48 research outputs found

    Exploring concepts of compassion in care home settings : a scoping review protocol

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    Introduction There is widespread agreement that medical care without compassion cannot be patient-centred, but patients still routinely cite that they feel a lack of compassion in the care environment. There is a dearth of research on how compassion is experienced in a non-hospital setting such as a care home, not just by residents but by staff and other key stakeholders. This scoping review aims to determine the body of existing, published research that explicitly refers to compassion or empathy in the context of care homes. Methods and analysis This scoping review will follow the methodology described by Arksey and O'Malley and the PRISMAextension for scoping reviews guideline to adhere to an established methodological framework. Relevant publications will be searched on the EMBASE, MEDLINE, PubMed, CINAHL, EBM Reviews and PsycInfo databases. Peer-reviewed literature focusing on experiences of compassion or empathy in care home settings from the perspective of either staff, residents (or clients), family members or their combined perspectives will be included. We will focus on literature published from 2000 up to 1 November 2021, in English, Spanish, Portuguese Finnish and Estonian. The review process will consist of three stages: a title review to identify articles of interest, this will be followed by an abstract review and finally, a full-text review. These three stages will be conducted by two reviewers. Data will be extracted, collated and charted and a narrative synthesis of the results will be presented. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval is not required for this scoping review. This study supports the first part of a larger programme to understand the importance of technologies in care homes. The scoping review will examine data from publicly available documentation, reports and published papers. Dissemination will be achieved through engagement with stakeholder communities, and publishing results. Our team will include representatives from the different communities involved.Peer reviewe

    Distribution and spread of bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) around the Gulf of Finland: a comparative study with notes on rare species of Estonia, Finland and North-Western Russia

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    Along-term faunistic study of bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), conducted in Estonia, as well as in Karelia, Leningrad (St. Petersburg) and Murmansk provinces of Russia, enables a comparison of the species composition of bark beetles in the regions bordering Finland. Altogether the distribution patterns of 83 species of scolytids are examined. The northern borders of the distribution range for Scolytus scolytus, S. multistriatus, S. laevis, Hylastes ater, H. opacus, Orthotomicus longicollis, Pityogenes trepanatus, Ips amitinus and Cryphalus abietis in Northern Europe are redefined. The list of bark beetles for Estonia and North- Western Russia (Karelia, Leningrad and Murmansk provinces) with their occurrence in some biogeographical provinces of Fennoscandia (Ik, Kl, Kon, Ks, Kk, Lim) is given. Recent records of bark beetles, endangered or rare in Finland, and their current distribution in the neighbouring regions are discussed

    Bark beetles and pinhole borers (Curculionidae, Scolytinae, Platypodinae) alien to Europe

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    Invasive bark beetles are posing a major threat to forest resources around the world. DAISIE’s web-based and printed databases of invasive species in Europe provide an incomplete and misleading picture of the alien scolytines and platypodines. We present a review of the alien bark beetle fauna of Europe based on primary literature through 2009. We find that there are 18 Scolytinae and one Platypodinae species apparently established in Europe, from 14 different genera. Seventeen species are naturalized. We argue that Trypodendron laeve, commonly considered alien in Europe, is a native species; conversely, we hypothesize that Xyleborus pfeilii, which has always been treated as indigenous, is an alien species from Asia. We also point out the possibility that the Asian larch bark beetle Ips subelongatus is established in European Russia. We show that there has been a marked acceleration in the rate of new introductions to Europe, as is also happening in North America: seven alien species were first recorded in the last decade

    Emotional experiences and psychological well-being in 51 countries during the covid-19 pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic presents challenges to psychological well-being, but how can we predict when people suffer or cope during sustained stress? Here, we test the prediction that specific types of momentary emotional experiences are differently linked to psychological well-being during the pandemic. Study 1 used survey data collected from 24,221 participants in 51 countries during the COVID-19 outbreak. We show that, across countries, well-being is linked to individuals’ recent emotional experiences, including calm, hope, anxiety, loneliness, and sadness. Consistent results are found in two age, sex, and ethnicity-representative samples in the United Kingdom (n = 971) and the United States (n = 961) with preregistered analyses (Study 2). A prospective 30-day daily diary study conducted in the United Kingdom (n = 110) confirms the key role of these five emotions and demonstrates that emotional experiences precede changes in well-being (Study 3). Our findings highlight differential relationships between specific types of momentary emotional experiences and well-being and point to the cultivation of calm and hope as candidate routes for well-being interventions during periods of sustained stress

    Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskuse (KIK) metsanduse programmi projekti nr 741 (EMÜ T11097MIMB) aruanne

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    Harilikul mĂ€nnil (Pinus sylvestris) elab arvukalt okkatoidulisi putukaid, kellest nii mĂ”nelegi on omased aeg-ajalt korduvad hulgisigimised. Kesk-Euroopa saksakeelses keeleruumis nimetatakse neid liblikaliste (Lepidoptera) ja kiletiivaliste (Hymenoptera) seltsi kuuluvaid liike kokkuvĂ”tvalt mĂ€nni suurkahjuriteks (GroÎČschĂ€dlinge). Liblikalistest kuuluvad nende hulka mĂ€nnivaksik (Bupalus piniaria), mĂ€nniöölane (Panolis flammea), mĂ€nnikedrik (Dendrolimus pini) ja okkalainelane (Lymantria monacha), kiletiivalistest eelkĂ”ige harilik mĂ€nnivaablane (Diprion pini) ja punakas mĂ€nnivaablane (Neodiprion sertifer), aga ka sinine vĂ”rgendivaablane (Acantholyda erythrocephala) ja nĂ”mme-vĂ”rgendivaablane (A. posticalis). KĂ”ik need liigid esinevad ka Eestis, kuid ainult punakas mĂ€nnivaablane ja mĂ€nnivaksik on Eesti mĂ€nnikutes ulatuslikke kahjustusi pĂ”hjustanud. Hiljuti lisandus neile nĂ”mme-vĂ”rgendivaablane, kelle ligi 250 hektari suurune kahjustusala avastati Saaremaal 2008. aasta suvel. NĂ”mme-vĂ”rgendivaablase kahjustusi pole Eesti metsades varem registreeritud, mistĂ”ttu pole temale ka meie metsaentomoloogia ja metsakaitse alases kirjanduses tĂ€helepanu pööratud. See ajendas uurima seda putukaliiki kĂ€sitlevat kirjandust mujalt maailmast ning selgitama tema levikut ja bioloogilisi iseĂ€rasusi. VĂ”imaluse selleks andis Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskuse uurimisprojekt nr 741 kestusega 28.06.2011–27.06.2013. VĂ€litööd viidi lĂ€bi Saaremaal paiknevates nĂ”mme-vĂ”rgendivaablase kahjustuskolletes, laboritööd Tartus Eesti MaaĂŒlikoolis. TĂ€iendavat materjali okkakahjurite kohta koguti ka mujalt Eestis, samuti kĂŒlastati okkakahjurite kahjustusalasid LĂ€tis ja Soomes ning vĂ”eti osa metsaentomoloogia alastest teadusĂŒritustest LĂ€tis, Leedus, Saksamaal. Uurimistöö eri etappidel osalesid KĂŒlli Hiiesaar, Rain Kruus, Enn Pilt, Lauri Randveer, Tiit Randveer, Ilmar SĂŒda, JĂŒrgen Tamm ja Heino Õunap ning projekti juht Kaljo Voolma