216 research outputs found

    The E6E7 oncoproteins of cutaneous human papillomavirus type 38 interfere with the interferon pathway

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    Non-melanoma skin cancer is the most frequent malignancy in Caucasian populations. Evidence suggests the involvement of cutaneous Human Papillomavirus (HPV) of the genus beta () in this disease. The ability of E6 and E7 of mucosal HPV to promote cellular transformation and inhibit immune response-related pathways plays a key role in cervical carcinogenesis. HPV-38 E6 and E7 display transforming activities in in vitro and in vivo models, but their impact on immune surveillance is unknown. Here we show that HPV-38 E6 and E7 affect the IFN-induced up-regulation of MHC class I. Expression of the two viral proteins in HaCaT keratinocytes led to a decrease of MHC I levels. This down-regulation is associated with a reduction of expression of MHC I heavy chain, of the peptide chaperone TAP and of the STAT-1 downstream effector IRF-1. The down-regulation of these proteins is ultimately due to the inhibition of STAT-1 expression. Analysis of cells expressing either HPV-38 E6 or E7 suggests that these effects are primarily the result of E6 expression, although a contribution by E7 cannot be excluded. We conclude that HPV-38 encodes oncoproteins that potentially contribute to the evasion of host immune surveillance

    Impact of ocean acidification on the intestinal microbiota of the marine sea bream (Sparus aurata L.)

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    Within a scenario of increasing atmospheric CO2 and ocean acidification (OA), it is highly relevant to investigate its impacts not only on fish performance but also on fish intestinal microbiome and how that reflects on host performance and health. The main objective of this study was to establish if the intestinal microbiota of the sea bream (Sparus aurata) was affected by high level of CO2 in line with the predictions for this century. The bacterial communities of the intestinal fluid were characterized in animals kept at the present-day level of CO2 (400 μatm) and in animals switched to high CO2 (1200 μatm) for 1 month. Bacterial taxa identification was based on molecular methods, using the DNA coding for the 16S ribosomal RNA and primers targeting the regions V1-V3. Amplicons obtained from DNA samples of animals in the same tank were combined, cloned to obtain a bacterial DNA library, and the clones were sequenced. No significant differences were found between the two treatments for alpha diversity. However, beta diversity analysis revealed distinct dysbiosis in response to hypercapnia, with phylum Firmicutes absent from the bacterial communities of fish exposed to 1200 μatm CO2, whereas Proteobacteria relative abundance was increased at elevated CO2, due to the presence of Gammaproteobacteria (Vibrionaceae and Alteromonadaceae), a class not present in the control samples. This study provides a first glimpse at the impact of OA in fish intestinal microbiota and highlights potential downstream effects to the general condition of fishes under hypercapnia.Funding Agency Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology PTDC/MAR-BIO/3034/2014 Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology UID/Multi/04326/2019 Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Polandinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Quantum electrodynamic fluctuations of the macroscopic Josephson phase

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    We study the equilibrium dynamics of the relative phase in a superconducting Josephson link taking into account the quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic vacuum. The photons act as a superohmic heat bath on the relative Cooper pair number and thus, indirectly, on the macroscopic phase difference \phi. This leads to an enhancement of the mean square that adds to the spread due to the Coulomb interaction carried by the longitudinal electromagnetic field. We also include the interaction with the electronic degrees of freedom due to quasiparticle tunneling, which couple to the phase and only indirectly to the particle number. The simultaneous inclusion of both the radiation field fluctuations and quasiparticle tunneling leads to a novel type of particle--bath Hamiltonian in which the quantum particle couples through its position and momentum to two independent bosonic heat baths. We study the interplay between the two mechanisms in the present context and find interference contributions to the quantum fluctuations of the phase. We explore the observability of the QED effects discussed here.Comment: 19 page

    Effects of adaptation, chance, and history on the evolution of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum under selection of increased temperature and acidification

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    The roles of adaptation, chance, and history on evolution of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum Halim, under selective conditions simulating global change, have been addressed. Two toxic strains (AL1V and AL2V), previously acclimated for two years at pH 8.0 and 20◦C, were transferred to selective conditions: pH 7.5 to simulate acidification and 25◦C. Cultures under selective conditions were propagated until growth rate and toxin cell quota achieved an invariantmean value at 720 days (ca. 250 and ca. 180 generations for strains AL1V and AL2V, respectively). Historical contingencies strongly constrained the evolution of growth rate and toxin cell quota, but the forces involved in the evolution were not the same for both traits. Growth rate was 1.5–1.6 times higher than the one measured in ancestral conditions. Genetic adaptation explained two-thirds of total adaptation while one-third was a consequence of physiological adaptation. On the other hand, the evolution of toxin cell quota showed a pattern attributable to neutralmutations because the final varianceswere significantly higher than thosemeasured at the start of the experiment. It has been hypothesized that harmful algal blooms will increase under the future scenario of global change. Although this study might be considered an oversimplification of the reality, it can be hypothesized that toxic blooms will increase but no predictions can be advanced about toxicity.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de excelencia internacional. Andalucia Tech. Financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation by the grant CGL2008-00652/BOS, and Junta de Andalucía Research Group RNM-115

    Measurements of Relative Phase in Binary Mixtures of Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We have measured the relative phase of two Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) using a time-domain separated-oscillatory-field condensate interferometer. A single two-photon coupling pulse prepares the double condensate system with a well-defined relative phase; at a later time, a second pulse reads out the phase difference accumulated between the two condensates. We find that the accumulated phase difference reproduces from realization to realization of the experiment, even after the individual components have spatially separated and their relative center-of-mass motion has damped.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Global Warming Will Bring New Fungal Diseases for Mammals

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    Fungi are major pathogens of plants, other fungi, rotifers, insects, and amphibians, but relatively few cause disease in mammals. Fungi became important human pathogens only in the late 20th century, primarily in hosts with impaired immunity as a consequence of medical interventions or HIV infection. The relatively high resistance of mammals has been attributed to a combination of a complex immune system and endothermy. Mammals maintain high body temperatures relative to environmental temperatures, creating a thermally restrictive ambient for the majority of fungi. According to this view, protection given by endothermy requires a temperature gradient between those of mammals and the environment. We hypothesize that global warming will increase the prevalence of fungal diseases in mammals by two mechanisms: (i) increasing the geographic range of currently pathogenic species and (ii) selecting for adaptive thermotolerance for species with significant pathogenic potential but currently not pathogenic by virtue of being restricted by mammalian temperatures

    Morphometric Study of Diabetes Related Alterations in Human Parotid Gland and Comparison with Submandibular Gland

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus represents one of the principal diseases that afflict the world population and is often associated with malfunction of salivary glands and consequent oral diseases. We recently described significant ultrastructural alterations in the human submandibular gland in diabetic patients without evident oral pathologies. Herein, an analogs morphometrical investigation was focused on the parotid gland in order to evaluate if one of the two glands is more affected by diabetes. Parotid fragments from diabetic and nondiabetic patients were fixed, dehydrated, and processed for light and electron microscopy. Serous cells were randomly photographed and the density and size of several structures involved in the secretory process were examined by morphometry. Scanning electron microscopy images revealed significant changes in the number of apically docked granules and vesicles, suggesting that the last steps in exocytosis are somehow altered in diabetic cells. Other variables analyzed by light and transmission electron microscopy such as the size of acini and secretory granules did not show significant changes, but comparison with previous data obtained with submandibular gland cells demonstrated that the two glands are affected differently. Anat Rec, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Genetic variation in circadian regulation of nocturnal stomatal conductance enhances carbon assimilation and growth

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    Circadian resonance, whereby a plant's endogenous rhythms are tuned to match environmental cues, has been repeatedly shown to be adaptive, although the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. Concomitantly, the adaptive value of nocturnal transpiration in C3 plants remains unknown because it occurs without carbon assimilation. These seemingly unrelated processes are interconnected because circadian regulation drives temporal patterns in nocturnal stomatal conductance, with maximum values occurring immediately before dawn for many species. We grew individuals of six Eucalyptus camaldulensis genotypes in naturally lit glasshouses and measured sunset, predawn and midday leaf gas exchange and whole-plant biomass production. We tested whether sunrise anticipation by the circadian clock and subsequent increases in genotype predawn stomatal conductance led to rapid stomatal opening upon illumination, ultimately affecting genotype differences in carbon assimilation and growth. We observed faster stomatal responses to light inputs at sunrise in genotypes with higher predawn stomatal conductance. Moreover, early morning and midday stomatal conductance and carbon assimilation, leaf area and total plant biomass were all positively correlated with predawn stomatal conductance across genotypes. Our results lead to the novel hypothesis that genotypic variation in the circadian-regulated capacity to anticipate sunrise could be an important factor underlying intraspecific variation in tree growth