149 research outputs found

    Les dispositifs enclos-exclos: une solution pour Ă©valuer l'Ă©quilibre forĂȘt-grande faune

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    Accord-cadre de recherche et de vulgarisation forestiĂšre

    L'action privée en droit des pratiques anticoncurrentielles : pour un recours effectif des entreprises et des consommateurs en droits français et canadien

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    Regulation of competition is dualistic in France and Canada. On one side, public authority frame the market and impose sanction, if appropriate, to the practices contrary to existing legislation, and, on other side, the victims injured by antitrust practices, that is consumers and company, may bring a private procecussion based on the liability to obtain a compensation for the antitrust injury. They are respectively of public action and private action, also referred to as public enforcement and private enforcement of competition law. However, in the European Union, and particularly in France, the antitrust harm has no effective remedy. Indeed, in France, consumers had not, until the adoption of the collective redress, procedural means to access the judge of compensation. In addition, the French civil law proves too rigid to allow compensation for something as complex as the competitive harm. For its thinking about it, the French legislator has often turned to the Canadian and Quebec models to reform its bicentenary civil law. Indeed, the Quebec civil law is particularly flexible in disputes related to competition law. In addition, the Canadian Competition Act provides a right to compensation adapted to the constraints of the victims of anticompetitive practices. The author has sought to understand how the Canadian private enforcement mechanism works to assess whether this model, through the Quebec civil law, could inspire a reform of French civil law model adopted by the legislature in particular during the introduction of collective redress. The analysis is primarily civil law to allow a reading of private action that departs from conventional stereotypes of the American experience in this field. The ultimate goal of this comparison is to make effective use of the private businesses and consumers in French and Canadian rights following an injury resulting from a violation of anti-competitive practices.La rĂ©gulation de la concurrence est dualiste en France et au Canada. D’un cĂŽtĂ©, des autoritĂ©s publiques de rĂ©gulation encadrent le marchĂ© et sanctionnent le cas Ă©chĂ©ant les pratiques contraires aux dispositions lĂ©gislatives en vigueur, et, d’un autre cĂŽtĂ©, les victimes de pratiques anticoncurrentielles, c'est-Ă -dire les consommateurs et les entreprises, peuvent intenter des poursuites privĂ©es sur le fondement d’une action en responsabilitĂ© civile afin d’obtenir la rĂ©paration du prĂ©judice concurrentiel subi. Il s’agit respectivement de l’action publique et de l’action privĂ©e en matiĂšre de concurrence, qualifiĂ©es aussi de public enforcement et de private enforcement du droit de la concurrence. Cependant, dans l’Union europĂ©enne, et en France particuliĂšrement, le prĂ©judice concurrentiel reste sans rĂ©paration effective. En effet, en France, les consommateurs n’avaient pas, jusqu’à l’adoption de l’action de groupe, de moyen procĂ©dural d’accĂ©der au juge de la rĂ©paration. De plus, le droit civil français se montre trop rigide pour permettre l’indemnisation d’un prĂ©judice Ă©conomique aussi complexe que le prĂ©judice concurrentiel. Pour alimenter sa rĂ©flexion Ă  ce sujet, le lĂ©gislateur français s’est souvent tournĂ© vers les modĂšles canadien et quĂ©bĂ©cois pour rĂ©former son droit civil bicentenaire. En effet, le droit civil quĂ©bĂ©cois se montre particuliĂšrement souple dans les litiges liĂ©s au droit de la concurrence. De plus, la Loi sur la concurrence canadienne offre un droit Ă  rĂ©paration adaptĂ© aux contraintes des victimes de pratiques anticoncurrentielles. L’auteur a ainsi cherchĂ© Ă  comprendre comment fonctionne le mĂ©canisme canadien de private enforcement pour Ă©valuer si ce modĂšle, par le truchement du droit civil quĂ©bĂ©cois, pourrait inspirer une rĂ©forme du modĂšle civiliste français adoptĂ© par le lĂ©gislateur notamment lors de l’introduction de l’action de groupe. L’analyse se situe principalement en droit civil pour permettre une lecture de l’action privĂ©e qui s’éloigne des stĂ©rĂ©otypes classiques tirĂ©s de l’expĂ©rience amĂ©ricaine dans ce domaine. L’objectif ultime de cette comparaison est de rendre effectif le recours privĂ© des entreprises et des consommateurs en droits français et canadien Ă  la suite d’un prĂ©judice dĂ©coulant d’une violation du droit des pratiques anticoncurrentielles

    Suivi scientifique de vingt-sept rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rations naturelles de chĂȘne sessile et de hĂȘtre en Ardenne: retour d'expĂ©rience

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    National audienceRĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rer naturellement le chĂȘne apparaĂźt trĂšs dĂ©licat en Ardenne et cela se traduit dĂ©jĂ  par un dĂ©ficit marquĂ© de jeunes chĂȘnes au niveau rĂ©gional. Afin de rechercher des solutions sylvicoles Ă  ce problĂšme, vingt-sept rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rations naturelles de hĂȘtre et de chĂȘne ont Ă©tĂ© suivies entre 2007 et 2011. L’analyse montre clairement les besoins en lumiĂšre des chĂȘnes par rapport aux hĂȘtres et, surtout, l’importance d’effectuer des nettoiements afin de rĂ©duire les effets de la compĂ©tition des hĂȘtres sur les chĂȘnes

    Game species monitoring using road-based distance sampling in association with thermal imagers: a covariate analysis

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    MonitorizaciĂłn de especies cinegĂ©ticas utilizando el muestreo a distancia con base en una carretera, en combinaciĂłn con imĂĄgenes termogrĂĄficas: un anĂĄlisis de covariables La monitorizaciĂłn de las poblaciones de especies cinegĂ©ticas es necesaria para evaluar adecuadamente las capturas de los cazadores, en zonas que carecen de los grandes depredadores naturales. Sin embargo, los gestores de la caza deben controlar diversas especies y a menudo carecen de un mĂ©todo de control con un diseño conveniente. Por lo tanto, la monitorizaciĂłn de diversas especies al mismo tiempo en ĂĄreas muy grandes podrĂ­a ser eficaz desde el punto de vista de los costes y del tiempo. Estudiamos la influencia de diversos factores durante la monitorizaciĂłn de tres especies cinegĂ©ticas comunes (el jabalĂ­, el corzo y el zorro rojo) utilizando un muestreo a distancia desde la carretera, en asociaciĂłn con imĂĄgenes termogrĂĄficas. Este examen piloto basado en 20 recuentos nocturnos en cinco lugares contrastantes estudiĂł el efecto de diversas covariables (especie, termografĂ­a, observador, tamaño del grupo y tipo de hĂĄbitat) sobre las probabilidades de detecciĂłn (dp). No se hallaron diferencias entre las imĂĄgenes termogrĂĄficas (dpJENOPTIK: 0,186, dpFLIR: 0,193) y el tamaño de los grupos (dp1ind.: 0,243, dp2ind.: 0,259, dp> 2ind.: 0,223), pero sĂ­ entre los observadores (dpobs1: 0,207, dpobs2: 0,274, dpobs3: 0,159). TambiĂ©n se observaron diferencias esperadas entre las especies (dpwild boar: 0,22, dproe deer: 0,35, dpred fox: 0,32) y entre los tipos de hĂĄbitat (dpforest: 0,27, dpedge: 0,74, dpopen: 0,35). Nuestros resultados demuestran que la detectabilidad de los equipos de termografĂ­a de bajo coste es similar a la de otros mĂ©todos caros, destacando nuevas posibilidades del uso de la termografĂ­a para los gestores de la caza. Aunque deberĂ­an realizarse ajustes en el diseño del estudio, nuestros hallazgos sugieren que la monitorizaciĂłn de mĂșltiples especies a gran escala podrĂ­a ser un mĂ©todo eficaz para las especies cinegĂ©ticas comunes.MonitorizaciĂłn de especies cinegĂ©ticas utilizando el muestreo a distancia con base en una carretera, en combinaciĂłn con imĂĄgenes termogrĂĄficas: un anĂĄlisis de covariables La monitorizaciĂłn de las poblaciones de especies cinegĂ©ticas es necesaria para evaluar adecuadamente las capturas de los cazadores, en zonas que carecen de los grandes depredadores naturales. Sin embargo, los gestores de la caza deben controlar diversas especies y a menudo carecen de un mĂ©todo de control con un diseño conveniente. Por lo tanto, la monitorizaciĂłn de diversas especies al mismo tiempo en ĂĄreas muy grandes podrĂ­a ser eficaz desde el punto de vista de los costes y del tiempo. Estudiamos la influencia de diversos factores durante la monitorizaciĂłn de tres especies cinegĂ©ticas comunes (el jabalĂ­, el corzo y el zorro rojo) utilizando un muestreo a distancia desde la carretera, en asociaciĂłn con imĂĄgenes termogrĂĄficas. Este examen piloto basado en 20 recuentos nocturnos en cinco lugares contrastantes estudiĂł el efecto de diversas covariables (especie, termografĂ­a, observador, tamaño del grupo y tipo de hĂĄbitat) sobre las probabilidades de detecciĂłn (dp). No se hallaron diferencias entre las imĂĄgenes termogrĂĄficas (dpJENOPTIK: 0,186, dpFLIR: 0,193) y el tamaño de los grupos (dp1ind.: 0,243, dp2ind.: 0,259, dp> 2ind.: 0,223), pero sĂ­ entre los observadores (dpobs1: 0,207, dpobs2: 0,274, dpobs3: 0,159). TambiĂ©n se observaron diferencias esperadas entre las especies (dpwild boar: 0,22, dproe deer: 0,35, dpred fox: 0,32) y entre los tipos de hĂĄbitat (dpforest: 0,27, dpedge: 0,74, dpopen: 0,35). Nuestros resultados demuestran que la detectabilidad de los equipos de termografĂ­a de bajo coste es similar a la de otros mĂ©todos caros, destacando nuevas posibilidades del uso de la termografĂ­a para los gestores de la caza. Aunque deberĂ­an realizarse ajustes en el diseño del estudio, nuestros hallazgos sugieren que la monitorizaciĂłn de mĂșltiples especies a gran escala podrĂ­a ser un mĂ©todo eficaz para las especies cinegĂ©ticas comunes.Monitoring of game species populations is necessary to adequately assess culling by hunters in areas where natural large predators are absent. However, game managers have to control several species and they often lack of an efficient and convenient survey design method. Monitoring several species at that same time over large areas could thus be cost– and time–effective. We tested the influence of several factors during monitoring of three common game species, (wild boar, roe deer and red fox, using road–based distance sampling in association with thermal imagers. This pilot survey based on 20 night counts in five contrasting sites studied the effect of several covariates (species, thermal imaging, observer, group size, and habitat type) on the detection probabilities (= dp). No differences were observed between thermal imagers (dpJENOPTIK: 0.186, dpFLIR: 0.193) and group sizes (dp1ind.: 0.243, dp2ind.: 0.259, dp> 2ind.: 0.223), but we found differences between observers (dpobs1: 0.207, dpobs2: 0.274, dpobs3: 0.159). Expected differences were also observed between species (dpwild boar: 0.22, dproe deer: 0.35, dpred fox: 0.32) and between habitat type (dpforest: 0.27, dpedge: 0.74, dpopen: 0.35). Our results show that the detectability of low cost thermal imaging equipment is similar to that of more expensive methods, highlighting new possibilities for the use of thermal imagery by game managers. Although adjustments should be made to the study design our findings suggest that large–scale multi–species monitoring could be an efficient method for common game species


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    In the title compound, C18H14N2O3, the dihedral angle between the planes of the naphthalene and phenyl ring systems is 2.64 (2)°. Mol­ecules are engaged in π–π stacking (mean interplanar distance = 3.339 between naphthalene rings and 3.357 Å between benzene rings )and hydrogen-bonding inter­actions


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    The crystal structure of the title compound, C18H26N2O3, is stabilized by inter­molecular N—H⋯O and O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. One of the methyl groups is disordered with occupancies of 0.51 (3):0.49 (3)

    Voltammetric Characterization of Redox-Inactive Guest Binding to Ln III [15-Metallacrown-5] Hosts Based on Competition with a Redox Probe

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    A novel competitive binding assay was implemented to monitor the binding of a redox inactive substrate to a redox inactive metallacrown host based on its competition with ferrocene carboxylate (FcC − ) using cyclic voltammetry (CV). First, the binding of FcC − to Ln III [15-MC Cu II ,N,L-pheHA -5] (LnMC) hosts was characterized by cyclic voltammetry. It was shown that the voltammetric half wave potentials, E 1/2 , shifted to more positive potentials upon the addition of LnMC. The explicit dependence of E 1/2 with the concentration of LnMC was used to determine the association constants for the complex. The FcC − binding strength decreased with larger central lanthanide metals in the LnMC hosts, and substantially weaker binding was observed with La III . X-ray crystallography revealed that the hydrophobic host cavity incompletely encapsulated FcC − when the guest was bound to the nine-coordinate La III , suggesting the LnMC’s ligand side chains play a substantial role in guest recognition. With knowledge of the MC-FcC − solution thermodynamics, the binding affinity of a redox inactive guest was then assessed. Addition of sodium benzoate to a LnMC and FcC − mixture resulted in E 1/2 shifting back to the value observed for FcC − in the absence of LnMC. The association constants between benzoate and LnMC’s were calculated via the competitive binding approach. Comparison with literature values suggests this novel assay is a viable method for determining association constants for host–guest systems that exhibit the proper electrochemical behavior. Notably, this CV competitive binding approach does not require the preparation of a modified electrode or a tethered guest, and thus can be generalized to a number of host–guest systems.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/77442/1/chem_200903015_sm_miscellaneous_information.pd

    A survey on computational intelligence approaches for predictive modeling in prostate cancer

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    Predictive modeling in medicine involves the development of computational models which are capable of analysing large amounts of data in order to predict healthcare outcomes for individual patients. Computational intelligence approaches are suitable when the data to be modelled are too complex forconventional statistical techniques to process quickly and eciently. These advanced approaches are based on mathematical models that have been especially developed for dealing with the uncertainty and imprecision which is typically found in clinical and biological datasets. This paper provides a survey of recent work on computational intelligence approaches that have been applied to prostate cancer predictive modeling, and considers the challenges which need to be addressed. In particular, the paper considers a broad definition of computational intelligence which includes evolutionary algorithms (also known asmetaheuristic optimisation, nature inspired optimisation algorithms), Artificial Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Fuzzy based approaches, and hybrids of these,as well as Bayesian based approaches, and Markov models. Metaheuristic optimisation approaches, such as the Ant Colony Optimisation, Particle Swarm Optimisation, and Artificial Immune Network have been utilised for optimising the performance of prostate cancer predictive models, and the suitability of these approaches are discussed

    Chronique – La conformitĂ© en droit pĂ©nal des affaires : l'exemple du droit de la concurrence

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    L'auteur aborde la question de la prise en compte des programmes de conformité par le droit criminel dans le domaine du droit des affaires en prenant comme exemple le droit de la concurrence. Il montre que si les autorités publiques tendent à valoriser l'utilisation de programmes de conformité par les entreprises, la répression des infractions économiques ne prend que trÚs peu en compte les efforts de conformité des organisations
