26 research outputs found

    RF CMOS receiver front-end using a reflex amplifier

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    A concept for an RF-CMOS receiver with reflex topology is developed and tested, using OrCad as the primary design and simulation tool. The main idea of the reflex topology is to reuse a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) stage in the circuit and thus eliminate one high power consumption stage. A Gilbert cell is used for down conversion, with the benefit of low noise and low power while maintaining gain. A set of passive diplexers allows reuse of the LNA at the RF and IF. The complete circuit was simulated using 0.18 micron and 0.5 micron AMI technology. Parameters for the transistors are imported from MOSIS development tools and design specifications for the purpose of production of this device. The overall system was simulated using the 900 MHz frequency for radio frequency (RF) and shows substantial gain and low noise figure. Lastly, the Gilbert cell mixer has been modified in an attempt to further reduce power consumption. Instead of using a local oscillator, we designed the Gilbert cell so it would self-oscillate. Output results and linearity characteristics are shown through simulation

    Sjuksköterskans roll vid interventioner för att förebygga och lindra ensamhet hos äldre- en litteraturstudie.

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    Andelen äldre i befolkningen ökar stadigt i Sverige och allt fler äldre bor ensamma. Ensamhet hos äldre har därför blivit ett allt angelägnare problem. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka vad sjuksköterskan kan bidra med för att minska ensamhet hos äldre. Metod: Sökning efter relevant litteratur gjordes i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL där 10 artiklar valdes ut och analyserades med hjälp av integrerad analys. Resultat: Tre huvudkategorier framkom; Att ha nära relationer, Att träffas i grupp och Att ha en god relation till sjuksköterskan. Resultatet visar att genom att ha ett tillfredsställande kontaktnät och nära relation till både vänner och familj minskade de äldres ensamhet. Att träffas i grupp med likasinnade (framförallt i grupper med fokus på en aktivitet inom ett gemensamt intresse) hade en positiv inverkan på att lindra känslor av ensamhet. I flera studier framgick det även att en god relation till sjuksköterskan kunde minska känslan av ensamhet. Slutsats: Genom att ha kunskap om vilka faktorer som lindrar äldre personers upplevelse av ensamhet kan sjuksköterskan stödja och hjälpa den äldre i att hitta och använda dessa och därmed lindra äldres känslor av ensamhet

    Epidermal RAF prevents allergic skin disease

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    The RAS pathway is central to epidermal homeostasis, and its activation in tumors or in Rasopathies correlates with hyperproliferation. Downstream of RAS, RAF kinases are actionable targets regulating keratinocyte turnover; however, chemical RAF inhibitors paradoxically activate the pathway, promoting epidermal proliferation. We generated mice with compound epidermis restricted BRAF/RAF1 ablation. In these animals, transient barrier defects and production of chemokines and Th2-type cytokines by keratinocytes cause a disease akin to human atopic dermatitis, characterized by IgE responses and local and systemic inflammation. Mechanistically, BRAF and RAF1 operate independently to balance MAPK signaling: BRAF promotes ERK activation, while RAF1 dims stress kinase activation. In vivo, JNK inhibition prevents disease onset, while MEK/ERK inhibition in mice lacking epidermal RAF1 phenocopies it. These results support a primary role of keratinocytes in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis, and the animals lacking BRAF and RAF1 in the epidermis represent a useful model for this disease

    Emerging tumor spheroids technologies for 3D in vitro cancer modeling

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    "Article in Press, Available online 31 October 2017" ; "S0163-7258(17)30268-1"Cancer is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Around 90% of deaths are caused by metastasis and just 10% by primary tumor. The advancement of treatment approaches is not at the same rhythm of the disease; making cancer a focal target of biomedical research. To enhance the understanding and promts the therapeutic delivery; concepts of tissue engineering are applied in the development of in vitro models that can bridge between 2D cell culture and animal models, mimicking tissue microenvironment. Tumor spheroid represents highly suitable 3D organoid-like framework elucidiating the intra and inter cellular signaling of cancer, like that formed in physiological niche. However, spheroids are of limited value in studying critical biological phenomenon such as tumor-stroma interactons involving extra cellular matrix or immune system. Therefore, a compelling need of tailoring spheroid technologies with physiologically relevant biomaterials or in silico models, is ever emerging. The diagnostic and prognostic role of spheroids rearrangements within biomaterials or microfluidic channel is indicative of patient management; particularly for the decision of targated therapy. Fragmented information on available in vitro spheroid models and lack of critical analysis on transformation aspects of these strategies; pushes the urge to comprehensively overview the recent technological advancements (e.g. bioprinting, micro-fluidic technologies or use of biomaterials to attain the third dimension) in the shed of tranlationable cancer research. In present article, relationships between current models and their possible exploitation in clinical success is explored with the highlight of existing challenges in defining therapeutic targets and screening of drug efficacy.The authors are thankful to European Union (Horizon 2020) funded project FoReCaST (No. 668983), the FCT fellowship to J. Silva-Correia (Grant No. SFRH/BPD/100590/2014), distinctions to J.M.O. under the Investigator FCT program (IF/00423/2012) and V.M.C. under the Investigator FCT program (IF/01214/2014) for supporting this work financially.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Microsoft Word - 03 MOJIC.doc

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    ABSTRACT The main intention of this study was to analyze cultural influences on leadership styles and organizational subcultures in Serbian enterprises. Hofstede's wellknown research about national cultures has been used as the theoretical framework for examining the above-mentioned organizational phenomena. The results of the study confirmed earlier findings about national culture in Serbia, which is characterized by high Power Distance, high Uncertainty Avoidance, strong Collectivism and, mostly, "feminine" values. As for leadership, the study reveals that authoritative style is absolutely prevailing pattern of managerial behavior in Serbian enterprises

    Providing breastfeeding support : Experiences of the child health care nurse

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    Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning har rapporterat att amning är associerat med flera hälsofördelar för barnet såväl som modern. Trots det är amningsfrekvensen i Sverige sjunkande. En viktig faktor för en fungerande amning är ett gott amningsstöd. I Sverige förmedlas det stödet företrädesvis av barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskor.Syfte: Syftet med studien är att belysa barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskans erfarenheterav att ge amningsstöd.Metod: Studien är av kvalitativ design med en datainsamling som genomfördes via semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskor. Data analyserades med metoden för kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat: Analysen resulterade i två huvudkategorier som belyser barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att ge amningsstöd: Att främja amningsstödet och Att utmanas vid amningsstöd, med tillhörande sju underkategorier.Konklusion: Ökad kunskap om amning resulterade i större engagemang för ett gott amningsstöd. Amningen främjades av ett individualiserat amningsstöd. Det var av vikt att barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskan anpassade stödet utifrån ammande mödrars erfarenheter av amning. Barnets behov och familjens förväntningar om amning togs även i beaktande. Trots erfarenheter om ett amningsfrämjande arbete utmanades amningsstödet bland annat av bröstmjölksersättning och strävan efter en jämställd relation.Background: Previous research has reported that breastfeeding is associated with several health benefits for the child as well as the mother. Despite that, the breastfeeding rate in Sweden is declining. An important factor for a functioning breastfeeding is breastfeeding support. In Sweden, that support is preferably provided by nurses in child health care.Purpose: The purpose of the study is to illustrate the child health nurse's experiences of providing breastfeeding support.Method: The study is of a qualitative design with a data collection that was carried out via semi-structured interviews with ten child health nurses. Data were analyzed using the method of qualitative content analysis.Results: The analysis resulted in two main categories that highlight the child health nurse's experiences of providing breastfeeding support: Promoting breastfeeding support and Being challenged by breastfeeding support, with associated seven subcategories.Conclusion: Increased knowledge about breastfeeding resulted in greater commitment to good breastfeeding support. Breastfeeding was promoted by an individualized breastfeeding support. It was important that the child health nurse adapted the support based on breastfeeding mothers' experiences with breastfeeding. The child's needs and the family's expectations about breastfeeding were also taken into consideration. Despite experiences with breastfeeding promotion work, breastfeeding support was challenged, among other things, by breast milk substitutes and the pursuit of an equal relationship

    The critique of the budget tested in an uncertain environment : an explorative study from the perspective of swedish car dealers

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    I takt med att organisationers omgivande miljö beskrivs som alltmer dynamisk, ökar kritiken mot den budgeteringen, då budget anses var ett statiskt ekonomistyrningsverktyg. Trots medhållet som kritiken får visar empiriska studier att få företag faktiskt överger budget som huvudsakligt planerings- och kontrollverktyg (Sandalgaard 2012; Ekholm & Wallin 2000; Dokulil, Zlámalová & Popesko 2017). Till följd av Covid-19-pandemin under år 2020 förlorande många marknader sin förutsägbarhet vilket resulterade i osäkra omgivningar för många organisationer och branscher. Bilförsäljningen visade en hög variation under pandemiåret. Först tappade marknaden 40% av försäljningen och några månader senare fick den uppgång som täckte upp för de föregående förlorade intäkterna. Marknaden upplevde därmed en berg-och-dal-bana som ger insikt i hur budgetens praktiska användning sammanfaller med kritiserade svagheter. Genom att använda fem av de främsta argumenten i kritiken mot budgetering undersöker studien hur budgeten påverkas hos svenska bilåterförsäljare. Detta illustrerar behovet som bilåterförsäljarna har i en bransch vars omgivning påverkats av en oväntad osäkerhet. Sju bilåterförsäljare kontaktades och intervjuades i syfte att tillhandahålla den empiriska datan som i efterhand kompletterades genom de utvalda återförsäljarnas årsredovisningar. Genom detta urvalet utforskar studien en variation i behovet av budgeten. Studien kommer bland annat fram till att budgeten och dess komplement samspelar för att tillgodose de observerade bilåterförsäljarnas individuella behov av planering och kontroll. The critique of budgeting has been growing louder during recent years as the influencing factors in the organizational environment is increasingly described as dynamic, while budgeting itself is seen as a static appliance in organizational management. However, despite the support this critique receives, empirical evidence shows that few companies actually abandon budgeting as one of their main tools for planning and control in financial management (Sandalgaard 2012; Ekholm & Wallin 2000; Dokulil, Zlámalová & Popesko 2017). Due to the Covid-19 pandemic year 2020, the wide consumer market lost its predictability, thus making it an uncertain environment for a majority of companies to act in. Sales of cars showed a wide variety during the pandemic year. First a decline of 40% in sales in the overall market and then an upswing which made up for previous loss. The car market had therefore experienced an interchangeable environment which contribute to giving insight to how the praxis of the budget coincide with the criticism. Using five of the main points in the critique against budgeting, the research area of this study, car retailers, were chosen to illuminate the need for the budget of retailers in an industry unexpectedly affected by uncertainty in the environment. Seven car retailer companies were contacted and interviewed to provide the empirical data which were later supplemented by the chosen companies’ annual reports. Through this selection this study explores a variety in the need for the budget. The results include that there is an interaction between the budget and the budget complement to satisfy the observed car retailers' individual needs of planning and control. This study is written in Swedish.

    Providing breastfeeding support : Experiences of the child health care nurse

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    Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning har rapporterat att amning är associerat med flera hälsofördelar för barnet såväl som modern. Trots det är amningsfrekvensen i Sverige sjunkande. En viktig faktor för en fungerande amning är ett gott amningsstöd. I Sverige förmedlas det stödet företrädesvis av barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskor.Syfte: Syftet med studien är att belysa barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskans erfarenheterav att ge amningsstöd.Metod: Studien är av kvalitativ design med en datainsamling som genomfördes via semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskor. Data analyserades med metoden för kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat: Analysen resulterade i två huvudkategorier som belyser barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att ge amningsstöd: Att främja amningsstödet och Att utmanas vid amningsstöd, med tillhörande sju underkategorier.Konklusion: Ökad kunskap om amning resulterade i större engagemang för ett gott amningsstöd. Amningen främjades av ett individualiserat amningsstöd. Det var av vikt att barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskan anpassade stödet utifrån ammande mödrars erfarenheter av amning. Barnets behov och familjens förväntningar om amning togs även i beaktande. Trots erfarenheter om ett amningsfrämjande arbete utmanades amningsstödet bland annat av bröstmjölksersättning och strävan efter en jämställd relation.Background: Previous research has reported that breastfeeding is associated with several health benefits for the child as well as the mother. Despite that, the breastfeeding rate in Sweden is declining. An important factor for a functioning breastfeeding is breastfeeding support. In Sweden, that support is preferably provided by nurses in child health care.Purpose: The purpose of the study is to illustrate the child health nurse's experiences of providing breastfeeding support.Method: The study is of a qualitative design with a data collection that was carried out via semi-structured interviews with ten child health nurses. Data were analyzed using the method of qualitative content analysis.Results: The analysis resulted in two main categories that highlight the child health nurse's experiences of providing breastfeeding support: Promoting breastfeeding support and Being challenged by breastfeeding support, with associated seven subcategories.Conclusion: Increased knowledge about breastfeeding resulted in greater commitment to good breastfeeding support. Breastfeeding was promoted by an individualized breastfeeding support. It was important that the child health nurse adapted the support based on breastfeeding mothers' experiences with breastfeeding. The child's needs and the family's expectations about breastfeeding were also taken into consideration. Despite experiences with breastfeeding promotion work, breastfeeding support was challenged, among other things, by breast milk substitutes and the pursuit of an equal relationship