141 research outputs found

    Segmentation-Based Bounding Box Generation for Omnidirectional Pedestrian Detection

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    We propose a segmentation-based bounding box generation method for omnidirectional pedestrian detection that enables detectors to tightly fit bounding boxes to pedestrians without omnidirectional images for training. Due to the wide angle of view, omnidirectional cameras are more cost-effective than standard cameras and hence suitable for large-scale monitoring. The problem of using omnidirectional cameras for pedestrian detection is that the performance of standard pedestrian detectors is likely to be substantially degraded because pedestrians' appearance in omnidirectional images may be rotated to any angle. Existing methods mitigate this issue by transforming images during inference. However, the transformation substantially degrades the detection accuracy and speed. A recently proposed method obviates the transformation by training detectors with omnidirectional images, which instead incurs huge annotation costs. To obviate both the transformation and annotation works, we leverage an existing large-scale object detection dataset. We train a detector with rotated images and tightly fitted bounding box annotations generated from the segmentation annotations in the dataset, resulting in detecting pedestrians in omnidirectional images with tightly fitted bounding boxes. We also develop pseudo-fisheye distortion augmentation, which further enhances the performance. Extensive analysis shows that our detector successfully fits bounding boxes to pedestrians and demonstrates substantial performance improvement.Comment: Pre-print submitted to Journal of Multimedia Tools and Application

    Oral Administration of D-aspartate, but not of L-aspartate, Reduces Food Intake in Chicks

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    In the present study, we determined the effects of oral administration of L- and D-aspartate (L-Asp and D-Asp) on food intake over a period of2haftertheadministration, as well as its effects on the concentration of L- and D-Asp in the brain and plasma. Chicks were orally administered different levels (0, 3.75, 7.5 and 15 mmol/kg body weight) of L-Asp (Experiment 1) and D-Asp (Experiment 2). Administration of several doses of L-Asp linearly increased the concentration of L-Asp, but not of D-Asp, in plasma. Oral L-Asp somewhat modified the levels of L- and D-Asp levels in the telencephalon, but not in the diencephalon. However, food intake was not significantly changed with doses of L-Asp. On the other hand, D-Asp strongly and dose-dependently inhibited food intake over a period of 2 h after the administration. Oral D-Asp clearly increased D-Asp levels in the plasma and diencephalon, but no significant changes in L-Asp were detected. Brain monoamine contents were only minimally influenced by L- or DAsp administration. We conclude that D-Asp may act as an anorexigenic factor in the diencephalon. Key words: brain, D-Aspartate, food intake, L-Aspartate, neonatal chick, plasm

    Nanomaterials From Imogolite: Structure, Properties, and Functional Materials

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    International audienceHollow cylinders with a diameter in the nanometer range are carving out prime positions in nanoscience. Thanks to their physico-chemical properties, they could be key elements for next-generation nanofluidics devices, for selective molecular sieving, energy conversion or as catalytic nanoreactors. Several difficult problems such as fine diameter and interface control are solved for imogolite nanotubes. This chapter will present an overview of this unique class of clay nanotubes, from their geological occurrence to their synthesis and their applications. In particular, emphasis will be put on providing an up-to-date description of their structure and properties, their synthesis and the strategies developed to modify their interfaces in a controlled manner. Developments on their applications, in particular for polymer/imogolite nanotubes composites, molecular confinement or catalysis, are presented

    Seismicity controlled by resistivity structure : the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes, Kyushu Island, Japan

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    The M JMA 7.3 Kumamoto earthquake that occurred at 1:25 JST on April 16, 2016, not only triggered aftershocks in the vicinity of the epicenter, but also triggered earthquakes that were 50–100 km away from the epicenter of the main shock. The active seismicity can be divided into three regions: (1) the vicinity of the main faults, (2) the northern region of Aso volcano (50 km northeast of the mainshock epicenter), and (3) the regions around three volcanoes, Yufu, Tsurumi, and Garan (100 km northeast of the mainshock epicenter). Notably, the zones between these regions are distinctively seismically inactive. The electric resistivity structure estimated from one-dimensional analysis of the 247 broadband (0.005–3000 s) magnetotelluric and telluric observation sites clearly shows that the earthquakes occurred in resistive regions adjacent to conductive zones or resistive-conductive transition zones. In contrast, seismicity is quite low in electrically conductive zones, which are interpreted as regions of connected fluids. We suggest that the series of the earthquakes was induced by a local accumulated stress and/or fluid supply from conductive zones. Because the relationship between the earthquakes and the resistivity structure is consistent with previous studies, seismic hazard assessment generally can be improved by taking into account the resistivity structure. Following on from the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake series, we suggest that there are two zones that have a relatively high potential of earthquake generation along the western extension of the MTL

    A unique transcriptome: 1782 positions of RNA editing alter 1406 codon identities in mitochondrial mRNAs of the lycophyte Isoetes engelmannii

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    The analysis of the mitochondrial DNA of Isoetes engelmannii as a first representative of the lycophytes recently revealed very small introns and indications for extremely frequent RNA editing. To analyze functionality of intron splicing and the extent of RNA editing in I. engelmannii, we performed a comprehensive analysis of its mitochondrial transcriptome. All 30 groups I and II introns were found to be correctly removed, showing that intron size reduction does not impede splicing. We find that mRNA editing affects 1782 sites, which lead to a total of 1406 changes in codon meanings. This includes the removal of stop codons from 23 of the 25 mitochondrial protein encoding genes. Comprehensive sequence analysis of multiple cDNAs per locus allowed classification of partially edited sites as either inefficiently edited but relevant or as non-specifically edited at mostly low frequencies. Abundant RNA editing was also found to affect tRNAs in hitherto unseen frequency, taking place at 41 positions in tRNA-precursors, including the first identification of U-to-C exchanges in two tRNA species. We finally investigated the four group II introns of the nad7 gene and could identify 27 sites of editing, most of which improve base pairing for proper secondary structure formation

    Anthocyanins in cereals

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    [EN] The anthocyanic composition of some pigmented cereals is still not well established, neither in relation to some of their components, nor from the quantitative point of view. Nonetheless, the use of analytical techniques, such as diode array spectroscopy and mass spectrometry (MS, PDMS, MALDI) coupled or not to liquid chromatography, are permitting, in recent years, the confirmation of the structure of some of the principal anthocyanins and a knowledge of those which are present in minor proportion. In this article, firstly, a review of the principal methods of analysis of anthocyanins is made. This is followed by a review of the most significant advances achieved in the last years in the field of the identification and quantification of these pigments in cereals and the present uses of the commercial extracts of anthocyanins obtained from these sources and the perspectives for their use is included