29 research outputs found


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the largest disruption to education in history, affecting students and teachers around the world, from pre-primary education to secondary schools, universities and skills development facilities. All parties and educational institutions have taken proactive steps by conducting online classes as well as the International Islamic Technological College Penang. This research aims to know the lecturers' strategies in carrying out the teaching process during the pandemic and their challenges, including technical knowledge and facilities available in the college, and how they deal with these challenges. The method of this study is qualitative, where the researcher conducts interviews with the lecturers. In addition, this paper seeks to find out the lecturers' view of the effectiveness of online teaching during the period of the traffic control order. Among the problems faced by the lecturers were the lack of skills in conducting online classes and in choosing the most appropriate learning platforms, Internet problems, and a longer time to prepare teaching materials. The result also indicated that lecturers lack competence in integrating technology into the teaching process. Although they encountered problems, the lecturers tried to learn from their colleagues, practiced several times before the real classes took place and some of the lecturers managed to create YouTube channel, try new apps such as Quizizz and Padlet, and attending online webinars. The result of this study is useful for identifying appropriate training courses for lecturers in mastering skills in line with the government's objectives in the Malaysian Education Development Plan that help in continuing professional development and raising the efficiency of students. تسببت جائحة كوفيد-19 في أكبر انقطاع للتعليم في التاريخ حيث يؤثر على الطلاب والمعلّمين حول العالم من مرحلة ما قبل التعليم الابتدائي إلى المدارس الثانوية والجامعات ومنشآت تنمية المهارات. فاتخذ جميع الأطراف والمؤسسات التعليمية خطوات استباقية من خلال إجراء دروس عبر الإنترنت وكذلك الكلية الإسلامية التكنولوجية العالمية بينانج. يهدف هذا البحث إلى معرفة إستراتيجيات المحاضرين في القيام بعملية التدريس أثناء الجائحة وتحدياتهم تشمل فيها المعرفة التقنية والتسهيلات المتوفرة في الكلية وكيف يتعاملون مع هذه التحديات. منهج هذه الدراسة منهجا كيفيا حيث تقوم الباحثة بإجراء المقابلات مع المحاضرين. ويضاف إلى هذا، يسعى هذا البحث معرفة وجهة نظر المحاضرين تجاه فعالية التدريس عبر الإنترنت خلال فترة أمر مراقبة الحركة. من بين المشاكل التي واجهها المحاضرون نقص المهارات في إجراء الفصول الدراسية عبر الإنترنت وفي اختيار أنسب منصات التعلم، ومشاكل الإنترنت، ووقت أطول لإعداد المواد التعليمية. وأشارت النتيجة أيضا إلى أنّ المحاضرين يفتقرون إلى الكفاءة في تكامل التكنولوجيا في عملية التدريس. على الرغم من أنهم واجهوا مشاكل، حاول المحاضرون التعلم من زملائهم، ومارسوا عدة مرات قبل إجراء الفصول الدراسية الحقيقية وتمكن بعض المحاضرين من إنشاء قناة يوتيوب (YouTube)، وجربوا تطبيقًا جديدًا مثل كويز إيز(Quizizz) وبيدلت (Padlet) وحضور الندوات عبر الإنترنت (Webinar). والنتيجة من هذه الدراسة مفيدة لتحديد الدورات التدريبية المناسبة للمحاضرين في إتقان المهارات بما يتماشى مع أهداف الحكومة في خطة تطوير التعليم الماليزية التي تساعد على التطوير المهني المستمر ورفع كفاءة الطلاب

    التغذية الراجعة في القراءة باللغة العربية لغة ثانية

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    يهدف الكتاب إلى الكشف عن تأثير التغذية الراجعة على التقدير النحوي في القراءة باللغة العربية بوصفها لغةً ثانيةً نظرًا لفعاليتها في رفع الكفاءةاللغوية لدى الطلاب وتشجيعهم في التعليم والتعلّم. كان بعض المشكلات في القراءة باللغة العربية نتيجةً عن معرفة نحوية ضئيلة. قد قامت الباحثتان بالاختبارين؛ القبلي والبعدي على المجموعتين المعالجة الضابطة والمجموعة المعالجة . ركّزت الباحثتان في خطوات التغذية الراجعة على عدة عناصر تهتم بالقراءة باللغة العربية كمعرفة المواقع الإعرابية للكلمات، وتصحيح الأخطاء مع البيان والتوضيح، واستيعاب محتوى النص. واكتشفت الباحثتان أن للتغذية الراجعة تأثير إيجابي على التدقيق النحوي ومما يؤدي إلى تحسين مستوى القراءة لدى أفراد العينة. وتم تحليل النتائج باستخدام اختبار- ت من الحزمة الإحصائية للعلوم الاجتماعية. تفوقت المجموعة المعالجة على المجموعة الضابطة

    Determination of Water Resources in Tube Well Using Hydrofacies for Riverbank Filtration

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    The reliability of water in riverbank filtration application is hard to be determined since the source of water and what happen at below ground cannot be see. These difficulties give effect for application of riverbank filtration since it is important in determination of its water quality and quantity. Due to that, this method was suggested to be used to determine the source of water in pumping well (PW) at Lubok Buntar, Kedah. The soil and water samples were taken from the PW and river water to determine the soil type and major ion (anion and cations). The results show that most of PW soil type is sandy loam (52%). Based on the piper diagram of the hydrofacies showed that the RW and PW were connected for a certain period of time. The most predominant cation in the PW was Na2+-CI-, consequently, the tube well water mostly came from groundwater rather than from river water. Therefore, this location is suitable for riverbank filtration applications as it has two reliable water sources. Due to that, for riverbank filtration water treatment, the river and groundwater water quality and quantity is important in order to make sure the system is reliable and sustainable

    Determination of Water Resources in Tube Well Using Hydrofacies for Riverbank Filtration

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    The reliability of water in riverbank filtration application is hard to be determined since the source of water and what happen at below ground cannot be see. These difficulties give effect for application of riverbank filtration since it is important in determination of its water quality and quantity. Due to that, this method was suggested to be used to determine the source of water in pumping well (PW) at Lubok Buntar, Kedah. The soil and water samples were taken from the PW and river water to determine the soil type and major ion (anion and cations). The results show that most of PW soil type is sandy loam (52%). Based on the piper diagram of the hydrofacies showed that the RW and PW were connected for a certain period of time. The most predominant cation in the PW was Na2+-CI-, consequently, the tube well water mostly came from groundwater rather than from river water. Therefore, this location is suitable for riverbank filtration applications as it has two reliable water sources. Due to that, for riverbank filtration water treatment, the river and groundwater water quality and quantity is important in order to make sure the system is reliable and sustainable

    Normalizing library records display using FRBR model for al-Qur'an work-set

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    The Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) model is a conceptual entity-relationship model developed for better arrangement, collocation, and navigation in bibliographic databases. As such, a FRBRized library online catalog (OPAC) can improve the performance of OPAC as a retrieval tool. We explored the utility of FRBR framework for supporting rich indexation, and rich interaction in digital libraries using an open source FRBR tool developed by the Library of Congress. We tested the system on some MARC-based bibliographic records from the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) library. Several issues have been found useful to be explored which includes multi-script, complex work, and missing fields. We also experimented on FRBRzing the work-set on al-Quran using the LOC FRBR Display Tool. This paper will elaborate on the process of FRBRizing using this open-source tool. Several problems encountered in the experiment are discussed and future enhancements are proposed. This work may initiate interest among the librarian to adopt FRBR as advancement to the existing digital library system

    Determination of water resourcesin tube well using hydrofacies for riverbank filtration

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    The reliability of water in riverbank filtration application is hard to be determined since the source of water and what happen at below ground cannot be see. These difficulties give effect for application of riverbank filtration since it is important in determination of its water quality and quantity. Due to that, this method was suggested to be used to determine the source of water in pumping well (PW) at Lubok Buntar, Kedah. The soil and water samples were taken from the PW and river water to determine the soil type and major ion (anion and cations). The results show that most of PW soil type is sandy loam (52%). Based on the piper diagram of the hydrofacies showed that the RW and PW were connected for a certain period of time. The most predominant cation in the PW was Na2+-CI-, consequently, the tube well water mostly came from groundwater rather than from river water. Therefore, this location is suitable for riverbank filtration applications as it has two reliable water sources. Due to that, for riverbank filtration water treatment, the river and groundwater water quality and quantity is important in order to make sure the system is reliable and sustainable

    تحليل حاجات الدارسين في تعلم مهارة تصريف الأفعال العربية باستخدام برنامج الواقع المعزز بمركز الدراسات الأساسية في الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا

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    تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى الكشف عن الموضوعات الصعبة في تعلم تصريف الأفعال العربية لدى الطلبة المتخصصين ليتم اختيارها في تصميم الوحدة الدراسية لبرنامج الواقع المعزز المقترح واقتراحاتهم نحو استخدام برنامج الواقع المعزز في تعلم مهارة تصريف الأفعال العربية. وجد الباحث أنَّ هناك افتقارًا شديدًا في دراسة علم تصريف الأفعال باستخدام الوسائط المتعددة أي تقنية الواقع المعزز التي تساعد في تحسين مهارات الطلاب اللغوية، خاصة ما يتعلَّق بتصريف الأفعال، وذلك طبقًا لنتائج الدراسة السابقة التي أوضحت أنَّ الدارسين موافقون على أنَّ الوحدة المصممة بتقنية الواقع المعزّز في تعلم اللغة العربية وفروعها خاصة تصريف الأفعال لها إيجابيات كثيرة في تعلم اللغة. هناك منهجان اللذان يتبعهما الباحث كما هو المنهج الوصفي: يتّبعه الباحث لجمع المعلومات عن دراسة تصريف الأفعال، ويجمع الباحث المعلومات عن برنامج الواقع المعزّز ولمنهج التحليلي: سيوزعّ الباحث الاستبانة ويقوم بتحليلها بوصفها أداة لجمع البيانات في البحث. وزعت استبانة تحليل الحاجات إلى ٦١ طالبا لمعرفة صعوبات وحاجاتهم في تعلم تصريف الأفعال والوقوف على مساهمة برنامج الواقع المعزز، وبيان مميزاته وجدواه في تعلم هذه المادة. وبعد معالجة البيانات إحصائيا أوضحت نتائج البحث حاجات الطلاب في تعلم مهارة تصريف الأفعال العربية وأصعب الموضوعات التي تواجههم عند تعلم مهارة تصريف الأفعال العربية ومنها: تصريف الفعل المعتل اللفيف المفروق المبني للمجهول (الماضي والمضارع)، وتصريف الفعل المعتل اللفيف المقرون المبني للمجهول (الماضي والمضارع)، وتصريف الفعل المعتل الناقص المبني للمجهول (الماضي والمضارع)، وتصريف الفعل المعتل الأجوف المبني للمجهول (الماضي والمضارع)، وتصريف اتصال فعل الأمر بنون التوكيد، وكذلك هم الطلبة يستعدون ويفضلون مميزات الوسائط المتعددة نحو استخدام برنامج الواقع المعزز في تعلم مهارة تصريف الأفعال

    Fabrication and Crystallization of ZnO-SLS Glass Derived Willemite Glass-Ceramics as a Potential Material for Optics Applications

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    Willemite glass-ceramics were successfully derived from conventional melt-quench ZnO-SLS precursor glass by an isothermal heat treatment process. The effect of heat treatment temperatures on the physical properties was investigated by Archimedes principle and linear shrinkage. The generation of willemite crystal phase and morphology with increase in heat treatment temperature was examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) techniques. X-ray diffraction revealed that the metastable -Zn 2 SiO 4 and thermodynamically stable zinc orthosilicateZn 2 SiO 4 phases can be observed at temperatures above 700 ∘ C. The experimental results indicated that the density and shrinkage of the glass-ceramic vary with increasing the sintering temperature. FTIR studies showed that the structure of glass-ceramic consists of SiO 2 and ZnO 4 units and exhibits the structural evolution of willemite glass-ceramics. The characteristic of strong vibrational bands can be related to the [SiO 4 ] 4− tetrahedron corresponding to reference spectra of willemite

    Enhanced luminescence properties of low-cost Mn2+ doped willemite based glass–ceramics as potential green phosphor materials

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    Low-cost Mn2+-doped willemite (α-Zn2SiO4:Mn2+) based glass–ceramics were synthesized by conventional melt–quenching technique using waste soda lime silica (SLS) glasses, zinc oxide (ZnO) and Manganese oxide (MnO) as precursors. The effect of different MnO percentage doping on physical, structural, optical and luminescent performance α-Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ based glass–ceramics were comprehensively studies in this work. The presence of α-Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ crystal phase and microstructure was confirmed by X-ray diffraction and field emission scanning electron microscopy spectroscopy. From the Scherrer’s formula, α-Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ have an average crystallite size of 30–40 nm, respectively. Fourier transform infrared reflection spectroscopy displays the structural growth of α-Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ crystal. The green emission centered at about 527 nm from the α-Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ crystal exhibit a resulted from 4T1–6A1 energy transition of Mn2+ ions. Intense emissions of Mn2+ ions at 260 nm excitation were occurs may be caused by the increase of Mn2+ ions into α-Zn2SiO4 crystal structure with lower phonon. Based on the results achieved, this low-cost α-Zn2SiO4:Mn2+ based glass–ceramic exhibit a huge potential to act as a green phosphor in opto-electronic devices

    Antimicrobial resistance among migrants in Europe: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Rates of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are rising globally and there is concern that increased migration is contributing to the burden of antibiotic resistance in Europe. However, the effect of migration on the burden of AMR in Europe has not yet been comprehensively examined. Therefore, we did a systematic review and meta-analysis to identify and synthesise data for AMR carriage or infection in migrants to Europe to examine differences in patterns of AMR across migrant groups and in different settings. METHODS: For this systematic review and meta-analysis, we searched MEDLINE, Embase, PubMed, and Scopus with no language restrictions from Jan 1, 2000, to Jan 18, 2017, for primary data from observational studies reporting antibacterial resistance in common bacterial pathogens among migrants to 21 European Union-15 and European Economic Area countries. To be eligible for inclusion, studies had to report data on carriage or infection with laboratory-confirmed antibiotic-resistant organisms in migrant populations. We extracted data from eligible studies and assessed quality using piloted, standardised forms. We did not examine drug resistance in tuberculosis and excluded articles solely reporting on this parameter. We also excluded articles in which migrant status was determined by ethnicity, country of birth of participants' parents, or was not defined, and articles in which data were not disaggregated by migrant status. Outcomes were carriage of or infection with antibiotic-resistant organisms. We used random-effects models to calculate the pooled prevalence of each outcome. The study protocol is registered with PROSPERO, number CRD42016043681. FINDINGS: We identified 2274 articles, of which 23 observational studies reporting on antibiotic resistance in 2319 migrants were included. The pooled prevalence of any AMR carriage or AMR infection in migrants was 25·4% (95% CI 19·1-31·8; I2 =98%), including meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (7·8%, 4·8-10·7; I2 =92%) and antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative bacteria (27·2%, 17·6-36·8; I2 =94%). The pooled prevalence of any AMR carriage or infection was higher in refugees and asylum seekers (33·0%, 18·3-47·6; I2 =98%) than in other migrant groups (6·6%, 1·8-11·3; I2 =92%). The pooled prevalence of antibiotic-resistant organisms was slightly higher in high-migrant community settings (33·1%, 11·1-55·1; I2 =96%) than in migrants in hospitals (24·3%, 16·1-32·6; I2 =98%). We did not find evidence of high rates of transmission of AMR from migrant to host populations. INTERPRETATION: Migrants are exposed to conditions favouring the emergence of drug resistance during transit and in host countries in Europe. Increased antibiotic resistance among refugees and asylum seekers and in high-migrant community settings (such as refugee camps and detention facilities) highlights the need for improved living conditions, access to health care, and initiatives to facilitate detection of and appropriate high-quality treatment for antibiotic-resistant infections during transit and in host countries. Protocols for the prevention and control of infection and for antibiotic surveillance need to be integrated in all aspects of health care, which should be accessible for all migrant groups, and should target determinants of AMR before, during, and after migration. FUNDING: UK National Institute for Health Research Imperial Biomedical Research Centre, Imperial College Healthcare Charity, the Wellcome Trust, and UK National Institute for Health Research Health Protection Research Unit in Healthcare-associated Infections and Antimictobial Resistance at Imperial College London