19 research outputs found

    Traffic on Roads Hlučín Region and Expected Development in the Future

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    Import 13/01/2017WOZNICA, D. Doprava na komunikacích Hlučínska a předpokládaný vývoj v budoucnu Fakulta stavební, VŠB-TU Ostrava Diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou a studií získaných dopravně – inženýrských informací na stávající dopravní síti z oblasti Hlučínska a okolí, dále řeší dopravní vazby a bezpečnost. S ohledem na rozvoj území a předpokládané změny v intenzitách a směřování dopravy je třeba navrhnout opatření. Tato diplomová práce se skládá z hlavní části a příloh, hlavní část tvoří 63 stran. V diplomové práci je rozebráno množství studií, které se věnují řešenému území. V závěru budou shrnuty dosažené výsledky.WOZNICA, D. Traffic on Roads Hlučín Region and Expected Development in the Future, The Faculty of Civil Engineering, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava The dissertation thesis deals with the analysis and studies with gained traffic engineering data onthe existing transport network Hlučínska, current transport links and traffic safety on roads. With regard to the development of the territory and anticipated changes in intensities and routing traffic there is need for a procuration. This Thesis consists of a main part and the attachments, the main part is contain 63 pages. In the thesis Iam analyzing many studies, which deals with the area. The results will be sumarized in the end.227 - Katedra dopravního stavitelstvídobř

    Adjusting of the Intersection of the Road I/56 and Čelakovského Street in Frýdek-Místek

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    Import 23/07/2015WOZNICA, D. Úprava křižovatky silnice I/56 a ulice Čelakovského ve Frýdku-Místku Fakulta stavební, VŠB-TU Ostrava Bakalářská práce se zabývá řešením úpravy křižovatky silnice I/56 a ulice Čelakovského, nacházející se ve Frýdku-Místku. Vzhledem k tomu, že je v tomto úseku vysoká intenzita dopravy, nemohou řidiči MHD a ostatní uživatelé silničního provozu bezpečně a v krátkém čase odbočit vlevo z vedlejší komunikace ul. Čelakovského na hlavní silnici I/56. Křižovatka je komplikovaná s nepřehlednou organizací provozu dopravy. V okolí křižovatky se nachází rychle se rozvíjející oblast a je třeba tuto křižovatku řešit. Práce bude rozdělena do několika částí. Na konec bude vybrána jedna z variant, která bude řešit problém, kterým se zabývám.WOZNICA, D. Adjusting of the Intersection of the Road I/56 and Čelakovského Street in Frýdek – Místek, The Faculty of Civil Engineering, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava Bachelor's thesis deals with adjustments of intersection of the Road I / 56 and Čelakovského Street located in Frydek-Mistek. In view of the fact that there is a high traffic intensity, the bus drivers and other road users can´t safely and in a short time turn left from the communication ul. Celakovskeho on the road I / 56. The intersection is complicated by the chaotic traffic service organization. In the vicinity of the intersection is a rapidly evolving area, and it is necessary to solve this intersection. Work will be divided into several parts. In the end will be selected one of the variants that will solve the problem I am dealing with.227 - Katedra dopravního stavitelstvívelmi dobř

    Resolving structure and function of metaorganisms through a holistic framework combining reductionist and integrative approaches

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    Current research highlights the importance of associated microbes in contributing to the functioning, health, and even adaptation of their animal, plant, and fungal hosts. As such, we are witnessing a shift in research that moves away from focusing on the eukaryotic host sensu stricto to research into the complex conglomerate of the host and its associated microorganisms (i.e., microbial eukaryotes, archaea, bacteria, and viruses), the so-called metaorganism, as the biological entity. While recent research supports and encourages the adoption of such an integrative view, it must be understood that microorganisms are not involved in all host processes and not all associated microorganisms are functionally important. As such, our intention here is to provide a critical review and evaluation of perspectives and limitations relevant to studying organisms in a metaorganism framework and the functional toolbox available to do so. We note that marker gene-guided approaches that primarily characterize microbial diversity are a first step in delineating associated microbes but are not sufficient to establish proof of their functional relevance. More sophisticated tools and experiments are necessary to reveal the specific functions of associated microbes. This can be accomplished through the study of metaorganisms in less complex environments, the targeted manipulation of microbial associates, or work at the mechanistic level with the toolbox available in model systems. We conclude that the metaorganism framework is a powerful new concept to help provide answers to longstanding biological questions such as the evolution and ecology of organismal complexity and the importance of organismal symbioses to ecosystem functioning. The intricacy of the metaorganism requires a holistic framework combining reductionist and integrative approaches to resolve metaorganism identities and to disclose the various roles that microorganisms play in the biology of their hosts

    Deficient prepulse inhibition in schizophrenia detected by the multi-site COGS

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    BACKGROUND: Startle inhibition by weak prepulses (PPI) is studied to understand the biology of information processing in schizophrenia patients and healthy comparison subjects (HCS). The Consortium on the Genetics of Schizophrenia (COGS) identified associations between PPI and single nucleotide polymorphisms in schizophrenia probands and unaffected relatives, and linkage analyses extended evidence for the genetics of PPI deficits in schizophrenia in the COGS-1 family study. These findings are being extended in a 5-site “COGS-2” study of 1800 patients and 1200 unrelated HCS to facilitate genetic analyses. We describe a planned interim analysis of COGS-2 PPI data. METHODS: Eyeblink startle was measured in carefully screened HCS and schizophrenia patients (n=1402). Planned analyses of PPI (60 ms intervals) assessed effects of diagnosis, sex and test site, PPI-modifying effects of medications and smoking, and relationships between PPI and neurocognitive measures. RESULTS: 884 subjects met strict inclusion criteria. ANOVA of PPI revealed significant effects of diagnosis (p=0.0005) and sex (p<0.002), and a significant diagnosis × test site interaction. HCS > schizophrenia PPI differences were greatest among patients not taking 2(nd) generation antipsychotics, and were independent of smoking status. Modest but significant relationships were detected between PPI and performance in specific neurocognitive measures. DISCUSSION: The COGS-2 multi-site study detects schizophrenia-related PPI deficits reported in single-site studies, including patterns related to diagnosis, prepulse interval, sex, medication and other neurocognitive measures. Site differences were detected and explored. The target COGS-2 schizophrenia “endophenotype” of reduced PPI should prove valuable for identifying and confirming schizophrenia risk genes in future analyses

    A General Method for Making Peptide Therapeutics Resistant to Serine Protease Degradation: Application to Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV Substrates

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    Bioactive peptides have evolved to optimally fulfill specific biological functions, a fact which has long attracted attention for their use as therapeutic agents. While there have been some recent commercial successes fostered in part by advances in large-scale peptide synthesis, development of peptides as therapeutic agents has been significantly impeded by their inherent susceptibility to protease degradation in the bloodstream. Here we report that incorporation of specially designed amino acid analogues at the P1′ position, directly C-terminal of the enzyme cleavage site, renders peptides, including glucagon-like peptide-1 (7–36) amide (GLP-1) and six other examples, highly resistant to serine protease degradation without significant alteration of their biological activity. We demonstrate the applicability of the method to a variety of proteases, including dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV), dipeptidyl peptidase 8 (DPP8), fibroblast activation protein α (FAPα), α-lytic protease (αLP), trypsin, and chymotrypsin. In summary, the “P1′ modification” represents a simple, general, and highly adaptable method of generating enzymatically stable peptide-based therapeutics