31 research outputs found

    ZukĂŒnftige Tuberkulinversorgung in Deutschland

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    Der Hersteller des einzigen bisher in Deutschland fĂŒr Intradermaltests nach Mendel-Mantoux verwendeten Tuberkulins, die Firma Chiron Vaccines Behring, hat 2004 kurzfristig die Produktion von Tuberkulin Behring GT (GT=gereinigtes Tuberkulin) eingestellt. Anfang 2005 waren die BestĂ€nde an GT 10 bereits erschöpft, geringe RestbestĂ€nde existierten noch fĂŒr die Dosierungen GT 100 und GT 1000. Als Übergangslösung wurde von Chiron Vaccines Behring der Import des von Chiron S.r.l. in Siena hergestellten italienischen Tuberkulins Biocine PPD 5 IE lyophil vorgeschlagen. Da es sich um ein in Deutschland nicht zugelassenes Produkt handelt, ist eine Einzelverordnung nach § 73 Abs. 3 Arzneimittelgesetz (AMG) erforderlich. Langfristig will Chiron Vaccines Behring die Versorgung Deutschlands durch in Großbritannien von Chiron Vaccines Evans produziertes Tuberkulin (PPD Evans) ab Sommer 2006 sicherstellen. Problematisch an diesem Vorgehen ist die damit verbundene zweimalige Umstellung auf ein anderes Tuberkulin sowie die ungeklĂ€rte Frage der BioĂ€quivalenz. Als weitere Möglichkeit können, neben den erwĂ€hnten Tuberkulinen der Firma Chiron Vaccines, auch das von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) als Standardtuberkulin empfohlene und in vielen europĂ€ischen LĂ€ndern bereits eingefĂŒhrte Tuberkulin PPD RT23 SSI des Statens Serum Institut (Kopenhagen, DĂ€nemark) sowie andere Tuberkuline, wie beispielsweise das in den USA verwendete Tubersol (PPD CT68), importiert werden. Zusammen mit dem Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) und dem Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) bemĂŒht sich das Deutsche Zentralkomitee zur BekĂ€mpfung der Tuberkulose (DZK) intensiv um eine Problemlösung, da eine kontinuierliche Tuberkulinversorgung Deutschlands zu diagnostischen Zwecken und auch im Rahmen von Umgebungsuntersuchungen zwingend notwendig ist. Angestrebtes Ziel sollte zudem die Verwendung eines einheitlichen Tuberkulins in allen Regionen sein, da ansonsten ein standardisiertes Vorgehen und die Vergleichbarkeit auf nationaler Ebene gefĂ€hrdet sind. GeschĂ€tzt kann zukĂŒnftig von einem jĂ€hrlichen Bedarf von etwa 2 Millionen Tuberkulintestdosen fĂŒr Deutschland ausgegangen werden. Das Statens Serum Institut prĂŒft derzeit die Möglichkeit einer Antragstellung auf Zulassung des PPD RT 23 SSI in Deutschland. Chiron Vaccines Behring teilt mit, dass es keine Zulassung fĂŒr das Biocine-Tuberkulin anstrebt, hat aber die Absicht, eine Zulassung fĂŒr das Tuberkulin PPD Evans in Deutschland zu beantragen. Sanofi Pasteur MSD hat derzeit keine Absicht, eine Mendel-Mantoux-Testsubstanz [wie z. B. Tubersol (PPD CT68)] zur Zulassung auf dem deutschen Markt anzumelden. Bis in Deutschland wieder ein zugelassenes Tuberkulin zur VerfĂŒgung steht, wĂ€re es, insbesondere in FĂ€llen, in denen ein Lagerbestand an Tuberkulin unverzichtbar ist, wie beispielsweise im öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienst und in Krankenhausapotheken, ĂŒberaus hilfreich, wenn eine Ausnahmeregelung fĂŒr den Import erwirkt werden könnte.The manufacturers of the only tuberculin available up to now in Germany for intradermal TB tests according to Mantoux, Chiron Vaccines Behring, in 2004 unexpectedly stopped the production of the tuberculin Behring GT (GT=gereinigtes Tuberkulin—purified protein derivative tuberculin). Only residual stocks were sold during the preceding months. The stocks of GT 10 were already depleted at the beginning of 2005, while there are small supplies left of GT 100 and GT 1000. As a temporary solution, Chiron Vaccines Behring is offering to import the Italian tuberculin Biocine PPD 5 IE lyophil produced by Chiron S.r.l. in Siena. As this is not licensed for sale in Germany, it is necessary to obtain an exceptional prescription (Einzelverordnung) according to § 73 (3) of the Federal Law Relating to the Manufacture and Distribution of Medicine (Arzneimittelgesetz, AMG). In the long term, Chiron Vaccines Behring plan to secure the supply of tuberculin in Germany by importing, starting in the summer of 2006, the tuberculin produced by Chiron Vaccines Evans in the UK (PPD Evans). However, these plans involve changing over to a different type of tuberculin twice within a very short period of time. Another problem is the unresolved issue of bioequivalence. Besides the above-mentioned tuberculins produced by Chiron Vaccines, a further possibility would be the import of the tuberculin PPD RT23 SSI of the Statens Serums Institute (Copenhagen/Denmark), which is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the standard tuberculin and which has already been introduced in several European countries, or of other tuberculins such as Tubersol (PPD CT68), which is used in the US. Together with the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), the German Central Committee against Tuberculosis (DZK) is striving to find a solution, in view of the urgent need for an uninterrupted supply of tuberculin in Germany for diagnostic purposes and contact tracing. A uniform tuberculin should be used in all German regions as a basis to secure a standardized testing procedure and national comparability of test results. The estimated annual requirement for Germany is two million tuberculin test doses. The Statens Serum Institute is currently evaluating the possibility of licensing PPD RT23 SSI in Germany. Chiron Vaccines Behring communicated that it is not aiming to have the Biocine tuberculin licensed for Germany but intends to apply for a license for the tuberculin PPD Evans. Sanofi Pasteur MSD at this point does not intend to have a tuberculin like Tubersol (PPD CT68) licensed for Germany. Until a licensed tuberculin is again available in Germany, it would be very useful if, especially in settings where stocks of tuberculin are essential (e.g. public health services or hospital dispensaries), an exceptional import license could be obtained

    Granulysin-Expressing CD4+ T Cells as Candidate Immune Marker for Tuberculosis during Childhood and Adolescence

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    BACKGROUND: Granulysin produced by cytolytic T cells directly contributes to immune defense against tuberculosis (TB). We investigated granulysin as a candidate immune marker for childhood and adolescent TB. METHODS: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from children and adolescents (1-17 years) with active TB, latent TB infection (LTBI), nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) infection and from uninfected controls were isolated and restimulated in a 7-day restimulation assay. Intracellular staining was then performed to analyze antigen-specific induction of activation markers and cytotoxic proteins, notably, granulysin in CD4(+) CD45RO(+) memory T cells. RESULTS: CD4(+) CD45RO(+) T cells co-expressing granulysin with specificity for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) were present in high frequency in TB-experienced children and adolescents. Proliferating memory T cells (CFSE(low)CD4(+)CD45RO(+)) were identified as main source of granulysin and these cells expressed both central and effector memory phenotype. PBMC from study participants after TB drug therapy revealed that granulysin-expressing CD4(+) T cells are long-lived, and express several activation and cytotoxicity markers with a proportion of cells being interferon-gamma-positive. In addition, granulysin-expressing T cell lines showed cytolytic activity against Mtb-infected target cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest granulysin expression by CD4(+) memory T cells as candidate immune marker for TB infection, notably, in childhood and adolescence

    ZukĂŒnftige Tuberkulinversorgung in Deutschland

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    Der Hersteller des einzigen bisher in Deutschland fĂŒr Intradermaltests nach Mendel-Mantoux verwendeten Tuberkulins, die Firma Chiron Vaccines Behring, hat 2004 kurzfristig die Produktion von Tuberkulin Behring GT (GT=gereinigtes Tuberkulin) eingestellt. Anfang 2005 waren die BestĂ€nde an GT 10 bereits erschöpft, geringe RestbestĂ€nde existierten noch fĂŒr die Dosierungen GT 100 und GT 1000. Als Übergangslösung wurde von Chiron Vaccines Behring der Import des von Chiron S.r.l. in Siena hergestellten italienischen Tuberkulins Biocine PPD 5 IE lyophil vorgeschlagen. Da es sich um ein in Deutschland nicht zugelassenes Produkt handelt, ist eine Einzelverordnung nach § 73 Abs. 3 Arzneimittelgesetz (AMG) erforderlich. Langfristig will Chiron Vaccines Behring die Versorgung Deutschlands durch in Großbritannien von Chiron Vaccines Evans produziertes Tuberkulin (PPD Evans) ab Sommer 2006 sicherstellen. Problematisch an diesem Vorgehen ist die damit verbundene zweimalige Umstellung auf ein anderes Tuberkulin sowie die ungeklĂ€rte Frage der BioĂ€quivalenz. Als weitere Möglichkeit können, neben den erwĂ€hnten Tuberkulinen der Firma Chiron Vaccines, auch das von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) als Standardtuberkulin empfohlene und in vielen europĂ€ischen LĂ€ndern bereits eingefĂŒhrte Tuberkulin PPD RT23 SSI des Statens Serum Institut (Kopenhagen, DĂ€nemark) sowie andere Tuberkuline, wie beispielsweise das in den USA verwendete Tubersol (PPD CT68), importiert werden. Zusammen mit dem Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) und dem Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) bemĂŒht sich das Deutsche Zentralkomitee zur BekĂ€mpfung der Tuberkulose (DZK) intensiv um eine Problemlösung, da eine kontinuierliche Tuberkulinversorgung Deutschlands zu diagnostischen Zwecken und auch im Rahmen von Umgebungsuntersuchungen zwingend notwendig ist. Angestrebtes Ziel sollte zudem die Verwendung eines einheitlichen Tuberkulins in allen Regionen sein, da ansonsten ein standardisiertes Vorgehen und die Vergleichbarkeit auf nationaler Ebene gefĂ€hrdet sind. GeschĂ€tzt kann zukĂŒnftig von einem jĂ€hrlichen Bedarf von etwa 2 Millionen Tuberkulintestdosen fĂŒr Deutschland ausgegangen werden. Das Statens Serum Institut prĂŒft derzeit die Möglichkeit einer Antragstellung auf Zulassung des PPD RT 23 SSI in Deutschland. Chiron Vaccines Behring teilt mit, dass es keine Zulassung fĂŒr das Biocine-Tuberkulin anstrebt, hat aber die Absicht, eine Zulassung fĂŒr das Tuberkulin PPD Evans in Deutschland zu beantragen. Sanofi Pasteur MSD hat derzeit keine Absicht, eine Mendel-Mantoux-Testsubstanz [wie z. B. Tubersol (PPD CT68)] zur Zulassung auf dem deutschen Markt anzumelden. Bis in Deutschland wieder ein zugelassenes Tuberkulin zur VerfĂŒgung steht, wĂ€re es, insbesondere in FĂ€llen, in denen ein Lagerbestand an Tuberkulin unverzichtbar ist, wie beispielsweise im öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienst und in Krankenhausapotheken, ĂŒberaus hilfreich, wenn eine Ausnahmeregelung fĂŒr den Import erwirkt werden könnte.The manufacturers of the only tuberculin available up to now in Germany for intradermal TB tests according to Mantoux, Chiron Vaccines Behring, in 2004 unexpectedly stopped the production of the tuberculin Behring GT (GT=gereinigtes Tuberkulin—purified protein derivative tuberculin). Only residual stocks were sold during the preceding months. The stocks of GT 10 were already depleted at the beginning of 2005, while there are small supplies left of GT 100 and GT 1000. As a temporary solution, Chiron Vaccines Behring is offering to import the Italian tuberculin Biocine PPD 5 IE lyophil produced by Chiron S.r.l. in Siena. As this is not licensed for sale in Germany, it is necessary to obtain an exceptional prescription (Einzelverordnung) according to § 73 (3) of the Federal Law Relating to the Manufacture and Distribution of Medicine (Arzneimittelgesetz, AMG). In the long term, Chiron Vaccines Behring plan to secure the supply of tuberculin in Germany by importing, starting in the summer of 2006, the tuberculin produced by Chiron Vaccines Evans in the UK (PPD Evans). However, these plans involve changing over to a different type of tuberculin twice within a very short period of time. Another problem is the unresolved issue of bioequivalence. Besides the above-mentioned tuberculins produced by Chiron Vaccines, a further possibility would be the import of the tuberculin PPD RT23 SSI of the Statens Serums Institute (Copenhagen/Denmark), which is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the standard tuberculin and which has already been introduced in several European countries, or of other tuberculins such as Tubersol (PPD CT68), which is used in the US. Together with the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), the German Central Committee against Tuberculosis (DZK) is striving to find a solution, in view of the urgent need for an uninterrupted supply of tuberculin in Germany for diagnostic purposes and contact tracing. A uniform tuberculin should be used in all German regions as a basis to secure a standardized testing procedure and national comparability of test results. The estimated annual requirement for Germany is two million tuberculin test doses. The Statens Serum Institute is currently evaluating the possibility of licensing PPD RT23 SSI in Germany. Chiron Vaccines Behring communicated that it is not aiming to have the Biocine tuberculin licensed for Germany but intends to apply for a license for the tuberculin PPD Evans. Sanofi Pasteur MSD at this point does not intend to have a tuberculin like Tubersol (PPD CT68) licensed for Germany. Until a licensed tuberculin is again available in Germany, it would be very useful if, especially in settings where stocks of tuberculin are essential (e.g. public health services or hospital dispensaries), an exceptional import license could be obtained

    X-linked susceptibility to mycobacteria is caused by mutations in NEMO impairing CD40-dependent IL-12 production

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    Germline mutations in five autosomal genes involved in interleukin (IL)-12–dependent, interferon (IFN)-γ–mediated immunity cause Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial diseases (MSMD). The molecular basis of X-linked recessive (XR)–MSMD remains unknown. We report here mutations in the leucine zipper (LZ) domain of the NF-ÎșB essential modulator (NEMO) gene in three unrelated kindreds with XR-MSMD. The mutant proteins were produced in normal amounts in blood and fibroblastic cells. However, the patients' monocytes presented an intrinsic defect in T cell–dependent IL-12 production, resulting in defective IFN-Îł secretion by T cells. IL-12 production was also impaired as the result of a specific defect in NEMO- and NF-ÎșB/c-Rel–mediated CD40 signaling after the stimulation of monocytes and dendritic cells by CD40L-expressing T cells and fibroblasts, respectively. However, the CD40-dependent up-regulation of costimulatory molecules of dendritic cells and the proliferation and immunoglobulin class switch of B cells were normal. Moreover, the patients' blood and fibroblastic cells responded to other NF-ÎșB activators, such as tumor necrosis factor-α, IL-1ÎČ, and lipopolysaccharide. These two mutations in the NEMO LZ domain provide the first genetic etiology of XR-MSMD. They also demonstrate the importance of the T cell– and CD40L-triggered, CD40-, and NEMO/NF-ÎșB/c-Rel–mediated induction of IL-12 by monocyte-derived cells for protective immunity to mycobacteria in humans

    B cell–intrinsic signaling through IL-21 receptor and STAT3 is required for establishing long-lived antibody responses in humans

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    Engagement of cytokine receptors by specific ligands activate Janus kinase–signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) signaling pathways. The exact roles of STATs in human lymphocyte behavior remain incompletely defined. Interleukin (IL)-21 activates STAT1 and STAT3 and has emerged as a potent regulator of B cell differentiation. We have studied patients with inactivating mutations in STAT1 or STAT3 to dissect their contribution to B cell function in vivo and in response to IL-21 in vitro. STAT3 mutations dramatically reduced the number of functional, antigen (Ag)-specific memory B cells and abolished the ability of IL-21 to induce naive B cells to differentiate into plasma cells (PCs). This resulted from impaired activation of the molecular machinery required for PC generation. In contrast, STAT1 deficiency had no effect on memory B cell formation in vivo or IL-21–induced immunoglobulin secretion in vitro. Thus, STAT3 plays a critical role in generating effector B cells from naive precursors in humans. STAT3-activating cytokines such as IL-21 thus underpin Ag-specific humoral immune responses and provide a mechanism for the functional antibody deficit in STAT3-deficient patients

    Gain-of-function human STAT1 mutations impair IL-17 immunity and underlie chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis

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    Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis disease (CMCD) may be caused by autosomal dominant (AD) IL-17F deficiency or autosomal recessive (AR) IL-17RA deficiency. Here, using whole-exome sequencing, we identified heterozygous germline mutations in STAT1 in 47 patients from 20 kindreds with AD CMCD. Previously described heterozygous STAT1 mutant alleles are loss-of-function and cause AD predisposition to mycobacterial disease caused by impaired STAT1-dependent cellular responses to IFN-Îł. Other loss-of-function STAT1 alleles cause AR predisposition to intracellular bacterial and viral diseases, caused by impaired STAT1-dependent responses to IFN-α/ÎČ, IFN-Îł, IFN-λ, and IL-27. In contrast, the 12 AD CMCD-inducing STAT1 mutant alleles described here are gain-of-function and increase STAT1-dependent cellular responses to these cytokines, and to cytokines that predominantly activate STAT3, such as IL-6 and IL-21. All of these mutations affect the coiled-coil domain and impair the nuclear dephosphorylation of activated STAT1, accounting for their gain-of-function and dominance. Stronger cellular responses to the STAT1-dependent IL-17 inhibitors IFN-α/ÎČ, IFN-Îł, and IL-27, and stronger STAT1 activation in response to the STAT3-dependent IL-17 inducers IL-6 and IL-21, hinder the development of T cells producing IL-17A, IL-17F, and IL-22. Gain-of-function STAT1 alleles therefore cause AD CMCD by impairing IL-17 immunity

    Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Outbreak among 15 School-Aged HIV-1-Infected Children

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    Patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) are considered to be at increased risk for 2009 H1N1 influenza-related complications. We performed an observational study after an outbreak of 2009 H1N1 influenza virus infection among a group of 15 HIV-1-infected schoolaged children in Germany in October 2009. Clinical course, kinetics of viral shedding, and antibody response among children with CD4 cell counts >350 cells/”L and 2009 H1N1 influenza virus coinfection did not appear to differ from that among healthy children. Oseltamivir shortened the duration of viral shedding

    Higher Rate of Tuberculosis in Second Generation Migrants Compared to Native Residents in a Metropolitan Setting in Western Europe

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    Background: In Western Europe, migrants constitute an important risk group for tuberculosis, but little is known about successive generations of migrants. We aimed to characterize migration among tuberculosis cases in Berlin and to estimate annual rates of tuberculosis in two subsequent migrant generations. We hypothesized that second generation migrants born in Germany are at higher risk of tuberculosis compared to native (non-migrant) residents. Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted. All tuberculosis cases reported to health authorities in Berlin between 11/2010 and 10/2011 were eligible. Interviews were conducted using a structured questionnaire including demographic data, migration history of patients and their parents, and language use. Tuberculosis rates were estimated using 2011 census data. Results: Of 314 tuberculosis cases reported, 154 (49.0%) participated. Of these, 81 (52.6%) were first-, 14 (9.1%) were second generation migrants, and 59 (38.3%) were native residents. The tuberculosis rate per 100,000 individuals was 28.3 (95CI: 24.0–32.6) in first-, 10.2 (95%CI: 6.1–16.6) in second generation migrants, and 4.6 (95%CI: 3.7–5.6) in native residents. When combining information from the standard notification variables country of birth and citizenship, the sensitivity to detect second generation migration was 28.6%. Conclusions: There is a higher rate of tuberculosis among second generation migrants compared to native residents in Berlin. This may be explained by presumably frequent contact and transmission within migrant populations. Second generation migration is insufficiently captured by the surveillance variables country of birth and citizenship. Surveillance systems in Western Europe should allow for quantifying the tuberculosis burden in this important risk group