64 research outputs found

    Sarah Kofman. In Memoriam

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    CinĂ©ma quĂ©bĂ©cois Ă  l’ombre de la mĂ©lancolie

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    Dans cet article, tout en s'appuyant sur la définition freudienne de la mélancolie, l'auteur cherche à analyser un corpus de trois oeuvres cinématographiques québécoises : La Femme de l'hÎtel de Léa Pool (1984), Cargo de François Girard (1990) et Léolo de Jean-Claude Lauzon (1992), trois films qui s'inscrivent dans ce qu'on a appelé le « syndrome postréférendaire », provoqué par l'échec du premier référendum sur la souveraineté-association en 1980.In this article, relying on the Freudian definition of melancholy, the author analyses a corpus of three Quebec films : La Femme de l'hÎtel by Léa Pool (1984), Cargo by François Girard (1990), and Léolo by Jean-Claude Lauzon (1992). What these three films share has been called the "post-referendum syndrome" that was brought on by the failure of the first referendum on sovereignty-association in 1980

    L’économie du Testament de François Villon

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    Galileo Galilei : de la prĂ©cision Ă  l’exactitude

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    L’Orestie d’Eschyle : le tragique au fĂ©minin ou au masculin?

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    The therapeutic potential of epigenetic manipulation during infectious diseases.

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    Epigenetic modifications are increasingly recognized as playing an important role in the pathogenesis of infectious diseases. They represent a critical mechanism regulating transcriptional profiles in the immune system that contributes to the cell-type and stimulus specificity of the transcriptional response. Recent data highlight how epigenetic changes impact macrophage functional responses and polarization, influencing the innate immune system through macrophage tolerance and training. In this review we will explore how post-translational modifications of histone tails influence immune function to specific infectious diseases. We will describe how these may influence outcome, highlighting examples derived from responses to acute bacterial pathogens, models of sepsis, maintenance of viral latency and HIV infection. We will discuss how emerging classes of pharmacological agents, developed for use in oncology and other settings, have been applied to models of infectious diseases and their potential to modulate key aspects of the immune response to bacterial infection and HIV therapy

    Marcel JEAN, Le cinéma québécois

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    Être ou ne pas ĂȘtre quĂ©bĂ©cois

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    Octobre 1970 : L’an zĂ©ro du QuĂ©bec

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