165 research outputs found

    Very large Magneto-impedance and its scaling behavior in amorphous Fe73.5Nb3Cu1Si13.5B9 ribbon

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    Magneto-impedance (MI) effects have been observed for amorphous Fe73.5Nb3Cu1Si13.5B9 ribbon which has been excited by an a.c. magnetic field parallel to the length of the ribbon. Maximum relative change in MI as large as -99% was observed which has never been reported before. The relative change in MI, when plotted against scaled field was found to be nearly frequency independent. A phenomenological formula for magneto-impedance, Z(H), in a ferromagnetic material, is proposed based on Pade approximant to describe the scaled behavior of MI.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, article in press, Physica B (2007

    Magnetic transition in nanocrystalline soft magnetic alloys analyzed via ac inductive techniques

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    The magnetic transition in a FeSiBCuNb nanocrystalline alloy, associated with the decoupling of ferromagnetic crystallites around the Curie point of the residual amorphous matrix, is analyzed in this work through the temperature dependence of the ac axial magnetic permeability and impedance of the samples. The temperature dependence of both complex magnitudes presents a maximum in the irreversible contribution at a certain transition temperature. While for low values of the exciting ac magnetic field the transition temperature lies below the Curie temperature of the amorphous phase, a shift above this Curie point is observed increasing the amplitude of the applied ac magnetic field. The detected field dependence is interpreted taking into account the ac nature of the inductive characterization techniques and the actual temperature dependence of the coercivity of the samples

    Rotational giant magnetoimpedance in soft magnetic wires: Modelization through Fourier harmonic contribution

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    A method to investigate the giant magnetoimpedance effect based on Fourier analysis is introduced. The study is carried out on a FeCoSiB amorphous wire with vanishing magnetostriction subjected to joule heating (current annealing) treatment that induces an enhancement of circumferential magnetic anisotropy and modifies the magnetoimpedance response of the samples. Experimental results are interpreted within the framework of the classical electrodynamical model, where the circumferential permeability plays the dominant role in the field dependence of the complex impedance of the sample. A rotational magnetization model is employed to determine the circular magnetization process, and a mean value of the circumferential permeability is obtained through the harmonic components obtained through Fourier analysis of the time derivative of the circular magnetization. This simple model is able to reproduce the observed experimental behavior, i.e., evolution of the field dependence of the complex impedance with annealing and the asymmetrical field dependence under a dc biased electrical current. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.78224624

    Successful topical application of caspofungin in the treatment of fungal keratitis refractory to voriconazole

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    Fungal keratitis is an important ophthalmic problem because it leads to corneal blindness and sometimes to loss of the eye.1,2 There is no agreed protocol for the treatment of suspected fungal keratitis. Topical and oral voriconazole have now been reported to be effective.3 However, some cases do not respond to this treatment. New antifungal agents such as caspofungin acetate, 0.5%, are promising alternative

    Sistemática clínica ilustrada de planificación y tratamiento de pacientes rehabilitados con prótesis híbridas sobre implantes. Preguntas de autoevaluación del proceso

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    La finalidad de este proyecto es mostrar la sistemática clínica completa de este tipo de tratamiento, con los distintos tipos de retención que pueden encontrarse hoy en día en el mercado, detallada y accesible para el aluno de manera instantánea y desde el Campus Virtual. Con esta herramienta, la secuencia de tratamiento que el alumno debe conocer una vez terminado el Grado de Odontología, puede ser consultada desde el Campus Virtual con fotografías y explicaciones de cada paso del proceso clínico; del mismo modo, la disponibilidad de un test de autoevaluación servirá como proceso de aprendizaje, ya que le orientará sobre la calidad del tratamiento que ha desempeñado, le hará darse cuenta de los posibles fallos que ha podido cometer durante el desarrollo del mismo, y supondrá que sea consciente de ellos y pueda corregirlos la próxima vez que se enfrente a este tipo de tratamientos. - Facilitar el acceso inmediato y a distancia al alumno de la secuencia detallada del tratamiento mediante prótesis híbridas. - Explicar cada paso del tratamiento de manera detallada y apoyada en ilustraciones. - Proporcionar un test de autoevaluación que sirva al alumno para plantearse posibles fallos durante el desarrollo del procedimiento

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamento del Atlántico

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    A continuación, se muestra un análisis de las historias relatada de Nelson que fue un comerciante de mucha importancia en su región, pero la llegada y presencia de la guerrilla, se vio afectado por extorsiones, llegando al punto de ser secuestrado, para la liberación su familia procedió a las ventas de sus negocios, y su hermana logro convencerlo de que se fuera del país. La llegada a otro país no le fue fácil, recordar todas estas vivencias lo llevan a romper ese silencio y construir esa verdad que va más allá de las fronteras. Por otro lado, evidenciamos otro caso ocurrido en el corregimiento de El Salado donde grupos paramilitares masacraron aquellos pobladores de ese corregimiento. Además, teniendo presente los emergentes psicosociales que fueron identificados hubo una violación a los derechos humanos y la dignidad de las personas, todo lo que ocurrió en esa época llevo a que muchas personas fueran desplazadas por la violencia, pero la familia con ese espíritu de resiliencia, retorno a su corregimiento Del salado, para tratar de salir adelante.Below is an analysis of the stories told about Nelson who was a very important merchant in his region, but the arrival and presence of the guerrillas, he was affected by extortion, reaching the point of being kidnapped, for the release of his the family proceeded to sell their businesses, and his sister managed to convince him to leave the country. His arrival to another country was not easy for him, remembering all these experiences led him to break that silence and build that truth that goes beyond borders. On the other hand, we evidence another case that occurred in the town of El Salado where paramilitary groups massacred those residents of that town. Furthermore, keeping in mind the psychosocial emergencies that were identified, there was a violation of human rights and people's dignity. Everything that happened at that time led to many people being displaced by violence, but the family with that spirit of resilience, return to his district of Del Salado, to try to get ahead

    Aldizkako barauaren efektuak obesitatean eta 2 motako diabetesean

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    Intermittent fasting is an eating plan that switches the daily food intake between the consumption period and fasting period. This dietary strategy is widely used on the view that it might have beneficial effects. This way, the effects it can have to combat obesity and diabetes are being investigated. In this work, a systematic review on this topic has been done. In the mentioned diseases, it does have desirable effects as it affects in some parameters such as body composition, fat mass, plasma lipids, blood glucose concentration and/or insulin response. But these effects have been produced by the reduction of energy itself, as the effects produced by caloric reduction maintenance are similar. There is not enough scientific evidence at the moment, as the studies published in the literature do not address diet quality, and it may have more obvious effects on disease, whatever the calorie restriction or fasting time. Moreover, there is little mention of the side effects that can occur when following this strategy. However, practitioners should monitor these effects closely.; Aldizkako baraualdia eguneko elikagai-ahorakina ingesta-aldi eta barau-aldietan banatzen duen elikadura mota da. Estrategia dietetiko hau asko erabiltzen da, zenbait efektu onuragarri eragin ditzakeelako ustean. Hori horrela, obesitateari eta diabetesari aurre egiteko izan ditzakeen efektuak ikertzen ari dira. Lan honetan berrikusketa sistematikoa egin zaio gaiari. Aipatutako gaixotasunetan baditu eragin desiragarriak, zenbait parametrotan eragiten baitu: gorputz-osaeran, gantz-masan, lipido plasmatikoetan, odoleko glukosa-kontzentrazioan edo/eta intsulinaren aurreko erantzunean. Azpimarratu behar da efektuok energia-murrizketari berari sor zaizkiola, zeren, izan ere, antzekoak baitira energiaren murrizketa luzatzeak berak sortzen dituen efektuak. Zientifikoki oraindik ez dago behar adinako ebidentziarik. Izan ere, literaturan argitaratuta dauden ikerlanek ez dute lantzen dietaren kalitatea; horrek eragin nabariagoak izan ditzake gaixotasunetan, kaloria- eta janaldi-murrizketa edozein izanik ere. Gainera, gutxi aipatzen dira estrategia hau jarraitzean gerta litezkeen albo-ondorioak, profesionalek gertutik zaindu beharko lituzketenak

    FODMAP urriko dieta eta haien erabilgarritasuna hesteko gaixotasunen maneiuan

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    FODMAPs, subtances that can be found naturally in a wide variety of foods such as dairy products and certain plant origin foods, have been associated with symptoms of certain intestinal diseases. These short-chain fermentable carbohydrates show fiber-like effects, such as water retention and microbes’ fermentation in colon, producing short-chain fatty acids and gases. Latest research studies in this field have shown that consumption of FODMAP causes symptoms of diarrhea and flatulence in intestinal disorders, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Celiac Disease. A low FODMAP diet has shown to be effective in the management of these diseases but its implementation it is not easy. The reduction of foods rich in FODMAPs, results in dietary imbalances and deficiencies, so that, the supervision of a Dietitian-Nutritionist is necessary for a correct dietary management. Although it is an effective diet reducing bowel symptoms in short-term, long-term effects need to be more deeply analyzed because it can be a very restrictive diet.; FODMAPak, modu naturalean esnekietan eta landare jatorriko zenbait elikagaitan aurki daitezkeen konposatuak, zenbait heste-gaixotasunetako sintomekin erlazionatu dira. Kate laburreko karbohidrato hartzigarri hauek zuntzaren antzeko efektuak eragiten dituzte, ur-atxikipena eragiten dute eta koloneko mikrobiotak hartzitzen dituzte, kate laburreko gantz azidoak eta gasak sortuz. Azken urteetan egin diren ikerketetan ikusi da FODMAP-kontsumoak beherakoa eta flatulentzia moduko sintomak eragiten dituela heste-funtzioaren aztoratzea duten gaixotasunetan, heste narritakorraren sindromean, hesteetako hanturazko gaixotasunean eta zeliakian esaterako. Horregatik, FODMAP urriko dieta eraginkorra dela ikusi da gaixotasun horien maneiuan, baina dietaren ezarpena zaila da. FODMAPen iturri diren elikagai asko murriztearen ondorioz, dieta desorekatu eta gabezia nutrizionalak ager daitezke, eta beraz, dietaren maneiu egokirako dietista-nutrizionista baten kontrola ezinbestekoa da. Nahiz eta dieta epe laburrean heste-sintomak murrizteko eraginkorra izan, epe luzera dituen ondorioak jakiteko ikerketa gehiagoren beharra dago, dieta oso murriztailea izan baitaiteke

    Like a bolt from the blue : phthalocyanines in biomedical optics

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    The purpose of this review is to compile preclinical and clinical results on phthalocyanines (Pcs) as photosensitizers (PS) for Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) and contrast agents for fluorescence imaging. Indeed, Pcs are excellent candidates in these fields due to their strong absorbance in the NIR region and high chemical and photo-stability. In particular, this is mostly relevant for their in vivo activation in deeper tissular regions. However, most Pcs present two major limitations, i.e., a strong tendency to aggregate and a low water-solubility. In order to overcome these issues, both chemical tuning and pharmaceutical formulation combined with tumor targeting strategies were applied. These aspects will be developed in this review for the most extensively studied Pcs during the last 25 years, i.e., aluminium-, zinc- and silicon-based Pcs