7 research outputs found

    Long-Term Rewetting of Three Formerly Drained Peatlands Drives Congruent Compositional Changes in Pro- and Eukaryotic Soil Microbiomes through Environmental Filtering

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    Drained peatlands are significant sources of the greenhouse gas (GHG) carbon dioxide.Rewetting is a proven strategy used to protect carbon stocks; however, it can lead to increasedemissions of the potent GHG methane. The response to rewetting of soil microbiomes as drivers ofthese processes is poorly understood, as are the biotic and abiotic factors that control communitycomposition. We analyzed the pro- and eukaryotic microbiomes of three contrasting pairs ofminerotrophic fens subject to decade-long drainage and subsequent long-term rewetting. Abiotic soilproperties including moisture, dissolved organic matter, methane fluxes, and ecosystem respirationrates were also determined. The composition of the microbiomes was fen-type-specific, but allrewetted sites showed higher abundances of anaerobic taxa compared to drained sites. Based onmulti-variate statistics and network analyses, we identified soil moisture as a major driver ofcommunity composition. Furthermore, salinity drove the separation between coastal and freshwaterfen communities. Methanogens were more than 10-fold more abundant in rewetted than in drainedsites, while their abundance was lowest in the coastal fen, likely due to competition with sulfatereducers. The microbiome compositions were reflected in methane fluxes from the sites. Our resultsshed light on the factors that structure fen microbiomes via environmental filtering

    From Understanding to Sustainable Use of Peatlands: The WETSCAPES Approach

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    Of all terrestrial ecosystems, peatlands store carbon most effectively in long-term scales of millennia. However, many peatlands have been drained for peat extraction or agricultural use. This converts peatlands from sinks to sources of carbon, causing approx. 5% of the anthropogenic greenhouse effect and additional negative effects on other ecosystem services. Rewetting peatlands can mitigate climate change and may be combined with management in the form of paludiculture. Rewetted peatlands, however, do not equal their pristine ancestors and their ecological functioning is not understood. This holds true especially for groundwater-fed fens. Their functioning results from manifold interactions and can only be understood following an integrative approach of many relevant fields of science, which we merge in the interdisciplinary project WETSCAPES. Here, we address interactions among water transport and chemistry, primary production, peat formation, matter transformation and transport, microbial community, and greenhouse gas exchange using state of the art methods. We record data on six study sites spread across three common fen types (Alder forest, percolation fen, and coastal fen), each in drained and rewetted states. First results revealed that indicators reflecting more long-term effects like vegetation and soil chemistry showed a stronger differentiation between drained and rewetted states than variables with a more immediate reaction to environmental change, like greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Variations in microbial community composition explained differences in soil chemical data as well as vegetation composition and GHG exchange. We show the importance of developing an integrative understanding of managed fen peatlands and their ecosystem functioning.

    Evidence for Enzymatic Backbone Methylation of the Main Membrane Lipids in the Archaeon Methanomassiliicoccus luminyensis

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    International audienceABSTRACT Butanetriol and pentanetriol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers (BDGTs and PDGTs, respectively) are recently identified classes of archaeal membrane lipids that are prominent constituents in anoxic subseafloor sediments. These lipids are intriguing, as they possess unusual backbones with four or five carbon atoms instead of the canonical three-carbon glycerol backbone. In this study, we examined the biosynthesis of BDGTs and PDGTs by the methanogen Methanomassiliicoccus luminyensis, the only available isolate known to produce these compounds, via stable isotope labeling with [methyl-13C]methionine followed by mass spectrometry analysis. We show that their biosynthesis proceeds from transfer(s) of the terminal methyl group of methionine to the more common archaeal membrane lipids, i.e., glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs). As this methylation targets a methylene group, a radical mechanism involving a radical S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) enzyme is probable. Over the course of the incubation, the abundance of PDGTs relative to BDGTs, expressed as backbone methylation index, increased, implying that backbone methylation may be related to the growth shift to stationary conditions, possibly due to limited energy and/or substrate availability. The increase of the backbone methylation index with increasing sediment age in a sample set from the Mediterranean Sea adds support for such a relationship.IMPORTANCE Butanetriol and pentanetriol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers are membrane lipids recently discovered in anoxic environments. These lipids differ from typical membrane-spanning tetraether lipids because they possess a non-glycerol backbone. The biosynthetic pathway and physiological role of these unique lipids are currently unknown. Here, we show that in the strain Methanomassiliicoccus luminyensis, theselipids are the result of methyl transfer(s) from an S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) intermediate. We observed a relative increase of the doubly methylated compound, pentanetriol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraether, in the stationary phase of M. luminyensis as well as in the subseafloor of the Mediterranean Sea and thus introduced a backbone methylation index, which could be used to further explore microbial activity in naturalsettings

    Full genome sequence of a Methanomassiliicoccales representative enriched from peat soil

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    The full genome of a Methanomassiliicoccales strain, U3.2.1, was obtained from enrichment cultures of percolation fen peat soil under methanogenic conditions, with methanol and hydrogen as the electron acceptor and donor, respectively. Metagenomic assembly of combined long-read and short-read sequences resulted in a 1.51-Mbp circular genome

    Plant roots but not hydrology control microbiome composition and methane flux in temperate fen mesocosms

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    The rewetting of formerly drained peatlands can help to counteract climate change through the reduction of CO2 emissions. However, this can lead to resuming CH4 emissions due to changes in the microbiome, favoring CH4-producing archaea. How plants, hydrology and microbiomes interact as ultimate determinants of CH4 dynamics is still poorly understood. Using a mesocosm approach, we studied peat microbiomes, below-ground root biomass and CH4 fluxes with three different water level regimes (stable high, stable low and fluctuating) and four different plant communities (bare peat, Carex rostrata, Juncus inflexus and their mixture) over the course of one growing season. A significant difference in microbiome composition was found between mesocosms with and without plants, while the difference between plant species identity or water regimes was rather weak. A significant difference was also found between the upper and lower peat, with the difference increasing as plants grew. By the end of the growing season, the methanogen relative abundance was higher in the sub-soil layer, as well as in the bare peat and C. rostrata pots, as compared to J. inflexus or mixture pots. This was inversely linked to the larger root area of J. inflexus. The root area also negatively correlated with CH4 fluxes which positively correlated with the relative abundance of methanogens. Despite the absence or low abundance of methanotrophs in many samples, the integration of methanotroph abundance improved the quality of the correlation with CH4 fluxes, and methanogens and methanotrophs together determined CH4 fluxes in a structural equation model. However, water regime showed no significant impact on plant roots and methanogens, and consequently, on CH4 fluxes. This study showed that plant roots determined the microbiome composition and, in particular, the relative abundance of methanogens and methanotrophs, which, in interaction, drove the CH4 fluxes

    O regime dos subssdios intrazona no Mercosul (The Mercosur Internal Subsidies Regime), Master of Laws dissertation, Federal University of Rio Grande Do Sul (Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2003)

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    Noncellular nonspecific defence mechanisms of fish

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