78 research outputs found

    Star Discrepancy Bounds of Double Infinite Matrices induced by Lacunary Systems

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    In 2001 Heinrich, Novak, Wasilkowski and Wo\'zniakowski proved that the inverse of the star discrepancy satisfies n(d,\varepsilon)\leq c_{\abs}d \varepsilon^{-2} by showing that there exists a set of points in [0,1)d[0,1)^d whose star-discrepancy is bounded by c_{\abs}\sqrt{d/N}. This result was generalized by Aistleitner who showed that there exists a double infinite random matrix with elements in [0,1)[0,1) which partly are coordinates of elements of a Halton sequence and partly independent uniformly distributed random variables such that any N×dN\times d-dimensional projection defines a set {x1,
,xN}⊂[0,1)d\{x_1,\ldots,x_N\}\subset [0,1)^d with \begin{equation*} D^*_N(x_1,\ldots,x_N)\leq c_{\abs}\sqrt{d/N}. \end{equation*} In this paper we consider a similar double infinite matrix where the elements instead of independent random variables are taken from a certain multivariate lacunary sequence and prove that with high probability each projection defines a set of points which has up to some constant the same upper bound on its star-discrepancy but only needs a significantly lower number of digits to simulate.Comment: 27 pages,The results are part of the author's PhD thesis supported by IRTG 1132, University of Bielefel

    Limit Theorems for Multivariate Lacunary Systems

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    Lacunary function systems of type (f(Mnx))n≄1(f(M_nx))_{n\geq 1} for periodic functions ff and sequences of fast-growing matrices (Mn)n≄1(M_n)_{n\geq 1} exhibit many properties of independent random variables like satisfying the Central Limit Theorem or the Law of the Iterated Logarithm. It is well-known that this behaviour depends on number theoretic properties of (Mn)n≄1(M_n)_{n\geq 1} as well as analytic properties of ff. Classical techniques are essentially based on Fourier analysis making it almost impossible to use a similar approach in the multivariate setting. Recently Aistleitner and Berkes introduced a new method proving the Central Limit Theorem in the one-dimensional case by approximating ∑nf(Mnx)\sum_{n}f(M_nx) by a sum of piecewise constant periodic functions which form a martingale differences sequence and using a Berry-Esseen type inequality. Later this approach was used to show the Law of the Iterated Logarithm by a consequence of Strassen's almost sure invariance principle. In this paper we develop this method to prove the Central Limit Theorem and the Law of the Iterated Logarithm in the multidimensional case.Comment: 47 pages, The results are part of the author's PhD thesis supported by IRTG 1132, University of Bielefel

    On the probabilistic behaviour of multivariate lacunary systems

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    Löbbe genannt BrĂŒggemann T. On the probabilistic behaviour of multivariate lacunary systems. Bielefeld: UniversitĂ€t Bielefeld; 2014

    Zur Konkretisierung des Begriffs 'Schwerwiegende strukturelle Verschlechterung der Lage eines Wirtschaftszweiges' (§ 63 Abs. 4 AFG) (On the concretization of the definition "Grave structural de-terioration of the economic situation in a sector of industry" (§ 63, Sec, 4 AFG-Employment Promotion Act))

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    "There is no universal definition of the term 'sector of industry'; sectors should be demarkated according to the objectives of respective studies, if they are going to make any sense. Based on a few criteria for consistency as well as substantially adequate statistical data and economic categories, a systematisation of the problem at hand should define a sector of industry as a subsection of companies of the economy which offer similar goods characterised by use or typical materials. To understand structural change, which is linked with marked developments, requires a system of disaggreation according to categories of goods. Generally valid statements on the detail of this disaggregation cannot be made. If a very detailed disaggregation system is applied, in the extreme case the maldevelopment of an individual firm could skew the results at the macroeconomic level. In other words, this situation involves dimensions related to the economic regulatory concept of the free market. In general, at most for the individual case, a size category should be determined at which point the management of economic, social and technical changes should no longer be the affair of individual firms, but rather of the state. The economic situation of a sector of industry is always influenced by the macroeconomic development as well. However, the idea that structural changes can be empirically precisely separated from the phenomena of business cycle performance contradicts the result of economic research. This judgement is confirmed by a descriptive ex post analysis: Although there are reasons why the individual sector is greatly dependent on the business cycle, the reasons for outright economic weakness in other areas are probably far more complex. Moreover, ostensibly necessary forecasts of future structural changes are not precise enough. Projections of possible sectoral and macroeconomic development trends, as seen in econometric models, are always limited by the respective assumed constraints. False assumptions of exogenic constraints expected in the future - here primarily exchange rates, the prices of raw materials as well as monetary and fiscal premises - are thus reflected by the corresponding consequences for the accuracy of the forecast values.In summary it has been established that § 63, Sec, 4 could be in conflict with the principles of the free marktet, according to which the state should help easc the sectoral structural change, but should not permanently influence it. The authors arrive at the conclusion that there are no intersubjective concrete criteria for checking 'grave structural change of the economic situation in a sector of industry'. Paragraph 63, Sec. 4, which is vaguely worded, should therefore be phased out or replaced by a more practical formulation - e.g. by general regulations for checking individual cases." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Wirtschaftszweige, Wirtschaftsstrukturwandel, Kurzarbeitergeld, Strukturanpassung, Ordnungspolitik

    Klassifizierung landwirtschaftlicher JahresbeschlĂŒsse mittels Neuronaler Netze und Fuzzy Systeme

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    In der Jahresabschlussanalyse kommen zunehmend empirisch-statistische Methoden zum Einsatz. Hierbei handelt es sich um Verfahren, die Unternehmen nach Ereignissen bzw. ZustĂ€nden klassifizieren. Aufgrund ihrer Eigenschaften haben sich in den letzten Jahren insbesondere Neuronale Netze fĂŒr diese Aufgabe durchgesetzt. Ihre ĂŒberlegenen Eigenschaften gegenĂŒber anderen empirisch-statistischen Instrumenten sind: LernfĂ€higkeit, Generalisierbarkeit und Fehlertoleranz. Deshalb werden in dieser Arbeit Neuronale Netze verwendet, um auf der Grundlage von BuchfĂŒhrungsdaten die zukĂŒnftigen finanziellen ZustĂ€nde landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen zu klassifizieren. Die Klassen des finanziellen Zustandes sind "finanziell gefĂ€hrdet" und "finanziell gesund". Bei der Klassifizierung tritt das Problem auf, dass die Unternehmen nicht empirisch eindeutig der jeweiligen Klasse zugeordnet werden können. Deswegen werden die Klassen anhand der Kennzahlen Gesamtkapital-rentabilitĂ€t, Fremdkapitalanteil und dynamischer Verschuldungsgrad definiert. Die beiden finanziellen ZustĂ€nde sind des weiteren nicht eindeutig gegeneinander abgrenzbar. Deshalb erfolgt die Zuordnung der Unternehmen zur jeweiligen Klasse ĂŒber ein Fuzzy System. Bei der Klassifizierung der zukĂŒnftigen finanziellen ZustĂ€nde wird wiederum auf dieses Fuzzy System zurĂŒckgegriffen. Das Klassifizierungsmodell wird deshalb in die Abschnitte Neuronale Netze und Fuzzy Systeme unterteilt. Die Neuronalen Netze klassifizieren die Unternehmen nach den drei Kennzahlen, die den finanziellen Zustand definieren. FĂŒr jede Variable wird ein eigenes Neuronales Netz entwickelt. Hierbei handelt es sich jeweils um ein dreilagiges Multilayer-Perceptron mit einem Backpropagation-Lernalgorithmus. Über das Fuzzy System werden die klassifizierten Output-Variablen zusammengefasst. Durch diese Aufteilung des Modells werden die Eigenschaften der beiden Instrumente Neuronale Netze und Fuzzy Systeme miteinander kombiniert, da diese sich ergĂ€nzen. Neuronale Netze können strukturelle, vollstĂ€ndig unbekannte Systeme beherrschen, soweit deren Eingabe- und Ausgabeverhalten bekannt ist. Deshalb werden sie fĂŒr den Teil des Modells verwendet, bei dem kein Wissen ĂŒber die ZusammenhĂ€nge der Ausgangsdaten vorliegt. Im Gegensatz hierzu kann das Fuzzy System das vage Wissen ĂŒber die ZusammenhĂ€nge der drei definierenden Kennzahlen ĂŒber die Fuzzy Regeln mitberĂŒcksichtigen. Zur ÜberprĂŒfung, ob die theoretischen Vorteile des Modells in der Praxis zu besseren Klassifizierungsergebnissen fĂŒhren, wird ein Vergleich zwischen den Ergebnissen dieses Modells mit einer multivariaten Diskriminanzanalyse vorgenommen. Hierbei kann gezeigt werden, dass dieses Modell bessere Ergebnisse liefert als bisherige Verfahren.Classification of agricultural balance sheets by Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems Empirical-statistical methods are increasingly used in the balance sheet analysis. These are methods which classify companies according to events and conditions respectively. In the recent years, especially Neural Networks have established themselves for this task on the basis of their qualities. Their superior attributes vis-a-vis other empirical-statistical instruments are: adaptability, generalization and fault tolerance. Therefore, in this study Neural Networks are used in order to classify the future financial states of agricultural companies on the basis of accounting data. The classes of the financial state are "financial distress" and "financial health". No unambiguous empirical assignment of the classes can be determined. For that reason, the classes are defined by the ratios: return on assets, debt-asset ratio and dynamic indebtedness (debt-cash flow ratio). The two financial states are furthermore not clearly definable against each other. Therefore, the assignment of the companies to the respective class is made via a Fuzzy System. This Fuzzy System is again used for the classification of the future financial states. Therefore, the classification-model is subdivided into the sections of Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems. The Neural Networks classify the companies according to the three ratios which define the financial state. An individual Neural Network is developed for each variable. This is, in each case, a three-layered Multilayer-Perceptron with a Backpropagation-Algorithm. The classified output variables are summarised through the Fuzzy System. By subdividing the model, the attributes of the two instruments are combined, since they complement each other. Neural Networks can recognize structural, completely unknown systems, as far as their input and output behaviour known. For that reason, they are used for that part of the model for which no knowledge of the connections of the data is available. In contrast to the Neural Networks, the Fuzzy System can consider the vague knowledge of the connections of the three defining ratios by the Fuzzy rules. To examine whether the theoretical advantages of the model lead to better results in practice, the results of this model are compared with a multiple discriminant analysis. Thus it can be shown that this model delivers better classification results than previous methods

    Attitudes, preferences, and intentions of German households concerning participation in peer-to-peer electricity trading

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    Based on a survey among customers of seven German municipal utilities, we estimate hierarchical multiple regression models to identify consumer motivations for participating in P2P electricity trading and develop implications for marketing strategies for this currently relatively unknown product. Our results show a low importance of socio-demographics in explaining differences between consumer groups, but high influence of attitudes, knowledge and likelihood to purchase related products. The most valuable target groups for P2P electricity trading marketing strategies of municipal utilities first and foremost should aim at are innovators, especially prosumers. They are well-informed about and open-minded concerning electricity sharing and highly environmentally aware. They ask for transparency and are willing to purchase related products. They are attracted by the ability to share generation and consumption and to a lesser extent by economic reasons. Our results indicate that the marketing efforts should to a special degree take peer effects into account, as they are found to wield great influence on general openness towards and purchase intention for P2P electricity products. Finally, municipal utilities should build on the high level of satisfaction and trust of consumers and use P2P electricity trading as measure to keep and win customers willing to change their supplier

    GeschÀftsmodelle in der Energiewirtschaft: Ein Kompendium von der Methodik bis zur Anwendung

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    Ob Student oder Angestellter, Forscher oder Unternehmer, Politiker oder Dozent, ob im Start-up oder im Unternehmens-Oldie „Energieversorger“ – heute kommt vermeintlich keiner ohne ein gutes GeschĂ€ftsmodell aus. Warum ist das so? Was macht GeschĂ€ftsmodelle zu „fleißigen Lieschen“ nicht nur der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, sondern auch der Ingenieure, Volkswirte oder Informatiker? Das GeschĂ€ftsmodell beschreibt das Prinzip, nach dem eine Organisation Werte schafft, vermittelt und erfasst. Es ermöglicht durch diese Vereinfachung und Strukturierung eine leichtere Kommunikation und Analyse des Gesamtkonstrukts oder seiner Bestandteile. Es dient als Planungsinstrument, mit dessen Hilfe Innovationen effizienter und gezielter identifiziert werden können. GeschĂ€ftsmodelle können auf Ebene von Unternehmen oder einzelner GeschĂ€ftseinheiten entwickelt werden. Das vorliegende Kompendium dient dem Studenten wie dem Praktiker der Energiewirtschaft als methodische Basis zur eigenstĂ€ndigen Entwicklung von GeschĂ€ftsmodellen. Daher wird im 1. Kapitel aus Wissenschaft und Forschung abgeleitet, was ein GeschĂ€ftsmodell ist und wie es angewendet wird. Kapitel 2 beschreibt die Herausforderungen der Energiewirtschaft. Die Branche ist seit Jahrzehnten im Wandel. Neue Technologien zur (dezentralen) Erzeugung, Digitalisierung, sich wandelnde politische Ziele und Instrumente (Liberalisierung, Kernkraftausstieg, Energiewende,
) und neue KundenbedĂŒrfnisse erfordern, dass die Unternehmen – große wie kleine, etablierte wie neue Anbieter, in öffentlichem wie in privatem Eigentum – angesichts erodierender Margen und zunehmendem Wettbewerb in diesem Umfeld erfolgversprechende Wege in die Zukunft suchen. Schon mit dem Begriff „GeschĂ€ftsmodell“ wird heute die Hoffnung eines Heilsbringers in diesem Dickicht erhofft, dem natĂŒrlich ein Strukturierungsinstrument – mehr ist das GeschĂ€ftsmodell schließlich nicht – nicht gerecht werden kann. In Kapitel 3 werden im Prinzip bekannte GeschĂ€ftsmodelle der Energiewirtschaft geschildert, sowie ihre Patterns, angelehnt an andere Branchen, ausdifferenziert. Dies sollte dem relativen Neuling den Einstieg in die Branche erleichtern und dem nach neuen GeschĂ€ftsmodellen Suchenden die Basis fĂŒr eigene Innovation bieten. In Kapitel 4 werden GeschĂ€ftsmodelle fĂŒr virtuelle Kraftwerke geschildert. Anhand dieses Beispiels wird auch ausgefĂŒhrt, wie GeschĂ€ftsmodelle von Partnern entlang der Wertschöpfungskette ineinander greifen mĂŒssen. Im letzten Kapitel 5 wird schließlich auf Erfolgsfaktoren zur Entwicklung und Umsetzung von GeschĂ€ftsmodellen eingegangen

    Closed-loop control of product properties in metal forming

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    Metal forming processes operate in conditions of uncertainty due to parameter variation and imperfect understanding. This uncertainty leads to a degradation of product properties from customer specifications, which can be reduced by the use of closed-loop control. A framework of analysis is presented for understanding closed-loop control in metal forming, allowing an assessment of current and future developments in actuators, sensors and models. This leads to a survey of current and emerging applications across a broad spectrum of metal forming processes, and a discussion of likely developments.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant ID: EP/K018108/1)This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cirp.2016.06.00
