166 research outputs found

    Relevance of Threshold Concepts for Understanding Evolution

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    Evolutionary theory is the integrative framework of modern biology and learning its essential tenets is widely considered a necessary feature of scientific literacy. However, research indicates that teachers and students still struggle with teaching and learning evolution, respectively, and have various alternative conceptions. Current research also displays learning difficulties with those evolutionary concepts that are strongly related to abstract concepts like randomness and probability, so-called threshold concepts. Until now, valid tools that assess students’ understanding of these threshold concepts to examine the relationships to knowledge and to the acceptance of evolution, as well as to investigate the effectiveness of educational strategies to support a conceptual knowledge of threshold concepts are lacking. Four empirical studies have been conducted as part of this dissertation project. All four studies focus on students’ conceptual knowledge of threshold concepts, particularly on the threshold concepts randomness and probability. Study 1 concentrates on the developmental process of two test instruments to measure students’ conceptual knowledge of randomness and probability in an evolutionary and mathematical context (RaProEvo and RaProMath, respectively). Study 2 examines the effectiveness of the simulation software EvoSketch for teaching and learning random and probabilistic processes in evolution. Study 3 deals with the question to which extent conceptual knowledge of randomness and probability is related to knowledge and acceptance of evolution. Study 4 investigates the effect of item features for students’ use of threshold concepts. Overall, using qualitative and quantitative methods, the presented dissertation provides new insights into the existing body of work on evolution education by developing a more expansive view of understanding (and accepting) evolution that encompasses aspects of threshold concepts

    Selbstbestimmtes, berufsbegleitendes Studieren im digitalen pandemiegeprägten Studium. Perspektiven für eine nachhaltige postpandemische Gestaltung von Lehre

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    Der Beitrag stellt dar, wie Selbstbestimmung im pandemiebedingten berufsbegleitenden Studium erlebt wurde. Basierend auf der Selbstbestimmungstheorie von Deci und Ryan (2000,1993) wurden die Kategorien Kompetenz, Autonomie und soziale Eingebundenheit fokussiert. Für eine nachhaltige, postpandemische Lehre mit individueller Selbstbestimmung wird als didaktischer Lösungsansatz die hybride, selbstbestimmte Lerngruppe mit Blick auf Interaktion und Kollaboration zwischen digital und präsent Teilnehmenden dargestellt. Aus der Befragung über zwei pandemiegeprägte digitale Semester wurden mit Blick auf die soziale Dimension von Nachhaltigkeit u.a. Vorteile der digitalen Lehre für die Vereinbarkeit von Studium, Beruf und Familie deutlich. (DIPF/Orig.

    Who are Leibniz PostDocs and what is it like to work at a Leibniz institute? Report of the first Leibniz PostDoc Survey 2020

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    Postdoctoral researchers play a critical role in scientific research. This is the case not only for the Leibniz Association but for research worldwide. However, postdoctoral researchers are often overlooked or misrepresented as a homogeneous group of researchers. The principal aim of the Leibniz PostDoc Survey was to understand who Leibniz PostDocs are and to provide some insight into their experiences, interests, and needs. This report summarizes the results of the first Leibniz PostDoc Survey, which was open for submission from July to October 2020. The report includes a summary of the key findings and recommendations as well as a comprehensive description of all results from each survey question

    Ocorrência de incêndios florestais no Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, Goiás.

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    This work aimed at studying the fires in Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros (PNCV) in Goiás, Brazil, from 1992 to 2003. The methodology included analysis of heat spots maps, reports and interviews with the fire crew members, besides interviews with the land owners who live close to the PNCV. The data showed the causes and the frequencies of fires annual burnt areas, seasons and origins of fire incident, and fire privation developed by the fire crew of PNCV. Furthermore, there was opinions by land owner related to the PNCV. Results showed that the fires in PNCV had annual frequency. The years 1995 and 2002 presented more fire occurrences. Most of the fires (88,2%) had criminal or unknown causes. The dry season caused more fire occurrences, mainly August, September and July.  The prevention activities were break fires construction and instruction folders related to fires release. The local land owners did not know how to deal with land management techniques without fire and asked for environmental education. Esta pesquisa objetivou a análise da ocorrência de incêndios florestais no Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros (PNCV), GO, no período de 1992 a 2003. A metodologia utilizou mapas de focos de calor, dados dos relatórios de ocorrência de incêndios na Unidade de Conservação, entrevistas aos brigadistas e à comunidade do entorno. Com esses dados, foi possível analisar as causas e a freqüência de ocorrência de incêndios florestais, as áreas queimadas anualmente, os locais e épocas de incidência, o trabalho de prevenção e combate desenvolvido pelos brigadistas e a opinião da população em relação ao trabalho desenvolvido no Parque. Essas informações possibilitaram analisar as ocorrências de fogo no PNCV e alguns dados importantes sobre prevenção e combate aos incêndios. Os incêndios florestais no PNCV ocorreram praticamente em todos os anos, sendo que 1995 e 2002 foram os anos mais críticos. 88,2% dos incêndios florestais foram de origem criminosa, por negligência ou de causa desconhecida. A época em que mais ocorreram os incêndios foi a estação seca, sendo o pico o mês de agosto, seguido pelos meses de setembro e julho. As ações preventivas realizadas no PNCV são a construção de aceiros e a distribuição de cartazes educativos. A comunidade local salientou que falta estímulo à utilização de técnicas de substituição ao uso do fogo nas propriedades rurais e campanhas educativas de prevenção de incêndios florestais

    Fires incident occurrence in Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, Goiás

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    Esta pesquisa objetivou a análise da ocorrência de incêndios florestais no Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros (PNCV), GO, no período de 1992 a 2003. A metodologia utilizou mapas de focos de calor, dados dos relatórios de ocorrência de incêndios na Unidade de Conservação, entrevistas aos brigadistas e à comunidade do entorno. Com esses dados, foi possível analisar as causas e a freqüência de ocorrência de incêndios florestais, as áreas queimadas anualmente, os locais e épocas de incidência, o trabalho de prevenção e combate desenvolvido pelos brigadistas e a opinião da população em relação ao trabalho desenvolvido no Parque. Essas informações possibilitaram analisar as ocorrências de fogo no PNCV e alguns dados importantes sobre prevenção e combate aos incêndios. Os incêndios florestais no PNCV ocorreram praticamente em todos os anos, sendo que 1995 e 2002 foram os anos mais críticos. 88,2% dos incêndios florestais foram de origem criminosa, por negligência ou de causa desconhecida. A época em que mais ocorreram os incêndios foi a estação seca, sendo o pico o mês de agosto, seguido pelos meses de setembro e julho. As ações preventivas realizadas no PNCV são a construção de aceiros e a distribuição de cartazes educativos. A comunidade local salientou que falta estímulo à utilização de técnicas de substituição ao uso do fogo nas propriedades rurais e campanhas educativas de prevenção de incêndios florestais.This work aimed at studying the fires in Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros (PNCV) in Goiás, Brazil, from 1992 to 2003. The methodology included analysis of heat spots maps, reports and interviews with the fire crew members, besides interviews with the land owners who live close to the PNCV. The data showed the causes and the frequencies of fires annual burnt areas, seasons and origins of fire incident, and fire privation developed by the fire crew of PNCV. Furthermore, there was opinions by land owner related to the PNCV. Results showed that the fires in PNCV had annual frequency. The years 1995 and 2002 presented more fire occurrences. Most of the fires (88,2%) had criminal or unknown causes. The dry season caused more fire occurrences, mainly August, September and July. The prevention activities were break fires construction and instruction folders related to fires release. The local land owners did not know how to deal with land management techniques without fire and asked for environmental education


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    Esta pesquisa objetivou a an\ue1lise da ocorr\ueancia de inc\ueandios florestais no Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros (PNCV), GO, no per\uedodo de 1992 a 2003. A metodologia utilizou mapas de focos de calor, dados dos relat\uf3rios de ocorr\ueancia de inc\ueandios na Unidade de Conserva\ue7\ue3o, entrevistas aos brigadistas e \ue0 comunidade do entorno. Com esses dados, foi poss\uedvel analisar as causas e a freq\ufc\ueancia de ocorr\ueancia de inc\ueandios florestais, as \ue1reas queimadas anualmente, os locais e \ue9pocas de incid\ueancia, o trabalho de preven\ue7\ue3o e combate desenvolvido pelos brigadistas e a opini\ue3o da popula\ue7\ue3o em rela\ue7\ue3o ao trabalho desenvolvido no Parque. Essas informa\ue7\uf5es possibilitaram analisar as ocorr\ueancias de fogo no PNCV e alguns dados importantes sobre preven\ue7\ue3o e combate aos inc\ueandios. Os inc\ueandios florestais no PNCV ocorreram praticamente em todos os anos, sendo que 1995 e 2002 foram os anos mais cr\uedticos. 88,2% dos inc\ueandios florestais foram de origem criminosa, por neglig\ueancia ou de causa desconhecida. A \ue9poca em que mais ocorreram os inc\ueandios foi a esta\ue7\ue3o seca, sendo o pico o m\ueas de agosto, seguido pelos meses de setembro e julho. As a\ue7\uf5es preventivas realizadas no PNCV s\ue3o a constru\ue7\ue3o de aceiros e a distribui\ue7\ue3o de cartazes educativos. A comunidade local salientou que falta est\uedmulo \ue0 utiliza\ue7\ue3o de t\ue9cnicas de substitui\ue7\ue3o ao uso do fogo nas propriedades rurais e campanhas educativas de preven\ue7\ue3o de inc\ueandios florestais.This work aimed at studying the fires in Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros (PNCV) in Goi\ue1s, Brazil, from 1992 to 2003. The methodology included analysis of heat spots maps, reports and interviews with the fire crew members, besides interviews with the land owners who live close to the PNCV. The data showed the causes and the frequencies of fires annual burnt areas, seasons and origins of fire incident, and fire privation developed by the fire crew of PNCV. Furthermore, there was opinions by land owner related to the PNCV. Results showed that the fires in PNCV had annual frequency. The years 1995 and 2002 presented more fire occurrences. Most of the fires (88,2%) had criminal or unknown causes. The dry season caused more fire occurrences, mainly August, September and July. The prevention activities were break fires construction and instruction folders related to fires release. The local land owners did not know how to deal with land management techniques without fire and asked for environmental education

    Ansiedade-traço pré-competitiva: um estudo com atletas de judô

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    Antes da competição, o esportista encontra-se em um estado de intenso estresse psíquico, que tem sido denominado de “ansiedade-traço pré-competitiva”. O artigo tem como objetivo investigar a ansiedade-traço pré-competitiva de atletas da modalidade de Judô. A amostra foi composta de 99 atletas de ambos os gêneros, selecionados por conveniência, participantes do Troféu Santa Catarina Sênior de Judô, realizado na cidade de Joaçaba, SC, em março de 2009. O questionário foi estruturado com perguntas relacionadas a fatores sociodemográficos e socioeconômicos, além de questões relacionadas à modalidade, e questões psicológicas sobre a ansiedade-traço pré-competitiva, por meio do instrumento IDATE (1970). Pelos resultados apresentados, a média de idade dos atletas foi de 21,97 anos (DP=6,12). Grande parte dos atletas (86,9%) participantes do Troféu Santa Catarina Sênior de Judô, possuem um nível de ansiedade-traço pré-competitiva considerada média, ( =43,71 + 5,36). O grupo feminino apresentou um nível de ansiedade-traço pré-competitiva maior em relação ao grupo masculino. Os homens apresentaram um tempo de prática na modalidade maior em relação às mulheres. Os atletas classificados em 1º lugar apresentaram nível de ansiedade considerada média e esses atletas apresentaram o menor nível em relação às outras classificações. Assim, conclui-se que os níveis de ansiedade-traço pré-competitiva estão presentes nos atletas em níveis médios. A influência dos patrocinadores, familiares, técnicos e torcida podem interferir no nível de ansiedade dos atletas nas competições. Palavras-chaves: Ansiedade. Judô. Homens. Mulheres

    Loss of MMP-27 Predicts Mandibular Bone Invasion in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Invasion of the mandibular bone is frequent in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), which often results in extensive ablative and reconstructive procedures for the patient. The purpose of this single-center, retrospective study was to identify and evaluate potential biomarkers and risk factors for bone invasion in OSCC. Initially, in silico gene expression analysis was performed for different HNSCC tumor T-stages to find factors associated with invasive (T4a) tumor growth. Afterwards, the protein expression of bone-metabolizing MMP-27, TNFRSF11B (Osteoprotegerin, OPG), and TNFSF11 (RANKL) was investigated via Tissue Microarrays (TMAs) for their impact on mandibular bone invasion. TMAs were assembled from the bone–tumor interface of primary OSCCs of the floor of the mouth and gingiva from 119 patients. Sixty-four carcinomas with patho-histological jaw invasion (pT4a) were compared to 55 carcinomas growing along the mandible without invasion (pT2, pT3). Tissue samples were additionally evaluated for patterns of invasion using the WPOI grading system. Statistical analysis of in silico data revealed decreased MMP-27 mRNA expression to be strongly associated with the pT4a-stage in OSCC, indicating invasive tumor growth with infiltration of adjacent anatomical structures. Our own clinico-pathological data on OSCCs presented a significant decrease of MMP-27 in tumors invading the nearby mandible (pT4a), compared to pT2 and pT3 tumors without bone invasion. Loss of MMP27 evolved as the strongest predictor of mandibular bone invasion in binary logistic regression analysis. To our knowledge, this is the first study investigating the role of MMP-27 expression in OSCC and demonstrating the importance of the loss of MMP-27 in mandibular bone invasion

    Crop pests and predators exhibit inconsistent responses to surrounding landscape composition

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    The idea that noncrop habitat enhances pest control and represents a win–win opportunity to conserve biodiversity and bolster yields has emerged as an agroecological paradigm. However, while noncrop habitat in landscapes surrounding farms sometimes benefits pest predators, natural enemy responses remain heterogeneous across studies and effects on pests are inconclusive. The observed heterogeneity in species responses to noncrop habitat may be biological in origin or could result from variation in how habitat and biocontrol are measured. Here, we use a pest-control database encompassing 132 studies and 6,759 sites worldwide to model natural enemy and pest abundances, predation rates, and crop damage as a function of landscape composition. Our results showed that although landscape composition explained significant variation within studies, pest and enemy abundances, predation rates, crop damage, and yields each exhibited different responses across studies, sometimes increasing and sometimes decreasing in landscapes with more noncrop habitat but overall showing no consistent trend. Thus, models that used landscape-composition variables to predict pest-control dynamics demonstrated little potential to explain variation across studies, though prediction did improve when comparing studies with similar crop and landscape features. Overall, our work shows that surrounding noncrop habitat does not consistently improve pest management, meaning habitat conservation may bolster production in some systems and depress yields in others. Future efforts to develop tools that inform farmers when habitat conservation truly represents a win–win would benefit from increased understanding of how landscape effects are modulated by local farm management and the biology of pests and their enemies