50 research outputs found

    The impact of supplementary short rest breaks on task performance: A meta-analysis

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    Within-shift rest breaks are important to prevent an accumulation of impairing short-term effects of strain over working time. In this meta-analysis (k = 11, N = 705), we investigated how supplementary, frequent short rest breaks affect task performance and strain. We found positive effects on quality (g = 0.23) and quantity (g = 0.12) measures of task performance. The mean reduction of working time due to rest breaks was 9.3%. Performance improvements occurred not at costs of higher strain. Thus, our study shows that both employees’ performance and well-being benefits from scheduled within-shift breaks. We found no further effects of potentially moderating variables. Future research should examine the boundary conditions and underlying mechanisms of these effects.Arbeitspausen sind wichtig, um eine Akkumulation kurzfristiger, negativer Beanspruchungsfolgen ĂŒber den Arbeitstag vorzubeugen. In dieser Studie untersuchten wir, ob der Zeitverlust durch zusĂ€tzliche Kurzpausen vollstĂ€ndig leistungswirksam kompensiert wird. Wir fĂŒhrten eine Metaanalyse durch (k = 11, N = 705) und fanden signifikant positive Effekte zusĂ€tzlicher Kurzpausen auf die ArbeitsqualitĂ€t (g = 0.23) und Arbeitsmenge (g = 0.12). Die mittlere ArbeitszeitverkĂŒrzung betrug 9.3 %. Wir fanden keine weiteren EinflĂŒsse zahlreicher potenzieller Moderatorvariablen auf diesen Effekt. Die beobachteten Leistungssteigerungen erfolgten nicht auf Kosten höherer negativer psychischer und physischer Beanspruchungsfolgen. Unsere Studie belegt, dass sich die Leistung und das Wohlbefinden von Mitarbeitern durch mehr zusĂ€tzliche geplante Kurzpausen wĂ€hrend der Arbeitszeit verbessern lassen. ZukĂŒnftige Untersuchungen sollten die entsprechenden Randbedingungen und Mechanismen genauer untersuchen

    Rest and constructive thinking feed entrepreneurs' creativity

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    Unlocking the performance potential of functionally diverse teams: The paradoxical role of leader mood

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    In a multisource, lagged design field study of 66 consulting teams, we investigated the role of leader mood in unlocking the performance potential of functionally diverse teams. In line with our hypotheses, we found that, given high levels of leader positive mood, functional diversity was positively related to collective team identification. In contrast, given high levels of l

    Managing diverse teams by enhancing team identification

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    Although diversity provides a greater pool of knowledge and perspectives, teams often do not realize the potential offered by these additional informational resources. In this study, we develop a new model seeking to explain when and how teams that are diverse in terms of educational background utilize the afforded informational variety by engaging in deeper elaboration of task-relevant information. We found that collective team identification moderated the rel

    The Preventative Benefit of Group Diversification on Group Performance Decline

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    Integrating the open systems perspective of groups and the contingency approach to diversity, we study how group diversification (i.e. a process in which a group becomes more diverse over time as members join and/or leave the group) affects group performance change in an adverse task environment characterized with uncertainty and risks for failure. We argue that diversification benefits performance by reducing group performance decline in adversity. Group size increase, however, attenuates this preventative benefit of group diversification. Focusing on organizational tenure and gender, we studied 279 sales groups (3,277 individuals) in a large German financial consulting company from 2004 to 2008. In this period, a national legislative change prompted the company to withdraw its star product from the market and presented adversity to the sales groups. Results from latent growth models (LGMs) overall support our arguments. This research extends the (conditional) beneficial view of diversity from a static theoretical space about groups’ being diverse to a dynamic one about groups’ becoming diverse

    Dresdner Lebenslagen 60+: Bericht zur Lebenssituation von Dresdnerinnen und Dresdnern ab 60 Jahren (LAB60+ Studie): Ein Kooperationsprojekt zwischen der Landeshauptstadt Dresden und der Technischen UniversitÀt Dresden

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    Die Stadtverwaltung hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, auf die BedĂŒrfnisse und Bedarfe unserer Seniorinnen und Senioren noch besser einzugehen. Deswegen wurde diese Studie in Auftrag gegeben. Sie stellt eine hervorragende wissenschaftliche ÜberprĂŒfung und ErgĂ€nzung unseres bisherigen praktischen Tuns rund um das Thema Altern in Dresden dar und setzt sich unter anderem mit Elementen des bereits bestehenden Fachplans Seniorenarbeit und Altenhilfe inklusive des Aktionsplans fĂŒr gesundes und aktives Altern, dem Dresdner Kompetenzzentrum fĂŒr den Übergang in den Ruhestand und dem Pflegenetzwerk auseinander. Weg vom defizitorientierten, hin zum ressourcenorientierten Ansatz lautet ein Prinzip der Dresdner Seniorenpolitik. Es liegt auch der LAB60+ Studie zugrunde. Sie wirft einen umfassenden Blick auf die Potenziale und Chancen in der vielgliedrigen nachberuflichen Lebensphase. Beleuchtet werden notwendige Rahmenbedingungen fĂŒr eine hohe Lebenszufriedenheit, fĂŒr Selbsthilfe und fĂŒr möglichst eigenstĂ€ndiges Wohnen je nach Lebensentwurf. Knapp 2.400 ĂŒber 60-JĂ€hrige nahmen an der Befragung teil und haben sich dem Fragebogen mit ĂŒber 90 Fragen gestellt. Die hohe RĂŒcklaufquote von 40 Prozent verdeutlicht das hohe Interesse der Zielgruppe und die Wichtigkeit des Themas. Die Kooperation mit der Technischen UniversitĂ€t Dresden habe ich als Ă€ußerst nĂŒtzlich und gewinnbringend fĂŒr beide Seiten erlebt. Die Ergebnisse und Ableitungen der LAB60+ Studie liefern einen konstruktiven Beitrag fĂŒr die fachliche und kommunalpolitische Auseinandersetzung in unserer Stadt. Bei der Entwicklung konkreter Maßnahmen ist mir eine Beteiligung der Dresdnerinnen und Dresdner sehr wichtig. DafĂŒr ist eine Seniorinnen- und Seniorenkonferenz geplant. KĂŒnftig wollen wir die Lebenssituation der Ă€lteren und alten Menschen und das Miteinander der Generationen regelmĂ€ĂŸig untersuchen und damit eine wissenschaftlich basierte Grundlage fĂŒr weitere Diskussion und Entscheidung entwickeln. Redaktionsschluss: Januar 202

    Having a creative day:understanding entrepreneurs’ daily idea generation through a recovery lens

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    Prior research has shown that trait creativity is important for becoming an entrepreneur and successful in business. We explore a new perspective by investigating how recovery from work stress influences entrepreneurs’ daily idea generation, a key aspect of creativity. Physio-logical and mental recovery enables the cognitive processes of creative problem-solving. Moreover, differences in mental recovery processes help to explain age-related changes in en-trepreneurs’ creativity. Multilevel analyses based on 415 daily data from 62 entrepreneurs support our predictions. Our study introduces a new “state” perspective to understanding en-trepreneurs’ creativity, and highlights the critical role of recovery processes for idea genera-tion

    Entrepreneurs’ achieved success: developing a multi-faceted measure

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    Firm performance is typically measured via objective financial indicators. However, researchers increasingly acknowledge that entrepreneurs do not measure their success solely in financial terms but that a range of often subjective indicators matter to them. This article contributes to the debate on entrepreneurial performance by studying how entrepreneurs assess their achieved success. ‘Entrepreneurs’ achieved success’ was conceptualized as a multi-faceted construct that includes entrepreneurs’ self-reported achievement of firm performance, workplace relationships, personal fulfilment, community impact, and personal financial rewards. It was measured via the Subjective Entrepreneurial Success–Achievement Scale (SES-AS). Over the course of three studies (N = 390) the factorial structure of ‘entrepreneurs’ achieved success’ was established and largely replicated in two cultures. Based on a nomological network, we documented relationships among ‘entrepreneurs’ achieved success’, quasi-objective indicators of firm performance, and entrepreneurs’ financial satisfaction, creativity, and health. Based on our research, we propose a new conceptual framework to study performance in the context of entrepreneurship. This framework acknowledges both the success criteria that entrepreneurs wish to achieve and those that they actually achieve, and extends our understanding of firm performance

    Managing diverse teams by enhancing team identification: The mediating role of perceived diversity

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    Although diversity provides a greater pool of knowledge and perspectives, teams often do not realize the potential offered by these additional informational resources. In this study, we develop a new model seeking to explain when and how teams that are diverse in terms of educational background utilize the afforded informational variety by engaging in deeper elaboration of task-relevant information. We found that collective team identification moderated the relationship between educational team diversity and elaboration of task-relevant information, such that under high (low) levels of team identification, educational diversity was positively (negatively) related to information elaboration. As expected, this moderating effect was shown to be mediated simultaneously through two different types of perceived team diversity. We found that the negative path was mediated through a perceived diversity measure reflecting a split into subgroups, whereas the positive path was mediated through a perceived diversity measure reflecting perceived educational heterogeneity. Taken together, this study contributes to the team diversity literature by shedding light on the important role of collective team identification in unlocking the potential of objective educational team diversity, by uncovering the underlying mechanisms accounting for this effect, and by demonstrating the usefulness of distinguishing between different types of perceived diversity