346 research outputs found

    The distributed assembly permutation flowshop scheduling problem

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    Nowadays, improving the management of complex supply chains is a key to become competitive in the twenty-first century global market. Supply chains are composed of multi-plant facilities that must be coordinated and synchronised to cut waste and lead times. This paper proposes a Distributed Assembly Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem (DAPFSP) with two stages to model and study complex supply chains. This problem is a generalisation of the Distributed Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem (DPFSP). The first stage of the DAPFSP is composed of f identical production factories. Each one is a flowshop that produces jobs to be assembled into final products in a second assembly stage. The objective is to minimise the makespan. We present first a Mixed Integer Linear Programming model (MILP). Three constructive algorithms are proposed. Finally, a Variable Neighbourhood Descent (VND) algorithm has been designed and tested by a comprehensive ANOVA statistical analysis. The results show that the VND algorithm offers good performance to solve this scheduling problem.Ruben Ruiz is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, under the project 'RESULT - Realistic Extended Scheduling Using Light Techniques' with reference DPI2012-36243-C02-01. Carlos Andres-Romano is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, under the project 'INSAMBLE' - Scheduling at assembly/disassembly synchronised supply chains with reference DPI2011-27633.Hatami, S.; Ruiz García, R.; Andrés Romano, C. (2013). The distributed assembly permutation flowshop scheduling problem. International Journal of Production Research. 51(17):5292-5308. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2013.807955S529253085117Basso, D., Chiarandini, M., & Salmaso, L. (2007). Synchronized permutation tests in replicated designs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137(8), 2564-2578. doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2006.04.016Biggs, D., De Ville, B., & Suen, E. (1991). A method of choosing multiway partitions for classification and decision trees. Journal of Applied Statistics, 18(1), 49-62. doi:10.1080/02664769100000005Chan, F. T. S., Chung, S. H., Chan, L. Y., Finke, G., & Tiwari, M. K. (2006). Solving distributed FMS scheduling problems subject to maintenance: Genetic algorithms approach. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 22(5-6), 493-504. doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2005.11.005Chan, F. T. S., Chung, S. H., & Chan, P. L. Y. (2006). Application of genetic algorithms with dominant genes in a distributed scheduling problem in flexible manufacturing systems. International Journal of Production Research, 44(3), 523-543. doi:10.1080/00207540500319229Liao, C.-J., & Liao, L.-M. (2008). Improved MILP models for two-machine flowshop with batch processing machines. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 48(7-8), 1254-1264. doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2008.01.001Framinan, J. M., & Leisten, R. (2003). An efficient constructive heuristic for flowtime minimisation in permutation flow shops. Omega, 31(4), 311-317. doi:10.1016/s0305-0483(03)00047-1Gao, J., & Chen, R. (2011). A hybrid genetic algorithm for the distributed permutation flowshop scheduling problem. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 4(4), 497-508. doi:10.1080/18756891.2011.9727808Hansen, P., & Mladenović, N. (2001). Variable neighborhood search: Principles and applications. European Journal of Operational Research, 130(3), 449-467. doi:10.1016/s0377-2217(00)00100-4Hariri, A. M. A., & Potts, C. N. (1997). A branch and bound algorithm for the two-stage assembly scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 103(3), 547-556. doi:10.1016/s0377-2217(96)00312-8Jia, H. Z., Fuh, J. Y. H., Nee, A. Y. C., & Zhang, Y. F. (2002). Web-based Multi-functional Scheduling System for a Distributed Manufacturing Environment. Concurrent Engineering, 10(1), 27-39. doi:10.1177/1063293x02010001054Jia, H. Z., Nee, A. Y. C., Fuh, J. Y. H., & Zhang, Y. F. (2003). Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 14(3/4), 351-362. doi:10.1023/a:1024653810491Jia, H. Z., Fuh, J. Y. H., Nee, A. Y. C., & Zhang, Y. F. (2007). Integration of genetic algorithm and Gantt chart for job shop scheduling in distributed manufacturing systems. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 53(2), 313-320. doi:10.1016/j.cie.2007.06.024Kass, G. V. (1980). An Exploratory Technique for Investigating Large Quantities of Categorical Data. Applied Statistics, 29(2), 119. doi:10.2307/2986296Lee, C.-Y., Cheng, T. C. E., & Lin, B. M. T. (1993). Minimizing the Makespan in the 3-Machine Assembly-Type Flowshop Scheduling Problem. Management Science, 39(5), 616-625. doi:10.1287/mnsc.39.5.616Morgan, J. N., & Sonquist, J. A. (1963). Problems in the Analysis of Survey Data, and a Proposal. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 58(302), 415-434. doi:10.1080/01621459.1963.10500855Pan, Q.-K., & Ruiz, R. (2012). Local search methods for the flowshop scheduling problem with flowtime minimization. European Journal of Operational Research, 222(1), 31-43. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2012.04.034Potts, C. N., Sevast’janov, S. V., Strusevich, V. A., Van Wassenhove, L. N., & Zwaneveld, C. M. (1995). The Two-Stage Assembly Scheduling Problem: Complexity and Approximation. Operations Research, 43(2), 346-355. doi:10.1287/opre.43.2.346Ruiz, R., & Stützle, T. (2007). A simple and effective iterated greedy algorithm for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 177(3), 2033-2049. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2005.12.009Ruiz, R., Şerifoğlu, F. S., & Urlings, T. (2008). Modeling realistic hybrid flexible flowshop scheduling problems. Computers & Operations Research, 35(4), 1151-1175. doi:10.1016/j.cor.2006.07.014Ruiz, R., & Andrés-Romano, C. (2011). Scheduling unrelated parallel machines with resource-assignable sequence-dependent setup times. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 57(5-8), 777-794. doi:10.1007/s00170-011-3318-2Stafford, E. F., Tseng, F. T., & Gupta, J. N. D. (2005). Comparative evaluation of MILP flowshop models. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 56(1), 88-101. doi:10.1057/palgrave.jors.2601805Tozkapan, A., Kırca, Ö., & Chung, C.-S. (2003). A branch and bound algorithm to minimize the total weighted flowtime for the two-stage assembly scheduling problem. Computers & Operations Research, 30(2), 309-320. doi:10.1016/s0305-0548(01)00098-3Tseng, F. T., & Stafford, E. F. (2008). New MILP models for the permutation flowshop problem. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59(10), 1373-1386. doi:10.1057/palgrave.jors.260245

    Periodic Halpha Emission in the Eclipsing Binary VV Cephei

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    We present a high-cadence time series of spectroscopic observations of the H emission line profile obtained during the egress and total eclipse phases of the M supergiant binary VV Cephei (M2 Iab + B0-2 V) for the 2017-2018 eclipse. Medium-resolution spectroscopy, obtained at an almost nightly cadence by the ARAS Spectroscopy Group from April 2017 through June 2018, has been used to construct a time-series of equivalent widths (EWs) of the H emission line flux. The peak fluxes of the blue (V) component and the red (R) component relative to the continuum, as well as their ratio, V/R, have also been found. We report on a new 43.5-day periodic variation in the H emission that is present throughout the entire time series and, in particular, persists through mid-eclipse

    Time-dependent spectral-feature variations of stars displaying the B[e] phenomenon; I. V2028 Cyg

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    We present results of nearly six years of spectroscopic observations of the B[e] star V2028 Cyg. The presence of the cold-type absorption lines combined with a hot-type spectrum indicate the binarity of this object. Since B[e] stars are embedded in an extended envelope, the usage of common stellar atmosphere models for the analysis is quite inappropriate. Therefore, we focus on the analysis of the long-term spectral line variations in order to determine the nature of this object. We present the time dependences of the equivalent width and radial velocities of the H alpha line, [O I] 6300 A, Fe II 6427, 6433, and 6456 A lines. The bisector variations and line intensities are shown for the H alpha line. The radial velocities are also measured for the absorption lines of the K component. No periodic variation is found. The observed data show correlations between the measured quantities, which can be used in future modelling

    A 10-hour period revealed in optical spectra of the highly variable WN8 Wolf-Rayet star WR 123

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    Aims. What is the origin of the large-amplitude variability in Wolf-Rayet WN8 stars in general and WR123 in particular? A dedicated spectroscopic campaign targets the ten-hour period previously found in the high-precision photometric data obtained by the MOST satellite. Methods. In June-August 2003 we obtained a series of high signal-to-noise, mid-resolution spectra from several sites in the {\lambda}{\lambda} 4000 - 6940 A^{\circ} domain. We also followed the star with occasional broadband (Johnson V) photometry. The acquired spectroscopy allowed a detailed study of spectral variability on timescales from \sim 5 minutes to months. Results. We find that all observed spectral lines of a given chemical element tend to show similar variations and that there is a good correlation between the lines of different elements, without any significant time delays, save the strong absorption components of the Hei lines, which tend to vary differently from the emission parts. We find a single sustained periodicity, P \sim 9.8 h, which is likely related to the relatively stable pulsations found in MOST photometry obtained one year later. In addition, seemingly stochastic, large-amplitude variations are also seen in all spectral lines on timescales of several hours to several days.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, data available on-line, accepted in A&A Research Note

    Effects of switching between anti-TNF therapies on HAQ response in patients who do not respond to their first anti-TNF drug

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    Objectives. Small studies have shown an improvement in disease activity in patients with RA who have switched between anti-TNF therapies for reasons of inefficacy. However, it is not clear whether switching improves longer term outcomes, such as disability. This analysis compares changes in HAQ scores 1 yr following lack of response to a first anti-TNF based on subsequent treatment during that year

    Measuring Servitization Progress and Outcome:The Case of ‘Advanced Services’

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    The purpose of this paper is to establish a framework for assessing the progress and outcome of a manufacturer’s transformation towards becoming a provider of ‘advanced services’ – a complex bundling of products and services, whereby manufacturers offer capabilities and outcomes instead of products alone. ‘Advanced services’ represent the most complex offering in the current servitization trend among manufacturers. However, current performance measures lack the breadth and focus to assess progress or outcomes, and so support research and practice of organisational transformation efforts required. To address this gap the paper investigates how a manufacturer’s efforts to become an ‘advanced services’ provider can be comprehensively measured, and develops a framework for assessing the transformation journey towards becoming an ‘advanced services’ provider. The research method is based on (1) a systematic literature review process to create a comprehensive set of service-related performance measures that are available to assess a manufacturer’s servitization efforts, followed by (2) an engagement with an expert panel to synthesise the identified measures and create a set of ‘advanced services’ performance measures. The proposed framework is presented as a scorecard that can be used in practice to assess the progress and outcome of a manufacturer’s transformation towards becoming a provider of ‘advanced services’

    Finite volume analysis of temperature effects induced by active MRI implants with cylindrical symmetry: 1. Properly working devices

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    BACKGROUND: Active Magnetic Resonance Imaging implants are constructed as resonators tuned to the Larmor frequency of a magnetic resonance system with a specific field strength. The resonating circuit may be embedded into or added to the normal metallic implant structure. The resonators build inductively coupled wireless transmit and receive coils and can amplify the signal, normally decreased by eddy currents, inside metallic structures without affecting the rest of the spin ensemble. During magnetic resonance imaging the resonators generate heat, which is additional to the usual one described by the specific absorption rate. This induces temperature increases of the tissue around the circuit paths and inside the lumen of an active implant and may negatively influence patient safety. METHODS: This investigation provides an overview of the supplementary power absorbed by active implants with a cylindrical geometry, corresponding to vessel implants such as stents, stent grafts or vena cava filters. The knowledge of the overall absorbed power is used in a finite volume analysis to estimate temperature maps around different implant structures inside homogeneous tissue under worst-case assumptions. The "worst-case scenario" assumes thermal heat conduction without blood perfusion inside the tissue around the implant and mostly without any cooling due to blood flow inside vessels. RESULTS: The additional power loss of a resonator is proportional to the volume and the quality factor, as well as the field strength of the MRI system and the specific absorption rate of the applied sequence. For properly working devices the finite volume analysis showed only tolerable heating during MRI investigations in most cases. Only resonators transforming a few hundred mW into heat may reach temperature increases over 5 K. This requires resonators with volumes of several ten cubic centimeters, short inductor circuit paths with only a few 10 cm and a quality factor above ten. Using MR sequences, for which the MRI system manufacturer declares the highest specific absorption rate of 4 W/kg, vascular implants with a realistic construction, size and quality factor do not show temperature increases over a critical value of 5 K. CONCLUSION: The results show dangerous heating for the assumed "worst-case scenario" only for constructions not acceptable for vascular implants. Realistic devices are safe with respect to temperature increases. However, this investigation discusses only properly working devices. Ruptures or partial ruptures of the wires carrying the electric current of the resonance circuits or other defects can set up a power source inside an extremely small volume. The temperature maps around such possible "hot spots" should be analyzed in an additional investigation

    Continuing the conversation about public health ethics: education for public health professionals in Europe

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    An important related question is why we should teach public health ethics. Fundamentally, we must teach public health ethics because ethical practice creates and maintains public trust and public health cannot function without public trust. To serve the public—whether through controlling an outbreak of an infectious disease, preparing for or responding to public health emergencies, or reducing the impact of non-communicable diseases—communities and individuals must trust our decisions and actions. This trust grows in large part from past successes, transparent and participatory decision making, and ethical management of the inevitable moral tensions that arise in our work.S

    Massive stars in the giant molecular cloud G23.3−0.3 and W41

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    Context. Young massive stars and stellar clusters continuously form in the Galactic disk, generating new Hii regions within their natal giant molecular clouds and subsequently enriching the interstellar medium via their winds and supernovae.Aims. Massive stars are among the brightest infrared stars in such regions; their identification permits the characterisation of the star formation history of the associated cloud as well as constraining the location of stellar aggregates and hence their occurrence as a function of global environment.Methods. We present a stellar spectroscopic survey in the direction of the giant molecular cloud G23.3−0.3. This complex is located at a distance of ~4–5 kpc, and consists of several Hii regions and supernova remnants.Results. We discovered 11 OfK+ stars, one candidate luminous blue variable, several OB stars, and candidate red supergiants. Stars with K-band extinction from ~1.3–1.9 mag appear to be associated with the GMC G23.3−0.3; O and B-types satisfying this criterion have spectrophotometric distances consistent with that of the giant molecular cloud. Combining near-IR spectroscopic and photometric data allowed us to characterize the multiple sites of star formation within it. The O-type stars have masses from ~25–45 M⊙, and ages of 5–8 Myr. Two new red supergiants were detected with interstellar extinction typical of the cloud; along with the two RSGs within the cluster GLIMPSE9, they trace an older burst with an age of 20–30 Myr. Massive stars were also detected in the core of three supernova remnants – W41, G22.7−0.2, and G22.7583−0.4917.Conclusions. A large population of massive stars appears associated with the GMC G23.3−0.3, with the properties inferred for them indicative of an extended history of stars formation