277 research outputs found

    A micro-simulation of heat and fluid flow to determine thermal fluctuation at the mold/plastic interface during plastic injection molding.

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    In most of Computer-Aided-Engineering (CAE) packages used in injection molding, the assumption of an isothermal boundary and/or perfect thermal contact along the mold wall interface is very commonly used to facilitate the filling flow analysis as well as the thermal analysis of the process. Each analysis is carried out as a separate work. The objective of this thesis is to bring the cavity domain of the plastic part and the mold part together as a composite domain, to take the thermal resistance of the interface into account and to simulate the basic stages of the total cycle time of injection molding, especially the thermal characteristics of the interface. A two-dimensional mathematical model has been developed using a generalized Newtonian fluid for the problem. A stable finite difference method (FDM) scheme has been developed with an interpolation approach for the streamline velocity profile, instead of the iterative method which is implemented by many researchers in dealing with this type of analysis. The program analysis in this thesis can determine the cross-sectional velocity profile of the flowing plastic along the flow-direction during the filling stage. The effects of varying the contact conductance, part thickness, injection speed and mold temperature were examined. The results of the thermal analysis show that for the filling flow, the isothermal cavity boundary should be relocated somewhere inside the mold wall, away from the cavity surface. For a constant contact conductance Hr, the discontinuative temperature gap at the interface diminishes hyperbolically with time.Dept. of Mechanical, Automotive, and Materials Engineering. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis1991 .N577. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 30-04, page: 1453. Co-Advisers: D. F. Watt; N. Zamani. Thesis (M.A.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 1991


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    Objective: Hearing loss is a commonly occurring disability that affects 466 million people worldwide. This study aimed at determining the actual situations of early intervention delivery facilities for children with hearing loss. Out of this affected population, 7% are children (34 million) who, along with their families, grapple with the serious lifelong problems that accompany the disease. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with facilities investigated consisting of a school for the deaf, hospitals, an audiology center, and a social agency in Hai Phong province from January 2013 to December 2014. A sample composed of 353 children was also recruited. Results: The examined facilities suffer from shortcomings in provision capacity, which manifest in deficient materials, supplies and equipment, and human resources; the lack of interdisciplinary coordination of activities; inadequate community awareness; and the unaddressed need for early detection and intervention. The conditions of most of the children (98%) were detected by their families, and among those who were clinically diagnosed, the majority (76.8%) received such diagnosis at central hospitals. Hearing impairment among the children were detected, diagnosed, and subjected to intervention at a very late stage (on average, at ages 22.3, 34, and 32.5 months, respectively), thereby compelling up to 63.6% of the families to struggle with their children’s hearing loss. Conclusion: Solutions to current interventions are needed to enhance service delivery systems and guarantee early detection as well as timely and appropriate treatment

    3-edge-connected embeddings have few singular edges

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    Sur quelques problèmes d'immersion d'un graphe dans une surface

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    Universités : Université scientifique et médicale de Grenoble et Institut national polytechnique de Grenobl

    Customer profitability analysis for a consultant agency : a casestudy of Pilaro AS

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    Kundelønnsomhetsanalyse er et viktig strategisk verktøy som alle virksomheter har nytte av. Ved å bruke Pilaro AS som grunnlaget for en casestudie skal jeg gjennomføre en analyse av kundelønnsomheten til bedriften. Oppgavens problemstilling er: «Hvordan belyse lønnsomhetsforskjeller på kundene?» Fokuset i oppgaven er å finne lønnsomhetsforskjellene til kundene i Pilaro, målt i absolutte verdier. For å gjøre dette bruker jeg tre sentrale teorier innen kundelønnsomhet; Tidsdreven Aktivitetsbasert kalkulasjon, Lorenz -og Stobachoff kurver og Kundenes livstidsverdi. Både Pilaro og jeg hadde mange spørsmål knyttet til temaet. Problemstillingen min gjorde det naturlig å velge et eksplorativt design med mikset metode som fremgangsmåte. Kombinasjonen av kvalitative og kvantitative data ga meg forståelse av kundene, som videre var viktig for å besvare problemstillingen. Resultatene jeg fikk fra TDABC – kalkylen skulle brukes til å fremstille Lorenz – og Stobachoff kurvene. Dessverre var ikke dataene fullstendige nok til å brukes etter min hensikt. En stor andel av de påløpte kundetimene kunne ikke henføres til spesifikke kunder. Den alternative løsningen var å bruke direkte kostnader for å fremstille kurvene. Da var jeg i stand til å fremstille kurvene og beregne en Gini-koeffisient som gjengir skjevheten i kundelønnsomheten. Analysen avsluttes med en CLV estimering for fremtidige kontantstrømmer. Ved å ta i bruk en enkel modell ønsket jeg å finne livstidsverdien av kundeforholdet. Resultatet av verdien var overestimert og gir ikke en god indikasjon på fremtidig lønnsomhet. Videre undersøkelser må til for å finne en passende modell til å beregne den fremtidige verdien til kundene. Oppgaven oppsummeres med at lønnsomhetsanalysen gir gode indikasjoner på lønnsomhetsforskjeller. Ved å undersøke de virkelige kundekostnadene gir et bedre mål enn direkte kostnader alene, men videre forbedringer av både data og CLV-modeller må gjennomføres for en mer presis analyse.Customer profitability analysis is an important strategic tool that is beneficial for every company. By using Pilaro AS as the basis for a case study, I will conduct an analysis of the customer profitability for the company. The research question for this thesis is: “How to expose profitability differences on customers” The main focus of this thesis is finding differences in customer profitability, measured in absolute values. In order to do so, I have utilized three main theories within the field of customer profitability; Time-driven Activity costing, Lorenz- and Stobachoff curves, and Customer Lifetime Value. Both Pilaro and I had many questions regarding the subject. My research question made it natural for me to choose an explorative design with a mixed method as an approach. The combination of qualitative and quantitative data gave me an understanding of the customers, which was important in order to answer the research question. The results of TDABC were supposed to give me the basis to obtain the Lorenz and Stobachoff - curves. Unfortunately, the data was too insufficient to be used for my intensions. A large portion of the accrued costs could not be allocated to specific customers. The alternative solution was to use direct costs in order to obtain the curves. By doing so, I was able to find the Gini-coefficient that shows the inequality in customer profits. The conclusion of the analysis ends with an estimation of the customer lifetime value. By using a simple model, I wished to find the lifetime value of a customer relationship. The results showed an overestimated value which gave no indications of the future value. Further studies must be conducted in order to find a suitable model that estimates future customer value. The summarization of the thesis points out the fact that the profitability analysis produced good indicators for exposing profitability differences. By exploring the real customer costs gives us a better measurement than direct costs alone, but further improvements of both data and CLV-model must be conducted in order to give a more precise analysis.M-Ø