48 research outputs found

    Efeitos socioambientais das enchentes de 2013/14 do Rio Madeira no extrativismo da castanheira do Brasil (Bertholletia Excelsa H. & B) e da seringueira (Hevea Brasiliensis Müll. Arg.) na Resex Lago do Capanã Grande, Manicoré-Am.

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    The causes and socio-economic consequences of mortality in Brazil nut trees (Bertholletia excelsa H. & B) and rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis Mev. Arg.) were studied in the Lago do Capanã Grande extractive reserve, Manicoré, Amazonas. Mortality was associated with the 2013-2014 extreme flood in the Madeira River by statistically analyzing the mortality of georeferenced individuals of the two species in four communities, considering diameter at breast height (DBH) and the time under root asphyxia in eight Brazil nut and five rubber stands. To estimate the impact and socioeconomic consequences of the extreme event on communities, interviews were conducted with 15 families who were residing in the study area and who had extraction of rubber and Brazil nuts as structural economic activities for their family income.Foram pesquisadas as causas climáticas e consequências socioeconômicas da mortalidade em castanheiras (Bertholletia excelsa H. & B) e seringueiras (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.) relacionando a mortalidade delas com o evento climático extremo da enchente do Madeira no ano 2013/14 dentro da Reserva Extrativista do Lago do Capanã Grande, Manicoré-AM. Para isso foi analisada estatisticamente a mortalidade, georreferenciando indivíduos das duas espécies em quatro comunidades, levantando o diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) e o tempo sob condições de asfixia radicular em 8 castanhais e 5 seringais. Para estimar o impacto e as consequências deste evento extremo na socioeconômica das comunidades foram entrevistadas 15 famílias agroextrativistas residentes na área de estudo que têm na extração da borracha e da castanha atividades econômicas estruturais na renda familiar


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    Fatores como o elevado risco, a falta de segurança, a participação de mão de obra vulnerável e pouco qualificada, o uso do mercúrio, a produção de resíduos altamente contaminantes, degradam a imagem da atividade do garimpeiro, atividade economicamente relevante para muitos territórios. Embora esta atividade tenha grande potencial econômico em toda a calha do rio Madeira (Amazonas e Rondônia) às cooperativas existentes não possuem ferramentas para monitorar e avaliar os impactos sociais, econômicos e ambientais. O presente trabalho levanta informações, da realidade socioambiental da atividade no município de Humaitá/AM. Foram aplicados questionários aos garimpeiros e constatada a importância da atividade como fonte de renda estrutural nos sistemas de produção sazonais por esta ser comparativamente uma atividade de rápido retorno.

    New Insights into the Anterior Complex

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    Objective: To introduce visualization of the germinal matrix (GM), external angle of the frontal horn, and periventricular white matter while evaluating the anterior complex (AC) during basic ultrasound assessment of the fetal brain. Case presentations: This is a retrospective observational study of healthy women with singleton pregnancies, with no increased risk of fetal central nervous system anomalies, attending routine ultrasound screening at 20-32 weeks' gestation. Seventeen cases are presented in which an abnormal aspect of the GM or external angle of the frontal horn or periventricular white matter on AC evaluation has allowed a prenatal diagnosis of peri-intraventricular hemorrhage, subependymal cysts, connatal cysts, periventricular venous hemorrhagic infarction, and white matter injury. Conclusion: An extended AC evaluation could significantly improve the -diagnosis of hemorrhagic/cystic/hypoxic-ischemic lesions during the performance of a basic ultrasound study of the fetal brain.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Resultados de la Vigilancia Epidemiológica de las enfermedades transmisibles. Informe anual. Año 2015

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    El objetivo final de la vigilancia de las enfermedades transmisibles es reducir su incidencia en la comunidad. La Red Nacional de Vigilancia Epidemiológica (RENAVE) tiene entre sus funciones la recogida sistemática de la información epidemiológica, su análisis e interpretación y la difusión de los resultados. Este informe presenta los resultados de la vigilancia de las enfermedades transmisibles para el año 2015 realizada por los servicios de vigilancia de las comunidades autónomas y el Centro Nacional de Epidemiología (CNE) de acuerdo a los protocolos de la RENAVE.N

    Nuclear astrophysics with radioactive ions at FAIR

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    The nucleosynthesis of elements beyond iron is dominated by neutron captures in the s and r processes. However, 32 stable, proton-rich isotopes cannot be formed during those processes, because they are shielded from the s-process flow and r-process, β-decay chains. These nuclei are attributed to the p and rp process. For all those processes, current research in nuclear astrophysics addresses the need for more precise reaction data involving radioactive isotopes. Depending on the particular reaction, direct or inverse kinematics, forward or time-reversed direction are investigated to determine or at least to constrain the desired reaction cross sections. The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) will offer unique, unprecedented opportunities to investigate many of the important reactions. The high yield of radioactive isotopes, even far away from the valley of stability, allows the investigation of isotopes involved in processes as exotic as the r or rp processes


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    Fatores como o elevado risco, a falta de segurança, a participação de mão de obra vulnerável e pouco qualificada, o uso do mercúrio, a produção de resíduos altamente contaminantes, degradam a imagem da atividade do garimpeiro, atividade economicamente relevante para muitos territórios. Embora esta atividade tenha grande potencial econômico em toda a calha do rio Madeira (Amazonas e Rondônia) às cooperativas existentes não possuem ferramentas para monitorar e avaliar os impactos sociais, econômicos e ambientais. O presente trabalho levanta informações, da realidade socioambiental da atividade no município de Humaitá/AM. Foram aplicados questionários aos garimpeiros e constatada a importância da atividade como fonte de renda estrutural nos sistemas de produção sazonais por esta ser comparativamente uma atividade de rápido retorno.

    Amazonian flood impacts on managed Brazilnut stands along Brazil's Madeira River: A sustainable forest management system threatened by climate change

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    Impact of flooding on tropical forest ecosystems and their management is a little-studied area that is expected to become increasingly important under projected climate change. A demonstration of this was provided by the record-breaking 2014 flood of the Madeira River in Brazil. We assessed factors affecting survival of Brazilnut trees (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K.) under root asphyxia caused by flooding in the Lago do Capanã Grande Extractive Reserve in Manicoré municipality (county), Amazonas state, Brazil. Mortality was surveyed in three Brazilnut groves (castanhais) in 680 individual Brazilnut trees of which 357 had been exposed to flooding and 200 had been flooded for at least 83 days, which was the threshold for mortality effects. Trees were georeferenced and measured for DBH and the height above the ground of the flood-water mark. This information, together with topography from satellite data and water levels from hydrographic gauges, allowed calculation of the time each tree was flooded. None of the 323 unflooded trees died. The analysis indicates a relationship between mortality and duration of root asphyxia, killing 17% of the individuals exposed to flooding and 35% of the individuals that were flooded for periods greater than 109 days. Nevertheless, survival exceeded 50% for all flooding durations. The data suggest that larger trees have a greater probability of mortality for any given period of asphyxia. Expected increases in extreme flood events threaten a sustainable forest management system based on harvest of non-timber products. © 2017 Elsevier B.V