores. Percebeu-se que o perfil predominante dos clientes é composto em sua maioria por mulheres com idade igual ou superior a 55 anos, que possuem o ensino médio completo, residem em Criciúma e têm uma renda de até três salários mínimos. Optou-se então por produzir uma ferramenta (rating), que se bem ajustada e aplicada de forma correta pode significar a diferença entre a manutenção e o fracasso de um investimento no comércio varejista

    Concept Analysis of Risk Behavior in the Context of Adolescent Development

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    The term risk behavior is a concept that has been used in the literature for many years, particularly as it relates to adolescent developmental issues and adolescent health behaviors. Currently the literature specific to the conceptual analysis of risk behavior is limited and relates in general to adults, rather than youths. The purpose of this investigation was to analyze not only the concept of risk behavior, but also its specific relationship to adolescents. Previous conceptual analyses have not considered how those concepts may be affected by the psychosocial development of adolescents. Therefore the specific aim of this analysis is to clarify the concept of risk behavior as it relates to youths. Following the process outlined by Walker and Avant (1995) the critical attributes, antecedents, consequences, and empirical referents for the concept of risk behavior are presented in this article

    Parental Attachment and Eating Behaviors in Late Adolescent Females

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    Females demonstrating unhealthy eating behaviors in early adolescence may continue to exhibit them in later years, yet there is little empirical research including late adolescents. Attachment theories suggest that adolescents with eating disorders demonstrate insecure attachments to parents. This non-experimental descriptive study in 249 late adolescent females examined the relationship between eating behaviors and parental attachment, and explored the relationship between selected demographic variables and parental attachment. Participants responded to an electronically collected survey of demographic variables, self-reported eating behaviors, and completed the Parent Attachment Questionnaire. Participants reporting healthy eating behaviors had higher scores on two of the three maternal scales, indicating a greater level of attachment. Significantly higher scores were found for two maternal and two paternal attachment scales for selected sociodemographic variables. Quantifying parental attachment in late adolescent females enhances understanding of eating disorders in this population and may help to identify issues important to address in therapy

    Parental Attachment and Eating Behaviors in Late Adolescent Females

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    Females demonstrating unhealthy eating behaviors in early adolescence may continue to exhibit them in later years, yet there is little empirical research including late adolescents. Attachment theories suggest that adolescents with eating disorders demonstrate insecure attachments to parents. This non-experimental descriptive study in 249 late adolescent females examined the relationship between eating behaviors and parental attachment, and explored the relationship between selected demographic variables and parental attachment. Participants responded to an electronically collected survey of demographic variables, self-reported eating behaviors, and completed the Parent Attachment Questionnaire. Participants reporting healthy eating behaviors had higher scores on two of the three maternal scales, indicating a greater level of attachment. Significantly higher scores were found for two maternal and two paternal attachment scales for selected sociodemographic variables. Quantifying parental attachment in late adolescent females enhances understanding of eating disorders in this population and may help to identify issues important to address in therapy

    Exercise for people living with frailty and receiving haemodialysis:a mixed-methods randomised controlled feasibility study

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    Objectives Frailty is highly prevalent in haemodialysis (HD) patients, leading to poor outcomes. This study aimed to determine whether a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of intradialytic exercise is feasible for frail HD patients, and explore how the intervention may be tailored to their needs.Design Mixed-methods feasibility.Setting and participants Prevalent adult HD patients of the CYCLE-HD trial with a Clinical Frailty Scale Score of 4–7 (vulnerable to severely frail) were eligible for the feasibility study.Interventions Participants in the exercise group undertook 6 months of three times per week, progressive, moderate intensity intradialytic cycling (IDC).Outcomes Primary outcomes were related to feasibility. Secondary outcomes were falls incidence measured from baseline to 1 year following intervention completion, and exercise capacity, physical function, physical activity and patient-reported outcomes measured at baseline and 6 months. Acceptability of trial procedures and the intervention were explored via diaries and interviews with n=25 frail HD patients who both participated in (n=13, 52%), and declined (n=12, 48%), the trial.Results 124 (30%) patients were eligible, and of these 64 (52%) consented with 51 (80%) subsequently completing a baseline assessment. n=24 (71% male; 59±13 years) dialysed during shifts randomly assigned to exercise and n=27 (81% male; 65±11 years) shifts assigned to usual care. n=6 (12%) were lost to follow-up. The exercise group completed 74% of sessions. 27%–89% of secondary outcome data were missing. Frail HD patients outlined several ways to enhance trial procedures. Maintaining ability to undertake activities of daily living and social participation were outcomes of primary importance. Participants desired a varied exercise programme.Conclusions A definitive RCT is feasible, however a comprehensive exercise programme may be more efficacious than IDC in this population.</div

    Steps toward a shared governance response for achieving Good Environmental Status in the Mediterranean Sea

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    The Mediterranean region is of fundamental importance to Europe given its strategic position. The responsibility for its overall ecosystem integrity is shared by European Union Member States (EU-MS) and other Mediterranean countries. A juxtaposition of overlapping governance instruments occurred recently in the region, with the implementation of both the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) for EU-MS and the Ecosystem Approach Strategy (ECAP) for all Mediterranean countries, including EU-MS. Both MSFD and ECAP are structured around vision-driven processes to achieve Good Environmental Status and a Healthy Environment, respectively. These processes have clear ecosystem-based, integrated policy objectives to guarantee the preservation and integrity of Mediterranean marine ecosystem goods and services. However, adoption of these instruments, especially those related to the new EUMS directives on marine policy, could result in a governance gap in addition to the well-known economic gap between the EU and the non-EU political blocs. We identify two complementary requirements for effective implementation of both MSFD and ECAP that could work together to reduce this gap, to ensure a better alignment between MSFD and ECAP and better planning for stakeholder engagement. These are key issues for the future success of these instruments in a Mediterranean region where discrepancies between societal and ecological objectives may pose a challenge to these processes

    A Comparison of Dietary Intake Between Individuals Undergoing Maintenance Hemodialysis in the United Kingdom and China

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    OBJECTIVE: Protein-energy wasting is highly prevalent in people with end-stage kidney disease receiving regular hemodialysis. Currently, it is unclear what the optimal nutritional recommendations are, which is further complicated by differences in dietary patterns between countries. The aim of the study was to understand and compare dietary intake between individuals receiving hemodialysis in Leicester, UK and Nantong, China. METHODS: The study assessed 40 UK and 44 Chinese participants' dietary intake over a period of 14 days using 24-hour diet recall interviews. Nutritional blood parameters were obtained from medical records. Food consumed by participants in the UK and China was analyzed using the Nutritics and Nutrition calculator to quantify nutritional intake. RESULTS: Energy and protein intake were comparable between UK and Chinese participants, but with both below the recommended daily intake. Potassium intake was higher in UK participants compared to Chinese participants (2,115 [888] versus 1,159 [861] mg/d; P < .001), as was calcium (618 [257] versus 360 [312] mg/d; P < .001) and phosphate intake (927 [485] versus 697 [434] mg/d; P = .007). Vitamin C intake was lower in UK participants compared to their Chinese counterparts (39 [51] versus 64 [42] mg/d; P = .024). Data are reported here as median (interquartile range). CONCLUSION: Both UK and Chinese hemodialysis participants have insufficient protein and energy in their diet. New strategies are required to increase protein and energy intakes. All participants had inadequate daily intake of vitamins C and D; there may well be a role in the oral supplementation of these vitamins, and further studies are urgently needed

    Measurement of χ c1 and χ c2 production with s√ = 7 TeV pp collisions at ATLAS

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    The prompt and non-prompt production cross-sections for the χ c1 and χ c2 charmonium states are measured in pp collisions at s√ = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC using 4.5 fb−1 of integrated luminosity. The χ c states are reconstructed through the radiative decay χ c → J/ψγ (with J/ψ → μ + μ −) where photons are reconstructed from γ → e + e − conversions. The production rate of the χ c2 state relative to the χ c1 state is measured for prompt and non-prompt χ c as a function of J/ψ transverse momentum. The prompt χ c cross-sections are combined with existing measurements of prompt J/ψ production to derive the fraction of prompt J/ψ produced in feed-down from χ c decays. The fractions of χ c1 and χ c2 produced in b-hadron decays are also measured

    TBK1 Kinase Addiction in Lung Cancer Cells Is Mediated via Autophagy of Tax1bp1/Ndp52 and Non-Canonical NF-kappa B Signalling

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    K-Ras dependent non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells are 'addicted' to basal autophagy that reprograms cellular metabolism in a lysosomal-sensitive manner. Here we demonstrate that the xenophagy-associated kinase TBK1 drives basal autophagy, consistent with its known requirement in K-Ras-dependent NSCLC proliferation. Furthermore, basal autophagy in this context is characterised by sequestration of the xenophagy cargo receptor Ndp52 and its paralogue Tax1bp1, which we demonstrate here to be a bona fide cargo receptor. Autophagy of these cargo receptors promotes non-canonical NF-κB signalling. We propose that this TBK1-dependent mechanism for NF-κB signalling contributes to autophagy addiction in K-Ras driven NSCLC