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    Transcriptomic analysis of a near-isogenic line of melon with high fruit flesh firmness during ripening

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Zarid, M., GarcĂ­a-Carpintero, V., Esteras, C., Esteva, J., Bueso, M.C., Cañizares, J., PicĂł, M.B., Monforte, A.J. and FernĂĄndez-Trujillo, J.P. (2021), Transcriptomic analysis of a near-isogenic line of melon with high fruit flesh firmness during ripening. J Sci Food Agric, 101: 754-777, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.10688. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] BACKGROUND A near-isogenic line (NIL) of melon (SC10-2) with introgression in linkage group X was studied from harvest (at firm-ripe stage of maturity) until day 18 of postharvest storage at 20.5 degrees C together with its parental control ('Piel de Sapo', PS). RESULTS SC10-2 showed higher flesh firmness and whole fruit hardness but lower juiciness than its parental. SC10-2 showed a decrease in respiration rate accompanied by a decrease in ethylene production during ripening, both of which fell to a greater extent than in PS. The introgression affected 11 volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the levels of which during ripening were generally higher in SC10-2 than in PS. Transcriptomic analysis from RNA-Seq revealed differentially expressed genes (DEGs) associated with the effects studied. For example, 909 DEGs were exclusive to the introgression, and only 23 DEGs were exclusive to postharvest ripening time. Major functions of the DEGs associated with introgression or ripening time were identified by cluster analysis. About 37 genes directly and/or indirectly affected the delay in ripening of SC10-2 compared with PS in general and, more particularly, the physiological and quality traits measured and, probably, the differential non-climacteric response. Of the former genes, we studied in more detail at least five that mapped in the introgression in linkage group (LG) X, and 32 outside it. CONCLUSION There is an apparent control of textural changes, VOCs and fruit ripening by an expression quantitative trait locus located in LG X together with a direct control on them due to genes presented in the introgression (CmTrpD,CmNADH1,CmTCP15,CmGDSL esterase/lipase, andCmHK4-like) and CmNAC18.This work was funded by grants 11784/PI/09 (Seneca Foundation, Region of Murcia) and Ministry of Economy and Innovation (AGL2010-20858). M Zarid acknowledges an UE-Erasmus predoctoral fellowship, a program coordinated by the University of Murcia in the framework of CMN. Thanks are due to Semillas FitĂł SA (Barcelona, Spain), for providing seeds of PS melons and IRTACRAG for the seeds of SC10-2. We acknowledge the assistance of P VarĂł and his team in CIFEA-Torre Pacheco for crop management, to N Dos-Santos, M Medina, M GarcĂ­a-GutiĂ©rrez, A Hakmaoui, E Cuadros, I Canales and AA Escudero (UPCT) for sampling and technical assistance, to SAIT-UPCT for GC-MS analysis, to AG Sifres (COMAV) for RNA extraction, and to CNAG (Barcelona) for professional assistance in RNA-Seq. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.Zarid, M.; GarcĂ­a-Carpintero, V.; Esteras GĂłmez, C.; Esteva, J.; Bueso, MC.; Cañizares Sales, J.; PicĂł Sirvent, MB.... (2021). Transcriptomic analysis of a near-isogenic line of melon with high fruit flesh firmness during ripening. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 101(2):754-777. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.10688S7547771012RĂ­os, P., Argyris, J., Vegas, J., Leida, C., Kenigswald, M., Tzuri, G., 
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    FOXP2 expression and gray matter density in the male brains of patients with schizophrenia

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    Common genetic variants of FOXP2 may contribute to schizophrenia vulnerability, but controversial results have been reported for this proposal. Here we evaluated the potential impact of the common FOXP2 rs2396753 polymorphism in schizophrenia. It was previously reported to be part of a risk haplotype for this disease and to have significant effects on gray matter concentration in the patients. We undertook the first examination into whether rs2396753 affects the brain expression of FOXP2 and a replication study of earlier neuroimaging findings of the influence of this genetic variant on brain structure. FOXP2 expression levels were measured in postmortem prefrontal cortex samples of 84 male subjects (48 patients and 36 controls) from the CIBERSAM Brain and the Stanley Foundation Array Collections. High-resolution anatomical magnetic resonance imaging was performed on 79 male subjects (61 patients, 18 controls) using optimized voxel-based morphometry. We found differences in FOXP2 expression and brain morphometry depending on the rs2396753, relating low FOXP2 mRNA levels with reduction of gray matter density. We detected an interaction between rs2396753 and the clinical groups, showing that heterozygous patients for this polymorphism have gray matter density decrease and low FOXP2 expression comparing with the heterozygous controls.This study shows the importance of independent replication of neuroimaging genetic studies of FOXP2 as a candidate gene in schizophrenia. Furthermore, our results suggest that the FOXP2 rs2396753 affects mRNA levels, thus providing new knowledge about its significance as a potential susceptibility polymorphism in schizophrenia

    Establecimiento del tamaño de raciones de consumo de frutas y hortalizas para su uso en guías alimentarias en el entorno español: propuesta del Comité Científico de la Asociación 5 al día

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    Introduction: Food servings are standard amounts of food stuffs or drinks to help dietetic advice to promote and preserve health. The aim is to establish the serving size of fruits and vegetables (FH) to be used in food based dietary guidelines (FBDG). Material and Methods: Methodology of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) was adapted to establish serving sizes for FBDG, along of the followed by the food exchange system. Data was collected from the FH portion sizes reported in nutritional surveys and common sizes available in the Spanish market, and they were adjusted to an easily recognisable quantities of food with equivalence on key nutrients: the compliance with public health goals for FH consumption was evaluated. Results: Portion sizes typically reported in Spanish nutrition surveys are scarce and not homogeneous, and no data published in scientific journals on portion sizes were available. The Spanish FBDG, in spite of showing a range of serving size for FH, do not assure that they are interchangeable nor specify the method to obtein them.The serving of vegetables was 139,44g (DS:+/- 21.98, CV:0.16), 137,68g (DS:+/- 49,61, CV:0,36) for fruits and 28.00g (DS:+/- 7,53, CV:0.27) for dried fruits. Conclusions: With the established servings, the recommendation of consuming "at least 5 servings of FH a day" would allow reaching the Public Health goals for FH established in 600g (net weight)/person/day. It is recommended that the Spanish Agency for Consumers, Food Safety and Nutrition (AECOSAN) uses this methodology to establish serving sizes for the rest of food groups that make up the FBDG for the Spanish population.IntroducciĂłn: Las raciones de consumo son cantidades estĂĄndar de alimentos o bebidas sugeri-das para asesorar sobre la cantidad de alimento a consumir para preservar un estado de salud adecuado. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es establecer los tamaños de raciĂłn de consumo de frutas y hortalizas (FH) para uso en guĂ­as alimentarias.Material y MĂ©todos: Se adaptĂł la metodologĂ­a de la United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) para el establecimiento de los tamaños de raciĂłn de consumo para guĂ­as, y la del Sistema de Intercambios. Se recopilaron datos de porciĂłn reportados en encuestas y calibres comunes en el mercado, se ajustĂł a cantidades de alimento fĂĄcilmente reconocibles y con equivalencia de nutrientes clave y se evaluĂł el grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos de salud pĂșblica para el consumo de FH. Resultados: Los tamaños de porciĂłn tĂ­picamente reportados en encuestas españolas son escasos y poco homogĂ©neos, y no se encontraron datos publicados en revistas cientĂ­ficas sobre los cali-bres. Las guĂ­as alimentarias españolas, a pesar de mostrar un rango de tamaño de raciĂłn para FH no aseguran que sean intercambiables ni especifican el mĂ©todo para llegar a las mismas. La raciĂłn de hortalizas obtenida ha sido de 139,44g (DS:±21,98; CV:0,16), de 137,68g (DS:±49,61; CV:0,36) para frutas y 28,00g (DS:±7,53; CV:0,27) para frutas desecadas. . Conclusiones: Con las raciones establecidas, el mensaje “consume al menos 5 raciones entre FH al dĂ­a” permitirĂ­a alcanzar los objetivo de Salud PĂșblica para FH establecidos en 600g (peso neto)/persona/dĂ­a. Se recomienda a la Agencia Española de Consumo, Seguridad Alimentaria y NutriciĂłn (AECOSAN) que use esta misma metodologĂ­a para el establecimiento de raciones en el resto de grupos de alimentos que configuran la GuĂ­a DietĂ©tica Basada en Alimentos para la poblaciĂłn española

    Brain imaging of the cortex in ADHD: a coordinated analysis of large-scale clinical and population-based samples

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    Objective: Neuroimaging studies show structural alterations of various brain regions in children and adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), although nonreplications are frequent. The authors sought to identify cortical characteristics related to ADHD using large-scale studies. Methods: Cortical thickness and surface area (based on the Desikan–Killiany atlas) were compared between case subjects with ADHD (N=2,246) and control subjects (N=1,934) for children, adolescents, and adults separately in ENIGMA-ADHD, a consortium of 36 centers. To assess familial effects on cortical measures, case subjects, unaffected siblings, and control subjects in the NeuroIMAGE study (N=506) were compared. Associations of the attention scale from the Child Behavior Checklist with cortical measures were determined in a pediatric population sample (Generation-R, N=2,707). Results: In the ENIGMA-ADHD sample, lower surface area values were found in children with ADHD, mainly in frontal, cingulate, and temporal regions; the largest significant effect was for total surface area (Cohen’s d=−0.21). Fusiform gyrus and temporal pole cortical thickness was also lower in children with ADHD. Neither surface area nor thickness differences were found in the adolescent or adult groups. Familial effects were seen for surface area in several regions. In an overlapping set of regions, surface area, but not thickness, was associated with attention problems in the Generation-R sample. Conclusions: Subtle differences in cortical surface area are widespread in children but not adolescents and adults with ADHD, confirming involvement of the frontal cortex and highlighting regions deserving further attention. Notably, the alterations behave like endophenotypes in families and are linked to ADHD symptoms in the population, extending evidence that ADHD behaves as a continuous trait in the population. Future longitudinal studies should clarify individual lifespan trajectories that lead to nonsignificant findings in adolescent and adult groups despite the presence of an ADHD diagnosis

    AnĂĄlisis de experiencia previa y propuestas de mejora en el MĂĄster Universitario en GestiĂłn de la EdificaciĂłn

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    Tras los acontecimientos ocurridos en el sector edificatorio durante los Ășltimos años, es preciso establecer ciertas mejoras en la estructura del MĂĄster Universitario en GestiĂłn de la EdificaciĂłn, perteneciente a la Escuela PolitĂ©cnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante, tanto en relaciĂłn a la organizaciĂłn de los estudios a nivel de programa asĂ­ como a los conceptos especĂ­ficos estudiados en cada materia. Por ello, el propĂłsito del presente trabajo es reflexionar sobre la experiencia previa desarrollada en el MĂĄster con el fin de establecer determinadas medidas que proporcionen una mayor coordinaciĂłn y seguimiento entre los departamentos implicados. AsĂ­, esta situaciĂłn permitirĂĄ desarrollar las acciones propuestas en el Plan de Acciones de Mejora para la RenovaciĂłn de la AcreditaciĂłn del citado MĂĄster en relaciĂłn a su estructura organizativa, introducciĂłn de mejoras tecnolĂłgicas, asĂ­ como la propuesta de innovaciones metodolĂłgicas y de evaluaciĂłn docente adaptadas a los condicionantes actuales del sector de la edificaciĂłn. Se propone mantener una metodologĂ­a docente basada en la EvaluaciĂłn Continua, mediante un temario donde los conocimientos adquiridos por el estudiante sean graduales y de aplicaciĂłn sucesiva en prĂĄcticas y temas teĂłricos de actualidad en el sector, apostando por la clase participativa como estrategia de aprendizaje

    Analysis of structural brain asymmetries in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in 39 datasets

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    Objective Some studies have suggested alterations of structural brain asymmetry in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but findings have been contradictory and based on small samples. Here, we performed the largest ever analysis of brain left-right asymmetry in ADHD, using 39 datasets of the ENIGMA consortium. Methods We analyzed asymmetry of subcortical and cerebral cortical structures in up to 1,933 people with ADHD and 1,829 unaffected controls. Asymmetry Indexes (AIs) were calculated per participant for each bilaterally paired measure, and linear mixed effects modeling was applied separately in children, adolescents, adults, and the total sample, to test exhaustively for potential associations of ADHD with structural brain asymmetries. Results There was no evidence for altered caudate nucleus asymmetry in ADHD, in contrast to prior literature. In children, there was less rightward asymmetry of the total hemispheric surface area compared to controls (t = 2.1, p = .04). Lower rightward asymmetry of medial orbitofrontal cortex surface area in ADHD (t = 2.7, p = .01) was similar to a recent finding for autism spectrum disorder. There were also some differences in cortical thickness asymmetry across age groups. In adults with ADHD, globus pallidus asymmetry was altered compared to those without ADHD. However, all effects were small (Cohen’s d from −0.18 to 0.18) and would not survive study-wide correction for multiple testing. Conclusion Prior studies of altered structural brain asymmetry in ADHD were likely underpowered to detect the small effects reported here. Altered structural asymmetry is unlikely to provide a useful biomarker for ADHD, but may provide neurobiological insights into the trait

    Subcortical brain volume, regional cortical thickness, and cortical surface area across disorders: findings from the ENIGMA ADHD, ASD, and OCD Working Groups

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    Objective Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are common neurodevelopmental disorders that frequently co-occur. We aimed to directly compare all three disorders. The ENIGMA consortium is ideally positioned to investigate structural brain alterations across these disorders. Methods Structural T1-weighted whole-brain MRI of controls (n=5,827) and patients with ADHD (n=2,271), ASD (n=1,777), and OCD (n=2,323) from 151 cohorts worldwide were analyzed using standardized processing protocols. We examined subcortical volume, cortical thickness and surface area differences within a mega-analytical framework, pooling measures extracted from each cohort. Analyses were performed separately for children, adolescents, and adults using linear mixed-effects models adjusting for age, sex and site (and ICV for subcortical and surface area measures). Results We found no shared alterations among all three disorders, while shared alterations between any two disorders did not survive multiple comparisons correction. Children with ADHD compared to those with OCD had smaller hippocampal volumes, possibly influenced by IQ. Children and adolescents with ADHD also had smaller ICV than controls and those with OCD or ASD. Adults with ASD showed thicker frontal cortices compared to adult controls and other clinical groups. No OCD-specific alterations across different age-groups and surface area alterations among all disorders in childhood and adulthood were observed. Conclusion Our findings suggest robust but subtle alterations across different age-groups among ADHD, ASD, and OCD. ADHD-specific ICV and hippocampal alterations in children and adolescents, and ASD-specific cortical thickness alterations in the frontal cortex in adults support previous work emphasizing neurodevelopmental alterations in these disorders

    Comparison of peritoneal carcinomatosis scoring methods in predicting resectability and prognosis in gynecologic malignancies

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    Objective: Peritoneal carcinomatosis is a disease's presentation in the advanced stages of many gynecologic tumours. The distribution and volume of the disease are the main factors in achieving complete debulking. Diagnostic laparoscopy is a technique to allow evaluation of the disease. This study's objective is to compare two laparoscopic scores (Fagotti's index and Sugarbaker's peritoneal cancer index (PCI)) and assess the diagnostic accuracy to select patients for neoadjuvant treatment and reduce unnecessary laparotomies. Methods: A non-randomised retrospective cohort study was conducted in patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis (ovarian and endometrial origin) who underwent laparoscopy and subsequent laparotomy. We evaluated the scores' ability to predict incomplete surgery and whether they were related to the patients' prognosis. Results: We included 34 patients, of which 23.5% received neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The rate of complete cytoreductive surgery was 79.4% (n = 27 patients). The highest sensitivity was obtained with a PCI value greater than 20. It was the best parameter to determine incomplete debulking. Survival curves were analysed according to the 'cut off' established for each score, and statically significant differences were found using PCI with respect to Fagotti's Index. However, these differences were not found with Fagotti's score. Conclusion: The best diagnostic method to classify patients with peritoneal cancer is the PCI. It could be adapted to each surgical team because it allows identifying the 'cut off point', which depends on incomplete surgery rate
