90 research outputs found

    CRISAFULLI, Lilla Maria y GOLINELLI, Gilberta (eds.): Women’s Voices and Genealogies in Literary Studies in English. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019

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    Este nuevo libro ejemplifica cómo los estudios de las mujeres y de género son y deben continuar siendo transversales e interdisciplinares. A través del análisis de las presencias y las ausencias de las mujeres en la historia de la literatura anglosajona, esta obra analiza los aportes de diferentes escritoras, ahondando en los contextos históricos y socioculturales en los que escribieron. Cada uno de los capítulos, proponiendo diversas genealogías de escritoras y variados casos de estudios, siempre a la luz de la crítica feminista, logra demostrar que la literatura femenina y feminista no es ahistórica ni atemporal, sino que se afinca en realidades materiales y tradiciones multifacéticas, a veces contrastantes, las cuales debemos recuperar, valorar y releer desde nuevas ópticas

    Exigibilidad judicial de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales de la población desplazada : alternativa a la acción de tutela

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    La presente monografía, busca evidenciar cómo la población desplazada en Colombia, ha buscado hacer efectivos sus Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales acudiendo, ante la ineficiencia de la Administración, a diferentes acciones constitucionales, principalmente a la acción de tutela, como mecanismo de protección. No obstante, esta acción no parece ser el único instrumento idóneo para garantizar ese tipo de derechos, por lo que al analizar las otras acciones de carácter constitucional, se encuentra que la acción de cumplimiento es un instrumento adecuado para los requerimientos de estos derechos, ya que impone el cumplimiento de los mandatos normativos en los que se consagran las políticas públicas que los desarrollan.Abogado (a)Pregrad

    The "case concerning the application of the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide (Bosnia and eHrzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro)" released on february 26, 2007. Genocide and state responsibility

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    El fallo de la Corte Internacional de Justicia sobre la “Aplicación de la Convención para la Prevención y la Sanción del Delito de Genocidio (Bosnia y Herzegovina v. Serbia y Montenegro)” representa un hito en el ámbito internacional, por cuanto contiene el primer análisis que realiza ese cuerpo colegiado sobre la responsabilidad internacional de un Estado por el “delito” de Genocidio. Además, da luces sobre derechos y obligaciones que trascienden la teoría clásica de las relaciones interestatales, para adentrarse en la teoría de las obligaciones de medio como la de prevención del Genocidio. Sólo un estudio contextualizado del fallo revela lo reprochable de acudir a conceptos como “control total” para descartar la configuración del crimen en oportunidades en las cuales, acudiendo a los elementos del genocidio previamente delineados por la doctrina y jurisprudencia internacionales, fue innegablemente perpetrado. No obstante, no podemos desconocer el acierto de Corte al darle una mayor alcance a las obligaciones derivadas de la Convención contra el Genocidio, puesto que admite como sujeto activo no sólo al individuo sino también al Estado. Por eso, aunque la sala se quedó corta, el fallo es un asomo de innovación que probablemente conducirá, cuando el estado del arte lo permita, a fallos más justos.The ruling of the International Court of Justice on the “Case concerning the application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro)” is crucial in the international arena, inasmuch as it contains the first jurisdictional analysis on the international responsibility of a State of the crime of Genocide. In addition, it sheds lights on the issue of the rights and obligations that result from the Convention against Genocide, and that of obligations of means like the prevention of Genocide. Only a contextualized study of the ruling reveals the Court’s peculiar use of concepts: this Tribunal resorts to concepts like “total control” to discard the configuration of the crime in opportunities in which, according to the elements of the genocide previously delineated by the international doctrine and jurisprudence, was undeniably perpetrated. However, we cannot ignore that the Court has advanced in extending the reach to the obligations derived from the Convention against Genocide. Therefore, though much is still to be done, the ruling is a hint of innovation that will probably lead, when the state-of-the-art allows it, to something closer to justice

    Centrality evolution of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density over a broad pseudorapidity range in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76TeV

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    Women’s Empowerment and Religious Discourses: Reconsidering Women’s Christianity, Utopianism and Feminism

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    My research aims to show how women have historically used and are still using Christian principles and practices to advocate for their rights and advance their interests. In England, during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Mary Astell and Mary Wollstonecraft, moving from Christian principles, formulated concrete utopian projects aimed to overcome the degraded condition of women. During the nineteenth century, Radical Unitarian in England advocated for women’s rights based on the idea that the equality between the sexes as intended by God had been disrupted by the customs of the time, and that it could only be restored through education and a wide social revolution. Across the Atlantic, four Quaker women and Elizabeth Cady Stanton called for the first Women’s Rights Convention, held at Seneca Falls on July 1848. The subsequent Declaration of Rights and Sentiments is infused with religious sentiments, declaring that woman is man’s equal because it was intended so by their Creator. At the wake of the twentieth century Pentecostalism was born in the United States. For Pentecostals the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, a miraculous event which gives them prophetic authority and certain Godly gifts, can happen to anyone, man or woman. Women, like Maria Woodworth-Etter and Aimee Semple McPherson, had important roles as pioneers of this new faith. Pentecostalism expanded throughout Latin America, resulting in the creation of autochthonous churches. In Colombia one of these churches is currently led by a woman, and the female parishioners state that the church has improved their marital and interpersonal relations and has given them the strength to undertake different projects, thus boosting their self-esteem. However, this positive relation between religion and women’s interests has a controversial side, because it sustains some gender-sex stereotypes and can act against women’s self-determination and the rights of other oppressed groups.L’obiettivo della mia ricerca è mostrare come le donne abbiano storicamente utilizzato e continuino a utilizzare i principi e le pratiche cristiane per difendere i propri diritti e promuovere i propri interessi. In Inghilterra, durante il XVII e il XVIII secolo, Mary Astell e Mary Wollstonecraft, basandosi su principi cristiani, formularono progetti utopici concreti volti a superare la condizione svantaggiata delle donne. Durante il XIX secolo, le Radical Unitarians in Inghilterra sostenevano i diritti delle donne basandosi sull'idea che l'uguaglianza tra i sessi, prevista da Dio, fosse stata perturbata dalle abitudini dell’epoca e che pertanto potesse essere ripristinata soltanto attraverso l'educazione e un’ampia rivoluzione sociale. Dall'altra parte dell'Atlantico, quattro donne quacchere ed Elizabeth Cady Stanton convocarono la prima Convenzione sui diritti delle donne, tenutasi a Seneca Falls nel luglio del 1848. La successiva “Dichiarazione dei diritti e dei sentimenti” è ispirata da sentimenti religiosi, e dichiara che la donna è uguale all'uomo perché così concepito dal loro Creatore. Agli inizi del XX secolo, negli Stati Uniti nacque il Pentecostalismo. Per i pentecostali il battesimo dello Spirito Santo, evento miracoloso che conferisce loro autorità profetica e certi doni divini, può accadere a chiunque, uomo o donna. Le donne, tra le quali Maria Woodworth-Etter e Aimee Semple McPherson, ricoprirono ruoli importanti come pioniere di questa nuova fede. Il pentecostalismo si espanse in tutta l'America Latina, con la conseguente creazione di chiese autoctone. In Colombia una di queste chiese è attualmente guidata da una donna, e le fedeli affermano che la chiesa ha migliorato le loro relazioni coniugali e interpersonali e ha dato loro la forza di intraprendere diversi progetti, aumentando così la loro autostima. Tuttavia, questa relazione positiva tra la religione e gli interessi delle donne ha un aspetto controverso, perché mantiene determinati stereotipi di genere e può pertanto ostacolare l'autodeterminazione delle donne e i diritti di altri gruppi oppressi.El objetivo de mi investigación es mostrar cómo las mujeres históricamente han usado y siguen usando principios y prácticas cristianas para defender sus derechos y promover sus intereses. En Inglaterra, durante los siglos XVII y XVIII, Mary Astell y Mary Wollstonecraft, basadas en principios cristianos, formularon proyectos utópicos concretos destinados a superar la condición de desventaja de las mujeres. Durante el siglo XIX, las practicantes del unitarismo radical en Inglaterra defendieron los derechos de las mujeres basadas en que la igualdad de los sexos prevista por Dios había sido alterada por las costumbres de la época, y solo podía restablecerse mediante educación y una amplia revolución social. Al otro lado del Atlántico, cuatro cuáqueras y Elizabeth Cady Stanton convocaron a la primera Convención de los Derechos de la Mujer, celebrada en Seneca Falls en julio de 1848. La sucesiva Declaración de Derechos y Sentimientos está inspirada en sentimientos religiosos y, declara que la mujer es igual al hombre porque así fue concebido por su Creador. A principio del siglo XX, surge el pentecostalismo en los Estados Unidos. Para los pentecostales el bautismo del Espíritu Santo, un evento milagroso que les otorga autoridad profética y ciertos dones divinos, puede sucederle a cualquiera, hombre o mujer. Mujeres como Maria Woodworth-Etter y Aimee Semple McPherson fueron pioneras de esta nueva fe. El pentecostalismo se expandió por toda América Latina, dando como resultado la creación de iglesias autóctonas. En Colombia, una de estas iglesias es actualmente dirigida por una mujer, y las feligresas afirman que la iglesia ha mejorado sus relaciones matrimoniales e interpersonales y les ha dado la fuerza para emprender diferentes proyectos, aumentando su autoestima. Sin embargo, esta relación positiva entre religión y los intereses de las mujeres tiene un lado controversial, pues mantiene y agudiza ciertos estereotipos de género y puede actuar contra la autodeterminación de las mujeres y los derechos de otros grupos oprimidos.MÁSTER ERASMUS MUNDUS GEMMA. X EDICIÓ

    Women Writers and Women’s Rights: The Denunciation of Women’s Conditions in the Texts of Mary Leman Grimstone and Gertrudis Gómez De Avellaneda

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    Through the analysis of the prose of two nineteenth-century women writers: the English Mary Leman Grimstone and the Cuban-Spanish Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, the present dissertation aims at unveiling the relationship between women’s writings and the struggle for the recognition of women’s rights in two different geopolitical locations. To do so, it weaves a Feminist Planetary Web between each writer and her context, as well as among both writers, finding points of connection and disconnection. It shows how women appropriated the pen in different geographical locations, exposing a particular female voice that denounced not only the oppression suffered by women, but also by other marginalized subjects, like the members of religious minorities and slaves. For each writer this dissertation analyses three novels and some of their articles, finding macro-arguments present transversally in their work, like their critiques to the institution of marriage, the importance of proper education for women, the advocacy for religious tolerance, and the narrative construction of different male and female paradigms. Among the common arguments between both writers, this dissertation exposes their similar critiques to the institution of marriage. Both Grimstone’s and Gómez de Avellaneda’s literary works show how the nuptial bond, which was sold as women’s best and only option in life, was in fact a cage in which women were no better than slaves or perpetual servants. This appreciation of marriage is present in both authors even though the legal regimes that regulated marriage in England and Spain were, at least in theory, different. Hence, their writings stand as living proof that notwithstanding the specifics of each legal system, the ideological consequences for women, who were left at the mercy of their husbands, were remarkably similar. Grimstone and Gómez de Avellaneda also coincided in highlighting the importance of women’s right to access a proper education, which was not an end in itself, but the means for women to develop their God-given reason and to obtain the right to aspire, to ambition outside the circumscribed and limited role society had assigned them: that of wife and mother. Aside from these commonalities, this dissertation also analyses how Grimstone and Gómez de Avellaneda negotiated their position in the literary public realm, showing how it was precisely in this point, that is, in the strategies they used and the aesthetics they adopted, that readers and critics can find noteworthy differences between them.A través del análisis de la prosa de dos escritoras del siglo XIX: la inglesa Mary Leman Grimstone y la cubano-española Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, la presente tesis pretende desvelar la relación entre la escritura femenina y la lucha por el reconocimiento de los derechos de las mujeres en dos lugares geopolíticos diferentes. Para ello, teje una Red Planetaria Feminista entre cada escritora y su contexto, así como entre ambas escritoras, encontrando puntos de conexión y desconexión. Este trabajo busca demostrar cómo las mujeres se apropiaron de la pluma en diferentes lugares, exponiendo una particular voz femenina que denunciaba no sólo la opresión sufrida por las mujeres, sino también por otros sujetos marginados, como los miembros de minorías religiosas y los esclavos. Por cada una de las escritoras bajo estudio, esta tesis analiza tres novelas y algunos de sus artículos, encontrando macroargumentos presentes de forma transversal en sus obras, como sus críticas a la institución del matrimonio, la importancia de una educación adecuada para las mujeres, la defensa de la tolerancia religiosa y la construcción narrativa de diferentes paradigmas masculinos y femeninos. Entre los argumentos comunes entre ambas escritoras, se encuentran las críticas que las dos realizaron a la institución del matrimonio. Tanto la obra literaria de Grimstone como la de Gómez de Avellaneda muestran cómo el vínculo nupcial, que se vendía como la mejor y única opción de vida para las mujeres, era en realidad una jaula en la que éstas terminaban viviendo como esclavas o siervas perpetuas. Esta apreciación del matrimonio está presente en ambas autoras a pesar de que los regímenes legales que regulaban el matrimonio en Inglaterra y España eran, al menos en teoría, diferentes. De ahí que sus escritos sean la prueba viviente de que, a pesar de las especificidades de cada sistema legal, las consecuencias ideológicas para las mujeres, que quedaban a merced de sus maridos, eran notablemente similares. Grimstone y Gómez de Avellaneda también coincidieron en destacar la importancia del derecho de las mujeres a acceder a una educación adecuada, que no era un fin en sí mismo, sino el medio para que las mujeres desarrollaran la razón que Dios les había dado y obtuvieran el derecho a aspirar, a ambicionar fuera del papel circunscrito y limitado que la sociedad les había asignado: el de esposa y madre. Además de estos puntos en común, esta tesis también analiza cómo Grimstone y Gómez de Avellaneda negociaron su posición en el ámbito público literario, mostrando cómo fue precisamente en este punto, es decir, en las estrategias que utilizaron y en la estética que adoptaron, donde los lectores y los críticos pueden encontrar notables diferencias entre ellas.Tesis Univ. Granada

    Jet-hadron correlations measured relative to the second order event plane in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV

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    The Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) produced in ultra relativistic heavy-ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) can be studied by measuring the modifications of jets formed by hard scattered partons which interact with the medium. We studied these modifications via angular correlations of jets with charged hadrons for jets with momenta 20 < pjetT < 40 GeV/c as a function of the associated particle momentum. The reaction plane fit (RPF) method is used in this analysis to remove the flow modulated background. The analysis of angular correlations for different orientations of the jet relative to the second order event plane allows for the study of the path length dependence of medium modifications to jets. We present the dependence of azimuthal angular correlations of charged hadrons with respect to the angle of the axis of a reconstructed jet relative to the event plane in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN−−−√ = 2.76 TeV. The dependence of particle yields associated with jets on the angle of the jet with respect to the event plane is presented. Correlations at different angles relative to the event plane are compared through ratios and differences of the yield. No dependence of the results on the angle of the jet with respect to the event plane is observed within uncertainties, which is consistent with no significant path length dependence of the medium modifications for this observable

    Measurement of charged jet cross section in pp collisions at √s = 5.02 TeV

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    The cross section of jets reconstructed from charged particles is measured in the transverse momentum range of 5<pT<100 GeV/c in pp collisions at the center-of-mass energy of s√=5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector. The jets are reconstructed using the anti-kT algorithm with resolution parameters R=0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.6 in the pseudorapidity range |η|<0.9−R. The charged jet cross sections are compared with the leading order (LO) and to next-to-leading order (NLO) perturbative Quantum ChromoDynamics (pQCD) calculations. It was found that the NLO calculations agree better with the measurements. The cross section ratios for different resolution parameters were also measured. These ratios increase from low pT to high pT and saturate at high pT, indicating that jet collimation is larger at high pT than at low pT. These results provide a precision test of pQCD predictions and serve as a baseline for the measurement in Pb−Pb collisions at the same energy to quantify the effects of the hot and dense medium created in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC

    Production of (anti-)3He and (anti-)3H in p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

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    The transverse momentum (pT) differential yields of (anti-)3He and (anti-)3H measured in p-Pb collisions at sNN−−−√ = 5.02 TeV with ALICE at the LHC are presented. The ratios of the pT-integrated yields of (anti-)3He and (anti-)3H to the proton yields are reported, as well as the pT dependence of the coalescence parameters B3 for (anti-)3He and (anti-)3H. For (anti-)3He, the results obtained in four classes of the mean charged-particle multiplicity density are also discussed. These results are compared to predictions from a canonical statistical hadronization model and coalescence approaches. An upper limit on the total yield of 4He¯ is determined

    Measurement of spin-orbital angular momentum interactions in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    The first measurement of spin alignment of vector mesons (K∗0 and ϕ) in heavy-ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is reported. The measurements are carried out as a function of transverse momentum (pT ) and collision centrality with the ALICE detector using the particles produced at midrapidity (|y|< 0.5) in Pb-Pb collisions at a center-of-mass energy (sNN−−−√) of 2.76 TeV. The second diagonal spin density matrix element (ρ00 ) is measured from the angular distribution of the decay daughters of the vector meson in the decay rest frame, with respect to the normal of both the event plane and the production plane. The ρ00 values are found to be less than 1/3 (= 1/3 implies no spin alignment) at low pT (< 2 GeV/c) for both vector mesons. The observed deviations from 1/3 are maximal for mid-central collisions at a level of 3σ for K∗0 and 2σ for ϕ mesons. As control measurements, the analysis is also performed using the K0S meson, which has zero spin, and for the vector mesons in pp collisions; in both cases no significant spin alignment is observed. The ρ00 values at low pT with respect to the production plane are closer to 1/3 than for the event plane; they are related to each other through correlations introduced by the elliptic flow in the system. The measured spin alignment is surprisingly large compared to the polarization measured for Λ hyperons, but qualitatively consistent with the expectation from models which attribute the spin alignment to a polarization of quarks in the presence of large initial angular momentum in non-central heavy-ion collisions and a subsequent hadronization by the process of recombination