2,537 research outputs found

    Radioactively driven colloids: A special case of anomalous diffusion

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    Citation: Wilson, G., Bahadori, A. A., & Bindra, H. (2019). Radioactively driven colloids: A special case of anomalous diffusion. Journal of Applied Physics, 126(12), 124308. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5116220A novel concept of self-propelled, radioactively driven colloids is introduced. The focus of this paper is on assessing the impact of alpha emissions on colloidal kinematics. Using Langevin dynamics and a random walk model, a theory has been developed to describe this motion. This theory shows a special case of anomalous diffusion. Numerical simulations have substantiated the theory. It is shown that alpha-particle emission can significantly affect the motion of colloidal particles, although a very short-lived radioisotope is required

    Device-to-Device Communications in the Millimeter Wave Band: A Novel Distributed Mechanism

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    In spite of its potential advantages, the large-scale implementation of the device-to-device (D2D) communications has yet to be realized, mainly due to severe interference and lack of enough bandwidth in the microwave (μ\muW) band. Recently, exploiting the millimeter wave (mmW) band for D2D communications has attracted considerable attention as a potential solution to these challenges. However, its severe sensitivity to blockage along with its directional nature make the utilization of the mmW band a challenging task as it requires line-of-sight (LOS) link detection and careful beam alignment between the D2D transceivers. In this paper, we propose a novel distributed mechanism which enables the D2D devices to discover unblocked LOS links for the mmW band communication. Moreover, as such LOS links are not always available, the proposed mechanism allows the D2D devices to switch to the μ\muW band if necessary. In addition, the proposed mechanism detects the direction of the LOS links to perform the beam alignment. We have used tools from stochastic geometry to evaluate the performance of the proposed mechanism in terms of the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) coverage probability. The performance of the proposed algorithm is then compared to the one of the single band (i.e., μ\muW/mmW) communication. The simulation results show that the proposed mechanism considerably outperforms the single band communication.Comment: 6 Pages, 6 Figures, Accepted for presentation in Wireless Telecommunication Symposium (WTS'18

    Combustion of Gaseous Fuels Under Reduced-Gravity Conditions

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    The need for an improved understanding of fires is becoming critically important with increased space travel and utilization. While the control of fires in low-gravity environments is not well understood, it is known that buoyancy significantly affects flame behavior and characteristics. The objective of this research is to gain a more fundamental understanding of fires, and to quantify flame behavior under reduced-gravity levels. Non-premixed flames of gaseous fuels are considered in this study because they are relatively simple and easy to control, yet embody mechanisms found in all types of combustion processes ranging from uncontrolled fires to practical combustion systems. This paper presents some recent results from microgravity studies of these flames. In addition, the potential usefulness of lunar- and Martian-based laboratories is discussed in order to understand the characteristics and behavior of fires in reduced-gravity environments

    A simple mathematical predictive tool for estimation of a hydrate inhibitor injection rate

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    Formiranje hidrata u proizvodnji, postrojenjima za obradu i cjevovodima je problem koji industriju prirodnoga plina stoji milijune dolara. Stoga je shvaćanje početka nastanka hidrata nužno za prevladavanje problema hidrata. Cilj prvog koraka ove studije je razvitak korelacije, jednostavne za korištenje, za predviđanje uvjeta za nastajanje hidrata "slatkih" prirodnih plinova.. Ta jednostavna korelacija predviđa tlak nastajanja hidrata "slatkih" prirodnih plinova za tlak do 400 bara (40 000 kPa) i temperature između 13,15 °C i 24,85 °C (260 K i 298 K), kao i molne mase u rasponu od 16 do 29. U slijedećem koraku razvijene su nove empirijske korelacije radi predviđanja potrebnog masenog postotka mono etilen glikola (MEG) u obogaćenim otopinama i količine protjecanja u jedinici vremena za željeno snižavanje temperature formiranja plinskog hidrata. Ove korelacije su napravljene za prirodni plin relativne gustoće 0.6 kod tlaka od 3, 5, 7 i 9 MPa (30, 50, 70 i 90 bara) koji su primjenjivi za masni prirodni plin temperature od 20, 30, 40 i 50 °C. Kako bi se proširila primjenjivost ovih korelacija na širi spektar mješavina prirodnoga plina relativne gustoće do 0,8, dana su dva poopćena korekcijska faktora. Točnost ove jednostavne metode uspoređena je s rezultatima simulacije dobivenim korištenjem komercijalnoga softwarea pri čemu se je pokazala izuzetna podudarnost. U svim slučajevima postotak pogreške iznosio je približno 2% i 5% za predviđanje pada temperature formiranja hidrata i obroka utiskivanja mono etilen glikola (MEG). Jednadžbe koje su razvijene u ovoj studiji mogu biti od značajne praktičke važnosti za inženjere i znanstvenike za brzu provjeru uvjeta formiranja hidrata prirodnih plinova s ili bez prisustva inhibitora bez potrebe za primjenom bilo kakvih eksperimentalnih mjerenja. Kemijski i procesni inženjeri će ustanoviti da su jednostavne jednadžbe prilagođene korisniku s jasnim izračunima bez složenih izraza.The formation of hydrates in production, processing facilities and pipelines has been a problem to the natural gas industry, that cost several millions of dollars.. Therefore, an understanding of the inception of hydrate formation is necessary to overcoming hydrate problems. The aim of the first step of this study is to develop a simple-to-use correlation for predicting hydrate-forming conditions of sweet natural gases. This simple correlation estimates hydrate formation pressure of sweet natural gases for pressures up to 40 000 kPa and temperatures between 260 K and 298 K as well as molecular weights in the range of 16 to 29. In the next step, novel empirical correlations are developed to predict the required MEG weight percent in the rich solution and the flow-rate for desired depression of the gas hydrate formation temperature. These correlations are generated for a natural gas with relative density of 0.6 at pressures of 3, 5, 7, and 9 MPa, which are applicable to wet gas temperatures of 20, 30, 40, and 50 °C. In order to extend the application of these correlations to wide ranges of natural gas mixtures with specific gravities of up to 0.8, two generalized correction factors are also provided. The accuracy of this simple method is compared with the simulation results obtained by commercial software which showed excellent agreement. In all cases the error percent was approximately 2% and 5% for predicting hydrate formation temperature depression and MEG injection rate, respectively. The fitted equations developed in this study can be of immense practical value for the engineers and scientists to have a quick check on hydrate formation condition of natural gases with or without presence of inhibitor without opting for any experimental measurements. In particular, chemical and process engineers would find the simple equations to be user-friendly with transparent calculations involving no complex expressions

    Development of a Solar Town in Iran

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    Iran's rapid industrialization progress has necessitated the development of cities and townships adjacent to the industrial complexes. The source of energy for these townships is similar to the rest of the country, and it is basically oil and natural gas. Iran is a country rich in oil, natural gas, and solar energy, and the life style of its people -- especially the majority of those drawn to these industrial towns -- is not highly energy dependent. To save on fossil fuel consumption, the country has already launched the programs to utilize other sources of energy, namely nuclear, geothermal, and solar. Development of a solar town whose total energy requirements for heating, cooling, cooking, communication, local transportation, etc., are met by solar energy, sky radiation, and other similar sources, is suggested for the first time and is a plan which can have a long-range fuel saving and ecological significance. In this solar community no hydrocarbon fuels, except for those produced through sewage and agricultural waste conversions, are to be used

    Energy Sources and Uses in Iran: A Brief Review

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    A thorough study of the energy sources and uses in Iran is rather difficult due to the lack of accurate statistical data. The information provided by many sources do not always agree with each other and are often incomplete. In making this study, the information available were employed to construct the tables, but primarily the data that seemed to be most consistent and most complete were used to plot the curves. A more complete study of the energy picture in Iran requires much more time than was available to the writer and requires a thorough examination of the many reports and information published by the governmental and private organizations over the past several years. In this paper, background information on the geography and people are given first, followed by a brief description of energy sources and uses

    Die 100 größten Unternehmen in Hessen

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    2. Auflage der "100 größten Unternehmen in Hessen": Jede Region hat ihre Besonderheiten und „Leuchttürme“. Zumeist spielen dabei große Unternehmen eine entscheidende Rolle, denn sie sind häufig Kristallisationspunkte für den Mittelstand. Die Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen und die Hessen Agentur haben diese Schrittmacher für Hessen identifiziert. Sie veröffentlichen zum zweiten Mal die Rangliste der 100 größten Unternehmen in Hessen (1. Auflage 2005). Beschäftigte als Maßstab: Um die Bedeutung der Unternehmen in und für Hessen zu messen, wurde nur auf die Mitarbeiter abgestellt, die an den hessischen Standorten der Firmen beschäftigt waren. Die gewählte Messgröße „hessische Beschäftigte“ sorgte zudem in der später folgenden Unternehmensbefragung für eine hohe Antwortbereitschaft. Hohe Konzentration: Insgesamt arbeiten rund 485.000 Beschäftigte bei den 100 größten Unternehmen in Hessen. Das sind 16 % der hessischen Erwerbstätigen. Dabei konzentrieren sich die Arbeitnehmer auf die zehn größten Unternehmen: Rund 40 % der im Ranking erfassten Mitarbeiter sind bei ihnen angestellt. Die ersten 50 Unternehmen sind die Arbeitgeber für 80 % der Beschäftigten. Wirtschaftliches Umfeld steinig: Das weltwirtschaftliche Umfeld ist für die Großunternehmen steinig: Insgesamt ist 2009 mit einem Rückgang des realen BIP (nicht arbeitstäglich bereinigt) von 2,6 % in Deutschland zu rechnen. Hessen wird aufgrund des Finanz- und Logistiksektors eine höhere Abnahme (-3 %) zu schultern haben, wie auch schon im Rezessionsjahr 2002. Dennoch flackert schon zaghaftes Licht am Ende des Tunnels: Die umfangreichen Konjunkturpakete sollten ihre Adressaten, die Produzenten und Konsumenten, erreichen und damit in der zweiten Jahreshälfte beginnen, der Rezession entgegenzuwirken. Logistik wichtig für Hessen: Logistikunternehmen sind unter den 100 größten Unternehmen in Hessen überdurchschnittlich häufig vertreten: 26 % der Beschäftigten aller befragten Firmen arbeiten bei Logistikunternehmen. Durch die Weiterentwicklung von Logistikstandorten eröffnen sich Chancen für die breite Arbeitnehmerschaft, da die Logistikbranche auf allen Qualifikationsebenen Arbeitsplätze bietet. Sie kann damit das Arbeitsplatzangebot einer Region sinnvoll ergänzen. Im Gegensatz zu der derzeitig konjunkturell schwierigen Lage sind die langfristigen Perspektiven für den Güter- und Personenverkehr nach Prognosen des IFEU Heidelberg (Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung) äußerst positiv. Das mittelfristige Wachstum wird nicht mit den bisherigen Kapazitäten zu realisieren sein. Offensichtlicher Ansatzpunkt ist hier in Hessen der Infrastrukturausbau im Bereich Flughafen und Straße. Gleichberechtigt dazu sollte aber auch intensiv geforscht werden, denn Forschung stiftet neben dem unmittelbaren Nutzen für die Unternehmen in der Region auch eine Verbesserung der Standortqualität