24 research outputs found

    The Role of Islamic Banks in Funding Scientific Research Centres Through the Formulas of Resale for Profit (al-marabaha), Forward Buying (al-salam) and (al-istasna’)

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    Funding this study is to provide a solution proposed to the problem faced by the majority of the centers and scientific research institutions in the Arab countries; it is the necessary funding to carry out research projects that contribute to the development of society and develop a problem, exacerbated this problem before the axioms of great importance; including the requirement of survival and the continuation of the success of these centers in achieving their goals, and that the success of scientific research needs to be huge funding may not be able budgets of the governments of countries from fulfilling it. The proposed solution; lies in hoped the role of Islamic banks in supporting these centers through formulas Islamic and means that posed away from usury, it is time that should these banks check the role Hopefully after announced that it will contribute to the economic and social development service effective community development projects through the formulas and means through murabaha Islamic and Ualslm and Istisna'a which were the subject of our attention in this research funding

    Utilization of Wordwall Media in Arabic Vocabulary Learning Towards Eighth Graders

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    Wordwall is an interesting, interactive, and educational browser game application. This application can be an interesting learning resource, media, and assessment tool for students. This research aims to determine the application of Wordwall media and determine students' responses to learning Arabic vocabulary using Wordwall media in eighth grade at MTs Satu Atap Al-Hidayah Batu. A quantitative approach and survey methods were used in this research. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The data collected was eventually analyzed by using descriptive statistics. Descriptive analysis was carried out with the SPSS 25 application. The research results showed that the ideal total score for all items is the number of questionnaires 9 X Maximum score 18 for each score = 162. The total score obtained from the research = 116. The students’ responses about Wordwall media as a learning media for Arabic vocabulary are considered positive because the percentage value obtained is 71.60%. It was confirmed that the significance of Wordwall as an innovative learning tool and the positive response from students, providing a basis for increasing the use of technology in educational contexts

    Analisis Manajemen Risiko Kredit Mobil pada Perusahaan Multifinance (Studi Kasus pada PT. BCA Finance Cabang Banjarmasin)

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    M. Sa’id Al-Makhfuz. 2014.Analisis Manajemen Risiko Kredit Mobil pada Perusahaan Multifinance (Studi Kasus pada PT. BCA Finance Cabang Banjarmasin), Skripsi, Jurusan Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam, Pembimbing: (I) Drs. H.M. NurMaksum, MSI, (II) Hariyanto, S.E., M.M.\ud Penelitian ini bertolak dari permasalahan bahwa terjadipeningkatan unit pembiayaan Mobil di PT. BCA Finance Cabang Banjarmasin yang dapat menimbulkan potensi risiko kredit macet apabila tidak dikelola dengan baik. Peningkatan risiko kredit macet tersebut perlu ditunjang oleh kualitas manajemen risiko kredit yang baik untuk meminimalisir potensi kerugian yang dihadapi oleh PT. BCA Finance Cabang Banjarmasin.Identifikasi dan analisis manajemen risiko kredit menjadisangatdiperlukan dan berguna sebagai salah satu input alternatif dalam perumusan strategi tata kelola risiko kredit demi peningkatankinerjaperusahaan. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka penelitian ditujukan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya risiko kredit Mobil pada PT. BCA Finance Cabang Banjarmasin, pengelolaan dan pengendalian (program mitigasi) risiko kredit tersebut, serta pandangan Islam terhadapnya.\ud \ud Penelitian lapangan (fieldresearch) inibersifat penelitian kualitatifdimana hasilnya akan diuraikan dengan kalimat-kalimat bukan angka dengan mengacu pada kerangka teori dan sebagian data menggunakan analisis komparatif.Objek penelitian ini adalah manajemen risiko kredit mobil pada PT. BCA Finance Cabang Banjarmasin dan manajemen risiko dalam Islam.\ud \ud Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan-temuan: Pertama, ada 3 faktorutama yang mempengaruhi risiko kredit PT. BCA Finance Cabang Banjarmasin, yaitu faktor internal perusahaan, faktor business partner, danlingkungan eksternal.Kedua, Pengelolaan risiko kredit sebagai antisipasi terjadinya kerugian dari terjadinya risiko kredit yang dilakukan oleh PT. BCA Finance Cabang Banjarmasin dinamakan acquisition, yang antara lain membangunsupplychainmanagementyang baik antara kantor pusat maupun kantor cabang, penetapan prosedur dan kebijakan yang terkait dengan transaksi kredit, dan pembangunan sistem reintegrasi. Ketiga, manajemen risiko kredit di PT. BCA Finance Cabang Banjarmasin sudah dilakukan dengan baik dan hal ini sesuai dengan konsep yang dikehendaki manajemen risiko dalam Islam

    Moral Philosophy in the Qur’an From theViewpoint of the Risale-i Nur Said Nursi

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    The  content  of  moral  philosophy  in  Risale-i  Nur Said  Nursi  which  is derived from the Qur’an is abundant. This paper is an attempt to elaborate that moral philosophy of the Qur’an explained thoroughly in Risale-i Nur. The topics discussed here include the idea that evil is not fundamental to the world; it is only a means of knowing good, while men are the source of moral evil. In the Risale-i Nur, Nursi describes the hardships of his life in exile, the difficulties he suffered, and the distress he felt at the inhuman treatment meted out to his brothers, his country, and all humanity even. It is because what regarded as evil such as death is actually an instance of good and the gate of mercy. The plausible question is whether man is free to do and to desire something. For Nursi it is obvious that human freedom can be conducted only within the limits of divine determination.  Nursi  compares  the  wisdom  of  the  Qur’an  and  that  of philosophy,  the  training  and  education  both  offer  to  mankind.  One  of  the things the Risale-i Nur teaches us is that what we suppose to be life is in reality only a small slice of time. Because for us, the past and future are non-existent and dead.</p

    Culture in Ottoman Egypt

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