14,920 research outputs found


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    As one of the centre of education and training in the oil and gas industry, Pusdiklat Migas Cepu always tries to create mutual relationship between institution and its public. To run this aim, Public Relations division in Pusdiklat Migas Cepu has important role in establishing mutual communication between institution and its public. One of the efforts is by holding social programs in the form of community development. Based on the job training, the objectives of this report are to know the activity of Public Relations in Pusdiklat Migas Cepu and the implementation of social programs done by Pusdiklat Migas Cepu in creating a good image. This final project report is completed through several methods, there are: collecting, analyzing, and concluding the data. The data in this final project report were obtained by holding observation in Pusdiklat Migas Cepu, interviewing the Public Relations staffs in Pusdiklat Migas Cepu, and conducting a library research. Based on the job training for a month in this institution, it can be seen that the activities of Public Relations in Pusdiklat Migas Cepu are very rich. It is because Public Relations Division in Pusdiklat Migas Cepu has to be responsible in communicating information internally and externally. It is aimed to create good relationship with the public either external or internal. Accordance with it, Public Relations in Pusdiklat Migas Cepu try to provide social contribution to the society. The programs can be divided into educational social programs and noneducational social programs. The educational programs are in the form of Community Development by giving training for Cepu citizen in the oil and gas field and providing studying medium for the students of senior high school and university. And, the non-educational programs are in the form of humanitarian help. Most of non-educational programs are done incidentally. In the end of this final project report, the writer concludes that the activities of Public Relations in Pusdiklat Migas Cepu are appropriate with the aim of institution to create a good image. By running social programs, the institution will be able to retain its existence and can get the public trust


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    Teacher certification is a government program to increase education quality. In the school, scoring of the headmaster is used as one of the conditions of teacher to participate in the certification program. Otherwise, other schools (teachers and students) are not involved in the scoring of certificated teacher’s competency. That’s why this research Is meant to: 1) describing certificated teacher’s competency based in scoring of the headmaster, other teachers, and students. 2) Proving that there are differences in certificated teacher’s competency based in headmaster’s scoring with fellow teachers and students scoring. This research is using quantitative research approach. The research took place in SMK Negeri 2 Pengasih. This research population is the certificated teacher who teaches in SMK Negeri 2 Pengasih which is 105 teachers. The research sample is 38 teachers chosen randomly. Data mining was using valid questioners with reliability level of 0,85. Data analysis is using descriptive and correlation technique. Descriptive technique categorized data to 4 categories which is very good, better, good and not good. And the analysis correlation technique is using one lane Anova. The result of this research is: 1) certificated teachers’ competency based on headmaster’s scoring is relatively high. 2) Certificated teacher’s competency based on fellow teachers scoring is relatively lower. 3) Certificated teachers’ competency based on student’s scoring is relatively higher. 4) There is a huge difference in headmaster’s, fellow teacher’s and student’s scoring with F=381,09 and significancy (p<0,05). Keywords: certificated teacher’s scoring, headmaster, fellow teachers, students


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    Nightcrawler is a crime-thriller movie directed by Dan Gilroy. The movie is about an ambitious videographer who sells violent footage of accidents and brutal crimes to the local news TV. The focus of this study is to analyse the motivation of Louis Bloom, the main character in the movie, using Abraham Maslow’s theory of needs. This theory is illustrated in a shape of five layered pyramid which represents every need that must be fulfilled by human. Those needs are physiological needs, safety needs, love or belongingness needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. The result of the discussion shows the five phases of theory of needs reflected in Lou’s life


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    The Five People You Meet in Heaven is a very unique and interesting novel written by a well-known author and script writer Mitch Albom. This novel tells the story about a journey of a man in his search for the purpose of his existence in the afterlife. The purpose of analysing this novel is to understand theme of the story, setting, and the development of the main character in the story. The result shows that in understanding the meaning of life, we must conceive the concrete importance of sacrifice. Albom is a very good writer in combining two dimension of time in the different world, so the reader can easily picture many places that has been described in the novel


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses perancangan media pembelajaran digital menggunakan Software Microsoft Office PowerPoint untuk mendukung pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran ilmu bahan di SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan, serta mengetahui kelayakan dari media pembelajaran yang dibuat tersebut. Metode yangdigunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitiandan pengembangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan dengan melibatkan 28 orang siswa jurusan teknik pemesinan sebagai responden. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan angket atau kuesioner serta evaluasi pretest dan posttest. Data yang didapat merupakan data kuantitatif berupa skor dengan skala 5 (rentang 1 sampai 5). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan untuk mengolah data tersebut menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif untuk mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran yang dibuat. Hasil penelitian ini berupa media pembelajaran yang berbentuk CD pembelajaran. Proses perancangan media pembelajaran dilakukan beberapa tahap: (1) studi pendahuluan, meliputi proses survei lapangan, studi kepustakaan, dan penyusunan produk awal atau draft model; (2) pengembangan, meliputi uji coba terbatas dan uji coba lebih luas; (3) pengujian, meliputi pretest, perlakuan dan posttest. Hasil uji kelayakan yaitu: (1) evaluasi oleh ahli materi menghasilkan total rerata nilai sebesar 4,63 dengan kriteria sangat baik; (2) evaluasi oleh ahli media pembelajaran manghasilkan total rerata nilai sebesar 4,47 dengan kriteria sangat baik; (3) evaluasi pada uji coba terbatas menghasilkan total rerata nilai sebesar 4,34 dengan kriteria sangat baik; (4) evaluasi pada uji coba lebih luas menghasilkan total rerata nilai sebesar 4,18 dengan kriteria baik. Untuk mengukur pengaruh terhadap penerapan media pembelajaran digunakan evaluasi: (1) pretest menghasilkan total rerata nilai sebesar 6,02; (2) posttest menghasilkan total rerata nilai sebesar 8,14

    Triangulation of Instrumentation and Data Source: a Stronger Method in Assessing English Language Needs

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    This paper proposes the importance of multiple instrumentation and data source (triangulation) in a needs analysis. Various data gathering methods developed in assessing learners' English language needs are reviewed. The justification of employing more than a single data gathering method and data source in a needs analysis is also presented by examining the strengths and weaknesses of each method and evaluating previous needs analyses carried out in some Asian countries. Highlights are then given to the methodology mostly implemented in assessing English needs in Indonesia and a recommendation is addressed to further studies on learners's needs in Indonesi

    Tantangan Perencanaan Sekolah Pada Tingkat Commune di Perancis (Studi di Commune Lyon dan Vaulx-En-Velin)

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    In France, for almost one and a half century, Nation guarantees public education that is compulsory, free of charge and secular for all children resides in its teritory in equal manner. For primary education, the central goverment share its responsibilities and competences to the “commune” (the smallest admistrative teritory in France) as the school planner, owner and organizer. Nowadays, commuce becomes the key actor in education who involves not only in formal education at school. Through bibliographical study, review of the press, “stage” (field work), and interviews, this work concerns school planning and management in the French smallest administrative division

    Designing Environmental Graphic Design With Cultural Values for West Java Province

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    This paper departs from the phenomenon of the need for city or regional identity in public spaces. The people of Bandung and West Java created the identity of the city and region in the form of gates and monuments bordering the environmental area which in terminology can be called Environmental Graphic Design (EGD). The form of exploration is very diverse, and adapted to the abilities and creativity of the people in the environment. The making of EGD by the public often presents primordial cultural symbols especially Kujang forms, but the use of the Kujang symbol is very diverse and has not yet become an identity system that fulfills its existence as an EGD. This paper will analyze the Kujang symbol as an artefact of Sundanese culture, as well as provide design solutions, in the form of an EGD system based on cultural values that lie in the philosophical values of the Kujang cosmology and Sundanese culture values. The methodology used is descriptive qualitative and design thinking The result of this paper is to design visual ideas about EGD based on cultural values and Sundanese cultural philosophy, especially the Kujang symbol which can be used as a benchmark for people who EGD in West Java Province. Keywords EGD, Cultural Values, Kujan

    A Two-Wheeled Vehicle Navigation System Based on a Fuzzy Logic Controller

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    The paper deals with a two-wheeled vehicle,namely ESG-2 (Extended Segway-like Generation- 2) navigation control system using a fuzzy logic controller. The vehicle employs two wheels left and right independently which are controlled independently using a fuzzy logic controller respectively. The controllers deal with a compact and implementable application for the normal using with a person (human with 60kg weight in average) loaded on the vehicle. A modified infrared-based range sensor system is applied to the vehicle as a tilt sensor and it is incorporated with an accelerometer to control its response in case of the dynamics disturbances. The fuzzy controller runs in tilt-mode while a reference tilt using a potentiometer (as steer system) is taken into account for navigating the vehicle. From the simulation using MATLAB @ and experiments it is obvious that the prototype of ESG-2 is quite challenging to be developed in the future
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