61 research outputs found

    Pseudo-total antimony content in topsoils of the Berlin Metropolitan Area

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    Purpose Sb is a metalloid that naturally occurs in traces in the Northern German Lowland Area, only. Its frequent and still growing demand for industrial purposes and its release during coal combustion and by vehicular emissions lead to an enrichment of Sb in topsoils. Numerous analyses on heavy metals have been conducted in the urban environment so far, but although Sb can be ecologically harmful and potentially carcinogenic, only few studies on Sb in soils were carried out. Materials and methods Due to the formation of anthropogenic soils by men, especially in the course of industrialization and after World War II, more than 50%of the Berlin soils consist of anthropogenic material like redeposited natural material, debris, waste, or ashes. This composition of soils of the Berlin Metropolitan Area can function as a model for other metropolitan regions of Central Europe. In the urban and peri-urban area of Berlin, analysis of more than 900 topsoil samples has been performed measuring the content of 12 heavy metals and metalloids (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, and Zn). As a reference for the natural environment, soil profiles of typical parent rock material have been investigated taking also the regional (0.3 mg/kg), the local background value (0.61 mg/kg), and the baseline value (0.07 mg/kg) for Sb into account. Results By doing so, we could show the spatial distributional pattern of Sb in the Berlin Metropolitan Area and statistically evaluate our results in dependency of land-use, parent material, and soil parameters such as organic carbon content and pH. Thereby, we could prove an average enrichment two to six times over the regional background value. Median Sb content is very low in forest topsoils (0.54 mg/kg) and reaches its maximum in roadside soils (1.75 mg/kg). Technogenic materials, vehicular emissions, industrial processes, and (former) land-use are the predominant factors for Sb enrichment and distribution in the study area. Some single samples show an enrichment of up to 600% of the regional background value for topsoils. Conclusion Our study revealed that the Sb content in the Berlin Metropolitan Area is elevated compared to natural environments. Furthermore, we could demonstrate that Sb is a previously neglected key pollutant, specific to metropolitan areas. Due to the high environmental relevance, further Sb data from selected investigated spaces in other metropolises and specific land-use types are needed to assess the potential environmental risk of Sb in metropolitan areas.Peer Reviewe

    Robust Successive Compute-and-Forward over Multi-User Multi-Relay Networks

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    This paper develops efficient Compute-and-forward (CMF) schemes in multi-user multi-relay networks. To solve the rank failure problem in CMF setups and to achieve full diversity of the network, we introduce two novel CMF methods, namely, extended CMF and successive CMF. The former, having low complexity, is based on recovering multiple equations at relays. The latter utilizes successive interference cancellation (SIC) to enhance the system performance compared to the state-of-the-art schemes. Both methods can be utilized in a network with different number of users, relays, and relay antennas, with negligible feedback channels or signaling overhead. We derive new concise formulations and explicit framework for the successive CMF method as well as an approach to reduce its computational complexity. Our theoretical analysis and computer simulations demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed CMF methods over the conventional schemes. Furthermore, based on our simulation results, the successive CMF method yields additional signal-to-noise ratio gains and shows considerable robustness against channel estimation error, compared to the extended CMF method.Comment: 44 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, accepted to be published in IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tec

    Methodische Erfahrungen mit der Aktion Boden des Jahres am Beispiel der Stadtböden

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    Wissen und damit Sachinformationen über Böden bilden eine Grundvoraussetzung für jedes Handeln. Wissen muss gepaart sein mit Emotionen und der Entwicklung einer persönlichen Beziehung. Wissen und Emotionen erzeugen Neugier und Betroffenheit, daraus entsteht („hoffentlich“) eine Handlungsbereitschaft, die dauerhaften und nachhaltigen Bodenschutz ermöglicht. Die Aktion Boden des Jahres stellt eine von vielen Möglichkeiten dar, wieder zu mehr „Bodenbewusstsein“ in der Gesellschaft zu kommen. Die Stadtböden als Boden des Jahres 2010 stellten eine besondere Herausforderung dar. In Ballungsräumen ergibt sich aus geringeren Vorkenntnissen vieler Bevölkerungsgruppen, aus weniger Verbindung zu Böden und aus einer höheren Reizschwelle für Eindrücke eine schwerere Vermittelbarkeit von Wissen und Emotionen

    Impacts of the Urmia Lake Drought on Soil Salinity and Degradation Risk: An Integrated Geoinformatics Analysis and Monitoring Approach

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    Recent improvements in earth observation technologies and Geographical Information System (GIS) based spatial analysis methods require us to examine the efficiency of the different data-driven methods and decision rules for soil salinity monitoring and degradation mapping. The main objective of this study was to analyze the environmental impacts of the Lake Urmia drought on soil salinity and degradation risk in the plains surrounding the hyper-saline lake. We monitored the impacts of the lake drought on soil salinity by applying spatiotemporal indices to time-series satellite images (1990–2020) in Google Earth Engine environment. We also computed the soil salinity ratio to validate the results and determine the most efficient soil salinity monitoring techniques. We then mapped the soil degradation risk based on GIS spatial decision-making methods. Our results indicated that the Urmia Lake drought is leading to the formation of extensive salt lands, which impact the fertility of the farmlands. The land affected by soil salinity has increased from 2.86% in 1990 to 16.68% in 2020. The combined spectral response index, with a performance of 0.95, was the most efficient image processing method to assess soil salinity. The soil degradation risk map showed that 38.45% of the study area has a high or very high risk of degradation, which is a significant threat to food production. This study presents an integrated geoinformation approach for time-series soil salinity monitoring and degradation risk mapping that supports future studies by comparing the efficiency of different methods as state of the art. From a practical perspective, the results also provide key information for decision-makers, authorities, and local stakeholders in their efforts to mitigate the environmental impacts of lake drought and sustain the food production to sustain the 7.3 million residents.University of TabrizAlexander von Humboldt Foundatio

    A Multiple Geospatial Approach for Intangible Cultural Heritage Tourism Potentiality Mapping in Iran

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    Intangible cultural heritage has recently emerged as an important sector of sustainable tourism development programs. In this regard, the main objective of this study was to map and examine the capability of different cities in Iran for intangible cultural heritage (ICH) tourism. For the methodological perspective, we employed an integrated geographical information system (GIS) and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) as efficient geospatial approaches for intangible tourism potentiality assessment. Regarding this goal, we concluded that Iranian pastoral nomads have a number of unique characteristics that are suitable to international tourists from a geographical, social, cultural, and artistic perspective. From the methodological framework, we employed an integrated geographical information system and multiple geospatial approaches for analyzing the ICH features and intangible tourism potentiality assessment. The methodological framework includes several major steps, including (a) the selection of the criteria and preparation of a GIS dataset, as well as standardization; (b) criteria weighting and sensitivity analysis; and finally, (c) criteria aggregation and production of the final ICH maps. The results of this study indicated that there is a very high capability of intangible and cultural tourism and heritage in different parts of the country, which are variable based on the local customs, traditions, events, and cultural characteristics. As the results indicated, the highest level of the ICH potentiality was found in Urmia, Khoy, Tabriz, Mashhad, Shiraz, Isfahan, Dezful, and Kashan. These cities are ranked based on the overall capability and contribution of the national intangible tourism potentiality assessment. The results of this study indicated that Iran has indeed remarkable ICH capabilities that can be used as the base of efficient sustainable development programs. However, due to international sanctions and political issues, developing a sustainable tourism program has already faced critical challenges. Based on the results, we concluded that the information obtained from this study leads local stakeholders, decision-makers, and authorities to identify the potentiality of each area and take into account developing tourism plans. In addition, the obtained information will also support readers, international travelers and tourism agencies to understand the potentiality of each area, as well as the suitability of different areas for intended travel objects, and to develop tourism programs and plans.University of TabrizPeer Reviewe

    Lokale Netzwerke als ein Instrument für bodenkundliche Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, am Beispiel des Gesprächskreises Bodenschutz in Berlin

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    Bodenschutz und Bodenbewusstsein sind eng miteinander verbundene Themen. Seit einigen Jahren wird auf unterschiedlichen Wegen versucht Menschen für das Thema Boden zu begeistern. Dafür werden vielseitige Mittel zur Informationsvermittlung mit unterschiedlichem Erfolg verwendet

    Vergleich differenzierter Darstellung von Funktionen und Bodenschutzanforderungen an ausgewählten Böden des Jahres

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    Die Erfahrung aus der zehnjährigen Aktion Boden des Jahres zeigt, dass neben Grundkenntnissen der Entwicklung verschiedener Böden, der Beschreibung ihres unterschiedlichen Aufbaus anhand erkennbarer und charakteristischer Merkmale, ihrer Verbreitung, ihrer Nutzung und ihrer Gefährdung zur Herausbildung von nationalem und internationalem Interesse geführt hat. Um den Beitrag zur Herausbildung von Verantwortungsbewusstsein für die knappe Ressource Boden und ihre gegenwärtige Vernutzung in der Gesellschaft zu verstärken, müssen zukünftig die vielfältigen und meist vernetzten Funktionen noch stärker herausgearbeitet und dargestellt werden, auf deren Erhaltung die Menschen, Pflanzen und Tiere angewiesen sind

    A historical and future impact assessment of mining activities on surface biophysical characteristics change : A remote sensing-based approach

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    Mining activities and associated actions cause land-use/land-cover (LULC) changes across the world. The objective of this study were to evaluate the historical impacts of mining activities on surface biophysical characteristics, and for the first time, to predict the future changes in pattern of vegetation cover and land surface temperature (LST). In terms of the utilized data, satellite images of Landsat, and meteorological data of Sungun mine in Iran, Athabasca oil sands in Canada, Singrauli coalfield in India and Hambach mine in Germany, were used over the period of 1989-2019. In the first step, the spectral bands of Landsat images were employed to extract historical LULC changes in the study areas based on the homogeneity distance classification algorithm (HDCA). Thereafter, a CA-Markov model was used to predict the future of LULC changes based on the historical changes. In addition, LST and vegetation cover maps were calculated using the single channel algorithm, and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), respectively. In the second step, the trends of LST and NDVI variations in different LULC change types and over different time periods were investigated. Finally, a CA-Markov model was used to predict the LST and NDVI maps and the trend of their variations in future. The results indicated that the forest and green space cover was reduced from 9.95 in 1989 to 5.9 Km(2) in 2019 for Sungun mine, from 42.14 in 1999 to 33.09 Km(2) in 2019 for Athabasca oil sands, from 231.46 in 1996 to 263.95 Km(2) in 2016 for Singrauli coalfield, and from 180.38 in 1989 to 133.99 Km(2) in 2017 for Hambach mine, as a result of expansion and development of of mineral activities. Our findings about Sungun revealed that the areal coverage of forest and green space will decrease to 15% of the total study area by 2039, resulting in reduction of the mean NDVI by almost 0.06 and increase of mean standardized LST from 0.52 in 2019 to 0.61 in 2039. our results further indicate that for Athabasca oil sands (Singrauli coalfield, Hambach mine), the mean values of standardized LST and NDVI will change from 0.5 (0.44 and 0.4) and 0.38 (0.38, 0.35) in 2019 (2016, 2017) to 0.57 (0.5, 0.47) and 0.33 (0.32, 0.28), in 2039 (2036, 2035), respectively. This can be mainly attributed to the increasing mining activities in the past as well as future years. The discussion and conclusions presented in this study can be of interest to local planners, policy makers, and environmentalists in order to observe the damages brought to the environment and the society in a larger picture.Peer reviewe

    Global, regional, and national burden of hepatitis B, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Global, regional, and national burden of stroke and its risk factors, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Background Regularly updated data on stroke and its pathological types, including data on their incidence, prevalence, mortality, disability, risk factors, and epidemiological trends, are important for evidence-based stroke care planning and resource allocation. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) aims to provide a standardised and comprehensive measurement of these metrics at global, regional, and national levels. Methods We applied GBD 2019 analytical tools to calculate stroke incidence, prevalence, mortality, disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and the population attributable fraction (PAF) of DALYs (with corresponding 95% uncertainty intervals [UIs]) associated with 19 risk factors, for 204 countries and territories from 1990 to 2019. These estimates were provided for ischaemic stroke, intracerebral haemorrhage, subarachnoid haemorrhage, and all strokes combined, and stratified by sex, age group, and World Bank country income level. Findings In 2019, there were 12·2 million (95% UI 11·0–13·6) incident cases of stroke, 101 million (93·2–111) prevalent cases of stroke, 143 million (133–153) DALYs due to stroke, and 6·55 million (6·00–7·02) deaths from stroke. Globally, stroke remained the second-leading cause of death (11·6% [10·8–12·2] of total deaths) and the third-leading cause of death and disability combined (5·7% [5·1–6·2] of total DALYs) in 2019. From 1990 to 2019, the absolute number of incident strokes increased by 70·0% (67·0–73·0), prevalent strokes increased by 85·0% (83·0–88·0), deaths from stroke increased by 43·0% (31·0–55·0), and DALYs due to stroke increased by 32·0% (22·0–42·0). During the same period, age-standardised rates of stroke incidence decreased by 17·0% (15·0–18·0), mortality decreased by 36·0% (31·0–42·0), prevalence decreased by 6·0% (5·0–7·0), and DALYs decreased by 36·0% (31·0–42·0). However, among people younger than 70 years, prevalence rates increased by 22·0% (21·0–24·0) and incidence rates increased by 15·0% (12·0–18·0). In 2019, the age-standardised stroke-related mortality rate was 3·6 (3·5–3·8) times higher in the World Bank low-income group than in the World Bank high-income group, and the age-standardised stroke-related DALY rate was 3·7 (3·5–3·9) times higher in the low-income group than the high-income group. Ischaemic stroke constituted 62·4% of all incident strokes in 2019 (7·63 million [6·57–8·96]), while intracerebral haemorrhage constituted 27·9% (3·41 million [2·97–3·91]) and subarachnoid haemorrhage constituted 9·7% (1·18 million [1·01–1·39]). In 2019, the five leading risk factors for stroke were high systolic blood pressure (contributing to 79·6 million [67·7–90·8] DALYs or 55·5% [48·2–62·0] of total stroke DALYs), high body-mass index (34·9 million [22·3–48·6] DALYs or 24·3% [15·7–33·2]), high fasting plasma glucose (28·9 million [19·8–41·5] DALYs or 20·2% [13·8–29·1]), ambient particulate matter pollution (28·7 million [23·4–33·4] DALYs or 20·1% [16·6–23·0]), and smoking (25·3 million [22·6–28·2] DALYs or 17·6% [16·4–19·0]). Interpretation The annual number of strokes and deaths due to stroke increased substantially from 1990 to 2019, despite substantial reductions in age-standardised rates, particularly among people older than 70 years. The highest age-standardised stroke-related mortality and DALY rates were in the World Bank low-income group. The fastest-growing risk factor for stroke between 1990 and 2019 was high body-mass index. Without urgent implementation of effective primary prevention strategies, the stroke burden will probably continue to grow across the world, particularly in low-income countries.publishedVersio