1,204 research outputs found

    Calidad e innovación en docencia en la USC: integración de las competencias informacionales en la guía docente. La experiencia en la asignatura de Biología

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    Within the framework of the European Higher Education Area, as Transversal competences that students should possess at the end of their Degree studies, there is training in informational competences (IC). The IC main objective is the acquisition of skills and abilities for access and use of information. An online IC Course taught in collaboration with the University Library as part of the Teaching Program of a 1st course discipline, was very well followed by the students. Students participation was high, and a big percentage of them passed the examinations. A substantial improvement in the presentation of the works and the bibliography was observed

    What Does DALL-E 2 Know About Radiology?

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    Generative models, such as DALL-E 2 (OpenAI), could represent promising future tools for image generation, augmentation, and manipulation for artificial intelligence research in radiology, provided that these models have sufficient medical domain knowledge. Herein, we show that DALL-E 2 has learned relevant representations of x-ray images, with promising capabilities in terms of zero-shot text-to-image generation of new images, the continuation of an image beyond its original boundaries, and the removal of elements; however, its capabilities for the generation of images with pathological abnormalities (eg, tumors, fractures, and inflammation) or computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, or ultrasound images are still limited. The use of generative models for augmenting and generating radiological data thus seems feasible, even if the further fine-tuning and adaptation of these models to their respective domains are required first

    Use of quantitative T2 mapping for the assessment of renal cell carcinomas: first results

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    Background: Correct staging and grading of patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma (cRCC) is of clinical relevance for the prediction of operability and for individualized patient management. As partial or radial resection with postoperative tumor grading currently remain the methods of choice for the classification of cRCC, non-invasive preoperative alternatives to differentiate lower grade from higher grade cRCC would be beneficial. Methods: This institutional-review-board approved cross-sectional study included twenty-seven patients (8 women, mean age ± SD, 61.3 ± 14.2) with histopathologically confirmed cRCC, graded according to the International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP). A native, balanced steady-state free precession T2 mapping sequence (TrueFISP) was performed at 1.5 T. Quantitative T2 values were measured with circular 2D ROIs in the solid tumor portion and also in the normal renal parenchyma (cortex and medulla). To estimate the optimal cut-off T2 value for identifying lower grade cRCC, a Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (ROC) analysis was performed and sensitivity and specificity were calculated. Students’ t-tests were used to evaluate the differences in mean values for continuous variables, while intergroup differences were tested for significance with two-tailed Mann-Whitney-U tests. Results: There were significant differences between the T2 values for lower grade (ISUP 1–2) and higher grade (ISUP 3–4) cRCC (p < 0.001), with higher T2 values for lower grade cRCC compared to higher grade cRCC. The sensitivity and specificity for the differentiation of lower grade from higher grade tumors were 83.3% (95% CI: 0.59–0.96) and 88.9% (95% CI: 0.52–1.00), respectively, using a threshold value of ≥110 ms. Intraobserver/interobserver agreement for T2 measurements was excellent/substantial. Conclusions: Native T2 mapping based on a balanced steady-state free precession MR sequence might support an image-based distinction between lower and higher grade cRCC in a two-tier-system and could be a helpful addition to multiparametric imaging

    Impact of Study Skills and Parent Education on First-Year GPA Among College Students With and Without ADHD: A Moderated Mediation Model

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    Objective: To test if the relationship between ADHD and academic achievement is mediated by service utilization and/or study skills, and if these mediation effects are moderated by parental education level. Method: A bootstrapping method within structural equation modeling was used with data from 355 first year college students meeting strict criteria for ADHD or clearly without ADHD to test the mediation and moderation effects. Results: Study skills, but not service utilization, significantly mediated the relationship between ADHD status and GPA; however, this relationship was not significant among students with at least one parent holding a master’s degree or higher. Conclusion: Among first year college students study skills may be a more salient predictor of educational outcomes relative to ADHD status. Additional research into support services for college students with ADHD is needed, however, results suggest interventions targeting study skills may hold particular promise for these students

    Dataset of prostate MRI annotated for anatomical zones and cancer

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    In the present work, we present a publicly available, expert-segmented representative dataset of 158 3.0 Tesla biparametric MRIs [1]. There is an increasing number of studies investigating prostate and prostate carcinoma segmentation using deep learning (DL) with 3D architectures [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]. The development of robust and data-driven DL models for prostate segmentation and assessment is currently limited by the availability of openly available expert-annotated datasets [8], [9], [10]. The dataset contains 3.0 Tesla MRI images of the prostate of patients with suspected prostate cancer. Patients over 50 years of age who had a 3.0 Tesla MRI scan of the prostate that met PI-RADS version 2.1 technical standards were included. All patients received a subsequent biopsy or surgery so that the MRI diagnosis could be verified/matched with the histopathologic diagnosis. For patients who had undergone multiple MRIs, the last MRI, which was less than six months before biopsy/surgery, was included. All patients were examined at a German university hospital (Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin) between 02/2016 and 01/2020. All MRI were acquired with two 3.0 Tesla MRI scanners (Siemens VIDA and Skyra, Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany). Axial T2W sequences and axial diffusion-weighted sequences (DWI) with apparent diffusion coefficient maps (ADC) were included in the data set. T2W sequences and ADC maps were annotated by two board-certified radiologists with 6 and 8 years of experience, respectively. For T2W sequences, the central gland (central zone and transitional zone) and peripheral zone were segmented. If areas of suspected prostate cancer (PIRADS score of ≥ 4) were identified on examination, they were segmented in both the T2W sequences and ADC maps. Because restricted diffusion is best seen in DWI images with high b-values, only these images were selected and all images with low b-values were discarded. Data were then anonymized and converted to NIfTI (Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative) format

    MEDBERT.de: A Comprehensive German BERT Model for the Medical Domain

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    This paper presents medBERTde, a pre-trained German BERT model specifically designed for the German medical domain. The model has been trained on a large corpus of 4.7 Million German medical documents and has been shown to achieve new state-of-the-art performance on eight different medical benchmarks covering a wide range of disciplines and medical document types. In addition to evaluating the overall performance of the model, this paper also conducts a more in-depth analysis of its capabilities. We investigate the impact of data deduplication on the model's performance, as well as the potential benefits of using more efficient tokenization methods. Our results indicate that domain-specific models such as medBERTde are particularly useful for longer texts, and that deduplication of training data does not necessarily lead to improved performance. Furthermore, we found that efficient tokenization plays only a minor role in improving model performance, and attribute most of the improved performance to the large amount of training data. To encourage further research, the pre-trained model weights and new benchmarks based on radiological data are made publicly available for use by the scientific community.Comment: Keno K. Bressem and Jens-Michalis Papaioannou and Paul Grundmann contributed equall

    SK2 channels in cerebellar Purkinje cells contribute to excitability modulation in motor-learning-specific memory traces

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    Neurons store information by changing synaptic input weights. In addition, they can adjust their membrane excitability to alter spike output. Here, we demonstrate a role of such "intrinsic plasticity" in behavioral learning in a mouse model that allows us to detect specific consequences of absent excitability modulation. Mice with a Purkinje-cell-specific knockout (KO) of the calcium-activated K+ channel SK2 (L7-SK2) show intact vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) gain adaptation but impaired eyeblink conditioning (EBC), which relies on the ability to establish associations between stimuli, with the eyelid closure itself depending on a transient suppression of spike firing. In these mice, the intrinsic plasticity of Purkinje cells is prevented without affecting long-term depression or potentiation at their parallel fiber (PF) input. In contrast to the typical spike pattern of EBC-supporting zebrin-negative Purkinje cells, L7-SK2 neurons show reduced background spiking but enhanced excitability. Thus, SK2 plasticity and excitability modulation are essential for specific forms of motor learning

    Polygenic burden in focal and generalized epilepsies.

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    Rare genetic variants can cause epilepsy, and genetic testing has been widely adopted for severe, paediatric-onset epilepsies. The phenotypic consequences of common genetic risk burden for epilepsies and their potential future clinical applications have not yet been determined. Using polygenic risk scores (PRS) from a European-ancestry genome-wide association study in generalized and focal epilepsy, we quantified common genetic burden in patients with generalized epilepsy (GE-PRS) or focal epilepsy (FE-PRS) from two independent non-Finnish European cohorts (Epi25 Consortium, n = 5705; Cleveland Clinic Epilepsy Center, n = 620; both compared to 20 435 controls). One Finnish-ancestry population isolate (Finnish-ancestry Epi25, n = 449; compared to 1559 controls), two European-ancestry biobanks (UK Biobank, n = 383 656; Vanderbilt biorepository, n = 49 494), and one Japanese-ancestry biobank (BioBank Japan, n = 168 680) were used for additional replications. Across 8386 patients with epilepsy and 622 212 population controls, we found and replicated significantly higher GE-PRS in patients with generalized epilepsy of European-ancestry compared to patients with focal epilepsy (Epi25: P = 1.64×10-15; Cleveland: P = 2.85×10-4; Finnish-ancestry Epi25: P = 1.80×10-4) or population controls (Epi25: P = 2.35×10-70; Cleveland: P = 1.43×10-7; Finnish-ancestry Epi25: P = 3.11×10-4; UK Biobank and Vanderbilt biorepository meta-analysis: P = 7.99×10-4). FE-PRS were significantly higher in patients with focal epilepsy compared to controls in the non-Finnish, non-biobank cohorts (Epi25: P = 5.74×10-19; Cleveland: P = 1.69×10-6). European ancestry-derived PRS did not predict generalized epilepsy or focal epilepsy in Japanese-ancestry individuals. Finally, we observed a significant 4.6-fold and a 4.5-fold enrichment of patients with generalized epilepsy compared to controls in the top 0.5% highest GE-PRS of the two non-Finnish European cohorts (Epi25: P = 2.60×10-15; Cleveland: P = 1.39×10-2). We conclude that common variant risk associated with epilepsy is significantly enriched in multiple cohorts of patients with epilepsy compared to controls-in particular for generalized epilepsy. As sample sizes and PRS accuracy continue to increase with further common variant discovery, PRS could complement established clinical biomarkers and augment genetic testing for patient classification, comorbidity research, and potentially targeted treatment

    Children in reviews: Methodological issues in child-relevant evidence syntheses

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    BACKGROUND: The delivery of optimal medical care to children is dependent on the availability of child relevant research. Our objectives were to: i) systematically review and describe how children are handled in reviews of drug interventions published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR); and ii) determine when effect sizes for the same drug interventions differ between children and adults. METHODS: We systematically identified all of the reviews relevant to child health in the CDSR 2002, Issue 4. Reviews were included if they investigated the efficacy or effectiveness of a drug intervention for a condition that occurs in both children and adults. Information was extracted on review characteristics including study methods, results, and conclusions. RESULTS: From 1496 systematic reviews, 408 (27%) were identified as relevant to both adult and child health; 52% (213) of these included data from children. No significant differences were found in effect sizes between adults and children for any of the drug interventions or conditions investigated. However, all of the comparisons lacked the power to detect a clinically significant difference and wide confidence intervals suggest important differences cannot be excluded. A large amount of data was unavailable due to inadequate reporting at the trial and systematic review level. CONCLUSION: Overall, the findings of this study indicate there is a paucity of child-relevant and specific evidence generated from evidence syntheses of drug interventions. The results indicate a need for a higher standard of reporting for participant populations in studies of drug interventions

    Transverse sphericity of primary charged particles in minimum bias proton-proton collisions at s=0.9\sqrt{s}=0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV

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    Measurements of the sphericity of primary charged particles in minimum bias proton--proton collisions at s=0.9\sqrt{s}=0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC are presented. The observable is linearized to be collinear safe and is measured in the plane perpendicular to the beam direction using primary charged tracks with pT0.5p_{\rm T}\geq0.5 GeV/c in η0.8|\eta|\leq0.8. The mean sphericity as a function of the charged particle multiplicity at mid-rapidity (NchN_{\rm ch}) is reported for events with different pTp_{\rm T} scales ("soft" and "hard") defined by the transverse momentum of the leading particle. In addition, the mean charged particle transverse momentum versus multiplicity is presented for the different event classes, and the sphericity distributions in bins of multiplicity are presented. The data are compared with calculations of standard Monte Carlo event generators. The transverse sphericity is found to grow with multiplicity at all collision energies, with a steeper rise at low NchN_{\rm ch}, whereas the event generators show the opposite tendency. The combined study of the sphericity and the mean pTp_{\rm T} with multiplicity indicates that most of the tested event generators produce events with higher multiplicity by generating more back-to-back jets resulting in decreased sphericity (and isotropy). The PYTHIA6 generator with tune PERUGIA-2011 exhibits a noticeable improvement in describing the data, compared to the other tested generators.Comment: 21 pages, 9 captioned figures, 3 tables, authors from page 16, published version, figures from http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/ArtSubmission/node/308